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What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???


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The first revolution was a color revolution (orange revolution) - CIA has orchestrated many of these across the world.  They also changed the regime again at the last election with puppets in power. 

On day one of the Olympics I stopped by Pearlsnswine’s house and mentioned Biden had tied his shoe. ”We are no part of the world!” he rebuked me. On day two of the Olympics I stopped by Pear

No - in your home you may try to talk to a perpetrator and get out of a bad situation (I have done it while in field service).  But taking a gun with intention to use it (because it can be fatal), is

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It did create a barrier during Soviet times, according to Baran’s book. A reference or two during Rutherford’s time to the “Iron curtain” didn’t help either. Could they not have said ‘guardrail?’


I am not sure how ‘arbitrary’ it is though, @JW Insider. A ‘pushing and shoving’ between competing systems of government is even how most non-Witnesses view the world

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Is anyone threatening to take them? Or is it just a possible “Meet the new boss” who may or may not be “same as the old boss?”

I really have no idea, because you’d have no idea what the differences between deception and propaganda that is normal during time of war.

however the news reports I have seen seem to indicate that the Ukrainian citizens are asking for completely on their own initiative weapons to fight the Russians and are being given weapons by the military. I have seen pictures of women who are part of the Ukrainian legislature with a rifle on their backs,  in the office.

and these are fully automatic weapons.

The Ukraine has a long reputation for being an extremely corrupt nation, perhaps even equaling our state of Illinois, or Louisiana so you really don’t know what’s going on.

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You know that Russia has always been said that its the king of the north, but the below artical seams to say other wise from history. I had always thought of China as the king of the north, i could be wrong.

Tell me your thoughts on this.



There is a remarkable similarity between the "Czech Crisis" of 1938-39 and the "Ukrainian Crisis" of 2022. In both cases, a peace-seeking but strong national leader -- relentlessly pushed and viciously slandered by the Globalists and their vile henchmen in the Piranha Press -- was forced to make a move upon a Globalist-occupied neighboring state which was abusing his countrymen there and being used as a staging ground to menace the Homeland itself.

In both cases, these leaders, for years, tried in vain to resolve an unjust situation diplomatically; but were repeatedly lied to and threatened by the Globalist-owned "free world" states to the West.

In both cases, these leaders, backed by a show of military resolve, finally deactivated a world war triggering point and set up (or recognized) a pair of friendly protectorates.

And, of course, in both cases, Sulzberger's Slimes and the rest of the whore-pack Judenpresse squealed in horror, "Invasion! Invasion!" as the United States imposed sanctions.
March 15,1939
March 19, 1939
1939: Hitler recognizes independent protectorates -- USA responds with sanctions.

DW News // February 21, 2022
February 24, 2022
2022: Putin recognizes independent protectorates -- USA responds with sanctions.
Putin = Hitler? Actually, in many ways, yes -- which is a good thing in our book.

Fortunately for the world, the one key difference here is that back in 1939, the deactivation of the crisis in Europe was short-lived because the Globalists had a backup plan for provoking a war with Hitler's peaceful Germany through Edward Rydz Smigly -- the expansionist-minded mad military dictator of Poland. But in 2022, there will be no war against Russia because the Globalists are not in control -- at least not to the extent they need to be in order to pull off a major operation such as a world war.

Also working in favor of peace and justice this time around is the power of Russia itself -- a nation which, when Vlad the Bad came to town more than 20 years ago-- was on its knees and relatively toothless in the face of US / NATO / CIA / NGO aggression all along its frontiers and especially in the former Yugoslavia. It was Putin the Great who brought Russia back to a point where, by 2016, he was able to talk tough and back it up.

UK Express: (October 18, 2016)
Headline: Vladimir Putin
warns Americans are in 'impending and grave danger' as he accused the United States of lying over its nuclear capabilities and revealed Russia continues to develop new generation warfare.

Putin: “I’m not going to list everything, all that matters is we have modernized our military-industrial complex and we continue to develop new generation warfare. No matter what we said to our American partners to curb the production of weaponry they refused to cooperate with us, they rejected our offers, and continue to do their own thing.

They rejected everything we had to offer. So here we are today and they’ve placed their missile defense system in Romania always saying ‘we must protect ourselves from the Iranian nuclear threat’. “Where’s the threat? There is no Iranian nuclear threat.

The missile defense systems are continuing to be positioned. That means we were right when we said that they are lying to us. ... So they built this system and now they are being loaded with missiles.... We know that technologies advance. We even know in which year the Americans will accomplish a new missile, which will be able to penetrate distances of up to 1000km, and then even further. “And from that moment on they will be able to directly threaten Russia’s nuclear potential.

