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What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???


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3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

This has NOTHING to do with @Arauna, s comment.

She responded to you but made the mistake of referring to me. You alone mentioned church and state in this thread.

3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Care to give it another shot?

Ok, did you or did you not make the notation for Church and State? As far as I can see, page 10, you were the only one.

There is no shame in a response that was made.

3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

You do enjoy playing with words, don't you.

I do play, I simply quoted. You and myself.

3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Reminds me a lot of @JW Insider.

JWI do not normally attest to call backs as I do. Page 10 is literally there.

That being said, mentioning him is quite irrelevant.

3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

He enjoys playing with words, and thinking he can get into people's minds by upsetting them while making people believe, he is the innocent one. 😇😅

No one needs to believe if the latter can be quoted.

3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Yet, your poor example goes toward me, stating Jehovah's Witnesses HERE don't make that distinction, and don't separate themselves from church and state. Hence, YOU ARE WRONG!

Interesting, so you telling me you knew about 2016 now puts forth a contradiction.

That being said, they're not in connection with the state. If they were, there wouldn't be a need for the Mainstream to pursue and dismantle them, so much so, using various movements to do so, namely, those who believe in the Triune. This also goes back to me referring to Gobitis in the other thread.

Separation of Church and State is associated with the 1st Amendment, specifically, The Establishment Clause. It separates church from state, but not religion from politics; the favoring of one political side vs the other. Someone who is Neutral does not lean for either political side. As of Babylon, although they attest to this notation, they are two-faced, rely on the state for various things, hence 2016 as is the Interfaith, putting forth Religion and both political leaning sides into one.

That said, as we can see here in this thread, even prior, JWI has no political side, he already pointed out he does not like the leaders involved in the Ukraine situation, as are others. The only other person who attempted to link them to the Left Wing side, Democrats, was Witness' Source, Smurf Girl, however, this information was both false and misleading due to information found, likewise when she used Rick Fearon as a source, it was unfounded, but in reality, Fearon held the view and used his influence to gain converts among EXJWs and people of other faiths. This also equates to what the media was confused about during the push for vaccinations.

So if I was wrong here, then your response would have included a legitimate political leaning side. The irony here is the article you linked, which alluded to the things I have been saying as is things mentioned here, hence those in the crossfire who are not involved.

3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

@Arauna, s comment that @Thinking is referring to, has nothing to do with my comment. So, continue to dig a deeper hole.

Actually it was in regards to the Church and State notation - you were the first to coined this in this thread.

That being said, if you say something, you stand by your word, do you not? I do not see why it is different with an opinionated remark.

Anyways, the remark made towards your comment is indeed true, not sure how much of an experience you have dealing with Mainstreamers who do lean either Left or Right.

3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Do you.

I do.

3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Your demonstrations suggest otherwise. 😀

Not really if there is evidence, as is facts.

Unless, you can show me who leans where, then you have a case.

That being said, since we are on that topic, there as been some who has been tricked by the paradigm, for you reacted to my comment to Butler, whereas he was fooled by Wokeism, as is Alt-Right narratives.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

She responded to you but made the mistake of referring to me. You alone mentioned church and state in this thread.

Then she responded wrong as usual. However, I personally would never make that assumption. Therefore, your reply was also inconsistent.


1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

I do play, I simply quoted. You and myself.

Yeah, you enjoy misdirection. Therefore, I know.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Interesting, so you telling me you knew about 2016 now puts forth a contradiction.

Another example of misdirection. Keep on playing, player!

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Separation of Church and State is associated with the 1st Amendment, specifically, The Establishment Clause. It separates church from state, but not religion from politics; the favoring of one political side vs the other. Someone who is Neutral does not lean for either political side.

So, you personally don't believe in Jesus words. But, nice justification for not wanting to be a true Christian. It seems, Jehovah's Witnesses HERE are applying this kind of none Christian conduct to excuse their behavior too.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

That said, as we can see here in this thread, even prior, JWI has no political side, he already pointed out he does not like the leaders involved in the Ukraine situation, as are others.

Being political doesn't necessarily have to be about picking sides. That's political affiliation. Two separate issues. So, defending your Jehovah Witness friend @JW Insider doesn't help your cause.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

So if I was wrong here, then your response would have included a legitimate political leaning side. The irony here is the article you linked, which alluded to the things I have been saying as is things mentioned here, hence those in the crossfire who are not involved.

