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16 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Why should I explain what is obvious? My comments are my opinion.

He may be asking you this because there is conflict between Verfied Facts vs Opinion, which is unverfied to Fact pretaining to a claim. The Fact also shows that others, even @Dmitar was not aware of any of the Interactions you asked evidence for (proven), granted, what we see here is 100% identical to said evidence; transpiring yet again, but this time with the latter.

That being said, since he is unaware and you responded, his next move will be an unplseant one for you, this is why I said before, it would be best to wisely consider what you say next, otherwise, it puts you in this web.

Therefore, pretaing to your response, he, along with others, Witness (although she reacted without even knowing what that situation was about) included, do not know about Glasgow, just only you and I, and all itneractions regarding it, was between the both of us. Just like it, the same thing was done here also, same motive, using a YouTube video deem misleading.

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Jehovah's Witnesses have a secret database in their online library full of questionable material they wrote. They "have nothing to hide" but keep access to this portion of the website under lock and k

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4 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

That's good you understand it. For a minute, you sounded like your opinion is the only one that mattered. That former Jehovah Witnesses opinions have "substantial" credibility when their own behavior condemns the very thing they are woefully trying to warn people about. Psychologically unsound.

Sad to say, in this time of human existence, people are what they speak, regardless of whom they say they are.

If that ex Betelit said something inaccurate, semi-accurate or dubious then we can all comment on it. What's the problem?
Maybe he also comments in this video on something he interpreted in a way that can be disputed. And what now? Have your say and let others have their say.

Sometimes (many times) I don’t have the time and will to listen and watch just about every ex-JW who makes a video about their life and the reasons for leaving WTJWorg. Many who make videos go unnoticed by me and I don’t even think to know what all they are saying and doing. Certainly some of them while talking about some topics say things that are their experience of the issue, and do not have to be completely accurate in every expression. 

And now to comment on the introductory part of the video.
I went to the JW Library for Croatia. The oldest publication of WT magazine dates back to 1981. The oldest is only one brochure from 1976. So I'm asking you now, how will a JW from Croatia find out what older publications wrote? And why would anyone have to know English so well to go to another JW library and find out more?

In addition, the video moderator is right when he claims that JW should deal exclusively with WTJWorg publications in the JW library, which according to JW leaders is the safest and most accurate spiritual food for a true Christian, and should not be eaten from another "spiritual table".
What is wrong with these claims of his?


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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Witness claims Archives are unknown to people, 

I never said the Archives "are unknown to people."

You said:  If the publications were indeed concealed, why is it the Archives exist, which is actually known to JWs?” 

My response:  JWs in general?  NO!!  They don't all know about it!  They blindly follow their leaders advice to stay away from anything that is not approved by the GB!  

JWs in general are not aware of the Archive.org.  I personally didn’t know about it until a few back, and I was a JW for over 30 years.  I have been out of the organization since around 2013.  

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

even JWs because of a logon in Bethel, however, the Archives exist to the public.

Get your facts straight.   The login leading to the history of all publications, that is accessible to only an elite few, who happen to be in Bethel, is on the jw website at the bottom of the page.  The average JW cannot use it.  It is a different login than the one provided at the top of the web page.  Thus, JWs cannot gain access to the history of publications that go back to the beginning of time, through the JW website!  They are limited on access to publications that go back to about 1950 through the "online library".  Even there, many articles are still unavailable on that "online library".  

They are discouraged from using the Archive, as I pointed out with their own quote from a magazine.


As I've said before, you can't trusted.  You are very guilty of twisting what a person says.  

Done.  🙂





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Next part: About The 3 Layers in video

There is nothing wrong with that. There are parts of the JW website available to the public, both secular people and members, and there are parts of libraries that are only available to elders, and even that might be selective. But that third issue could be explained to us by JW elders if there are any on this forum.


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38 minutes ago, Witness said:

I never said the Archives "are unknown to people."

You said:  If the publications were indeed concealed, why is it the Archives exist, which is actually known to JWs?” 

My response:  JWs in general?  NO!!  They don't all know about it!  They blindly follow their leaders advice to stay away from anything that is not approved by the GB!  