We know year by year what’s going to happen and they know that we know. It’s only you (the media) that they tell tales to, and you spread it to the citizens of your countries. Your people, in turn, do not feel a sense of the impending danger - this is what worries me. How can you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction?


Yes indeed; though all of bewildered Normiedom remained oblivious to the severity of the situation, those were some very dark and dangerous days in 2016. And with all expecting Satan's Bitch to take over where the warmongers of Team Obongo would leave off in 2017, World War III against Russia & China -- or at least a pair of really nasty regional wars in Europe and Syria (as we warned at the time)  -- seemed inevitable. George Soros was even threatening as much! (here)

It was the stunning rise of Donald Trump -- coupled with the resurgence of Russia (both elements were necessary) -- that saved the world from the planned international bloodbath. But don't hold your breath waiting for either Trump or Putin to be awarded the "prestigious" IgNobel Peace Prize any time soon. Only Globalist warmongers and Communist scumbags win those.
Russia, like Germany in 1938-39, has every right to overthrow an abusive and hostile puppet regime that the Globalists set up on its border.
Washington Post
The Daily Mail
Hitler: "For months the Germans in Sudetenland have been suffering under the torture of the Czechoslovak government. The Sudeten German population was and is German. This German minority living there has been ill-treated in the most distressing manner. ... It is a lie when the outside world says that we only tried to carry through our revisions by pressure. On my own initiative I have, not once but several times, made proposals for the revision of intolerable conditions. All these proposals, as you know, have been rejected - proposals for limitation of armaments, proposals for limitation of war making." 
Reichstag Address, October 1, 1938
/ (Read his amazing speeches in "Mein Side of the Story")
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On 2/26/2022 at 1:23 PM, Pudgy said:

….. And considering the question of neutrality and how God is it relates to the affairs of men more and more I’m wondering of Joseph‘s relationship to the Egyptian government of his time. He was the third ruler of the land, Under the son of Pharaoh, and my guess is he was roughly the equivalent of here in the United States the Secretary of Defense.

Since he was obviously a Hebrew, did he give his allegiance to the government of Egypt which in those days was the Pharaoh in the house of Ra?. It is my understanding that the term pharaoh actually means “the house of Ra“.

Joseph controlled the food supply for the nation of Egypt for at least 14 years in a time when everybody had a tendency to steal food for at least seven of those years.

I can easily visualize Joseph having to order armed soldiers to protect those granaries during the times of starvation especially.

Considering the responsibilities of his job as Secretary of Defense and Agriculture, do you think it bothered him to control the forces that protected the assets of the Egyptian government, and Egyptian people? To chastise them unto death?

I can easily visualize bandits in raiding parties attacking the granaries, and him having to kill them to make them stop. Perhaps not personally, but ordering the forces that were necessary to have it done.

I can also easily visualize Joseph maintaining his integrity to God and maintaining his allegiance to God, while serving the house of Ra in the exact same way as if his allegiance was to Egypt, and perhaps at some point in time he did have to give that also to the Pharaoh, even if only a secondary allegiance in order to protect Egypt’s food supply, which naturally extends to protecting Egypt’s borders from invasion by outside nations that we’re devastated by starving populations during the day 7 “lean years.”.

I am in my bed now writing this on my iPhone, having just awakened from a very vivid lucid dream in full color, (I generally do not dream in color, all my life I have dreamed in black and white), And the dream was about this issue.

I think it was inspired today when I learned about the 13 soldiers that died on Snake Island in the Ukraine when ordered to surrender by a Russian warship on the Black Sea, and they replied “go F—- yourself”, Which was the ultimate defiance and for which they paid the ultimate price.

I was so proud of them at that moment that I cried like a baby and feel much like many Texans do when they hear the story of the Alamo.

I guess this means that I am not neutral, anymore.

it means you had a very emotional dream that caused you to remember some very brave acts of men who died for what they believed in.

The colour thing happens with lots of people now and then or even only once in their life time..some people dream in colour all the time…it doesn’t make them inspired.

I too have admired many different soldiers for their bravery and their deaths…I have cried because of their heroic acts..no matter what nation they were from …I am in awe when I hear about the men who defended Darwin when the Japanese constantly attacked and Churchill refused to send a defence..and considered Darwin and Australia expendable…theses men fought with bare chests due to the heat…they fought knowing they were alone and abandoned..they did not expect a victory…I admire them…and I thank them..and I cry when I hear them talk of it….I sat with a highly decorated Vietnamese vet on The edge of his bed with my arm around his shoulders as he wept and told me of his missions in Nam….I quietly sang to him a verse of a song which I know they all sang over there…” We gotta get out of this place if it’s the last thing we ever do “…he looked at me with his tired worn out face and said…how did you know that….he has died now.

