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23 hours ago, Witness said:

I am not Christ Disciple, nor am I Christdisciple on reddit.  I am "christsdisciple".  You don't seem to get it.  And I post links to Pearl's website there, just as I do here.  And I'm not the only one.

They called you this when trying to remember your name, and they cited Pearl. You should be blaming Pearl's followers because they are not mentally sound when they debated me.

Of course you are only one, noe one mention any other person but you, hence why it was raised in the first place, only one person cites Pearl to the T constantly, with the same mannerisms - that is you, in which you confirmed.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

I was coined even though they could not say my name correctly?  

Look at the orignal remark, in an attemt to remember you name they made a small err, however, what they showed as a source was 100% from you.

Likewise, people call me Baptise, they know how I operate, they're not mentioning anyone else be it they say SM or Baptise, granted this is me.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

You are man who expects details, evidence, on everything.

Because the facts in this regard matters.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

Find out the name of the woman and find out the real name of DoC - Christ Disciple. 

According to the debate and the use of Pearl sources, this woman is you. If they haven't used Pearl as a source when pretending to be JWs, they the connection to you would not have been obvious. Although they say Christ discple or Discple of Christ, they are specifcally speaking of one person who is the owner of that reddit profile, of you you yourself confirmed it to be you.

Prior to posting here, I even mention that this reddit user is someone on this forum, granted the reddit user, you, professs Pearl, even using the same topics here and on reddit, it was obvious it is you, therefore, I made the conclusion that the reddit user, and you, are one in the same. Nowhere else have I mention mutiple person, just a single soul, a woman who proclaims another as if it was a Godsend.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

If they addressed Pearl's information, tell me why the interest. 

What transpired was they lure people in, and used sources that are not associated with Jehovah's Witnesses, in a sense, more like Anti-JW message, all the while, using Pearl as a source derived from your reddit account. You use many verses and citations from Pearl, and that was being profess by these two.

I was not interested at all prior to debating them, however, the moment that mentioned Pearl, showed me their source, I was able to make the connection, you post exactly the same here, i.e. Spiritual House. We talked about this a while back, among the posts you made on reddit, I was able to recognize exactly whatw e debated about, namely on the focus of The Book of Zechiaraich and Living Stones, and from there more and more Pearl related topics was used from your reddit account in an attempt to sway the debate.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

Who are the false JWs? 

Possibly Former Jehovah's Witnesses and or those who are associated with anything pretaining to avoidJW movement. Granted they used Reddit heavily, your account in the debate, it can be noted they may have been users on reddit. Granted they focus on your sources related to Pearl, they act as though they are followers of Pearl; which is not uncommon because I pointed this out to you a while back in relation to Rick Fearon Listeners.

However, what they did is not good. Why pretend to be a JW, lure people in with a Publication, once they close in, begin to speak another message. What killed it for them was when they transitioned to omitted Bible verses, something of which the reddit exjw community spoke about a lot, in addition, used a KJV bible app. This led to them losing the debate of which they roped me into to, as for the politics and Same-Sex marriage, they were refuted on that, and afterwards, Conservatives went after them on their poltics. As a sidenote, in relation to polotics, you, several times before, attempted to equate JWs to the Democratic party and or have some polotical connection which was proven false. The only reason Conversatives went after them was because Conversatives are not much of a fan to Democrats.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

If you believe that I have labeled myself as DoC, show me proof. 

Never said you did, the proof is connecting you to the reddit user, of which you confirmed for me without hesitation.

That is the proof.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

You can find my real name here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/restorationofjacob

I don't care about your real name, the focus was the reddit profile.

That being said, thank you for showing me you are more on the complicance side instead of freedom. A Christain is not compliant, even in the playgriound of Big Tech. You should know of what they'll do to followers of the Christ and his God once all the chosen are gathered.

Then again, not too many people are as vigilant.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

Ok, this throws a totally different light on what you've been saying.  It's as if you are backtracking now, which is fine, and I realize as well as Pearl does, that there are many individuals who are not authentic.

