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What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???


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Well I'm sure everyone knows. There is a lot of media talking about it and there are even claims of misleading videos and articles in an attempt to push war.

I know we have a lot of brothers and sisters in Ukraine wondering if anyone here knows someone. There's been a lot of Ukrainians fleeing the country. One of my cousins his girlfriend is Ukrainian and even her father is visibly shocked by all of this, mainly due to the fact he was in his country after the events of Crimea.

Friends of mine are worried about a possibility of a draft, they know Witnesses don't go to war but they're saying, assuming, things might end up like Vietnam whereas a lot of young folks were sent into war. Although I tried to tell them something like that may not be a possibility however I did inform them it may be different with Ukrainians because Russia is next door to them.

Outside of that you have the pro war people and ofc some former members of our faith making theories, mainly those who were in favor of what the Kremlin did to our congregations. There was one who admitted he was sorry tho. But all in all this is a bad situation for everyone. 


I am also wondering what drove Putin to go ballistic at a critical time 🤔

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The first revolution was a color revolution (orange revolution) - CIA has orchestrated many of these across the world.  They also changed the regime again at the last election with puppets in power. 

On day one of the Olympics I stopped by Pearlsnswine’s house and mentioned Biden had tied his shoe. ”We are no part of the world!” he rebuked me. On day two of the Olympics I stopped by Pear

No - in your home you may try to talk to a perpetrator and get out of a bad situation (I have done it while in field service).  But taking a gun with intention to use it (because it can be fatal), is

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34 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

I am also wondering what drove Putin to go ballistic at a critical time 🤔

“Putin’s spiritual destiny

The religious president wants to rebuild Christendom”





Fraser is a media-savvy priest—both a journalist and broadcaster.. He said some kind things about Witnesses a few years back, though he tempered it by saying their tracts were “cringeworthy.”

Doesn’t matter. I’ll take it with a thank you. After all, those tracts aren’t exactly designed for PhDs, are they? It was a good writeup:


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Only thing we should be sure to remember is Daniel 11 and 12 - King of the North in the time of the end.  Read over Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy, chapters 15 and 16, which are being played out now, mostly in Russia, but might soon apply  to other areas. 

Remember we are neutral in these conflicts and to pray for our brothers.



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52 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

Well I'm sure everyone knows. There is a lot of media talking about it and there are even claims of misleading videos and articles in an attempt to push war.

As I mentioned in the other thread to both Srecko and Witness, misleading information can cause problems, in this case, fear and war-mongering, something of which CNN, MSNBC, The Atlantic, The Guardian, and a list of others along with people on YouTube and other media are doing, not to mention Propaganda Pieces, something of which the US did when they promoted a Neo-Nazi group known as The Azov Battalion, recognized Neo-Nazi Military Unit in Ukraine that seek a gain from the situation.

That being said, Left Leaning News and publications, as is their politics and or those who have that mindset are always the ones start up the fire to get everyone's attention, i.e. Cenk Uygur, the uncle of Capitalist Hasan Piker.

56 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

I know we have a lot of brothers and sisters in Ukraine wondering if anyone here knows someone.

There are potential outcomes, in which [A] Those of your faith community will be among those who are called to arms to fight for Ukraine, and if not will either be among those who flee or be possibly imprisoned. [B] Should Russia do a full takeover, anyone among your faith and or anyone who is among those of which does not have the Russian ideology, will possibly face consequences; as is persecution, extreme type (dark), granted this situation triggered even that of the people in the religious world who, some may be supporting Putin.

The most damning thing is in regards to some of what Putin said of Ukraine, he was correct, example of this is in regards to NATO as is Ukraine's adaptation of Western ideology, which introduced even the likes of Wokeism.

58 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

There's been a lot of Ukrainians fleeing the country.

Yes. However, some cannot escape (similar to the events of Afghanistan) because they are within a crossfire zone or they are hiding in their homes or else, some are hiding in the subways, all of which could be an issue granted bombs and missiles are being used in the area.

Sadly some have died, and some are witnessing warfare, even the likes of children in which a child thought it was fireworks outside, but really it was bombs and missiles being used.

1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

One of my cousins his girlfriend is Ukrainian and even her father is visibly shocked by all of this, mainly due to the fact he was in his country after the events of Crimea.

It isn't a surprise because many people and Ukrainians are not happy with what is going on, sadden, some didn't think the invasion would be done but it did; however, the writing was on the wall for those who knew what is to happen, even the events leading up to Putin's gain of power - a man who had nothing, joining the KGB, aiding Russia in a dark time and the power he now has, wanting to revive what made the Russian Empire Great. His Religious Conquest for Power and his high Ego has pushed him in this direction, the Russian-American Investors deem this to be Putin's Holy War, wanting to be essentially like Vladimir Lenin, in which they think he is not only corrupt, but insane.

