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Jehovah's Witnesses have a secret database in their online library full of questionable material they wrote. They "have nothing to hide" but keep access to this portion of the website under lock and key. What could be so bad that it needs to be hidden from their millions of followers?



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Jehovah's Witnesses have a secret database in their online library full of questionable material they wrote. They "have nothing to hide" but keep access to this portion of the website under lock and k

Here's the link:  https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/ I've never heard of a secret portal only accessible for supposed elite "members" who read at a blog.   There is nothing concea

"riddled with opinions", said by a man who was never a JW, unlike the narrator of this video who happens to also be a past member of Bethel as well.  His first-hand exposure to the facts, is eye-openi

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7 hours ago, Dmitar said:

So does the 4woman bloggers,

Here's the link:  https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/

I've never heard of a secret portal only accessible for supposed elite "members" who read at a blog.  

8 hours ago, Dmitar said:

what’s your point?

There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.  Luke 12:2


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6 hours ago, Witness said:

I've never heard of a secret portal only accessible for supposed elite "members" who read at a blog.  

According to you as a former Jehovah's Witness. Just like the woeful and foolish video you posted.

6 hours ago, Witness said:

There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.  Luke 12:2

This is true, now apply it to yourself and Pearl Doxsey. It's time former Jehovah's Witnesses be held accountable for their hatred and fabrications.

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A secret database of “questionable material”, eh?

…. and  …. and a secret portal TOO!

Well! I think we should round them all up, some foggy night, and take them all out into a nearby sports stadium, and with incantation, ceremony, and a lot of tiki torches and villagers howling “rhubarb RHUBARB ruburb (rhubarb rhubarb rurirurubarbarbarb …), cast them bodily into the End Zone.

Perhaps we could get Batman to swoop down and sprinkle them with corona virus!

The unanswered question that comes to MY mind is … “Does Elaine have a horse?”



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"riddled with opinions", said by a man who was never a JW, unlike the narrator of this video who happens to also be a past member of Bethel as well.  His first-hand exposure to the facts, is eye-opening.  

We are each allowed our opinions, but this video can be understood by any exjw, as evidence of hypocrisy by an organization that has kept its complete data base out of sight and access, from the general JW population.  This enables the organization to safely rewrite their history, which they have accomplished.  JWs are discouraged from seeking non JW material, but on the deeper layer of the online library, there is a list of "Non JW" material for the "elite" class to reference.  Does this mean that those individuals with access, are better in some way than the general JW?  No, It only feeds into their power over the lower class of JWs.  

Isa 29:15 - Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the LORD, who do their work in darkness and think, “Who sees us? Who will know?”

Being a JW, was like swimming in murky water, never clear of truth. (Ezek 34:18 ) These leaders have chosen to build their own cistern, not holding the living water of God and Jesus Christ, but based on the doctrine of men. (John 7:37,38; Eph 4:14; 1 Tim 1:3,4; 2 Tim 4:3,4; Mark 7:7) Their teachings, their "water", is not only poison, but cannot be held in a cracked cistern for very long, and the video has assisted in exposing  just one of its many cracks.  (Heb 12:15; Rev 8:10,11; Jer 2:12,13; 9:3-6,15)

The "secret" online library is nothing but the doctrine of men - of false teachers/false prophets, who have deceived the "elect".  (Matt 24:24,25)


Mark of Slavery



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1 hour ago, Witness said:

"riddled with opinions", said by a man who was never a JW, unlike the narrator of this video who happens to also be a past member of Bethel as well.  His first-hand exposure to the facts, is eye-opening.  

Yet you are not of government or a bank/firm but you hold your word as bond? Hypocritical. One does not have to be of a faith community or some institution to understand a YouTube video with an opinion which can be murky with information based on such; as with all videos in association, people who have their own say, even in disagreement, their silenced/marked as spam (keeping the narrative one sided), so much so they are accused of being one of JWs prior - we've been down this road before, and even recently in the other thread, use legitimate sources.

Opinions anyone can have, but you have to understand, facts are everything.

That being said, this isn't the first time you did this, and you continue to do this all the time, so you can and will be called out on it.

Again, there are 2 types of JWs, the normal formers, and the disgruntled, both sides do not agree with each other on a number of things just because he is a former member turned disgruntled, does not mean everything should be accepted as truth without legitimately looking into it, i.e. a Former Bethel member who did nearly the same thing only because JWs do not fancy Pansexuals (there is a video on that). The irony here in this regard, you essentially discouraged yourself from doing research.

Clearly one does not have to be a JW to realize that God made 2 sexes/genders - male and female.

Again, at least do the research instead of simply looking a few seconds of an video and brand it as arbiter of truth.

The JWs are not perfect, they are as imperfect as can be, but one needs to understand facts outweighs falsehood and opinions, granted in regards to facts, there is evidence to claim.

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5 hours ago, Witness said:

"riddled with opinions", said by a man who was never a JW, unlike the narrator of this video who happens to also be a past member of Bethel as well.  His first-hand exposure to the facts, is eye-opening. 

You have a past member of Bethel here. This person is riddled with lies and misinformation, what's the difference. Being a past member of Bethel means NOTHING. Anyone can fabricate and tell stories. Once again, you and Pearl Doxsey are former Jehovah's Witnesses with a fabricated agenda, what's the difference.

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"Get the facts"...I am confident with the facts I received through the video, and I can wait for further validation.  Be patient, it will come.

"...does not mean everything should be accepted as truth without legitimately looking into it"

That's good advice, that you didn't follow as you looked into my supposed association with a pedophile  that you debated with.  Did you accept the facts, yet?  I don't think so. SM, you have as your identity a storm trooper.  Did you ever think that alone could stumble someone if they looked up the "facts" about the meaning behind "storm troop"?  It's very possible, isn't it. They may ask, what are you hiding behind the mask?   1 Cor 4:5  







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JW elders have access via their password to log in to an electronic database that is not available to other JW members. How big the database is and what it contains depends on how much permission their status gives them, which they received from Bethel or WTJWorg. Can each elder access the same database as high-ranking Bethelite? Probably not. But let those who know say.

Although it is not surprising that not every JW member can access the entire database of the organization to which he belongs (because this is the case in all other normal "secular" organizations/institutions, so WTJWorg is no different in this regard, because it is ultimately "human organization"), remains a worrying realization that the history of "God's earthly organization" contains doctrines and practices that cannot be attributed to a  "God's guidance" and "true truth" that clearly separates the right from the wrong.

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9 hours ago, Witness said:

"Get the facts"...I am confident with the facts I received through the video, and I can wait for further validation.  Be patient, it will come.

Facts can be compromised by the slide of a hand. What validation can an apostate have? Just the fact they are is proof enough to understand they deal and speak with a compromised heart.

Titus 3:10 NIV Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them.

That kind of Christianity is not the kind of Christianity spoken in the bible.

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