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What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???


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The first revolution was a color revolution (orange revolution) - CIA has orchestrated many of these across the world.  They also changed the regime again at the last election with puppets in power. 

On day one of the Olympics I stopped by Pearlsnswine’s house and mentioned Biden had tied his shoe. ”We are no part of the world!” he rebuked me. On day two of the Olympics I stopped by Pear

No - in your home you may try to talk to a perpetrator and get out of a bad situation (I have done it while in field service).  But taking a gun with intention to use it (because it can be fatal), is

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On 2/25/2022 at 8:31 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

Putin’s spiritual destiny

The religious president wants to rebuild Christendom”

You know, after viewing JWI’s video, I look at this with more skepticism.

It is really just Frazer’s opinion that Putin, aware of the past, wants to drive its repetition, as though on a holy quest. He doesn’t really present facts to link the two. You could even paint Putin as the hero in that he wishes to preserve the traditional role and definition of family. Fraser (I think) is more “progressive” in these matters.

It’s hard to tread water in a sea of liars. I almost regret posting it. Our organization itself avoids getting so specific. Bland though their ‘current events’ articles can seem, (see today’s website lead: ‘Russia Invades Ukraine: Is Bible Prophesy Being Fulfilled?) it is safest to simply point to Daniel pushing and shoving verses and leave it at that. They’re actually just latching on to a headline, but in no way do they explore it.

(Or maybe I’m just mad that he called our tracts “cringeworthy.”)

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3 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

and they did not love their souls*+ even in the face of death."

Death spoken here is spiritual. It’s being thrown out of the synagogues/Kingdom Halls, shunned. We gotta remember, Revelation is symbolic and spoken in signs.

It about the anointed and their JW’s friends that don’t fear being disfellowshipped while losing their lives in the organization for speaking the truth in their congregations. They loved the truth more than their status, more than keeping their friends or any love of their family in organization (Matthew 10:37; Luke 14:26; Philippians 3:7-9). 

“They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.” John 16:2

Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death [once you are put the death you will be shunned and hated], and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake.” Matthew 24:9

Taking a bullet to the head is the easy way out. If Putin were an enemy that would be great, but he’s just a distraction. Satan knows being called trash for the rest of your life till’ you’re physically dead for speaking the truth to an organization is much, much harsher on the back, he’s a master at this.

“We appeal gently when evil things are said about us. Yet we are treated like the world’s garbage, like everybody’s trash—right up to the present moment.” 1 Corinthians 4:13

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A Heart for Prayer (vv. 6-9)

                But there is an application to believers today, for we are God's people, citizens of the heavenly country, and we must pray for one another and for the ministry of the churches. We belong to each other, we need each other, and we must help each other. We must pray for peace within and among the churches. We must pray for the needs of "our brothers and friends," and surely we must pray for the lost.

2:1-7 Pray for peace and for the gospel. We are to pray for everyone, including those in authority, so that we might live in peace (2:1-2). But the main purpose of our prayers is that the gospel may go forth unhindered, for Jesus is the only Mediator between God and humankind (2:3-7).

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15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

as though on a holy quest.

Russia has seen a revival of religion and family values - Alexander Dugan is the phylosopher that they all were careful of 20 years ago because he said that Russia must rebuild her history and national character through their tradition of religion. Now, the government listens to him. Putin led the nation back to "God"  and many have joined the cult of nationalism in quasi-membership of the church.  And since Putin believed he was "chosen" , it is not strange that he could think he is on this world to lead the Russian nation to victory and glory under himself - and he will be the hero-savior of it all. 

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16 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Our organization itself avoids getting so specific. Bland though their ‘current events’ articles can seem, (see today’s website lead: ‘Russia Invades Ukraine: Is Bible Prophesy Being Fulfilled?) it is safest to simply point to Daniel pushing and shoving verses and leave it at that.

"In the early morning hours of February 24, 2022, Russia began a military invasion of Ukraine, despite the efforts of world leaders to avoid war."

That statement from the website is bland enough, as you say. Of course, that particular quote from the website could just as easily have been worded to the effect of:

After world leaders had spent 8 years pushing war in Ukraine and avoiding offers from Russia for negotiations to avoid war --and while those same world leaders pumped in BILLIONS of dollars of military weapons so that Ukraine could continue to bomb citizens in its own Russian-speaking regions-- Russia finally takes military action itself and invades Ukraine.

My concern goes a bit farther here. I understand why there is a need at Bethel to continue trying to identify and settle on a current candidate for the King of the North and the King of the South, but it strikes me as very arbitrary and shows a real lack of neutrality to make such statements as this in the article:

"Watch the video Fulfilled Prophecy—Daniel Chapter 11 to learn why Russia and its allies can be identified as the king of the north."

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Arauna, your quote of my words was several words short of my actual words.

If you’re going to quote me, please quote with complete sentences.

It is  my firm belief that justIfied self defense in and of itself does not convey the mark of the beast. In the Ukraine right now Ukrainians without joining the military are preparing to defend their homes.

My wife and I eat almost every day at the Golden Corral restaurant here in the United States, it’s a great buffet which if you get there before 4 o’clock you can get the senior discount for lunch, and two minutes later have the dinner and so we eat, if we want  steak every day, or shrimp or catfish.

Today every piece of steak we got was terrible interlaced with fat and gristle and I told the man cooking the steaks I said

“Do you know it’s a good thing the cows do not have guns, and it’s a good thing the Ukrainian people do, otherwise THEY might be on the menu.

He grinned knowingly, and continued to cook up some steaks, and I moved down the line and selected something else to eat.

Ever see the Twilight Zone episode “To Serve Man“?


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2 hours ago, Pudgy said:

is  my firm belief that justified self defense in and of itself does not convey the mark of the beast

I think you do not understand the Bible prophecies then.  I can only urge you to not put too much emphasis on your own opinions and wisdom and do a more in depth  study of the bible.   JWs have more than adequate material online for you to look at.  I do not want to get into a debate right now about this.

I liked your little video but I saw the hopelessness on the part of the cows to take up their weapons....  Just like all revolutionaries, they burnt their own food in the protests ..... similar things I have seen in Africa.  In the end they were still slaughtered.  It should have taught you a lesson.   We cannot get ourselves out of bad situations with violence.  Violence begets violence. ... as as clear in the video.

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

Putin led the nation back to "God"  and many have joined the cult of nationalism in quasi-membership of the church. 

I guess they have! From KGB direct to Church hierarchy, including the current head Patriarch. Just came across this beaut:


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3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

a current candidate for the King of the North and the King of the South, but it strikes me as very arbitrary

It did create a barrier during Soviet times, according to Baran’s book. A reference or two during Rutherford’s time to the “Iron curtain” didn’t help either. Could they not have said ‘guardrail?’


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