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23 minutes ago, Witness said:

The fourth layer of your website gives access to all changes in doctrines over the years, for comparison reasons. 

Imagine what, those JWs who were given the task to collect and put all this material in order, think about it. I would love to see and hear their reactions they had during the work. Or were they insensitive Borgs?

Dmitar i SM, they have prejudices against anyone who comes from the JW milieu and is no longer a member of them. For two of them, ex-JW are liars. 

It’s really interesting that the two of them can so easily accuse people who have been the “most honest” people in the world for decades because they belonged to the JW religion, and that they became hardened liars so soon after leaving JWorg. A truly stunning psychological analysis by these two “artists”.

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Jehovah's Witnesses have a secret database in their online library full of questionable material they wrote. They "have nothing to hide" but keep access to this portion of the website under lock and k

Here's the link:  https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/ I've never heard of a secret portal only accessible for supposed elite "members" who read at a blog.   There is nothing concea

"riddled with opinions", said by a man who was never a JW, unlike the narrator of this video who happens to also be a past member of Bethel as well.  His first-hand exposure to the facts, is eye-openi

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8 minutes ago, Witness said:

The video is about concealment, the hiding of the history of teachings by your leaders, since its inception.  This could have been an easy access for JWs to peruse all publications, but it is guarded and only a select group can go there.

If the Bible Student publications are that important to you, you can download them from any apostate site. You can ask any Bible Student Association for downloads or have them sent to you. 

As you know, there is a clear separation of doctrine. So, what's your point about being persistent about a woeful fool and former Bethelite's false accusations?

That person subscribes to the same TriCopy that Loyd Evans does. That means, the same fabricated ideology as you.

17 minutes ago, Witness said:

It is impossible for JWs to do that, to test what their leaders have produced and make the choice to abstain from "bad fruit".  This is restricted on their own approved website -  to examine the entire production of "fruit" taught by the organization over the years.  Not one JW here, is expressing an opinion on this, except Dmitar, which tells me, that JWs -

Sure they can. All they need to do is compare what is written with the written words of God. Just like anyone can see, you bear false witness to the truth by the standards of the written word of God. It's not that hard. 

However, are you reverting to the Bible Student Era? If so, why don't you ask them about your concerns?

22 minutes ago, Witness said:

SM, never a JW, never a member of the organization, went down his own road following his own agenda.  That's fine, but he pushed it on myself and Srecko; seemingly diverting guilt on us, instead of guilting the organization for their spiritual cult-like tactics, and their inability to teach truth in Jesus Christ.   

But, what can one expect from a pushy guy, a "Preacher" of the “world”,  who seems to think he understands what it is to be a JW or an exJW.

This, you need to explain further. You are diverting guilt to the Watchtower GB, instead of accepting your own spiritual cult-like tactics, making you a false teacher, yet you state SM is a pushy guy, when indeed you are a pushy Gal.

I'm not a Catholic, but I understand the Catholics doctrine and Ideology. I can say that about any religion. What would be your point with this line of reasoning?

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27 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:


But HQ is museum for collections of own religious/company history. Not about USA or World history. Or about dinosaurs.

Then what's your point? The Vatican has a museum, yet only a handful have access to the archives. Are you saying "all" museums should give access to their most valuable pieces to be manhandled and destroyed?

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2 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

So why then do you (all JWs) accept the “overlapping generation” as a true doctrine? :))

Specifically or here? You should know the answer of some here that call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses. Therefore, the (all JWs) is a bit misleading.

Then you have to ask, do all Jehovah’s Witnesses understand.

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1 minute ago, Dmitar said:

Specifically or here? You should know the answer of some here that call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses. Therefore, the (all JWs) is a bit misleading.

Then you have to ask, do all Jehovah’s Witnesses understand.

You speak enigmatically, or I don't understand enough English language. Do you personally believe in the "overlapping generation"?

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33 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

One of you (SM or you, or both) is objecting to me interfering with doctrines in speaking about history. So now we can still talk about doctrines throughout the history of the WT company? :))

You're still posting, aren't you? Now, the owner would never "ban" you or SM. So, NO! No one is preventing you from speaking about doctrine or history.

What I would hope you would accept is your failures in not separating that history and fabricating things about doctrine. If you want to have an intelligent debate, I’m all for that. I just haven't seen one yet, here.

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7 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

The "questionable" video talks about that. Witness and I comment on this. And you with SM are harassing us with your comments. Why, when you say this now?

No, the false narrative of the video as indicated by @Witness is secrets. People know the Vatican has a library, that's no secret. People know the Watchtower has a library, that's no secret. If you are talking about "access" then it becomes a different topic. Something you fail to understand.

Now, the access, that woeful fool is talking about when it comes to the Bible Students can be found all over the internet and if you ask the Bible Student Association, they will arrange, to have it forwarded to you. You can even subscribe to some Bible Student monthly magazines and books they offer. Modern books and magazines, that is. Stuff with New Light.

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4 hours ago, Equivocation said:

@Patiently waiting for Truth comes in for a hello and good bye.

Nice that you mention me. I find this complete topic very sad. I know i say some bad  things some times, but this 20 page waste of space isn't worth reading really. It does show the visitors how unChristian JWs and Ex-JWs can be. 

I never even watched the video as I don't bother to watch any of them. There are lots of points within the 20 pages that i would just love to discuss, but most of it has been discussed many times before.  

One thing I have noticed though is, lots of things mentioned here were never taught to me when i was a JW, and I was a JW for a long time. And also some things that were taught are now shown to be totally untrue, or no longer believed. 

The JW Org is a totally different experience for each individual. So each individual will have a different opinion of the Org. 

Hence we could all argue 24/7 about it, but I'm trying not to waste too much time here lately :) 

I hopw you are well. Christian love to you. 

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23 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I know i say some bad  things some times, but this 20 page waste of space isn't worth reading really. It does show the visitors how unChristian JWs and Ex-JWs can be. 

Good one! 🤗

24 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I hopw you are well. Christian love to you. 

Shouldn't this sentiment be for all Christian believers? Why spoil it with hate toward the GB?

If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue,...this man's religion is vain. James 1:26 
BECAUSE the tongue is the index of the heart, because "out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaketh," therefore the unbridled tongue, speaking selfishly, enviously, bitterly, boastfully, slanderously, proves that the heart from whose fullness these overflow is unsanctified, unholy, grievously lacking of the spirit of Christ—hence, whatever religion it may have attained is thus far vain, as that heart is not saved, nor in a salvable condition....The Good Physician has pointed out antidotes for soul-poisoning—medicines which, if properly taken according to directions, will sweeten the bitter heart. 

Does this mean, you are going to act more civil, or follow scripture more closely than you have before?

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