But you do realize how much a problem that causes? There was already an incident in 2019 in which even JWs were as confused as a deer in headlights because of something quite grim that was done that became a story, and became a tool used in the exjw reddit community, in a sense, framing someone.

You or Pearl has never called into the community to build up and remedy said community, for nearly the majority of what is said by you and her is Watchtower based only.

Even here, never, ever have you addressed a grounded disccusion, everything you said revovles around the Watchtower, even in our last bibical only debate, you roped them in.

It is stuff like this, that results in such ones roaming about. The last time I had somewhat of a similar situation was dealing with The Hebrew Black Isrealites, however, even they themsevles who are misgudied would never do such a luring type tactic and switch up once the person is now speaking with them. These followers of Pearl, essentally were entrapping people.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

They come and go, they cause trouble, they slander, and then leave. 

Unfortunaley, in the debating world, such people do not go away, I gave examples, Hyde Park is a big one, mainly in regards to those who are associated with indivduals like David Wood and Jay Smith. I recall there was a situation in which their followers debated JWs on what a Mediator is, and since the JWs were fed up, they were confronted by others, who, like the JWs, know exactly what a Mediator is.

Once a fire of this magnatude has been started, which is something thatw ent on for years, probably before you were even alive, it can't be stopped, therefore, people come to refute and correct.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

They seem sincere at first, but turn out to be the "insincere" ones. 

They were no sincere. Bad intent, even willfully is a means always show negativity. I do not think you ever had expirence of that nature compared to me. This is why I am very expressive on the notation of and application of 1 John 4:1; even in confrontations, which is not my first rodeo.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

I can't tell from what you are saying whether the individuals that you ran into were giving false information about Pearl or not.

They were not using false information of Pearl, they were using 100% of what she as professed by means of your reddit account. They clicked on your account, and focused on all of your main topics/posts in relation to what they tried to convey to me. It is as though of what they pulled from Pearl was a Mainstream-sque.

The sad reality is, before I was in that area, it is unknown of how many people they fooled with Pearl's information, how many people they fooled into thinking that they were JWs.

Possibly the end goal for them was to make people in that area assume JWs to be crazy and radical, or as the Mainstream refers to them, Zealots. At the same time, they put a bad light on you as is Pearl also.

This falls in line with what I stated in the past of one's Ailenation from God our Father because of people like this - a form of weaponization, if not child abuse, if not violence, if not war, it is this, in order to damage and confuse.

Perhaps next time use your reddit to profess a grounded message outside of your exgesis.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

But, it wouldn't be the first time.

Witness, this has been going on even before you were born. The only difference now is that people are aware of primitive Christainity, even our Muslim counterparts. People are aware of Bible tampering, people are aware that God, be it you call him Yehovah, Jehovah or Yahweh is not the same person as Yeshua/Jesus/Ieosus, as is having a better understanding once they learn more about the core teachings. Because of that, a lot of us, such as myself, speak to refute the major mainstream idea by professing the Core Teachings, even at a grounded and based level, then you have the MSC who want to assume their position in history when all of us know what transpired in the 4th century, and what was orginately believed prior.

That being said, the Dam has been broken, on your part, and Pearl's. If one can spot people like this, then it is something that cannot be remedied 100%. Once the Jehovah's Witnesses are out of the equation, stuff like this tends to happen faster, this mirrors what I said about the events of Russia and Ukraine concerning Christainity, and now years later to present day, it was as predicted.

Anyways, the botom line is that you are the owner of that reddit account, they follow Pearl and the subreddit and they used said information to lure people for the bait and switch. No one, but these Pearl followers, did this stunt.


I read the report by the way, some of what is read does not match up with the Youtube video you posted. I asked you if you read it yourself, therefore, should you bring up these YouTubers again concerning the case that is taking place in my county... You will be refuted.

