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10 hours ago, Amidstheroses said:

As a victim of severe Domestic Violence for which my apostate husband was sentenced to six years in State Prison, I see patterns familiar to me in this tragic story.

Do you believe your ex got what he deserved? Also, how did an institution play a role in that abuse?  When secular authority gave your ex a justified sentence, was it satisfactory? Or Should you have been compensated by the Watchtower for your EX abuse?

It's not just reading the 34-page compliant that was filed in the NY supreme court to adjoin "all" CSA cases and combine it to the enacted NY CVA statute. That victim is from Texas. Those lawyers saw fit to incorporate a San Diego no fault decision. 

A summons is not the same as a subpoena. A summons can be ignored. However, the Watchtower took the correct steps to answer that summons. They don't want a "no fault judgement" in order for shady lawyers to get rich.

Unless you hold the Watchtower responsible for your ex actions, then this is another example of Satan playing into the minds of Christian empathy. I also hope that victim in Texas got her day in court and the abuser got what he deserved. In her time of that incident, the Watchtower had specific recommendations for the Elders under Child Maltreatment.

All of that will go before the State Supreme Court.

The question before the court is, does NY State law have the power to "consolidate" all future civil actions against "one" institution. The other question is, should all CSA cases be adjudicated solely in NY, from other States with the United States of America. 

Meaning, other countries could attach their CSA claims to one's entity, New York law. Now, this question will no doubt go before the United States Supreme Court.

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17 minutes ago, Witness said:

Hello SM.  I am not internet savvy and have no idea what you mean by this.

You always use reddit in most cases, so you are savvy in that regard to where you draw some of your information. Both you and DoC have the same mannerism, and I only know of this because of an ExJW acting up in one of the states I went to during my absence on here.

17 minutes ago, Witness said:

Just want to let you know that the most meaningful comment on this thread that one can learn from, is not yours.  

Yet facts are everything, best to respect that regard.

Did you or did you not read the report fully, this is what you've been asked, and now a second time. Or as the actually question itself -

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

did you fully read into the reports or did you let the video speak for you?

You already know how serious I am about CSA, so in respects to that, do not teeter that tower into something that is indeed serious.

You were the one to give us the link, so it should not be a difficult task to point out various information from the report


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9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I do not understand. Was Judaism from the time of the ancient patriarchs and the nation of Israel in the time of Moses a true worship? ...... or is it just an exclusive right of Jesus-type Christianity?

So, to you, Judaism is the same as Christianity. Therefore, you believe the Pharisees had true worship. Then what was the purpose of Christ sacrifice to you? Why did true worshipers of God find it a need to kill Jesus?

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Both you and DoC

WHAT IS DoC?  Is that an individual you are saying is me?  I'm sorry, but again you are telling a self-assuming lie.  

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

so you are savvy in that regard to where you draw some of your information.

Savvy? I just looked up the updated membership of exjw reddit - 71,000.  If you don’t believe that among that many individuals, that there are no valid concerns regarding the organization for me to share, then you are truly a pompous, self-righteous man.

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1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

So, to you, Judaism is the same as Christianity. Therefore, you believe the Pharisees had true worship. Then what was the purpose of Christ sacrifice to you? Why did true worshipers of God find it a need to kill Jesus?

If the claim of biblical scholars, both those inside the WTJWorg and those outside, is correct, Judaism and Christianity are unique in the kind of worship that is monotheistic. Both acknowledge YHVH as the Father, and consequently the Messiah as the Savior who comes from that Father. Both institutions are considered to be the bearers of the one true worship of the one true God. in the eyes of WTJWorg it is the same Organization of God because one came from the other. I think JW members will confirm that to you, and you are among them, right?

In some of Jesus' statements, he affirmed that one should do as the religious leaders of Israel say, but not imitate them in their deeds. If we take Jesus' words literally, then we could conclude that the Pharisees and other religious factions in the 1st century knew what "true worship" was and that they possessed it institutionally.

"Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach." -Matt 23

Here, Jesus teaches the people to follow the theological teachings of the Pharisees. So the Pharisees knew what true worship was?

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22 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If the claim of biblical scholars, both those inside the WTJWorg and those outside, is correct, Judaism and Christianity are unique in the kind of worship that is monotheistic. Both acknowledge YHVH as the Father, and consequently the Messiah as the Savior who comes from that Father. Both institutions are considered to be the bearers of the one true worship of the one true God. in the eyes of WTJWorg it is the same Organization of God because one came from the other. I think JW members will confirm that to you, and you are among them, right?

Is the intended worship the same, or the outcome different? Do you believe some in ancient Israel worshiping BAAL was true worship? Can you explain how the people that killed Jesus in order to maintain their authority over the Jews equals to true worship of YHWH?

The breakdown of the Christian "revision" is plain.

22 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

In some of Jesus' statements, he affirmed that one should do as the religious leaders of Israel say, but not imitate them in their deeds. If we take Jesus' words literally, then we could conclude that the Pharisees and other religious factions in the 1st century knew what "true worship" was and that they possessed it institutionally.

What is your understanding of Matthew 23?

NIV Matt 23:1-4
Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. 3 So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. 

How much of those laws did they add in order to maintain their power over men, not God's. How did their actions comport to true worship? 

Pharisees were members of a party that believed in resurrection and in following legal traditions that were ascribed not to the Bible but to “the traditions of the fathers.” Like the scribes, they were also well-known legal experts: hence the partial overlap of membership of the two groups.