JWs in general are not aware of the Archive.org.  I personally didn’t know about it until a few back, and I was a JW for over 30 years.  I have been out of the organization since around 2013.  

If you read further, it was pretaining to JWs as well, this was before the first example on Racism was refuted.

Also it should be noted, the frame of which publications were shifted from their CD/DVDs, etc to the Library itself. Espically if you factor in when it was published, along with the move. Archives existed even before then, reasons why I mentioned those in and or of JWs knowing. You alone does not negate to everyone else.

That being said, even you being a former JW, it should have been known to you the events of 1800s and 1900s even if you do have the archives, granted, the Era and other events were historical.

This has nothing to do with blindly following leaders. If you want to play that game, you are blindly following a video, when you were encouraged to do the due diligence of research yourself.

38 minutes ago, Witness said:

Get your facts straight. 

My facts are straight, thank you. As is the histroical ones.

38 minutes ago, Witness said:

The login leading to the history of all publications, that is accessible to only an elite few, who happen to be in Bethel, is on the jw website at the bottom of the page.  The average JW cannot use it.  It is a different login than the one provided at the top of the web page.  Thus, JWs cannot gain access to the history of publications that go back to the beginning of time, through the JW website!  They are limited on access to publications that go back to about 1950 through the "online library".  Even there, many articles are still unavailable on that "online library".  

They are discouraged from using the Archive, as I pointed out with their own quote from a magazine.

Incorrect. They discrouage looking into those who use their publication to twist it, hence their stance on Apostasy, i.e. you who seem to agree with the video in question in regards to the Holocaust, as is your view of CTR and the Masons, as is other, the first debate you had with me was linked, in that regard.

For anyone who observe the Jehovah's Witnesses, it is known of what attitude they have toward material affilated with Apostasy.

For they are aware that such people try to get Jehovah's Witnesses to read such books, even twisting their own publications against them, to either misguided in their thinking or purposely trying to subvert the one's thinking. These such members of the former faith who become authors are not unbiased writers or creators. Their material are full of half truths and misrepresentations. As such you will gain absolutely no accurate information whatsoever.

This falls in line with Exaple 2 concerning the Holocaust. People know Jehovah's Witnesses were victims of the Nazi Regime, but ExJWs like the one from your video, stated the Nazi deem Jehovah's Witnesses as the sole target, not the Jews, and he speaks of the Jews as secondary, despite the fact the history states otherwise.

It is material like this, JWs or any onlooker, avoid, it is also the same reason why those who were removed from the video called this out.

38 minutes ago, Witness said:

They are discouraged from using the Archive, as I pointed out with their own quote from a magazine.

It just says they can't gain access to the logon, and it does not say anything pretaining to the public archives, which is also associated with their CDs/DVDs.

38 minutes ago, Witness said:

Even there, many articles are still unavailable on that "online library".  

According to the screenshotted qutation, that spells a different story.

As with the mentions of others factcual examples.

38 minutes ago, Witness said:

As I've said before, you can't trusted. 

I can;t be trusted because I believe that the Nazis didn't go after the Jews first. Interesting.

This remark comes from someone who fails to see a False Witness of which someone speaks ti as a truth.

This does nto disqualfy the fact your spirit is tainted, as is you being exposed greatly here.

Facts are everything - misleading information cannot defeat facts, as is bias opinions.

38 minutes ago, Witness said:

You are very guilty of twisting what a person says.  

Not according to page 2 and 3.

Nice try, Tainted one.


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3 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Next part: About The 3 Layers in video

There is nothing wrong with that. There are parts of the JW website available to the public, both secular people and members, and there are parts of libraries that are only available to elders, and even that might be selective. But that third issue could be explained to us by JW elders if there are any on this forum.

But now you have to disqualify the Archives, which is impossible. That is the issue here. If the Archives were never a notation, then Jehovah's Witnesses would indeed be in error - however, this isn;t the case.

If someone is hidden, the archives would be non-existent, let alone the history of the CD/DVD notation.

That being said, Privacy Laws, layers, Infustrature, etc, have been coined before, and it is among the reason why Dmitar is on the loose here.