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12 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

This led to them losing the debate of which they roped me into to, as for the politics and Same-Sex marriage, they were refuted on that, and afterwards, Conservatives went after them on their poltics. As a sidenote, in relation to polotics, you, several times before, attempted to equate JWs to the Democratic party and or have some polotical connection which was proven false. The only reason Conversatives went after them was because Conversatives are not much of a fan to Democrats.

Me?  You've got to be kidding me.  I don't even vote.  But, I do believe the Wt. has political connections, which is my right to believe.

After reading over your initial post about this, it appears that you pulled up a red herring to detract from the grave seriousness of the post; is it because the GB is involved?  For a “truther” you made presumptuous accusations that were all false, groundless. Do you see how you took the actions of two individuals claiming to be JWs that quoted (?) from both the Wt. and my posts on reddit, (?) and accused me of supporting them?  Since when would a JW, unless they are waking up, support both Wt doctrine and my posts, that expose their lies?  

I think you’ve got the picture now, and I don’t expect an apology, but what you’ve basically created is nonsense, and accused me of being connected to an abuser, condoning that person’s actions, as well as being active in politics. 

You had said, "You should be blaming Pearl's followers because they are not mentally sound when they debated me."

Too bad you didn’t get their names!  Perhaps among all the thousands of individuals who anonymously read her posts, we may have recognized one!  What nonsense.  She doesn't keep a record of the names of individuals as the Watchtower does.  

You have done exactly what you always accuse others of doing, not getting the facts straight. I am sorry you had the run-in with those individuals, but there are bigger to fish to fry, which the summons I posted, reveals.


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2 hours ago, Witness said:

But, I do believe the Wt. has political connections, which is my right to believe.

Good, Now let others believe the way they want to believe, and stop degrading an institution that you are no longer part of. You claim to be a Christian, then act like one. Right now, you disparage members that your behavior is committed to by your own actions. That means, by your right of believing, you are no matter than the people you disparage.

Then you misapply scripture to meet your argument. Yet, you descend on the elite of faithful members for doing the same thing you are doing, by your right to believe. 

Play the devil's advocate, and figure out what side you're in.

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

So how do you not understand. The "Christian" testifies to something. The person is a "Witness". @Witness testifies to the situation in WTJWorg and on other things connected to faith in Jesus and Bible.

By not confusing Christian ethics with personal feelings. That makes @Witness bearing a false witness. That also makes a Jehovah's Witness that makes false claims, as false witness, by your point of view. Then they become one and the same to God.

AMP Deut 19:18-19

18 The judges shall inquire diligently, and if the witness is a false witness and has accused his brother falsely, 19 Then you shall do to him as he had intended to do to his brother. So you shall put away the evil from among you. 

NIV Rev 3:5-6
5 He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels. 6 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. 

THE faithful overcomers watch and keep their garments unspotted from the world...." They have not defiled their garments," they have "kept their garments unspotted from the world." They have not been willing to permit sin to contaminate them and to separate them from the Lord, but have quickly applied for and obtained the precious blood to remove every stain. They are so heartily opposed to sin and so earnest about the keeping of this garment unspotted that the Adversary gets no hold upon them—"the wicked one catcheth them not." All this indicates a full submission of their wills to the will of Christ—they are "dead with Him," and hence could not willingly practice sin.

Don't confuse your objective and actions as something positive when it's part of the devil's work.

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@Witness Yes, it does. All the post proves you are determined to be a false witness, since you insist in misapplying Literature. If this is your resolve as a Christian, then Pearl Doxsey's blogs can be compared and scrutinized along with your point of view as The Final Witness.

However, you're not alone with your poor display. Some bad actors here will agree with you as Jehovah's Witnesses. Sometimes, visitors can't tell the difference between a former Jehovah Witness and a present one.

The King's highway

(5) And there are those who disparage the work of God among the children because they are too young. Nothing pleases crooked prejudice.

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On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

Me?  You've got to be kidding me.

