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On 1/29/2022 at 9:50 PM, Witness said:

Someday, all of your conspiracy theories are going to get the best of you.  

We're done.  I don't think I've ever met a man who creates illusions so well, and believes he knows everything about everyone.  

This is the point I'm trying to make. You call yourself a Christian. It doesn't have to be difficult to measure to Christ standards. If you honestly believe the Watchtower is in error, then God will have those errors known, Like I told Srecko, don't take away God's judgment. You should be a better Christian than what you are displaying here. If it turns out you're in error, then accept it and repent.

There was a time, in the past, that a savvy lawyer made it a crime to have bad company. 

Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 5

laws which Charondas gave the Thurians

A law against bad company

A law against bad company: -- An ancient historian, mentioning the laws which Charondas gave the Thurians, says: "He enacted a law with reference to an evil, on which former lawgivers had not animadverted -- that of keeping bad company. As he conceived that the morals of the good were sometimes quite ruined by their dissolute acquaintance; that vice was apt, like an infectious disease, to spread itself and extend its contagion, he expressly enjoined, that none should engage in any intimacy or familiarity with immoral persons; appointed that an accusation might be exhibited for keeping bad company; and laid a heavy fine on such as were convicted of it."

Imagine a person making it necessary to make a law about that. How much more is it relevant coming from scripture? Think about it.

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2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

f you honestly believe the Watchtower is in error, then God will have those errors known,

Dear Allen, God does make those errors known. He has always used worthless individuals to do so.    (1 Cor 1:26-31; Rev 11:1-3; Rev 18:4-8)

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

God does make those errors known. He has always used worthless individuals to do so. 

I can go either way with this comment. However, let God be the judge. Christ was persecuted for many reasons. Loyalty to God was a major factor. You have the will, now understand his sacrifice. Imagine it in your heart. Feel the value of those receiving God's Holy Spirit and Fight for the just, not the injustice you claim in your mind. Release your innermost ambitions and Serve God to the fullest, our lord's way.

As a Christian, I wish no ill will toward anyone. I harbor hope. I to fight for justice through bible standards. A standard I would love people here would really claim by its understanding as Christians. The light deems, every time scripture is butchered for self-worth. People here really need to get past the negativity for the visitors. 

It's not a personal indictment, but a personal appeal. 

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Integrity — blameless character (vv. 2 a, 4 a, 4 b).

Integrity — blameless character (vv. 2 a, 4 a, 4 b). What we are largely determines what we do and say, so the first emphasis is on godly character. (See Isa 33:14-16; 58:1-12; Jer 7:1-7; Ezek 18:5-9; Hos 6:6; Mic 6:6-8; Matt 5:1-16.) "Blameless" doesn't mean "sinless," for nobody on earth is sin-less. Blameless has to do with soundness of character, integrity; complete loyalty to God. Noah was blameless (Gen 6:9), and the Lord admonished Abraham to be blameless (Gen 17:1), that is, devoted wholly to the Lord. (See 18:13,23-25; 101:2,6; Deut 18:9-13; Luke 16:13.) People with integrity will honor others who have integrity and who fear the Lord (15:4; 119:63). They will not be deceived by the flatterers (12:2-3) or enticed by the sinful (1:1). When godly people endorse the words and deeds of the ungodly, there is confusion in the church. "Like a muddied fountain and a polluted spring is a righteous man... who compromises his integrity before the wicked" (Prov 25:26, AMP).

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17 hours ago, Dmitar said:

As he conceived that the morals of the good were sometimes quite ruined by their dissolute acquaintance; that vice was apt, like an infectious disease, to spread itself and extend its contagion, he expressly enjoined, that none should engage in any intimacy or familiarity with immoral persons;

Hence I left that JW Org. To be away from those immoral persons before my Christian conscience was ruined by the immorality of that organisation. 

We can clearly see how the consciences of JWs have been ruined or dulled, because they put up with the immorality, or actually support the immorality by supporting the GB and it's man made rules.  

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@Patiently waiting for Truth Can you give me an example in Jesus time, when a Roman man didn't have desires of a young boy? How about the Greek culture. Maybe the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Can you give me an example of what part of this world you have proven to be perfect? Is it in your country where there was an entire community hiding the fact there was pedophilia in their community and the entire township was hiding it from the law.

Which religions and institutions have you exempted. How many institutions like the Australian immigrant detention center where children were being abused, and the government, in order to quiet the critics, MADE it into LAW workers would be imprisoned if they spoke out. 

I guess to you, known of this is disappointing to say the least. 

Now, what is desire? Can you be included in that prospect?

NASB Gal 5:16-21

16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. 17 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. 19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, 21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you just as I have forewarned you that those who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

How do you justify yourself to the visitor here, Obi-Wan Kenobi

Don't bother to down vote the truth. The truth has not set you free.

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22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

We can clearly see how the consciences of JWs have been ruined or dulled, because they put up with the immorality, or actually support the immorality by supporting the GB and it's man made rules.  

WTJWorg has mastered the technique of how followers learn what is acceptable and what is not in accordance with the "principles" explained in writing through literature or interpretative form by elders.

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

WTJWorg has mastered the technique of how followers learn what is acceptable and what is not in accordance with the "principles" explained in writing through literature or interpretative form by elders.

This comment is a sad indictment upon yourself. Perhaps you can start to demonstrate how Wicca would be more suited for former members, and start teaching that.

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Dear old Dimmy is at it again. Questions not for the sake of truth but just for the sake of causing disagreement. 

Dimmy, I am no part of that world you keep comparing everything to. 

You keep up the same old same old, it gets sooooooooooo repetitive. 

The JW Org consists of people that worship 8 men and worship that Organisaton. Therefore those people are supporting the immoral, dishonest, greedy, wicked, GB and it's Org. 

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10 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I thought you were not a fan of awareness?

That being said, the inquiry is in the UK, IICSA, in addition, it focuses on all forms of abuse, that is, if you read the status, as for this - the court case information is based in Kings County, this County is in the United States. Last I recall you didn't speak to happily on the firm involved in the Child Sex Abuse case in this regard.

Anyways, in relation to the court documents itself and the situation around it, at least take CSA seriously, it seems you and JB seems to break that, especially when there is a legitimate survivor of abuse who has commented in this thread.

I'd be careful with Twitter if I were you, for, there was a time, CSA material that is explicit and extremely damning was technically allowed for some time, and this drew in abusers on the platform. Those unaware and or not taken action essentially were flanked, in this sense.


On 2/2/2022 at 5:11 PM, Dmitar said:

Perhaps you can start to demonstrate how Wicca would be more suited for former members, and start teaching that.

Believe it or not, this happened already, for, some former EXJWs have succumb to paganism, a few, to this day, still rally with EXJWs.

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