1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

Friends of mine are worried about a possibility of a draft, they know Witnesses don't go to war but they're saying, assuming, things might end up like Vietnam whereas a lot of young folks were sent into war. Although I tried to tell them something like that may not be a possibility however I did inform them it may be different with Ukrainians because Russia is next door to them.

That is unlikely, but a possibility, that is, if the current US president does not mess up, let alone allies and even the likes of the very organization that has a foot in most Super powers, the UN, forces it's hand, like they did to Syria (also causing war) and to the events regarding Muammar Gaddafi, although dead, but didn't realize his son was released from prison a while back. This is why I stated the Wild Beast is on the move, always pay attention to the Lion in the field so you do not come into direct contact with it.

1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

Outside of that you have the pro war people and ofc some former members of our faith making theories, mainly those who were in favor of what the Kremlin did to our congregations. There was one who admitted he was sorry tho. But all in all this is a bad situation for everyone. 

Well this isn't new, if members of your former faith praised Putin for banning your faith, there is no doubt they will use the situation of war now to justify their disgruntled view. It is also likely if the escalation quickens the reset route, which may cause an systematic situation takes place in the US, they'll be the types to hunt you and your faith. A contact of mine in Russia stated a while back to the people of your former faith that the RU military, some of them wish death on the West, so keeping whatever energy they have about Putin and the ban will come back to bite them. Evidently, there is a few who actually want Putin to succeeded just to get rid of your faith, which even calls back to a remark I made in the past on this forum concerning 2017.

That being said, them and Pro-Putin types are among the many with their ideology pushing for stuff like this. Prior to the invasion, there has been Bots all over the place.

1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

I am also wondering what drove Putin to go ballistic at a critical time 🤔

What you see now is nothing compared to what is to come should the other dominos fall. Putin's actions, ironically, some points he made he was correct concerning NATO and the fact that Ukraine became a puppet to them and the West, however, the actions taken by him is what fueled this, even as we speak now, protesting in Russia, as big as the ones back in 2017 are taking place, but Russia as shut it down, displaying the power they have, effectively showing Putin's Ego is beyond the needs of his people and the lives of others; in effect, also sacrificing the lives of those in Ukraine for his dream of his grand empire. Moreover, Pro-Kremlin people even protesters favor Putin's action thinking this is a liberation whereas the US and their allies are saying they are the liberators.  As a side note, Ukraine (even NATO) is infested with Wokeism, also something of which Russia and their allies also hates, it also shows the effect the Cult of Wokeism has on various people, even the likes of Super Powers.

Putin gives threat should anyone get involved, there will be things that no one would see before, therefore no one knows; misleading sources are pointing towards nukes, however one fabled urban legend of a weapon is also talked about, known as Rods from God, Kinetic bombardment from orbit, possibly more devastating than nukes, in short, rods that come at the speed of sound from space to hit targets, a 1950s idea, but a crazy one, as it is unlikely. Not to mention Markets in the RU are down 40%-50%~.

Sanctions would never work because Russia's allies, namely China, is backing them. Speaking of China, China is blaming the US, and as we speak, there is fear of an action being done to Taiwan should the US get involved; using the situation to gain the country of which could cripple the West greatly, in addition, the situation is complex due to Ukraine being a trading partner with China while being somewhat of an enemy to Russia. The UK and Ukraine is pushing for removing Russia from SWIFT, which in response, Russia will see this as an act of war.

The ramifications of these events will effect everyone shortly, beyond gas and energy. There are more dominos that has not fallen yet and should they fall, burst of escalation across the board. The situation with NATO is a deep seeded one. Something of which the US had the chance to change a while back, going as far back the 1990s, some of us Truthers attest to the situation of Madeleine Albright, who was among those who pushed NATO expansion into the EU, leading to this disaster of a situation you see before you.

That being said, many of us Truthers, Preppers and Journalists were talking about this for a while, of potential conflict and events leading up to it, even the likes of Alex Jones, and every time many of us were censored. To those who do not know things, like members of your former faith as is Pro-Russian Kremlin folks do not know as to why some events over the years, primarily from 2014 and onward outside of NATO would lead to this.

The fact that Russia took this action and potentially China, it will cause even other allies of Russia to take action, therefore, The United Kingdom, France, Israel, even Germany would be in trouble, as is secondary allies of the US who may get cause in the crossfire should Russia expand beyond Ukraine, granted Belarus and Poland is nearby should things spill out more over to them. The potential of other countries to get involved, will inevitably make the situation dire, more so a NATO ship that was destroyed is associated with Turkey, this also leads Ukraine to tell Turkey to shut off Black Sea Routes.

All that being said, there is a lot more stuff going on, and some of us are paying attention to the situation heavily. Remember, be very careful of misleading videos and media that push propaganda and opinions that are murky, as mentioned there are censors going around.

