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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

you always use reddit in most cases, so you are savvy in that regard to where you draw some of your information. Both you and DoC have the same mannerism, and I only know of this because of an ExJW acting up in one of the states I went to during my absence on here.

You are still wrong.

This is me, as you posted:   https://www.reddit.com/user/christsdisciple/

This is my website:  http://www.christsdisciple.com/

I am not a part of THIS, if that is what you are thinking:  http://www.christsdisciples.com/

Notice the difference in the link?

7 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

They were not really JWs although they had publications of JWs.

Would you like me to give you the name of my last JW congregation to prove to you that I was a JW?  Every elder in that congregation knows who I am and where I live.  My own children were JWs.  Would you like to talk with them?     I can put you in touch with them elders of three kingdom halls that I attended for over 30 years, and where my husband was an elder! 

15 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

So in reality, it isn't a lie as you claim (there is a reason as to WHY I brought it up), as is the 2 so called JWs causing trouble that the worse of time to stir trouble; hence the Conservatives in that county went after them in regards to their views after I left.

Do you now see how you are lying?

Not cool.


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9 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Their information be it the Bible, marriage and politics kept stemming back to reddit, DoC (Disciple of Christ or Christsdisciple) is among several sources they used in order to counter questions in the 10-15 min encounter.

According to witness, she denounces "The Final Witness" group even though it's in "Pearl Doxsey's" blog. The comment comes when she was confronted about how the 4woman group have their own donation system. She will probably denounce the affiliation between the 4woman group which Pearl Doxsey is a part of with TAPATALK support group that asks for donations. Oddly enough, Pearl Doxsey follows that group you mentioned, ChristDisciples.com.


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11 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

It makes sense to claim so. But every form of worship of God is subject to change due to time and circumstances. Reading the Bible, we notice such changes and are ready to accept them as if they came from God. So we could agree that today’s form of Christianity should not be a copy of that of the first century. Because, I think, that is not even possible. 

The only revisions that the bible should have is when a new definition to a word has been found. That new understanding is equatable to the first century understanding. Adding to scripture is forbidden, but clarification isn't.

Therefore, Christianity should not be a copy of Judaism. Scripture should be taught as Jesus taught it, in light of revising failed Judaism into acceptable Christian life as commanded by God.

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22 minutes ago, Witness said:

You are still wrong.

This is me, as you posted:   https://www.reddit.com/user/christsdisciple/

This is my website:  http://www.christsdisciple.com/

I am not a part of THIS, if that is what you are thinking:  http://www.christsdisciples.com/

How am I wrong if you admit this is you when you stated I was lying in the first place? DoC is you, thanks for confirming.

22 minutes ago, Witness said:

This is me, as you posted:   https://www.reddit.com/user/christsdisciple/


22 minutes ago, Witness said:

I am not a part of THIS, if that is what you are thinking:  http://www.christsdisciples.com/

I never mentioned this, only the reddit profile. You jumped when you should have dived.

22 minutes ago, Witness said:

Would you like me to give you the name of my last JW congregation to prove to you that I was a JW?  Every elder in that congregation knows who I am and where I live.  My own children were JWs.  Would you like to talk with them?     I can put you in touch with them elders of three kingdom halls that I attended for over 30 years, and where my husband was an elder! 

They mentioned you as a source on reddit in a challenged towards me. I didn't ask about your life history. These followers of Pearl were being nefarious in a crisis and coined used reddit as a source.

22 minutes ago, Witness said:

Do you now see how you are lying?

How did I lie if you just confirmed it yourself?


Anyways, address the question concerning the court case. You already exposed yourself as DoC on reddit so that case is closed.



2022 is not going to be a good year at all, mainly with what I stated from 2018 to now being true. In regards to CSA, I am reminding you this that the system is being loose with child abusers and or pedophiles as a whole, some of my own rivals even question those who view pedophilia as a normal thing when it is done. Some of these abusers are also being let out back into the streets with a high potential of them going after children, one of which I aided in stopping, for I mentioned him, and suddenly he was back briefly on media prior to him changing his name. Therefore, with such a situation I see it with total seriousness, at least respect such by doing the same. I know you won't answer the question even though you are the one to address the link in the thread, so going forward, any inconstancies on your part, can be used against you once the article is read to conclusion, you've been forewarned.

