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@Srecko Sostar Actually the term Pastor is as rooted as their terms for Elder and Servant (Steward of which JWs call Ministerial Servants). We've been down this road before when both you and Witness' believed and tried to convince me that Christian Churches existed in Israel, let alone the idea of a woman leading the Church of Corinthians, which was false, hence Biblical Facts. As is your confusion between a Pastor and Judge. Moreover, you alluded to the leadership and or religious leaders of JWs without batting an eye.

That being said, there is no question no one but the successor of Pastor Russell led the Bible Students, that is a fact. The same leader of the Bible Students who had enough religious office to introduce the name Jehovah's witnesses in 1931.

No need to Fish Flail with that, of which you are doing. Just because JWs do not use rooted terms as much anymore does not disqualify the fact the roots still stand, i.e. Preacher, Minister, etc. which are all equated to Pastor, even in regards to high office or leadership alone or in body; holding of a church congregation, pertains also to an organized movement.

Nice try although a failed attempt to save yourself here - as predicted.

This is what happens when you are way too boxed in with falsehood, you end up in this predicament.

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I’m not petty, but I’m surprised that such an informed and knowledgeable debater like you mistakenly names historical figures from the WT.
Russell was called Pastor, and Rutherford was called Judge.

Does it make a difference what the title is @Srecko Sostar? Ministers go by many names. 


I have been called a Reverend in the past. 

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23 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Let us hear how official publication explained why Russell has been called "pastor".

By Rutherford's history, he did the same thing. Both he and Russell led the Bible Students.

Unless you believe somehow Russell continue onward beyond death to still lead, which remains to be seen.

Surely you can do better than that, Srecko.


That being said, Examples 1, 2 and 3, as with other notations has been refuted with facts. You do not have any more glasses to for your water, leaving you with the only option to attest to why you consider falsehood to be true. 

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29 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Although today's JWs consider Russell a forerunner of the representatives of the true God and also the founder of their religion and organization, they have renounced the use of the term as "pastor" and the like because such terms are in use by other religious communities that, JWs claim, are part of "false religion".

You almost had it right, then you took a hard left turn. Pastor Russell was not the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses. He was a True Bible Student, and the owner of the Watchtower publishing house, the Bible Students used to print their material. The Jehovah's Witnesses headquarters runs under a different schism now.


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3 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I have no problem with your explanation, but your JW friends have. :) 

Actually they are aware of roots - something of which both you and Witness got corrected on, before, even by others. Why else do you think they attest to Hebrew and Greek Text, your own quotation even gave an example, which is equated to Shepperd like. as is with Churches, despite not using the rooted term, the remark is represented in their place of worship.

That being said, once again, you've been shut down, as is your deniability of events surrounding even that of the Holocaust. If we are speaking of friends, you may want to deal with the one you follow, who is now the focus of your own community for brazen conduct, for his roots did not live up.

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2 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Actually they are aware of roots. Why else do you think they attest to Hebrew and Greek Text, your own quotation even gave an example, which is equated to Shepperd like. as is with Churches, despite not using the rooted term, the remark is represented in their place of worship.

That being said, once again, you've been shut down, as is your deniability of events surrounding even that of the Holocaust.

Are you a Pastor?

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20 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Are you a Pastor?

Does it look like a lead a church, former Deacon, you, of Restorationism?

The fact that you asked, putting yourself in another compromising situation:

Who was Pastor Russell's Pastoral Successor to lead the Bible Students?

Granted of your previous remarks, in a debate situation, you deliberately put yourself between a rock and a hard place.


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13 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Does it look like a lead a church, former Deacon, you, of Restorationism?

The fact that you asked, putting yourself in another compromising situation:

Who was Pastor Russell's Pastoral Successor to lead the Bible Students?

Granted of your previous remarks, in a debate situation, you deliberately put yourself between a rock and a hard place.


Perhaps or only in your mind. :)

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14 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Perhaps or only in your mind. :)

You're the former Jehovah's Witness, do not tell me suddenly your faith opponents is now above you granted as you portray them - Do you or do you not know who took over for Pastor Russell to lead the Bible Students?

You, not too long ago, pulled a source, The Watchtower associated with Jehovah's Witness, why avoid something so elementary. Even before that, majority of your posts elsewhere points to you knowing, so to speak.

Anyways, note what is in red.


Nice assumption, but as pertaining to everything I said in the past, that is unlikely. I do not lead institutions nor do I think of doing so. Now then, no need to run from what you opened the flood gates to.

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Once Reverend, always Reverend.

Actually, it wouldn't make a difference what the title is. Pastor Russell wasn't ordained in the conventional sense. He believed what Christians should believe, their ordination comes from God.

Another mistake you made, thinking Pastor Russell wasn't called ELDER.

but that they may have a third, or a fourth chance, and on without limit? Can Elder Russell tell? But it has been shown that Christ will never appear again in the presence of God for us after He comes; but at His coming, He will take vengeance on them who did not accept Him in obedience to the Gospel in this present life. (2 Thessalonians 1:7-10.) "And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day."

Therefore, that argument about titles, is moot.


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