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Not sure if anyone saw this before concerning the Rephaim

Space Merchant

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It was mentioned be a Truther in the community as is the video - https://www.jpost.com/christianworld/article-696572

Although there are clues in some regards over in Israel, some people I have seen are jumping to conclusions, even going as far as to mentioned not only Biblical notations, but apocryphal ones. Ironically enough, the UN, today's Wild Beast, surrogate child of Bailey, isn't too far from this area granted of what they are conducting there, moreover, this has opened up some debates.

Some are connecting this to The powerful Amorite king of Bashan, Og (associated with the Rephaim), mentioned in the Bible's Old Hebrew Testament whereas the Israelites defeated prior to the crossing over into the Promised Land sometime near the end of their 40 wandering in the wilderness.


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I am so sorry. Somehow my remarks did not translate. ‘Your remarks prove otherwise’ means that you are being modest, and that you obviously are intelligent. The big dumb animals ramming each othe

The only thing I know for sure on this topic is that when I relied on A.I. to transcribe a Bible talk, it rendered ‘Nephilim’ as ‘Netflix.’

This proves you do not know what JW teach and what they base it on.  The bible itself says at psalm 90 how long a generation is - it is NOT a hypothesis!    The span of our life is 70 years,Or 80

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Just for your information: the Rephaim and the Philistines are related.

REPHAIM (Rephʹa·im). A tall people or tribe. There is uncertainty as to the meaning and origin of the name. Likely, they were called Rephaim because of being descendants of a man named Raphah. At 2 Samuel 21:16 ha·Ra·phahʹ (literally, the Raphah) seems to employ the father’s name to stand for the entire giant race.

2 sameul 5:18 :   Then the Phi·lisʹtines came in and spread out in the Valley* of Rephʹa·im.

1 chron 20:6

 War broke out yet again at Gath,k where there was a man of extraordinary size,l with 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot, 24 in all; and he too was a descendant of the Rephʹa·im.m  8:  These were descendants of the Rephʹa·imp in Gath,q and they fell by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants.

As you can see there was some family genetic defect because some had 6 fingers and 6 toes.


The Anakim were also related to the Rephaim.  Read under anakim: " A race of people of extraordinary size who inhabited the mountainous regions of Canaan as well as some coastal areas, particularly in the S thereof. At one time three prominent men of the Anakim, that is, Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, resided at Hebron. (Nu 13:22) It was here that the 12 Hebrew spies first saw the Anakim, and 10 of the spies subsequently gave a frightening report of the experience, alleging that these men were descendants of the pre-Flood Nephilim and that, by comparison with them, the Hebrews were like “grasshoppers.” (Nu 13:28-33; De 1:28) Their great stature caused them to be used as a standard of comparison in describing even the giantlike men of the Emim and the Rephaim. Their strength apparently produced the proverbial saying: “Who can make a firm stand before the sons of Anak?”—De 2:10, 11,

In Joshua’s rapid sweep through Canaan, he gained victories over the Anakim in the mountainous regions, destroying their cities, but others remained in the Philistine cities of Gaza, Ashdod, and Gath. Whether the Anakim were related to the Philistines, as some suggest, or were only associated with them is not stated in the record. (Jos 11:21, 22) Later, Caleb requested the city of Hebron (Kiriath-arba) and its territory, as promised him by God. (Jos 14:12-15; Nu 14:24) It appears that the Anakim had reestablished themselves in this area, perhaps while Joshua and his army were continuing their conquest in the northern parts of Canaan, and hence Caleb was now obliged to reconquer the territory.—Jg 1:10, 20.


There is a lot of speculation on internet that the Anakim and Rephaim are the offspring of Nephilim and they survived after the flood Hybrid races cannot breed.  So when Jehovah exterminated the Nephilim with the flood, they were not ever found again.  

Intermarriage of very tall people can produce moretaller people and so we see that these tribes were well known for their size.   (Large dogs and small dogs come from the same original dogs which came off the ark of Noah.)

