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Governing body will sue anyone?


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12 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

How do you justify the hearts and minds of people?

HOLON, Israel — Josef Levi opened his front door, and before he reached for the light switch he sensed something different about his apartment. His nose detected the scent of fresh paint. Then he turned on the light.

"Missionizer, you must die," was scrawled in black paint on one wall. On other mirrors and walls were the words "Christian Dog," "Traitor" and "Nazi." And a black swastika was sprayed on the white wall above the television. All over the house lay destroyed furniture and ripped up books. A small can of gasoline sat on the floor.

This is by no means the first assault on the roughly 1,000 Jehovah's Witnesses living in Israel. Church officials and members said an ultra-Orthodox Jewish group called Yad Lachim is behind the attacks, something Yad Lachim officials vehemently deny.

JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES UNDER ATTACK IN ISRAEL – Sun Sentinel (sun-sentinel.com)

Partial comment: Among other things, when one group of people attacks another group of people, then it is a kind of consequence of the "free will" that God allows to happen. The act of violence is unacceptable, but it is possible because God does not want to interfere to “defend the innocent”.

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

but it is possible because God does not want to interfere to “defend the innocent”.

Since God took measures to protect his people in the past, and has seen fit to make his interest known in the present, how would you interpret God's resolve if his anger toward the prosecution of spiritual Israel will be tested?

Chapter 11 - The Law Abrogated

we see and are persuaded that men approach God, leaving their idols and other unrighteousness, through the name of Him who was crucified, Jesus Christ, and abide by their confession even unto death, and maintain piety. Moreover, by the works and by the attendant miracles, it is possible for all to understand that He is the new law, and the new covenant, and the expectation of those who out of every people wait for the good things of God. For the true spiritual Israel, and descendants of Judah, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham (who in uncircumcision was approved of and blessed by God on account of his faith, and called the father of many nations), are we who have been led to God through this crucified Christ, as shall be demonstrated while we proceed.

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8 hours ago, xero said:

Because I know this is going south. It reminded me of this old clip. (now wrap your head around how ADD works)


Too funny. This may be in response to a series of ads Mormons began running about this time. The ads broke new ground in that they emphasized trendiness, totally lacking in anything spiritual. I had a lot of fun wroting up a few posts on them:


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Interesting how Jehovah's Witnesses hate to be disparaged, and yet there are some here doing the same thing. It has nothing to do like their institution does by using other forms of religion to give people the opportunity to see the differences on how religion interprets scripture.

Here, it's nothing more than name-calling like any ordinary former Jehovah Witness. What can, past Elders and Ministerial Servants offer to the public? Here, nothing. Yet, they have the Gaul to stipulate there was nothing spiritual about those religions they disparage.

Perhaps some Characters should stick to their own Jehovah's Witness closed club, where they can talk freely and insult God all they want.


Without attempting to disparage other denominations of Christians, who doubtlessly all contributed toward checking the overflowings of ungodliness by making a firm stand against the secret workings of infidelity, it must, I think, be admitted by all who reflect impartially on the subject, that the labors of the itinerating Methodist preachers tended mightily to purify the corrupt mass of mind, and to awaken attention to spiritual and divine things, and to call off the attention of the people from mere secular and political affairs, to the momentous concerns of eternity.

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Mission and commission

Mission and commission (with Timothy 1:6): -- In words such as these we have a picture out of that earliest life of the Church, of which the books from which I take it tell the story….

It always works this way, and it would be without results if it did not. Yes, but the moment we look a little closer at the story of this enthusiasm we shall see that along with it there was something more. It has been common to disparage the gifts of the first founders of Christianity, and to seek to make the more of its distinctive characteristics by making as little as possible of the men who illustrated them.

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8 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Since God took measures to protect his people in the past, and has seen fit to make his interest known in the present, how would you interpret God's resolve if his anger toward the prosecution of spiritual Israel will be tested?

I would be interested to know whether God has an interest in providing his protection only to those people who are his worshipers or whether all innocent (victims) belong to the "saved" regardless of religious, political, cultural affiliation.

You mention God's wrath. If God intended (before few thousands years) to undertake the mass destruction of evil (and evil people) then it is part of a plan and not a moment of emotion (anger).

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I would be interested to know whether God has an interest in providing his protection only to those people who are his worshipers or whether all innocent (victims) belong to the "saved" regardless of religious, political, cultural affiliation.