That being said, there is no need to response to my response because

[A] you exposed yourself as the reddit user and [B] usually when you are asked something you never answer.

I'll do what you cannot burden yourself to do yourself.

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10 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

This is my website:  http://www.christsdisciple.com/

This would be correct. I erred in adding the (s). My mistake. It was unintentional.

You would be correct. Witness is a follower of former Jehovah's Witness Pearl Doxsey, hence a follower of the 4woman group, that are followers of christdisicple.com. Obadiah is the husband of Pearl Doxsey.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

How am I wrong if you admit this is you when you stated I was lying in the first place? DoC is you, thanks for confirming.

I am "christsdisciple" not DoC whoever that is.  WE ARE NOT THE SAME.  As "christsdisciple" on reddit, I have nothing to hide.  I am not involved in any accusations that you have made.  I am 66 years old, a housewife who took care of her terminally ill husband 24 hours a day, who eventually passed away.  Whatever you think I have been involved in with the government or other accusations you have up your sleeve, are false.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

They mentioned you as a source on reddit in a challenged towards me.

Who did, and who are YOU on reddit?

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

A] you exposed yourself as the reddit user

What's wrong with being a reddit user?  No one asked me here before if I am a reddit user.  I would have gladly told them that I am.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

usually when you are asked something you never answer.

You ask a lot of questions.  I don't have answer if I don't care to. You are not someone that I need to obey.  I presented the information in two formats for anyone to choose.  This is a sensitive topic for those who have suffered abuse, and I am one of them.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Anyways, address the question concerning the court case.

No.  Access to the court case has been available.  Read it if you care to. 


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3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

According to witness, she denounces "The Final Witness" group even though it's in "Pearl Doxsey's" blog

Tell me when I denounced "The Final Witness" WEBSITE, not group?   That is my website.  I have even posted it here in the past.  

@DmitarThis would be correct. I erred in adding the (s). My mistake. It was unintentional.

Are you now agreeing that I have not denounced "The Final Witness" website?  


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4 hours ago, Witness said:

This is my website:  http://www.christsdisciple.com/

I am not a part of THIS, if that is what you are thinking:  http://www.christsdisciples.com/

Notice the difference in the link?

Yes. It indicates to me that, though are many of christsdisciples, you are THE disciple, a self-proclaimed shining star even among them.

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2 hours ago, Witness said:

I am "christsdisciple" not DoC whoever that is. 

DoC was used for Christ Disciple when they attempted to source you - read what was said different for the latter requested to solely Pearl sources in search of you in the debate, hence the reference. Never have I equated either name to something entirely different as you are attempting to shift.


2 hours ago, Witness said:


Never said they were different, they attempted to pull said name in regards to Pearl sources, they referred to you as your reddit name and accidently a few times stated DoC (A disciple of Christ) when trying to stated Christdisciple. Nowhere was it mentioned that there was anyone different.

That said, I haven't referred to anyone else, but you, and you mentioning Pearl and your mannerisms.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

I have nothing to hide. 

Never said you did, but you said I was lying because of the reddit remark, of which you now claim as true, thus you lied in the process to the latter statement. What was said was truth, those threads on reddit are identical to the ones here.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

I am not involved in any accusations that you have made.

Never said anything of the sort, however, those two individuals who were pretending to be Jehovah's Witnesses to commit nefarious deeds (in an attempt for random folks to blame JWs) as their end goal. They attempt to lure people with JW publications to spout whatever it is shown on reddit or written by Pearl. That is essentially a low blow type of move, perhaps Pearl should talk to her people, after all, you spoke to some of them on reddit, as shown by your history in the exjw sub reddit.

That being said, they were the ones who attempted to trick me, not knowing that I am capable of debating and countering misinformation, especially now with what the MSM has done for the past few months.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

I am 66 years old, a housewife who took care of her terminally ill husband 24 hours a day, who eventually passed away.

How is this relevant? I had to deal with a various things, even recently, someone who actually looked up to me was shot and killed by a mentally problematic kid in Michigan. Dealt with a now displaced people who lost everything, then the situation in Washington, but it does not top anything prior of what I went through, but I do not use such things as a shield to run around questions.