Those angels who had children and came to earth were put in Tartarus after the flood and could not materialize again.  

There is a lot of mis-information about the wicked angels going around which almost gives credence to the story that Nephilim survived the flood. Of course they all use the Book of Enoch - which is a second century book written 2000 years after the flood.  Enoch was a seventh generation grandson after Adam and Adam was still alive when Enoch was born.

Enoch was a faithful man (approx 5th century after Adam) and would not have written a false history down.  Enoch was “transferred so as not to see death,” which may mean that God put him in a prophetic trance and then terminated Enoch’s life because he had many enemies.  He was a prophet of righteousness like Noah.

Some Jewish zealot in the 2nd century decided to write this book and today it is used to spawn a lot of false teachings. The Hebrew scriptures were put together by Ezra in 5th century BCE.  So the hebrew scriptures were already completed by the time a "person who called himself Enoch" decided to add some inaccurate stories to the bible.  While there was a lot of Jewish oral tradition, it is doubtful that this written book was saved by Noah and survived the flood on the ark.

The best preserved book of the book of Enoch is the Ethiopian one and those from Qumram in Aramaic.  So it seems to have been some sects which used these books. 

The indications that this book is not inspired is its references to Enoch visiting the heavens a few times

I quickly looked up its contents:  a list of the main subjects:


  • 1–5. Parable of Enoch on the Future Lot of the Wicked and the Righteous.
  • 6-11. The Fall of the Angels: the Demoralization of Mankind: the Intercession of the Angels on behalf of Mankind. The Dooms pronounced by God on the Angels of the Messianic Kingdom.
  • 12–16. Dream-Vision of Enoch: his Intercession for Azazel and the fallen angels: and his Announcement of their first and final Doom.
  • 17–36. Enoch's Journeys through the Earth and Sheol: Enoch also traveled through a portal shaped as a triangle to heaven[citation needed].  
  • 17–19. The First Journey.
  • 20. Names and Functions of the Seven Archangels.
  • 21. Preliminary and final Place of Punishment of the fallen Angels (stars).
  • 22. Sheol or the Underworld.
  • 23. The fire that deals with the Luminaries of Heaven.
  • 24–25. The Seven Mountains in the North-West and the Tree of Life.
  • 26. Jerusalem and the Mountains, Ravines, and Streams.
  • 27. The Purpose of the Accursed Valley.
  • 28–33. Further Journey to the East.
  • 34–35. Enoch's Journey to the North.
  • 36. The Journey to the South.

These few subjects should give you a good indication while some even prove (by means of this book) that the demons are aliens visiting us.


I have seen so much of this on the internet that I avoid it. 



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17 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Enoch was “transferred so as not to see death,” which may mean that God put him in a prophetic trance and then terminated Enoch’s life because he had many enemies. 

Such a statement, based on a biblical passage, raises the question; Enoch was not the only "righteous man before God" on earth. If so, why did God not himself cause the "transfer to death" of many of his "Witnesses," men, women, and children, but allow them to die in agony at the hands of their "numerous enemies"?

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@Space Merchant

To a none believer, this might cross their minds.

Compromise (6:1-7).

Some interpreters view 6:1-7 as an invasion of fallen angels who cohabited with women and produced a race of giants. But as interesting as the theory is, it creates more problems than it solves, not the least of which is the union of sexless spirit beings with flesh and blood humans. Even if such unions did occur, could there be offspring and why would they be giants? And how did these "giants" (Nephilim, "fallen ones") survive the Flood (v. 4; Num 13:31-33), or was there a second invasion of fallen angels after the Flood?


