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This Lego Movie Destroyed the Watchtower!  

"A US federal judge has ruled against Watch Tower Pennsylvania, denying their DMCA subpoena to identify the creator of the Jehovah's Witness parody videos known as "Dubtown.

It's not a secret that during the last two years Watchtower obtained nearly 40 DMCA subpoenas requiring Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SoundCloud, Scribd, Reddit and other ISPs to provide personal information of users that allegedly infringed the Society's copyright.

Since subpoena proceeding is ex parte, almost all the requests were granted.

But one of the affected users, Kevin McFee contacted, on advice of YouTube's legal team, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), and the Foundation found a law firm ready to represent him pro bono, namely Garvey Schubert Barer.

Motion to quash the subpoena was filed in SDNY. To defend itself against this apostate attack, Watchtower had to hire Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, a top firm in the field of copyright law, one of the six best ones nationwide according to The Legal 500 and one of the seven best ones in NY - according to Chambers.

Motion to quash the subpoena and Watchtower's response were filed in August 2018 but hearing/conference still wasn't scheduled.

On the 18th of January 2022 a US federal judge has ruled against Watch Tower Pennsylvania, denying their DMCA subpoena to identify the creator of the Jehovah's Witness parody videos known as "Dubtown"

This major victory over the Watchtower will hopefully stop them going after every ex jw channel trying to bully them out of existence and more importantly stopping them getting hold of the names and addresses of the creators of these videos.

Of course you know what they do once they get hold of this information , they get in touch with their congregation and make their life hell which could lead to disfellowshiping and fall out with their jw families. The following is part of the ruling signed by Nelson S. Norman, United States District Judge...

See - https://tevangelinos.wixsite.com/jwupdates/post/this-lego-movie-destroyed-the-watchtower


The Watchtower organization has for years, promoted their literature to as many people possible.  They have slandered individuals, organizations, political leaders, religions; but anyone who publicly brings their opinions to the world about them, they are hunted down using legal teams and  money donated by JWs.  If this is God's organization, why use the world's legal system and the world's lawyers to fight its battles?  Why not "wait on Jehovah" as its leaders tell its members to do, when injustices are committed within the organization?  

“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you."  Luke 6:27-37




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This Lego Movie Destroyed the Watchtower!   "A US federal judge has ruled against Watch Tower Pennsylvania, denying their DMCA subpoena to identify the creator of the Jehovah's Witness parody vid

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Once again, the stellar mind of a judicially uneducated person posting on matters yet to be determined by an appeal process or the supreme courts, State or Federal. The "shield law" only applies to criminal law, not civil action.

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11 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

and will continue to stand far past the life of the some losers around here

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my servants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish authorities. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.”  John 18:36

Jesus did not fight against those who made false accusations against him.  The organization could have let it all drop, but they were hunting down any making accusations against them.  Did the leaders follow the example of Jesus, or did they create a vendetta to silence those who were actually bringing to the surface, the organization's hypocrisy?   

If Wt. is "the truth", what do they have to worry about with Jesus  on their side?  Or, is he on their side?  

There is only one "mountain" - Zion, built with "living stones" in the anointed priesthood. (1 Pet 2:5-9; 1 Cor 3:16; Eph 2:20-22; Heb 12:22) But as the organization's leadership has accomplished, even they must be silenced and bow down to the elders who "represent the royal priesthood".    (Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:4; Rev 13:7; Dan 8:11,25; 11:36)   

 The days of the "mountainlike organization", are numbered.  (Dan 5:25-28; Zech 4:7-9; Rev 8:8,9; 19:20)

YHVH's Genuine Mountain

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2 hours ago, Witness said:

Jesus did not fight against those who made false accusations against him. 

Can you explain, why do you? As a Christian from Christ, don't you think this is double-talk? Who else in Jesus time did that? The school of Shammai. Just asking for clarification on Christian behavior.

Just like in the case of God's name. YHVH, Why?

YHVH's Genuine Mountain

If the Hebrew language is read from right to left, instead of left to right in the English language, then why?



Double U Waw

Double V Vav

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