That said, such a thing is your business, you do what you need to do to survive and support. But in regards to what is address, you have to open your own eyes and see that even some people who follow Pearl are not as caring of a people such as you or myself. Luring people to double speak some other message, that is a problem. You know this is a problem, we all do.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

Whatever you think I have been involved in with the government or other accusations you have up your sleeve, are false.

You make assumptions when the information was already said, the people in question where associated with the one you quote on here and on reddit, perhaps take a break from Watchtower warpaths and consider addressing a solution to people, about why such people should not resort to such actions, for what they did was not Christian at all.

That being said, you are but an ant to the government, however, it is no surprise if they tell you something, you'd jump without questioning it.

I make no accusations because you confirmed my suspicion - you confirmed this twice already.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

Who did, and who are YOU on reddit?

After the victims of the school shooting were buried and the volunteering move to Kentucky, after the situation with the middle aged woman, prior to Washington, I ran into these individuals. If you read what I said, reddit seems to be their source, you were coined even though they could not say your reddit name correctly, some of the information addressed originated from Pearl, the same woman you quote time and time again.

That being said, I am of no media affiliation who are pro-censorship. After they named dropped you and Pearl, I did a bit of looking around myself, therefore the Christdisciple of whom they also referred to as DoC, points back to you. This is why I alluded to reddit originally, to which you confirm that is you on reddit.

Not sure what became of the two people who attempted to debate me with their narratives, however, when I left them, other passersbys who were most likely en route to Washington were angry with what the two stated in regards to, possibly, politics. Granted the people who heard our little debate were most likely Conservative, the 2 false JWs were in trouble here because of some said politics, and it is evident of what side they were leaning on.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

What's wrong with being a reddit user?

Nothing, however, reddit can be a source where non-truths can thrive, even in the religious space. Hence the use of Pearl by these two individuals who claim to be JW. But the good thing about them was they opened a way for me to find out who you are on reddit even if I didn't ask, it was until Pearl sources were used.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

No one asked me here before if I am a reddit user.

No one did, but it was only address now, today even, because of these 2 false JWs.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

I would have gladly told them that I am.

But if that was the case, why state it was a lie originally? [I'm sorry, but again you are telling a self-assuming lie.]

Like I said, I had a reason to bring it up to confirm, but you who said I lied, just confirmed it yourself.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

You ask a lot of questions.

I only asked you one question.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

I don't have answer if I don't care to.

A question concerning a serious child sex abuse situation always needs an answer to. Therefore, since I care about CSA, I asked in that regard, and for good reason, it was not associated with ill will, but you are on the defend because of reddit.

That being said, no one stopped you from demanding answer(s) to CSA, yet when it is demanded of you, all you can say is you do not care yet you are the one who posted the topic?

I already stated prior you would not answer, so when the report is fully read, anything you say going forward that is incorrect, the link you sourced can and will be referenced.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

You are not someone that I need to obey.

Never asked for obeisance. I asked a question concerning CSA. Respect those who suffered from CSA and address the report which you posted, if they can see that they know what you're talking about, you earn their respect.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

This is a sensitive topic for those who have suffered abuse, and I am one of them.

I have seen children of abuse, sex and violence, seen some who died by means of suicided, even buried a few, one of which I mentioned was a close friend. In Michigan we buried a few kids of a school shooting because of a mentally disturbed child, Ethan Crumbley (15), of abuse who is now locked up for a crime he committed against many, a death seeker.

This is why I shed experience to children and adults to combat child abuse by means of provided solutions so not only they can save themselves, but they can say others - reach one, teach one so they can save one. Not only they evade sexual abuse, but any mental, physical, so much so not only they avoid to become a victim, but not be the villain who commits ill acts towards others.

I told you how serious this is, and you really have to know your stuff when it comes to these reports, otherwise misinformation can be problematic for the onlooker, and even for you, if you do not know what you have before you. It is bad to be in a position to weaponize CSA instead of fighting against it.

2 hours ago, Witness said:


Of course. It was already foretold, God willing.

6 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Therefore, with such a situation I see it with total seriousness, at least respect such by doing the same. I know you won't answer the question even though you are the one to address the link in the thread, so going forward, any inconstancies on your part, can be used against you once the article is read to conclusion, you've been forewarned.

This isn't the first time, sensitive and serious this matter is, onlookers should know who is on their side here concerning CSA.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

Access to the court case has been available.

