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8 hours ago, Witness said:

Light from God is wisdom.  It is a gift we receive through Jesus Christ, when we sincerely ask in faith.  

But the Light that came of God's Wisdom should enable one to see what is false and what is true. We ask God for such wisdom, but we do not go should not be going around such wisdom with our own understanding, as with 100% believe anything that comes from someone without discernment.

8 hours ago, Witness said:

Anyone who reaches this realization, and leaves the Wt. to follow Jesus Christ, has chosen to walk away from darkness, and embrace the light of Christ.  

This has nothing to do with leaving the Watchtower, the problem here is the misleading issue in which, some examples of the video contradicts, as is, re-writes a history in order to seed in the notation of deception via falsehood.

This is why the claim of it being misleading is factually true. All 3 examples refuted attest to that, perhaps the most damning of them all is the citation of Tulsa, which ultimately shoots down the video's bias opinions.

8 hours ago, Witness said:

"The light of the righteous will rejoice, but the lamp of the wicked will die out."   Prov 13:9

This verse is only true to those who can point out falsehood and attest to what is true.

The light does not shine on those who attest to a false witness laced Agenda.

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20 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

This has nothing to do with leaving the Watchtower,

For someone never a member of the organization, this is purely conjecture.

20 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

But the Light that came of God's Wisdom should enable one to see what is false and what is true.

If you, a preacher never a JW, want to defend Wt’s teachings, go right ahead!


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@Witness So can you explain to me how on earth did Hitler go after Jehovah's Witnesses first when the history shows it was the Jews? Your video attested to the idea, even stating the Camps were primarily made for Jehovah's Witnesses and only them, so much so I quoted him.

Better yet, how did Jehovah's Witnesses exist in regards to the First Example regarding Bible Students if they were indeed influenced by Jim Crow Laws? The JW faith would have never came to fruition, if that was the case.

The below is from your video which you claim

On 2/11/2022 at 12:32 PM, Witness said:

His first-hand exposure to the facts, is eye-opening.  

They were not facts, in all 3 examples mentioned.

The quote reads:

From the ExJW Bethel Member [TRANSCRIPT] - [jehovah's witnesses in other words this article and the examples contained within it is meant to convey or meant to promote the idea that the nazi parties concentration camps were really just for jehovah's witnesses and that the jews and homosexuals got caught up in the mix but the real target we are the real ones under the microscope here that would be joyous witnesses that's quite something to really repaint history....]

You do not have to be a Jehovah's Witness to know what Racism and the Holocaust is.

He claims the JWs are re-writing history, but he stated otherwise which makes no sense, even with a 1930s source among the archives from their domain and elsewhere, more so, it puts Rutherford in a contradiction, if we had to go there.

To attest to an Agenda deemed false, shows there is no light that shines over you, but a darkness. This is why I told you to seek repentance, mainly when 1 John 4:1 was used to which you disrespected - it was used for a reason.

You always stated to evade False Witness, but why subject to ill Justifiable Cause when it benefits you? A Conundrum that makes no sense.

For the record, I am a Preacher. And as a Preacher, I would not subject myself to falsehood, like you, or re-write, history, as you agreed to.


The events of 1900-1939 and the Holocaust/Nazi Remine has NOTHING to do with JW/WT teachings. You'd be wise to stop these appeal to motives for it makes you look like a hypocrisy every time you do this.


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This is for visitors to reflect on. What is Reasoning and Wisdom?

There's no question that the Internet has brought Christianity many wonderful things. Today we have online education available to virtually everyone, social media that encourages people to support great causes, and online communication tools that allow us to connect from the four corners of the earth. But it's also created something I believe is tearing at the very fabric of our faith. It's created a culture of attack.

 Rarely does a day go by that Christian news sites, social media streams, and other web platforms feature some Christian "correcting" another Christian – and calling them out by name. It can range from arguments over worship music, to theological squabbles, to disagreements over ministry styles, to charges of outright heresy, and the barrage of criticism has grown exponentially. While there are qualified theologians, pastors, and other leaders we should respect and listen to, there's also a tsunami of armchair theologians, angry ex-church members, and wannabes who are convinced their criticism du jour needs to be shared.

 Many Christians suffer persecutions in their daily walk with Christ. This should not be surprising. Jesus predicted it for those who believed in Him (John 15:20 [1]) and the Apostle Peter told the church that they should not be surprised when they suffer insults because of their faith in Christ (I Peter 4:14 [2]). What is surprising is that other Christians receive persecutions – and some of the fiercest at that – from other Christians. This ought not to be so.