You did. twice you equated them with a Democratic Candidate, the first time was in regards to Mr. Fearon, the second, in regards to Smurf Girl. The irony with Fearon is that he had some connection with the latter rather than the religious leader of the JWs.

On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

I don't even vote.

But you had sources and have used sourced to equate the latter to some political faction.

Never said if you voted, the issue was you associated the latter with the Democratic party via your sources, you were questioned about it before, but you dodged the remark about Fearon.

On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

But, I do believe the Wt. has political connections, which is my right to believe.

Unfortunately, they don't have connections. Like it or not, that is the truth. If JWs were part of the paradigm, then they'd already be in the crosshairs of Truthers since the Left and Right factions took rise 2011-2012. More so, the events organized by EXJWs in 2017, the political faction would be in the Borough defending JWs, rather, after getting out of jail, they had their own agenda.

Yes, your right to believe, but you have to understand, there is a truth and there is a lie, you can only be for one, regardless of what you believe. Black Hebrew Israelites believe only Black people are chosen, of which they believe, but the truth in the Bible says otherwise. 

On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

After reading over your initial post about this, it appears that you pulled up a red herring to detract from the grave seriousness of the post; is it because the GB is involved?

Actually it was you. I asked you if you read the report fully, then you derailed into the trying to assume you are not the reddit user. You even went as far as to give your life story and your Facebook. I don't care about that, you can do that another time.

Anyways, as I pointed out, this issue is in MY county. Did you are did you not read the report?

That said, as for a Red Herring, there was no misdirection, you confirmed all suspicion. You are the reddit user.

On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

For a “truther” you made presumptuous accusations that were all false, groundless.

None of what I said were false. But us Truthers know a conspiracy theorist when we see one.

The report in question, of which you didn't read, didn't lean on instant judgement, as your friends in the video claim. Looks like they do not know how Kings County operate either compared to what is seen in the reports.

What is groundless is you relied on a video vs the court case reports.

On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

Do you see how you took the actions of two individuals claiming to be JWs that quoted (?) from both the Wt. and my posts on reddit, (?) and accused me of supporting them? 

They were followers of Pearl, unfortunately. You are the Door keeper to Pearl, your reddit account. You confirmed it is yours. Luring for a bait and switch is not a good look, therefore, friends of Pearl should attempt to remedy that problem, you included.

On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

 Since when would a JW, unless they are waking up, support both Wt doctrine and my posts, that expose their lies?  

They were not supporting The Watchtower. Those who do lure for bait/switch tactics have an agenda. This is in parallel to an incident at a cemetery involving a JW publication about the dead, which transpired in 2019 that got everyone assuming JWs took the action, and the JWs themselves were as confused as a deer in headlights.

You fail to see ill influence of a community can result in such actions, some of which you and others may not have known about.

On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

I think you’ve got the picture now, and I don’t expect an apology, but what you’ve basically created is nonsense, and accused me of being connected to an abuser, condoning that person’s actions, as well as being active in politics. 

Your reddit account gateways them to Pearl. You confirmed the reddit account is indeed yours after stating it was a lie.

I haven't created nonsense, I raised suspicion, which is evident in what I said originally. You simply confirmed the conclusion.

Never said you condoned, only said perhaps you should say something in said community to make sure something of this magnitude does not happen. But if the roles was in reverse, it wouldn't bother you granted it be more ammo in your rifle, so to speak.

Never said you were active in politics, it was stated you alluded to the latter of being of a political party via your sources, i.e Smurf Girl.

On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

You had said, "You should be blaming Pearl's followers because they are not mentally sound when they debated me."

Too bad you didn’t get their names! 

Then what is stopping you from creating a Bible based thread on upbuilding the community so nothing like this happens? Or Pearl?

I do not care for there names, it was a random debate, and I didn't have time to ask disgruntled folk for such after burning a school shooting victim, as is aiding those hit by a tornado and suffer high amount of damage, and at the time, I was rushing to Washington. There irrelevant, as is their gross action.

On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

Perhaps among all the thousands of individuals who anonymously read her posts, we may have recognized one!  What nonsense. 