Yet you are unaware of what it contains despite linking it. The matter you claim to be serious, but you do not take the time to analyze what is addressed. So should anything be said once read, you can easily be corrected, as it was done before when this court case popped up in the past on this forum.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

Read it if you care to. 

I dealt with CSA, why wouldn't I read it, at least afterwards I can acknowledge, even to those of abuse and knowing of this court case, and Laws, can profess what it says vs a conspiratorial redditor. 

That being said, this time, take CSA seriously, care for everything, as is the facts in regards to CSA.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Yes. It indicates to me that, though are many of christsdisciples, you are THE disciple, a self-proclaimed shining star even among them.

Witness and christsdisciple are one in the same, as confirmed by herself despite she said originally it was a lie. The 2 people who claimed to be JW kept saying Disciple of Christ and christsdisciples. didn't think anything of it until they used reddit as a source and primarily used anything pertaining to Pearl Doxsey. This raised my suspicion, long after that debate, I looked into it, and realized Witness' mannerisms and fanatical proclamation of Pearl was 100% identical to christsdisciple. This is why I raised remark to Witness in the first place.


Anyways, concerning CSA, like I said, always, I take this seriously, and I take the facts seriously. The video of which Witness presented along with the link in question, some of what the video addressed seems to be conflicting with some points in the reports found in that link. It is as if, which is obvious, the two people in question may be including their own narratives to the court case itself, which is in regards to catering to their audience obviously.

This is why I asked Witness one question, if she read the report fully, especially before posting it. What makes it interesting is that in the report it looks as though The Zalkin Law Firm, P.C. is involved, a law firm of which some disgruntled JWs, even from christsdisciples neck of the woods in reddit, seem to dislike to a degree, even on here, if I remember correctly someone assumes some lawyers pertaining to CSA are somehow agents of the Watchtower, being paid by them; this can be seen by some remarks from both Srecko and Butler.

I mention the Zalkin group before briefly:

On 10/15/2021 at 10:12 AM, Space Merchant said:

The good news is, this is in the hands of The Zalkin Law Firm, P.C., who operates in city I know well. However in most cases, those on the outside who weaponizes such cases, often times, make it worse for survivors, reasons why those who understand the law and justice system are usually the ones with good insight - which can be seen in various media of which discussion is available.

I recall Anna speaking about this law firm group as well, even correcting Srecko.

recent update being Murray, C., filed on 1/20/2022. The compliant was extended to next month, Feb. 11, 2022 in King's County.

Again, regarding the video, it is as if they are already insinuating that the religious leaders of JWs are 100% guilty. In addition, they're being dramatic and insinuating they are guilty due to a filed court filings. Pressing instant guilt seems like a stretch, but looking even by the video's comment section, although some instances has been taken out of context, they follow the shepherd here, the uploaders of the video, it also appears any counter response is deleted from the comment section, either by the uploader and or the ExJWs following the YouTuber. That should tell you something. In their eyes, they assume that this would 100% bring down a faith group, however, the people of King's County are not as easily fooled compared to Witness and these followers.

King's County folks are rational, critical thinkers, they know due process, they know where justice is due, even in regards to some in a faith group doing bad things, they understand all people and groups have issues, imperfect men, therefore, when this essentially gets bigger, there is 100% certainty, such folks will NOT accept out of context misinformation, mainly with everything that transpired in the last several months.

That being said, some of the provided solutions I mentioned in the past concerning CSA, King's County have some programs that also point to similar solutions to prevent abuse.


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3 hours ago, Witness said:

Tell me when I denounced "The Final Witness" WEBSITE, not group?   That is my website.  I have even posted it here in the past.  

When you denounced that your 4Woman group does get funding by donations. If you want to take it back, I have no quarrels,

When bloggers come together and support each other by their blogs and anything else, YOUR A GROUP!! Don't change the definition just because you want to keep that oneness.

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23 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Witness and christsdisciple are one in the same, as confirmed by herself despite she said originally it was a lie. The 2 people who claimed to be JW kept saying Disciple of Christ and christsdisciples. didn't think anything of it until they used reddit as a source and primarily used anything pertaining to Pearl Doxsey.

In some of Pearl Doxsey earlier blogs, it appears that she still claimed to be a Jehovah's Witness. 

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