Sons of Elohim and daughters of men

Sons of Elohim and daughters of men: -- Opinions have differed greatly as to the meaning of the name "Sons of God," or rather of "Elohim." The rabbis, as was natural, from their love of the marvellous, took for granted that the fallen angels are meant; since "nephilim" is derived from the verb "to fall." Hence Apocryphal Jewish literature assumes this constantly, while not a few writers of the most opposite schools still support this explanation, which, nevertheless, seems fanciful and ungrounded. The giants are not said to have been "the sons of Elohim," and their name may as fitly be explained as referring to their "falling upon" their fellow men as by any mysterious connection with the rebel angels. Nor does the name "sons" of "Elohim" necessarily refer to angels at all; for the word "Elohim" is used elsewhere in Scripture of men. Thus, in Ps 82:1, we read that God "judges in the midst of the Elohim," who are shown in the next verse to be those who "judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked.”





(ji'-ants) The word appears in the King James Version as the translation of the Hebrew words Nephilim (Gen 6:4; Num 13:33);  repha’im (Deut 2:11,20; 3:11,13; Josh 12:4, etc.);  Rapha’ (1 Chron 20:4,6,8), or  Raphah (2 Sam 21:16,18,20,22); in one instance of  Gibbor , literally, "mighty one" (Job 16:14).

In the first two cases the Revised Version (British and American) changes "giants" into the Hebrew words "Nephilim," nephilim, and "Rephaim,"  repha’im, respectively (see these words). The "Nephilim of Gen 6:4 are not to be confounded with the "mighty men" subsequently described as the offspring of the unlawful marriages, of "the sons of God" and "the daughters of men." It is told that they overspread the earth prior to these unhallowed unions. That the word, whatever its etymology, bears the sense of men of immense stature is evident from the later passages; Num 13:33. The same is true of the "Rephaim," as shown by the instance of Og (Deut 3:11; Josh 12:4). There is no doubt about the meaning of the word in the ease of the giants mentioned in 2 Sam 21 and 1 Chron 20. See also ANTEDILUVIANS .


How would a Christian answer such questions by, archeological proof?

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@Arauna Yes. Ever since it came up the Apocryphal crowd came on to the scene to discuss despite the fact the majority knows the issue with that text. Also this notation is true about Enoch which is factual according to Scripture vs those who believe he somehow went to Heaven. The Bible was clear, he was no more, but most overlook it when the Bible states this. Enoch's situation was similar to others, for instance Elijah. There were some debates whereas I always coin the fact that a dead man cannot write letters to a living King (Jehoram); in reality, God simply moved him. Some do not pay attention to Strong's either, assuming Heavens to be where God is when in reality Heavens can also be referred to as the sky, etc.

That being said, the rock formation is indeed interesting, but like I said, some people jump to conclusions. The good thing is in the community, most people know the Book of Enoch is an Apocryphal.

26 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Such a statement, based on a biblical passage, raises the question; Enoch was not the only "righteous man before God" on earth. If so, why did God not himself cause the "transfer to death" of many of his "Witnesses," men, women, and children, but allow them to die in agony at the hands of their "numerous enemies"?

You may want to re-read on Enoch's situation and what led up to it. One thing for certain, regardless of the Mainstream idea, Enoch was not instantly transferred to Heaven, and like what @Arauna said he was in some form of a trance, and evidently, was no more - did not see death.


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@Dmitar It would depend, the stronger someone believes in an Apocryphal text, the harder it is for them to let go of it in an attempt to profess them to them they are not of the inspired text. So with this rock formation, they'll come in with trying to mix the inspired with the uninspired. But as for the onlooker, someone will need to inform them as to why Apocryphal text isn't as favored.

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8 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

You may want to re-read on Enoch's situation

You may want to re-read my comment.

10 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

he was in some form of a trance, and evidently, was no more - did not see death.

Did not see death....? 

What do you mean? That he didn't see his enemies kill him? That he didn't die at all? Or what else?

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54 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

It would depend, the stronger someone believes in an Apocryphal text, the harder it is for them to let go of it in an attempt to profess them to them they are not of the inspired text. So with this rock formation, they'll come in with trying to mix the inspired with the uninspired. But as for the onlooker, someone will need to inform them as to why Apocryphal text isn't as favored.

Can Christian challengers be included?

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