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Revelation 12 : 6. 1260 days. Revelation 12 : 14. a time and times and half a time. 3½ times = 3½ years, of 360 days Prophetic calender

Patiently waiting for Truth

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1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

ou're supposed to be a seasoned witness

You make statement coming from no-where.  I research things which are worth-while.  You know, mice do not play with the bullies.  They play once or twice with them but if they lose every time they lose interest. (this is a true experiment).

Humans can learn a lesson from this.  Unpleasantness makes people avoid people - especially if they are always looking for a fight and accuse you of wanting a fight.


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Once and for all, will you please get it right? I have not called you a “fool” or “stupid.” I have called you a “dodo.” Not me.

I wasn’t thinking about you at all when I made that remark. I meant only that I try not to argue or insult others. Okay, okay, so you’ve got me there. Nobody has infinite patience. But even the

The Babylonian calendar was the same as the Jewish calendar.  Their pagan festivals of course fell on other days.  Many of the post-flood nations followed the moon calendar because it was the "pl

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7 minutes ago, Arauna said:

You make statement coming from no-where.  I research things which are worth-while.  You know, mice do not play with the bullies.  They play once or twice with them but if they lose every time they lose interest. (this is a true experiment).

Humans can learn a lesson from this.  Unpleasantness makes people avoid people - especially if they are always looking for a fight and accuse you of wanting a fight.


Then apply it to yourself. You are the bully, not me. I didn't engage in your comment, you engaged in mind. Get over yourself and stop making excuses to pick a fight with me. Leave that for your spouse. He has to live with you, I don't nor would I ever wish to.

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Just now, Arauna said:

that is the purpose of a forum? 

Like I said, if you want to fight with others, that's your prerogative. I get banned every time I speak the truth, while you people continue unimpeded. So, NO! I won't engage with your bullying. @Pudgy has begun his obtuse criticism about it.

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4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Like I said, if you want to fight with others, that's your prerogative. I get banned every time I speak the truth, while you people continue unimpeded. So, NO! I won't engage with your bullying. @Pudgy has begun his obtuse criticism about it.

Obtuse is in the eye of the beholder.

I proved, from your own posts, that you told   4 lies about me, and one possible lie about State law concerning me.

PROVING someone is a liar and a slanderer is hardly obtuse.….. reminds me of the story about Adolph Hitler, who in his Berlin Bunker knew the Allied Armies had penetrated Berlin from the East and the West, and just before he committed suicide,  turned to an Aide, and said “You know, those Allies just cannot take a joke ….”

You get banned over and over because you are a compulsive liar and slanderer.

It’s not obtuse at all.

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3 hours ago, Pudgy said:

I proved, from your own posts, that you told   4 lies about me, and one possible lie about State law concerning me.

Then you don't know the North Carolina laws very well. Get out of Gaston once in a while. Learn from a real lawyer.

But, your excuses to me are meaningless. So, Blah! Blah! Blah! Dog boy.

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2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Then you don't know the North Carolina laws very well. Get out of Gaston once in a while. Learn from a real lawyer.

But, your excuses to me are meaningless. So, Blah! Blah! Blah! Dog boy.

SOooooo…. I challenged you defend your lies and slander with facts, and instead you replied with irrelevancy, and “…. Blah! Blah! Blah! ….”.

You choked, and remain convicted by your own words, as a liar, and a slanderer.


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The two or more times you were previously exiled from the Archive here was not because you told the truth, as you assert, but because you were a liar and slanderer on those occasions as well.

You seem to be intelligent enough to deflect and weasel, but otherwise a compulsive liar with delusions of grandeur that requires you to call others “fools”, and “stupid”, as well as make up lies about them. 

That makes you both sad, and dangerous.

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13 hours ago, Pudgy said:

delusions of grandeur that requires you to call others “fools”, and “stupid”

Um, Tom used to call me those names. Is Tom dangerous ???????????????

But back to topic. I tried to bring in some scripture and spiritual thinking here, but i see it didn't work :) 

I get more satisfaction from Facebook than here, and SM warns against FB. :) The FB pages are far less agressive that this forum.   

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On 2/19/2022 at 12:21 PM, Arauna said:

If I remember correctly they inserted a partial month every few years so everything would line up. 

True, but it was always a FULL month added, not a partial month. There is no such thing as inserting a partial lunar month. A lunar month always started on the day when the first new moon crescent would appear. If anyone tried to add a partial month, then every month after that could never begin on the day of the first new moon crescent. The phases would become meaningless, and no one would be able to tell for themselves what day it was, nor when to celebrate a holiday.

There is no way to know exactly what method was used throughout Jewish history, but it ultimately settled into a system similar to the Babylonians, where full months were added every two or three years to make a 13 month year instead of a 12 month year. The cycle repeated every 19 solar years because that many solar years just happens to almost exactly equal 235 lunar months, always counting from new moon to new moon. if every year was left at 12 lunar months, there would only be 19 x 12 = 228 months, so they had to add 7 more full months every 19 years.

Tropical year = 365.24219879 days.
365.24219879 x 19 = 6,939.602 days (every 19 years)
Synodic month = 29.53058868 days.
29.53058868 x 235 = 6,939.688 days (every 235 months)
The Insight book acknowledges this:

*** it-1 p. 390 Calendar ***
We do not find record of a definitely fixed or standardized form of Jewish calendar until the fourth century of our Common Era (c. 359 C.E.), when Hillel II specified that the leap years of 13 months should be the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 19th of each 19 years. Such a 19-year cycle is commonly called the Metonic cycle, after the Greek mathematician Meton (of the fifth century B.C.E.), although there is also evidence that such a cycle was perfected before him by the Babylonians. (See Babylonian Chronology, 626 B.C.–A.D. 75, by R. A. Parker and W. H. Dubberstein, 1971, pp. 1, 3, 6.)

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On 2/24/2022 at 2:39 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The FB pages are far less agressive that this forum.   

Indeed. It's sad, Jehovah's Witnesses are as aggressive as former Jehovah's Witnesses. People just want to fight, and insult others instead of acting like Christians. Sad, those witnesses here corrupt Christianity for the visitor.

But, then again, who really is Christian here? James 4:11

Now, you should realize, that person you're interacting with, is in your camp now. So, technically, it's a former Jehovah's Witness being aggressive.

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