Ironically, we did speak on Privacy issues before, as with Archives. This goes for any present JW here also.

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35 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If that ex Betelit said something inaccurate, semi-accurate or dubious then we can all comment on it. What's the problem?

Everything he said was misleading, as is he added bias opinion. The problem here is those, such as Witness, not realzing it and continue to defend a False Witness. That is the problem.

35 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Maybe he also comments in this video on something he interpreted in a way that can be disputed. And what now? Have your say and let others have their say.

ExJWs in the comment section got the comments of those who say otherwise detled, using the YouTube's anti-spam features to block.

For your latter stated, they can find out due to the archives. If you forgot, JW.org didn't exist back then, and for a time when they got a domain, it was a .com, prior to the .org. Witness reacted in agreing with you despite possibly knowing that in her 30 years, there was a .com to .org - domain move. From what I looked into, in the .com, there was a possibly of older publications on there without the need of a logon, hence how their libarary CD/DVDs were made.

As I told Witness, she can say whatever she lies, but anyone reufting a False Witness will indeed speak, after all, she quotes the verses all the time, but in this case, purposelly not apply it.

That being said, I used you as an example, you knew your mistake in the same situation and corrected yourself, but Witness did not, the reason I mentoned glasgow was for that reason. Therefore, although both of you are former JWs, there is a difference in that regard.

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7 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

But now you have to disqualify the Archives, which is impossible. That is the issue here. If the Archives were never a notation, then Jehovah's Witnesses would indeed be in error - however, this isn;t the case.

If someone is hidden, the archives would be non-existent, let alone the history of the CD/DVD notation.

That being said, Privacy Laws, layers, Infustrature, etc, have been coined before, and it is among the reason why Dmitar is on the loose here.

Ironically, we did speak on Privacy issues before, as with Archives. This goes for any present JW here also.

"Archive.org"  ("archive.org") is not official JW web site. If you put the term "Archive.org" or "archive.org" on their public and official JW.org search engine, there are no results. And if you type in "Internet Archive" then it takes you back to their official site.

You speaking in agenda style. :) You are disqualified.

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There are things that really matter, and there are things you might think would really matter, but they don’t matter at all.

Celestial navigation will get you anywhere in the world you want to go down to about 12 feet radius, or just with degrees minutes and seconds 104 feet radius at 45° latitude.

As precise as this navigation is on a planet that is 8000 miles in diameter it’s based on an assumption that is completely false, that is, that the Earth is the center of the universe.5C6C91B1-830E-4866-9CB5-E092AE322C8E.jpeg

Sometimes, excellent practical results can be obtained from information that is completely false.

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6 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

"Archive.org"  ("archive.org") is not official JW web site. If you put the term "Archive.org" or "archive.org" on their public and official JW.org search engine, there are no results. And if you type in "Internet Archive" then it takes you back to their official site.

I am refering to Archived publications, not the website. Nice try.

This ahs nothing to do with a website, Archives is documentation/publications exist, although the domain does not have it, the ifnromation can be found by the public, i.e. an old history book no longer in a library, but can be found elsewhere, even by means of a collector.

No different from old books, so to speak.

6 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

You speaking in agenda style. :) You are disqualified.

I am anti-agenda, if I had an agenda, I would not be of a community that is against it. Therefore, your false claim has been proven false and the last thing you need to to challnege someone from the Truther Community about agendas.

Therefore, your deviation has been halted here.

That being said, as pointed out the existence of Archives....

22 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

But now you have to disqualify the Archives, which is impossible.


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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Verfied Facts vs Opinion,

The third factor that belongs to these two, verified evidence and opinion, is also faith.

How will you prove with verified facts that someone in the past was “inspired by God” to write a written text? There is only someone’s faith that proves for or against. One’s belief that every biblical book was written under the inspiration of HS, is his attitude and his personal opinion which is not crucial to the other person. Someone’s opinion of his own belief in something is not proof that he is right. It is already/only his interpretation of his own personal spiritual experience.

Do you believe/have faith that archive.org is the official site of WTJWorg?

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