None of that makes me political..what you feel does not make you political.

It makes you humane and an admirer of bravery in the face of diversity and death….and you weep with them at their pain and loss…you admire their sheer bravery and sacrifice……sorry Pudgy nor does it make you inspired …but hang in There.

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On 2/26/2022 at 11:02 PM, Pudgy said:

True, that.

But I do not believe justified self defense conveys the “mark of the beast”.

If I am wrong, perhaps I should not have everlasting life.

It always bothered me that true Christians seemed to be the ones most afraid to die.


Well it depends on how I’m to die…put me up against a brick wall and firing squad..yeah..I could handle that..even a gullatine is doeable….but being skinned alive…..well…yeah I’m going to run…!!!

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16 hours ago, Randy Lee Manning said:

ow that Russia has always been said that its the king of the north,

No - not true.  If you read our publications it was Germany before Russia.  Germany stopped the preaching work and put Jehovah's people in prison.  

There is a separate prophecy which deals with the incarceration of the GB in prison- which happened in the realm of the King of the South.

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19 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Putin is justifying this war - and while he has more than enough evidence and good reason to distrust the West - we know he represents the king of the North and will get a message from the remote north and east (Jehovah and Jesus) and go out to annihilate... (most probably together with his allies).....before he comes to his demise.... but this will happen at jehovah's time when the West and King of North have both reached the point where Jehovah decides - now is the time.

Very interesting what you say, as always.

But, look, I think there is a lot of evidence that the USA is the king of the north. I hope to have time one day to explain myself better, just to advance two things:

  • In our explanations it has been said that Russia has worshiped the "god of fortresses" as meaning that it invests a lot in armament (more tanks and less butter), as they used to say.

But according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures it turns out that the USA spends TWICE as Russia, India and China TOGETHER.

  • And about the King of the North's mood to invade. Sure, drawn from the Western perspective Russia is the bad guy, but what if we include the US role in Afghanistan, Iraq, South America, Vietnam and many others?

Well, just this that I don't have time today. But I insist, AND I MAY BE WRONG, but I think there would be grounds for thinking that the north and the south...

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1 hour ago, ComfortMyPeople said:

Very interesting what you say, as always.

But, look, I think there is a lot of evidence that the USA is the king of the north. I hope to have time one day to explain myself better, just to advance two things:

  • In our explanations it has been said that Russia has worshiped the "god of fortresses" as meaning that it invests a lot in armament (more tanks and less butter), as they used to say.

But according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures it turns out that the USA spends TWICE as Russia, India and China TOGETHER.

  • And about the King of the North's mood to invade. Sure, drawn from the Western perspective Russia is the bad guy, but what if we include the US role in Afghanistan, Iraq, South America, Vietnam and many others?

Well, just this that I don't have time today. But I insist, AND I MAY BE WRONG, but I think there would be grounds for thinking that the north and the south...

I have often wondered this as Anglo American powers have flooded other lands and gain their riches and ruled their governments with cunning..read confessions of a economic hit man ….what lands have Russia flooded over…?..or perhaps they are about to?…so many questions ???

But then the Anglo American powers have not really hurt Jehovah’s people to badly…so that doesn’t fit ?

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5 minutes ago, Thinking said:

But then the Anglo American powers have not really hurt Jehovah’s people to badly…so that doesn’t fit ?

Yes, yes. But...

Why do we have to limit ourselves only to past events? WWI and WWII events

Are we sure that the situation is not going to change? I mean, that the USA will remain relatively moderate and tolerant until the end, that it will always respect us

Are we sure that the horn persecution of Daniel 7 (and 😎 has already happened? And that of Revelation 11, 12 and 13, has it already happened? Sure?

Well, it could be, but it doesn't add up to me.

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4 hours ago, Thinking said:

I too have admired many different soldiers for their bravery and their deaths…I have cried because of their heroic acts..no matter what nation they were from …

I always hear out veterans. I will seek out their stories whenever I see a ‘Veteran’ designation on door or car. They have no stories to tell and, for the most part, no one wants to hear them. So I do. I often start by observing ‘how can you not admire someone willing to put his life on the line for what he believes?’ 

I just hear them out, regardless of which way it goes. Sometimes, though I do not insist upon it, I get to throw in the observation that while his/her bravery and conviction is admirable, were he living anywhere else in the world, that bravery and conviction would be directed to another entity, and isn’t that a strange way to run a world?

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