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50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If you want, that expression is also good to use. Whatever we want to express, the reality of that time speaks to the positive and negative things about the WT.

Actually, your assumption here is flawed. Read the definition, and then try to understand. It's not that difficult. Then, place the definitions in its correct context. A failure here, in so many levels.

Let me see if I can refine it a little more for you. You keep seeing things in a political and worldly way.

The population of Athens was at least a quarter of a million. The oldest inhabitants were Pelasgians. Cecrops, the first traditional king, came from Egypt in 1556 BC, and by marrying the daughter of Actaeon, obtained the sovereignty. The first king was Erechtheus. Theseus united the twelve communities of Attica and made Athens the capital. After the death of Codrus in 1068 BC, the governing power was entrusted to an archon who held office for life. In 753 BC the term of office was limited to ten years. In 683 BC nine archons were chosen for a term of one year. Draco's laws, "written in blood," were made in 620 BC. Solon was chosen archon in 594 BC and gave the state a constitution. The tyrant Pisistratus was in control permanently from 541 to 527 BC; his son Hipparchus was assassinated in 514. Clisthenes changed the constitution and introduced the practice of ostracism.


"Knowing that the days are Evil"

The Apostle refers to this very tendency of our times. The pride of life and desires of the flesh never had so deep and broad an influence over the minds of the majority of mankind as they have at present. The increase of wealth, the comparative cheapening of luxuries; and the fact that these are becoming almost necessities, together with the growing ambition of our neighbors and friends -- all these things appeal to us and strive to get from us precious moments and talents, opportunities and influence, which as ambassadors for the great King we feel we ought, to be rendering to Him and to His service. The test is upon us, if we yield to the spirit of the world It means a corresponding loss of favor with our King; and if loyal to our King and our ambassadorship, it means that the world will think of us as foolish. As the Apostle says to himself, "We are counted fools all the day long," and as our Lord said, "The world will cast out your name as evil," and "whosoever will live godly in this present life shall suffer persecution" -- if not physical: Persecution, then a persecution of a more refined character, ostracism and sometimes boycott. He that endureth to the end faithfully, the same is to receive the crown of life. CR1907

In Russell's defense, by the looks of your comments and the foolishness of the video, he was right. Also, it's not a word I use, it's a word the Bible Students used in their time. They found it to be proper.


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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Be kind, so tell us. Has “ostracism,” of any kind, in the BS community in the past and today at JW, been/is proper way of behavior?

This depends on how you want to interpret your own context. 

"That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings." The fellowship of his sufferings includes a great deal. Many times it includes the ostracism of our friends. It includes the casting out of our name as evil. But God says to rejoice in those things, Why? Because if you are privileged to suffer with him, great indeed will be your reward in heaven. The question comes to you and to me, How much attention are we giving to finding out what God wants us to dot how much attention are we giving to the Word of God? You remember that I have called your attention a couple of times to reading the terms on your railroad tickets. A great many of you were confused because someone said this , and someone said that, and someone said something else, and you never thought of reading your tickets at all. So it is when these various doctrines come up.

"What is that you say? And, What is that, you say? And, What is that, you say,"  "Why don't you read your Bibles and find out what God says about it?”

"But I cannot understand it all." CR1910

*** w06 8/1 p. 19 The Fear of God—“A Discipline Toward Wisdom” ***
Note, in contrast, the way of those lacking insight: “The house of the self-exalted ones Jehovah will tear down, but he will fix the boundary of the widow. The schemes of the bad one are something detestable to Jehovah, but pleasant sayings are clean. The one making unjust profit is bringing ostracism upon his own house, but the hater of gifts [bribes] is the one that will keep living.”—Proverbs 15:25-27.


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7 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Context of USA. Period of slavery in USA. Period of racism in USA. 

Then this should be your personal workshop. To learn about racism in the USA. Start by things such as this.

Grady, Henry Woodfin (1850-1889). Editor and layman in Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Born in Athens, Georgia, after the Civil War, Grady graduated from the University of Georgia and studied law at the University of Virginia. Grady's interest in journalism led him to secure a loan enabling him to purchase a fourth interest in Atlanta's Constitution in 1879. Through his efforts the paper attained great influence in the Southeast, a position it retains to this day. Grady took the vanguard in championing worthy social issues, such as the problem of racism. His views were at times controversial, but his sincere intention and godly Christian character were widely regarded. As a member of First Methodist Church in Atlanta, he also championed the social views of the church, particularly prohibitionism. Through his efforts, impetus was given to the renewal of spirit in the churches and culture of the post-bellum South. edited by Daniel G. Reid

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4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

What was written in the past WTJWorg called as "new light" aka "The Truth". However, every “new light” that subsequently appeared on the pages of WTJWorg publications unequivocally declared the “old truths” to be lies.

Yet no evidence of the group being Racist, even Bible Students who know the history attest to the same thing.

What is a lie is the notation of Racist, and that has been refuted by means of your video.

4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

The thoughts of other people, like GB people, are expressed in the text of all published publications.