We are told to put on the whole armor of God and to protect ourselves from spiritual attacks (Eph 6:10-18 [3]). The only offensive weapon mentioned is the sword, which is the Word of God. This weapon is intended to fight off spiritual attacks from wicked spirits, but all too often believers wield this weapon against other Christians, however this is not the intended use for this weapon. The last thing that Christ would have us to do is to attack other Christians using the Word of God (Bible). Yes, we should challenge false teachings and false gospels when we see them and the Bible tells us that there will be many of these in the last days, but we are not to attack each other over nonessential. When Christians fight with each other over things that are not central to the gospel of Jesus Christ (Calvary, Jesus atoning sacrifice, etc.), then we send a strong message to unbelievers – that we can not even get along with each other. Where is Christ in that!

Is this NOT the nature of being quarrelsome here? This is what Christians shouldn't strive for. Yet, their own misconceptions and lack of bible understanding gets the best of them. Can Ephesians be applied, here?

NIV Eph 4:29-32

29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

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3 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

For the record, I am a Preacher. And as a Preacher, I would not subject myself to falsehood, like you, or re-write, history, as you agreed to.

So although you defend the Wt, you never became a  baptized JW like I did, subjecting myself to their falsehoods.  And evidence shows they have certainly re-written their own history and present a polished picture to the fresh population of JWs.  

It is a conundrum to see you as a preacher (with a capital "p") defending an organization that has failed miserably at teaching truth; while on the other hand, saying you would not subject yourself to falsehoods.  

15 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

A Conundrum that makes no sense.




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24 minutes ago, Witness said:

So although you defend the Wt, you never became a  baptized JW like I did, subjecting myself to their falsehoods.  And evidence shows they have certainly re-written their own history and present a polished picture to the fresh population of JWs.  

It is a conundrum to see you as a preacher (with a capital "p") defending an organization that has failed miserably at teaching truth; while on the other hand, saying you would not subject yourself to falsehoods.  

You continue with appeal to motives to defend your false witness. Can you explain how Hitler went for the JWs first instead of the Jews like your video attest to.

This has nothing to do with the Watchtower's teachings or a defense.

And you hiding behind the Watchtower is not going to save you, for you did this many times when you are exposed for falsehood.

Regarding my latter remark, granted the following

On 2/15/2022 at 2:56 PM, Space Merchant said:

No one is asking you to AGREE with Jehovah's Witnesses, but you have to UNDERSTAND and CRITICALLY THINK here to discern what is true and what is false.

This is related to the claim that is in line with re-writing the events of the Holocaust, as is the history in relation to Racism, very little to do with the Watchtower.

If you deem your video as TRUE, why evade this notations? After all, it has never stopped you from seeking direct responses for notations when you coin such to current JWs on this forum, even in regards to those who have little to do with you.

If there is evidence as you claim, then the above mention should not be difficult to make a response to.

The Nazis held a view of Antisemitism towards Jews, they went after to beat, rape, humiliated, and capture them, many old accounts and pictures in the public domain and archives shows this, examples below.


Historically speaking, I do not see anywhere of which JWs were the first and primary target, their history came much later when the Nazi officials got involved; appointed by Adolf Hitler. Moreover, another situation that counters your video's bias opinion is the events surrounding Minersville School District v. Gobitis.


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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

And you hiding behind the Watchtower is not going to save you, for you did this many times when you are exposed for falsehood.

From the very beginning of posting the video, racism, Nazism, the Holocaust was never my "beef" from the video.   That is what you gleaned from it, and that is what you have expounded upon. It is your choice!  I don't condemn your choice of topic from the video, but the Wt. IS, and will continue to be, my focus.   This is not hiding behind it, but exposing its lies by bringing them to the fore.  I saw a different aspect of the video, a hidden lie and I commented on it.  

Accept it, SM.  You have your agenda, and I have mine. 


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32 minutes ago, Witness said:

From the very beginning of posting the video, racism, Nazism, the Holocaust was never my "beef" from the video.

These were points from your video, in regards to Race and The Holocaust. You stated the video to be fact and true when it was coined it was misleading.

It is not about beef, it is about a true witness vs a false witness.

32 minutes ago, Witness said:

 That is what you gleaned from it, and that is what you have expounded upon. It is your choice! 