Nonsense you say, but as a God fearing person, it should know of how damaging such a tactic is.

Interesting, now it can be confirmed here that is what you see of your community, anonymous folk, which contradicts the Spiritual House remarks you made in the past.

That said, if there is minor damage in the spiritual house, one should be knowing of it, and be quick to fix it, right? Us as Living Stones will do all that we can to remedy the Spiritual House of which we are in as God fearing people, therefore, we do not see our brothers, our sisters as randoms anonymous folk, we see them as a people in our community. Perhaps, in your eyes, they are anonymous, but they did originate and or have connections somewhere.

One who knows their community does not see it as nonsense, but rather, a community of which they can build together, as is help to fix any issue, to upbuild.

One who considers nonsensical things in their community and does nothing, will get called out for it, but as to alleged community itself whereas no one is truly connected, will eventually crumble, even when the Wild Beast takes action, such a community will not last.

On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

She doesn't keep a record of the names of individuals as the Watchtower does.  

She does not have to keep a record of names, she only has to convey a message so nothing of this level takes place. It can be problematic because if someone does something even worse, it will only make a bigger fire.

On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

You have done exactly what you always accuse others of doing, not getting the facts straight.

Actually the facts do not line up.

The court case information if read in full detail paints a picture of the brazen conduct taking place in the churches of JWs. However, your video states something else, and expresses instant guilt to said parties without even questioning the information from the court cases.

You were asked to read it for that reason - the report and the video do not sync up. And the trolling-sque tom-foolery in said video when a serious matter needs to be talked about, isn't helping, in addition, it falls in line with weaponizing child abuse even in the face of an institution. You should be aware that weaponizing child abuse is NOT a good thing.

I take CSA seriously, so I read everything (even the Kaplan Filings in NY on the behalf of abuse survivors issued May 18, 2021), I am aware of how things operate in my county, Kings County, for I spoken about it before actually and the issue with CSA in New York State, essentially the East Coast. I am also aware of prisoners let go early on with some among them being abusers, hence knowing the justice system as some broken pieces in it, they enable the abuse in some shape or form, therefore, the community needs to seek solutions to prevent further abuse. The issue with CSA in JW and most institutions a long time ago abuse was not something a community would look into hence bystander syndrome, but it is different now because there are people out there, myself included, who took a stance on CSA, some of us, knowing a level of Law as to not go as far as being on  warpath to end a practice, that is not going to slow down CSA, in fact, it will embolden abusers, granted 2022, as predicted, seems to be their year, even aided in putting a man who wanted to abuse an underaged girl, in jail this month actually, so we need to be careful.

If you want to speak about not getting the facts straight, you may want to address the Report of CSA regarding JWs vs the YouTube video you also linked.

Please, I invite you to be factual, just so you know, I read the report, therefore, you best choose your words wisely. Regarding CSA, it is best to be 100% with information, not lack lustered, and misleading.

That being said, I suggest you start reading if you speak pertaining about facts.

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On 1/28/2022 at 1:11 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

So how do you not understand. The "Christian" testifies to something. The person is a "Witness". @Witness testifies to the situation in WTJWorg and on other things connected to faith in Jesus and Bible.

Unfortunately concerning child sex abuse among Jehovah's Witnesses, the Court case reports in the link provided shows more than the video provided by former witnesses. The video in question is a bit misleading, and offers the idea of instant guilt as is the weaponizing of child abuse in relation to an institution.

It is already known Child Abuse around the time of the incidents mentioned in the report was rampant, granted back then, there was not a whole lot of solutions and other things to deflect the issue compared to now, with firms, such as Kaplan, Zalkin to aid abuse survivors, as is communities and persons dedicate to dealing with abuse, going as far as to educate.

The problem here is essentially 2 stories being professed of which Witness posted the latter. [A] The Report(s) and [B] The YouTuber Video.