I don't need to. You're doing fine with your misdirection. Once again, the irony of combining separate issues to mean nothing.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Actually it was in regards to the Church and State notation - you were the first to coined this in this thread.

That being said, if you say something, you stand by your word, do you not? I do not see why it is different with an opinionated remark.

Repetitive and none responsive. The question was already answered by your misdirection

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Not really if there is evidence, as is facts.

Unless, you can show me who leans where, then you have a case.

That being said, since we are on that topic, there as been some who has been tricked by the paradigm, for you reacted to my comment to Butler, whereas he was fooled by Wokeism, as is Alt-Right narratives.

Mind games, love it!

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:
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2 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Then she responded wrong as usual. However, I personally would never make that assumption. Therefore, your reply was also inconsistent.

You were quoted, word for word. One can't refuse separation if they were never part of it, so much so, their opposition makes it obvious.

3 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Yeah, you enjoy misdirection. Therefore, I know.

You don't because I do not.

4 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Another example of misdirection. Keep on playing, player!

This is what you said to me when I coined the events, not so much of a misdirection of there is evidence to said response.

An appeal to motive cannot help you here.

4 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

So, you personally don't believe in Jesus words.

Jesus was aware of the situation in his era, however, he does not lean for any side expect God's Kingdom, as is his Will and Purpose for mankind. As for his followers.

5 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

But, nice justification for not wanting to be a true Christian.

A True Christian isn't part of the state or the paradigm. Hence your latter response, is now a contradiction.

6 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

It seems, Jehovah's Witnesses HERE are applying this kind of none Christian conduct to excuse their behavior too.

But why equate them to be associated with the state when they are not? The application of which you made a remark to does not make sense for if you push it off without explanation, it holds no water. Hence the example in regards to church and state pertains to the year coined, 2016, and for good reason. I thought you knew, but apparently not, although you did agree with me in the other thread concerning influence and those swept away.

For this event did happen, evidence to it is also noted.

Well to apply the notation seems unfounded if there was no presented examples. For, if something of that nature is addressed, the people should know, even those who visit here. It also puts you in the spotlight because of the article you sourced in this thread whereas the persons involved did draw concerns for the events of Ukraine, but not politically involved.

9 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Being political doesn't necessarily have to be about picking sides.

On the contrary it does, for it relates to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group in politics; hence leaning.

However, there is no question for that both you and I are aware people can be tricked by the influence of the paradigm, not realizing they accepted an ideology of said side. There are examples.

11 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

That's political affiliation.

So who here is on the Left or the Right in the political paradigm?

13 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Two separate issues.

Not really granted the reponse.

14 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

So, defending your Jehovah Witness friend @JW Insider doesn't help your cause.

I need not defend someone who literally stated he does not like any of the leaders of the paradigm, the irony here is even the former JWs here would say this, despite a few being tricked by the paradigm's influence until it was explained to them.

That being said, the sudden mention of him, for possibly the 4th time, is irrelevant, so much so if you cannot accurately determine which side is is on when he expresses nothing.

You are beginning to make a parallel remark as my rival did before her arrest. That is quite the memory.

16 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

I don't need to. You're doing fine with your misdirection.

Unfortunately it isn't a misdirection, granted you cannot verify your claim on the matter. Therefore, Hitchens Razor.

18 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Once again, the irony of combining separate issues to mean nothing.

Yet we see you address a source as seen here -


13 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Pray for the brothers in Russia and Ukraine.

Jehovah's Witnesses flee Russia for worship without fear (msn.com)

Hence what I said from the beginning, those caught in the crossfire of these super powers. Clearly if you understood the events of Russia 2017, you'd realize what I had been saying here already.

Then again, you might equate this to conspiracy or, shifting, as you call it.

20 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Repetitive and none responsive. The question was already answered by your misdirection

Then why make a remark of the latter? I make a response to a response, for it was brought up because of what you stated in your own words.

21 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Mind games, love it!

They're not mid games because there is legitimate evidence in all of what was mentioned to Butler.

Therefore, your response is null, if all of the remarks to him have call backs.

He isn't Political, he is Neutral, but fell for paradigm influence easily, as is almost accepting propaganda of a conspiracy theory group that is a fringe in the US and have some holding in the UK.

For some of these groups play a role pertaining to the propaganda storm of the paradigm, even regarding that of Russia and Ukraine.