This stems beyond the GB, but then again, you do not know the second leader of your faith which contradicts your assertions.

4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

And we all see where it's going and where all those magazines and books are now. Discarded and rejected without any value for JW today.

Yet with a legitimate 1930 publication, you cannot attest to the latter, therefore, you bear a false witness.

4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

No, that's just one way of debating.

No it isn't. It is more inline with riddles. As a debater over the years whenever someone does this, it 100% deems one thing - being uncomfortable with the question in of itself. You didn't answer it because you did not want to devalue the video's first example, nothing more, therefore, fleeing from Facts. Although most JWs cannot debate, former JWs are not the best at it, many examples, as is the existence of SocoFilms.

To make it simpler for you, was the EXJW correct when he said Bible Students were Racists?

The fact that I quoted him directly, word for word in which both you and @Witness is ignoring shows the Agenda of justifiable Cause to preach a false narrative.

This also proves some EXJW are not as sound in regards to history about race issues. The same reason why even Reslight, who does not agree with JWs, to attack similar notations of yours.


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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Be kind, so tell us. Has “ostracism,” of any kind, in the BS community in the past and today at JW, been/is proper way of behavior?

Bible Student  - Reslight. He is still one despite his age. In regards to race, he took issue with whatever it was your shining star, Cedars, presented.

1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Context of USA. Period of slavery in USA. Period of racism in USA. 

For your sake, and @Witness' sake, Race issues, Slavery, Segregation, and all pertaining to it is not wise on your part to speak of things of which you know little of, granted, you referred to the latter as a Doctrine when it is not.

If you actually had the basics of such category, you would not be defending someone who attest to the past with modern notations. As is, his example on the Holocaust using a 1930s Awake, easily refuted with facts.

This should also bring forth perhaps a club for History itself for the lacking, such as yourself.

That being said

Archives: refuted because of an Intranet, be it in or out of a public domain.

Example 1: provied to be false because no Bible Student had been racist in the specific Era prior to becoming JWs.

Example 2: Refuted easily because of Antisemitism pushed Hitler and his minions to go after the Jews, the JWs came a bit later than that and they were never the first target, as the EXJW claims when atempting to use a 1930s Awake article.

Example 3: 1925... Nuff said for there is also ample information on this forum.

NOTE: The fact this EXJW is lacking in the Network field also shows this even to be more jarring.

  • Therefore the accusation of falsehood is true concerning the video.
  • The accusation of those defending falsehood is also true.
  • The accusation of the lack of critical thinking, also true.

The grave both you and Witness is digging, so to speak, is a rather deep one, perhaps far deeper than what Cos did a while back on here where he tried to change 4th century history. Not a good look.


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8 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

This stems beyond the GB, but then again, you do not know the second leader of your faith which contradicts your assertions.

:)))) SM

Perhaps we should start with this order and the title that does not list "leaders", but the presidents of the WT.
1. W.H. Conley
2. C.T. Russell
3. J.F. Rutherford

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10 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Perhaps we should start with this order and the title that does not list "leaders", but the presidents of the WT.
1. W.H. Conley
2. C.T. Russell
3. J.F. Rutherford

Just make sure your facts are straight since, the first two are relative to the Bible Students and the Zion Watchtower publishing house. Their association shifted after 1896 to the Watchtower 

bible and track society. That's the point of incorporation.

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6 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

:)))) SM

Perhaps we should start with this order and the title that does not list "leaders", but the presidents of the WT.


6 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

1. W.H. Conley

He was head of Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society, not the Bible Student (The Movement itself). It should also be noted that the Society was incorporated with Pastor Russell, who led the Movement in question.

For an EX-Jehovah's Witness, how is this unknown to you?

8 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

2. C.T. Russell

Pastor Russell led the Bible Students. He was an was an American Christian Restorationist minister out of Pittsburgh who founded what is known as the Bible Student Movement.

Strike 2 for ignorance on your part.

9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

3. J.F. Rutherford

Pastor Rutherford then took over for the late Pastor Russell. Not only he led the Bible Students, but had a role in some changes, especially the name in question, the name being Jehovah's Witnesses.


Surely you can do better than that, what makes this more sad is in the other pages, you pretended to not know who the second leader of the Bible Student was in order to protect the notations of the video as is support @Witness. The Hypocrisy stems even further from your past statements that align with Example 3, this is why anyone can say you are contradicting yourself when your own words were lined, and alluded to against you of which you claim denial.

A very bad look.

Now that you put yourself in this position, where did you get the notation that Conley lead the Bible Students when CTR was the founder? Alliance World Fellowship (The CMA) and Bible Students are 2 different things.

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27 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

To make it simpler for you, was the EXJW correct when he said Bible Students were Racists?

I don't know if he's (moderator of video) right or wrong. I can say that I do not believe that the BS were racists as a group. But I can also believe that some BS actions (individually or as group) could have been “racist” or bordered on “racism”. The existence of all-white and all-black assemblies in the United States will certainly not be in favor of their defense. Neither your's.

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