Only brought up because you attested to the video not being false. That was your doing, as seen in the early pages.

32 minutes ago, Witness said:

  I don't condemn your choice of topic from the video, but the Wt.

Sadly, all 3 examples were from the video you claim as true.

32 minutes ago, Witness said:

IS, and will continue to be, my focus. 

If that is your focus, then why defend a former EXJW who essentially put you in this position?

32 minutes ago, Witness said:

This is not hiding behind it,

You are hiding behind them because any example brought up from the video you deem to be true you make appeal to motive remarks, example You are not a JW so you would not know, or, recently, Defending the Watchtower, when in reality the examples in the video the EXJW was pressing misinformation about legitimate history.

As stated, you can disagree with the JWs/WT, but at least understand history.

32 minutes ago, Witness said:

but exposing its lies by bringing them to the fore.

If that was the case, isn't all 3 examples in the video concerning the Watchtower a lie of which you press as a truth?

32 minutes ago, Witness said:

  I saw a different aspect of the video, a hidden lie and I commented on it.  

If that was the case you would not be in this position.

No one here believes Hitler somehow targeted JWs first.

No one here believes Bible Students to be Racist, for if that was the case, JWs would most likely never existed, let alone Bible Students would expire like that of some early Christian counterparts, more so, the Tulsa events involving Bible Students would be different. Likewise with archives and domains on/off network.

32 minutes ago, Witness said:

Accept it, SM.

I am not going to accept the idea that Hitler went after JWs first and the Jews came second.

32 minutes ago, Witness said:

You have your agenda

If I had an Agenda, I would be re-writing the history of the Holocaust, of which you are defending, effectively putting you in subjection to being noted as a Holocaust Distorter this is Agenda driven, something which is akin to those such as Black Hebrew Israelites, who not only distort the history of the Holocaust, but push the narrative the Jews in that situation deserved it, something I refuted vs them a long time ago.

More so, I have already been censored by Agenda driven folks for a reason.

32 minutes ago, Witness said:

and I have mine. 

What Agenda has led you to push a falsehood as truth?

You can be better than this but because of your justifiable cause, you defend it, likewise with Srecko.

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2 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

@Space MerchantDon’t think I’m insulting you, but I have no other explanation given your last few comments, which are: You must have been shone with some “new light”.

Insults do not work against me because Slander is the tool of the loser. Been in debates where I was ridiculed for my race, culture, some even wanted to kill me, police sent after me, but it does not shake me. A couple of former JWs won't do much granted they use every slander move some weak debaters use to deter evidence.

That being said, I guess your new light is the Holocaust was JW affiliated only, granted, you believe the video. More so, as is your assertion which is false about equating Doctrine to the Jim Crow Laws of the Era noted in Example 1.

That being said, the examples showed proves that both you, @Witness blindly accept things without merit, as is defending a falsehood, and when exposed, you cry out with JW/WT remarks.

God and his Christ deal with those who profess truth and call out falsehoods, and use discernment. He does not take favor in those feasting a banquet at the table of demons when it benefits them.

As I told Witness, you yourself should repent, best do it now than wait to confess at the White Throne.

Both of you are heavily misguided, know you actually have time to correct yourself, to Witness, Pearl, to you, a disloyal husband who profits off of ExJWs.

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10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

And I'm not sure what Srecko's point was about thinking that Pastor Russell was not called "Elder." I didn't go back into the conversation to find out.

Hi JWI. On page 10, SM wrote:

Example 3 [1925] - Now for example 3, it is the same reused, washed and rinsed rhetoric about Pastor Rutherford's Millions will Never Die...

I reacted with:

I’m not petty, but I’m surprised that such an informed and knowledgeable debater like you mistakenly names historical figures from the WT.
Russell was called Pastor, and Rutherford was called Judge.

Then two of our esteemed colleagues joined forces and performed a whole litany on what the word judge means and what the word pastor means. And so on.

As i respond to Dmitar, i have no problem if Russell's brethren using word "elder" in communication with Russell. My quote from JW library article just showed WHY Bible Students started to call Russell with title "Pastor". *

If my grammar contribute to misunderstanding, this would be easy to resolve. But I think the two of them have other needs.

If I may say this too: I am not making this comment to you in order for you to get involved in proving this or that reality. I simply respect you for what I think of you based on previous acquaintances through forum discussions.

*PS Pastor Russell but not Judge Russell vs Judge Rutherford but not Pastor Rutherford

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