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44 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

Only think we should be sure to remember is Daniel 11 and 12 - King of the North in the time of the end.  Read over Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy, chapters 15 and 16, which are being played out now, mostly in Russia, but might soon apply  to other areas. 

One of their allies is already blaming the US for everything while at the same time readying themselves to target Taiwan. Under the United Nations' banner, China is the biggest ally next to Russia.

One thing for certain, NATO, who is also unclean, namely one of their former Generals, Wesley Clark, wanted a war, even now, they push this as a challenge.

All in all a time for every person to be vigilant, even in the area of which any of us live because such an escalation and falling of dominos can turn, perhaps the friendly neighbor into a potentially dangerous pursuer, for if the COVID-19 Endemic can change some people to ne negative, it will be no surprise if this is the same case from an indirect event due to the Invasion and actions of other countries.

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2 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

Remember we are neutral 

On day one of the Olympics I stopped by Pearlsnswine’s house and mentioned Biden had tied his shoe.

”We are no part of the world!” he rebuked me.

On day two of the Olympics I stopped by Pearlsnswine’s house and mentioned Trump was playing golf.

”We must keep our eyes on Jersusalem above!” he said. 

On day three of the Olympics I stopped by Pearlsnswine’s house and he was watching the games on TV.

”Look at that medal count, Tommy!” he hollered. “We’re cleaning up!” 

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The Jews that understood what was going on during World War II and lived in countries subject to Nazi occupation if they could sold everything they had and evacuated those countries. Some of their homes and possessions had been in their families for centuries and they sold them at $.10 on the dollar, or the equivalent.

Some chose to immigrate to America, and some chose to get even further away to remote Pacific Islands like Iwo Jima, or the equivalent.


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The signs were there already early on!  Kristallnacht was an indication of that which was to come...... but most hoped for the best and thought it would pass. 

16 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

hey could sold everything they

They should have left without anything.  But they did not. 

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11 minutes ago, Arauna said:

The signs were there already early on!  Kristallnacht was an indication of that which was to come...... but most hoped for the best and thought it would pass. 

They should have left without anything.  But they did not. 

It depends on how prescient, and motivated a person is. 

If you leave without anything, your choices of how to get away are severely limited.

There are many who in times of crisis hear someone yell “DUCK !!”, and they stand up and look for a duck. And then there are those like the Hero’s of Ukraine Snake Island, who when the Russian Warship demanded their surrender, chose to die fighting … and the civilians, who are arming themselves to fight.

Short of the use of atomic, biological, or chemical warfare, I can easily see the Russians will be beaten.…. As the Soviets were beaten in Afghanistan by tribesmen with WW1 rifles and American shoulder launched Stinger Missiles.

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Well I guess I spoke too soon. There was an emergency about a day or two ago regarding the need for men able and willing to fight, resulting in some staying to fight and those fleeing with their families, as of recent this report came in:

Reports: Ukraine bans all male citizens ages 18 to 60 from leaving the country

Therefore, any member of your faith will be subjected to (possibly), along with those who are Anti-War, to the cited below.

4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

There are potential outcomes, in which [A] Those of your faith community will be among those who are called to arms to fight for Ukraine, and if not will either be among those who flee or be possibly imprisoned. [B] Should Russia do a full takeover, anyone among your faith and or anyone who is among those of which does not have the Russian ideology, will possibly face consequences; as is persecution, extreme type (dark), granted this situation triggered even that of the people in the religious world who, some may be supporting Putin.

As for those who are not so much religious but Anti-War who are male, there was talks of Wartime cross-dressers, a possibility in regards to those who want to try and escape.

That being said, this was inevitable. Either be victim by the Ukrainians or the Russians (damned if you do, damned if you don't), hence this being in between a rock and a hard place type situation.

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10 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

Remember we are neutral

In the spirit on neutrality I offer up this experience. No way can it be seen as partisan:

A former team leader was from Ukraine. I would ask her whether back home they had this or that, as though a primitive country, and she finally said, ‘Of course we do! You think we live in trees?’ Thereafter it became a running joke. ‘Tatiana, do you have bathrooms in your country?’ ‘No, Tom, we use the woods.’

This is the same team leader who laughed herself silly after both she and I worked under a bigger boss—a real dragon who would take your head off for the slightest infraction. Now, you were supposed to download your machine before leaving one area to enter the one under her supervision. I had forgotten to do it. I knew she’d squawk plenty over it. How to cover up my mistake?

Another employee made the transfer into her area. ”Did you download your machine?” the dragon asked. He admitted he had not. As she glared at him, I said, ’Honestly, I don’t know what is wrong with him! I take him back there myself and make sure he does it!”

I didn’t fool anyone. But I gave them all a good laugh. Even the dragon was temporarily checked.

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