Therefore, which school of thought do you believe had true worship?


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5 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

How do you believe some in ancient Israel worshiping BAAL was true worship? Can you explain how the people that killed Jesus in order to maintain their authority over the Jews equals to true worship of YHWH?

The explanation is simple. The people who led the people (spiritual leaders) set the standards of worship and declared it true. The same thing happens in today’s religions. WTJWorg is a close example to us. 

So all religious followers will explain to you better than I do why their worship is the only right one. :) 

10 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

How much of those laws did they add in order to maintain their power

The answer is given. 

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37 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

The explanation is simple. The people who led the people (spiritual leaders) set the standards of worship and declared it true.

You're missing the point. The point is, was it?

37 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

So all religious followers will explain to you better than I do why their worship is the only right one.

True, many in Christendom have their own flair to understand scripture. The point would be, to understand scripture by first century standards and in accord with God's words.

When you have the "majority" in Christendom accept the killing of people in war, how do other religions compare?

37 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

The answer is given. 

By whose interpretation. Not by bible understanding.

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

WHAT IS DoC?  Is that an individual you are saying is me?  I'm sorry, but again you are telling a self-assuming lie.  

Short answer: a lie? Not quite - https://www.reddit.com/user/christsdisciple/

Long answer: I made the connection after coming back from Washington via pondering. The 2 alleged JWs I ran into prior to the school shooting situation in Michigan and the devastation in Kentucky. They were not really JWs although they had publications of JWs. Their information be it the Bible, marriage and politics kept stemming back to reddit, DoC (Disciple of Christ or Christsdisciple) is among several sources they used in order to counter questions in the 10-15 min encounter.

Christsdiscple have nearly the same, be it, identical posting mannerism as you do and often goes back and forth between two camps (JW and ExJW reddit) to speak about the Watchtower and the GB, even when corrected, what was done there is the same here.

Therefore it isn't a lie when several things said mirrors that of some of the posts you made here, mainly with mentions and links to Pearl, etc.

So in reality, it isn't a lie as you claim (there is a reason as to WHY I brought it up), as is the 2 so called JWs causing trouble that the worse of time to stir trouble; hence the Conservatives in that county went after them in regards to their views after I left.

Didn't think friends of Pearl would be up to some nefarious things when an area is in suffering, and the neighboring area suffering from a school shooting. Not cool.


1 hour ago, Witness said:

Savvy? I just looked up the updated membership of exjw reddit - 71,000.

You have been the only one linking to and using reddit and biblegateway. You solely pick up anything from the /exjw reddit and bring it here at times. Therefore, you are savvy in a sense on where to get your sources, this isn't the first time.

A good chuck of your comments sourced reddit, so you are savvy in this sense on where to draw up your information outside of Pearl.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

If you don’t believe that among that many individuals, that there are no valid concerns regarding the organization for me to share,

Actually there are, that is why I mentioned Smurf Girl last year and how some EXJWs even challenged their own on the matter, the source in question which you professed as a truth. Some are also fed up with Pearl in which you gave a response which mirrors some of your posts and threads here.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

then you are truly a pompous, self-righteous man.

For not agreeing with Smurf Girl or Fearon? Last I checked the JW churches down have weapons bunkers, you were asked over a dozen times and each time you remain silent or divert.

Enough of the diversions, DoC. I asked you a legitimate question concerning Child Abuse pertaining to the Reports of which you linked/started the thread about.

So I address is again in red, so you can see.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

did you fully read into the reports or did you let the video speak for you?


Again, I ask in seriousness, respect that. I didn't come back for bread and circus deviations after what I experienced. Your friends didn't do much of anything to help better the situation.

Again - 1 question, answer it since it is related to the OP.


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6 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

The point would be, to understand scripture by first century standards and in accord with God's words.

It makes sense to claim so. But every form of worship of God is subject to change due to time and circumstances. Reading the Bible, we notice such changes and are ready to accept them as if they came from God. So we could agree that today’s form of Christianity should not be a copy of that of the first century. Because, I think, that is not even possible. 


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9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Reading the Bible, we notice such changes and are ready to accept them as if they came from God.

Not quite because there has been conflicts with what is true and what is not true, something of which was mentioned time and time again. Examples of original Christianity vs the Mainstream version of Christianity are vastly different.

9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

So we could agree that today’s form of Christianity should not be a copy of that of the first century.

It should be because the original form was legitimate Christianity prior to the 4th century when Constantine had a hand in religious affairs, as is what it birthed, such as New Ageism, and other Theologies, etc. You can't abandon or knock down the original with Mainstream concepts and teachings.

We had core teachings of which should be followed. If learnt something, we could have easily done the research later down the road, however, with the events of the 4th century, the councils, the original Christianity was essentially pushed out, some possibly killed around the age of Theodosius. Then we have the 16th century situation and later The Great Awakening that took place around the 18th-19th century that brought many forward to knowing the truth about original Christianity, in some respects, this gave way to even the Restorationist Movement.

Present day there is simply 2 Factions of the Abrahamic Christian Faith, it should be obvious as to which faction some are on, as is their roots. There are legitimately those outside of the Mainstream who strive to follow or adapt the original Christian church, the Apostolic church. Such ones are, by the Mainstream, are deem Fanatics, Cult Members, Heretics, Zealots, etc because the goal of the Mainstream is a simple one, to be above the original, not realizing they themselves are a tool in the toolbox of Babylon and the Beast.

This is why my comments about the White Throne is a serious one.

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