If neither of them lines up, only one is correct. Witness has no idea what is in the reports, and aligned herself with the video (which is problematic because she mentioned Zalkin before in relation to San Diego) whereas I align myself with the reports, granted I was aware of the situation in Kings County for a long time, I addressed this too.

That being said, the people outside of the religious space who are aware of the CSA cases, have enough discernment to seek truth rather than lies and assumptions that promote a warpath like mentality. Despite CSA cannot be stopped 100%, that is not how you slow down CSA, it only shifts abusers to shift their movements and tactics, as I recall I educated you on Red Flags.

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15 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

You did. twice you equated them with a Democratic Candidate, the first time was in regards to Mr. Fearon, the second, in regards to Smurf Girl. The irony with Fearon is that he had some connection with the latter rather than the religious leader of the JWs.

Someday, all of your conspiracy theories are going to get the best of you.  

We're done.  I don't think I've ever met a man who creates illusions so well, and believes he knows everything about everyone.  


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52 minutes ago, Witness said:

Someday, all of your conspiracy theories are going to get the best of you.  

Truthers are not of the paradigm, we don't dwell on conspiracy, however, evidence of you dwelling on such does exist on this forum. Many, many examples, too many to count outside of the usual mixing of verses and butchering of Strong's. If you had to be compared to someone, you are similar to Lisa Haven, a Mainstream Christian who has wild conspiracies in mind. 

You can't even be consistent with your own truth...

That being said, bold claim, but sadly, you do not have evidence of such, as what is stated in regards to someone such as myself who is against the paradigm and agendas, ironically, if we Truthers were conspiracy theorists, what I said about Russia would not be a true real world case today - funny how that works.

52 minutes ago, Witness said:

We're done.  I don't think I've ever met a man who creates illusions so well, and believes he knows everything about everyone.  

The problem is not about knowing everything, it is about the facts. Illusions are dishonorable and last time you were corrected on culture, for the culture has very damning things to say about illusions, even in wording.

That being said, you do not understand your own folly. You even ignored it after claiming the subject matter is serious.

Your video sells a different story to the facts, and the facts of which can be seen in the Kings County Reports.

The reports of which you linked are no illusion, for the facts are there. Likewise with the information on Zalkin and Kaplan concerning child abuse.

The issue with you is you expect us to 100% believe what is seen in the video vs the reports of which you didn't read, which now calls you into question for your San Diego remarks in regards to Zalkin.

For, if you did take this seriously, the reports holding the facts concerning abuse among JWs should be your focus. Stop relying on videos and start reading, if I can take this seriously, as is the an abuse survivor whom I will quote below, you can do the same.


On 1/26/2022 at 12:16 AM, Amidstheroses said:

As a victim of severe Domestic Violence for which my apostate husband was sentenced to six years in State Prison, I see patterns familiar to me in this tragic story

I preferred reading the 34 pages of charges presented to the Kings County Supreme Court over the verbal summary of the upset woman.



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Sicne I cannot edit my last post for there is a limited amount of time that option is available, just stating here that I read the report, granted I made the time for it because no answer would be given. The reports in question vs. the video - conclusion

  • Reports from the website - gives incident of the situation at hand and what is to come.
  • The video - Murkying the water with said reports, leaning towards a false witness.

In this case you can side with what is true, or what is false.... The video in question is in err, however the reports is in the realm of what is true, espically to those in the public who wishes to view said reports thoroughly.

In respects to the abused, and those who have been abused in some shape or form outside of child abuse, highly recommended to read the reports itself.

One thing Truth seekers always state is - Be careful of where you get your ifnormation, for this example, regarding 2 sources, is on the level of CNN/MSNBC type nonsense.

That being said, truth exceeds way about falsehood -

On 11/2/2021 at 2:52 PM, Space Merchant said:

... an unfortunate truth in our current reality is that a lie will make its way around the world twice before the truth has time to get its pants on, for truth will always be the first casualty in any war and or conflict and in these days truth is the new hate speech, and a victim in the eyes of the MSM.


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