You mention God's wrath. If God intended (before few thousands years) to undertake the mass destruction of evil (and evil people) then it is part of a plan and not a moment of emotion (anger).

it’s both….he has a Plan….and he will execute with his wrath…that’s why Jesus will be back as a roaring lion…

A good example of this is how he dealt with Sennacherib and Hezekiah

Message Bible 2 Kings 19:25 ( I use the message Bible because it’s straight to the point ) 

Did it never occur to you that I’m behind all of this

Long Long ago I DREW UP PLANS  and now I’ve gone into ACTION

Using you as a DOOMSDAY  weapon reducing proud cities to piles of rubbish

Leaving their people dispirited slumped shoulders limp souls useless as weeds fragile as grass unsubstantial as wind blown chaff.

I know when you sit down and when you get up ( Sennacherib/ type of Satan )when you come and when you go.

and  yes I’ve marked everyone of of your tantrums against me It’s because of your temper tantrums against me

It’s because of your temper your blasphemous foul temper

That I’m putting my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth

and turning you back to where you come from. 

Jehovah has a Great Plan….at that appointed time ..at the right time….Jesus will ROAR…..

Your questions Srecko   can be found laid down in patterns of the Bible… but  we will have to wait and see…we might get some surprises..only Jesus has the right to judge as to how to handle your question.


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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Too funny. This may be in response to a series of ads Mormons began running about this time. The ads broke new ground in that they emphasized trendiness, totally lacking in anything spiritual. I had a lot of fun wroting up a few posts on them:


I suppose the fact that in our territory I kept running into them made me a bit more sympathetic to them and in my googling I found this ex-mormon guy who wrote an amusing story about being a missionary (he's a good writer...not as good as you of course... )


Funny name too, considering that he's "shunned". :)

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7 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I’m not so sure. That Accidental Terrorist—Confession of a Mormon Missionary has garnered some very high praise, more than any of my stuff has garnered. I am half-inclined to read it. 

He gets more dough for his books, too. I did download the above for Kindle. It fits in with a new WIP project I am working on, a travelogue of sorts in which two themes repeatedly come up: that of God and that of slavery. Mormons originated in my neck of the woods—a portion of the country once called the ‘Burnt Over Region’ for all of the religious firebrands running around. Brigham Young, the 2nd Mormon leader, is viewed as a generally respectable guy, assuming you can overlook the 27 wives. But he led the group out West and thus isn’t too much of a factor locally. Joseph Smith, his predecessor, remained in the area for many years before joining the trek out west. He is not remembered fondly by local sources of that day, which mostly describe him as a shiftless dreamer.

There is a regional historian, Arch Merrill, a newspaperman who began writing books in the 40s. He has over 50 on local history covering all periods—sometimes going back to pre-Revolutionary War days. I spied a collection of his books at a local antique shop and bought them in bulk. One of them has a chapter on the founding days of the Mormon church.

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10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I would be interested to know whether God has an interest in providing his protection only to those people who are his worshipers or whether all innocent (victims) belong to the "saved" regardless of religious, political, cultural affiliation.

Isn't that the reason God is giving humanity a choice, just like he did in Noah's day?

10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

You mention God's wrath. If God intended (before few thousands years) to undertake the mass destruction of evil (and evil people) then it is part of a plan and not a moment of emotion (anger).

Now you are challenging God's motive. There's a difference between God helping his chosen people versus humanity intentionally serving Satan to provoke God's anger. Back then, some Kings believed they were Gods, today, there's no such feeling unless you're insane like trump who blasphemed into thinking he was Christ like.

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It's always about "money" to have people come to lose respect for their Christian faith. But, that's also written for the last days. To advertise their own material instead of Gods. It's a sad thing coming from Jehovah's Witnesses.

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40 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Isn't that the reason God is giving humanity a choice, just like he did in Noah's day?

Yes, there is always a choice. On the one hand, it is interpreted that man decides for himself, and on the other hand, it is said that demonic influence is so strong that it blinds people. From this we could say that the people of Noah's time were seduced by the great influence of demons, so they were unable to change their condition and choice. On the other hand, God failed to persuade them to change their choices. So God was left without his choice and was forced to show anger instead of grace. 

47 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Now you are challenging God's motive. There's a difference between God helping his chosen people versus humanity intentionally serving Satan to provoke God's anger. Back then, some Kings believed they were Gods, today, there's no such feeling unless you're insane like trump who blasphemed into thinking he was Christ like.

In most cases, God has no problem with someone like me questioning Him and his reasons. And in general, people on Earth do not pose any threat to God and his authority. Criticism and questions can only be a threat to religious leaders as GB.

If it is exactly as the Bible says, then the only real threat God faces is one that comes from his immediate vicinity (the angel he created — the devil). Who gave the devil a choice? The God who gave him free will. Or God is/was naive, so he has given free will to individuals for whom no one guarantees that they will not abuse it. Or he knew that there was a great possibility that it would happen and everything would go to ruin, but he did not think that it would be a problem for him that would not be solved in one way or another.
Either way, people are a party in the process that is where it is.

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