Appeals to motive do not work on me, at all, as is the opposite of the razor. In this sense, it does not provide any justice to the visitors here if you do these things.

Therefore, perhaps next time, be cautious of what you say if you can't hold your own words to a candle.

Also FYI, going back do your source regarding the Russian JWs, perhaps by your logic, it makes you leaning in one of the political sides, but clearly, as with most here, you yourself is neutral too.


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*** ws18 June pp. 3-4 par. 2 “My Kingdom Is No Part of This World” ***
2 Today, more and more people have attitudes like those three once had. Many political groups use violence to gain independence. It is common for people to fight about politics. And in many countries, people mistreat foreigners more and more. Just as the Bible foretold, people are “not open to any agreement” during these last days. (2 Timothy 3:1, 3) How can Christians remain united while the world becomes more divided? We can learn much from Jesus’ example. People in his day were also divided by strong political opinions. In this article, we will learn the answers to three questions: Why did Jesus refuse to get involved in any political group? How did Jesus show that God’s people must not take sides on political issues? And how did Jesus teach us that we should never use violence?


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@JW Insider So the Independent Journalist (who gets angry in this one) speaks again. Video is somewhat long, but there are parts pertaining to how this could effect people. As in regards to what was said about China may be taking place and there is escalation. Elsewhere there is talks about Cyber Attacks being increased so many will have to brace.

Aside from that the conflict has caused some people to react to some acts that they would not normal do, such as steal gas from other cars due to the current situation - https://www.wvva.com/2022/03/11/criminals-are-getting-creative-steal-gas-your-tanks/



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The actions of these super powered countries are definitely hurting people who don't want any involvement. The News is so confusing that eventually you don't pay attention to it at all unless something serious does happen, but at the same time, their actions are affecting us - paying more for rice and gas right now. I heard wheat is also up in price by 30ish percent or so not too sure, so, anything wheat related will slowly climb up.

Does anyone know if any of our brothers and sisters got out of Ukraine?

The sting from Russia and what they did back in 2017, some EXJWs are bringing it up again >_<, wanting Russia to deal with our brothers and sisters in the country; those who supported the ban apparently...

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@JW Insider Not sure if you seen this yourself, but now they've pre-screened Tiktok Influencers to push Propaganda. There are certain people the White House picked on purpose in order to draw in people to listen to the message of which they preach concerning Russia - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10620781/MEGHAN-MCCAIN-Biden-White-House-resorted-using-teen-TikTok-stars-political-propagandists.html

As for the Hunter Biden Laptop, I got hit with many censors for that one, as did many, and all of a sudden as of recent, now the MSM is saying it is true. Ironic. 

@Equivocation This is your generation of people, by the way, although some from mine, the millennials, push this, the TikTok gen are essentially frontline. Regarding Tiktok, and what you can see is an example of ill influence, bribery, etc. Legitimate Indoctrination fueled by Propaganda. This has already spilled over to other communities, and effectively into the history books. This Tiktokers also assumed that dancing would effect and or stop the war, which is nonsense.

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On 3/18/2022 at 11:51 AM, Space Merchant said:

@Equivocation This is your generation of people, by the way, although some from mine, the millennials, push this, the TikTok gen are essentially frontline. Regarding Tiktok, and what you can see is an example of ill influence, bribery, etc. Legitimate Indoctrination fueled by Propaganda. This has already spilled over to other communities, and effectively into the history books. This Tiktokers also assumed that dancing would effect and or stop the war, which is nonsense.

Well I mean you can't blame them tho lol, our generation is often times strange. But yeah Tiktok has a lot of propaganda going on too. I usually just watch it for friends, sports, and memes, check up on how others are doing, etc. but just to get around that other stuff is annoying. Speaking about memes, this is an example


I heard about the bribes. I also heard about crazy stuff about people being trapped in Ukraine, what both you and @JW Insider mention in the other thread, elsewhere I heard important Russian figures gone missing, a crazy time we are in, but what to expect from the current system of things.

My cousin's girlfriend's father almost went to his country to fight for it, almost. He does not believe the trapping thing is true but since the media and news is getting to his emotions, even if it is propaganda, I guarantee he is believing it as something true.

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4 hours ago, Equivocation said:

Well I mean you can't blame them tho lol, our generation is often times strange. But yeah Tiktok has a lot of propaganda going on too. I usually just watch it for friends, sports, and memes, check up on how others are doing, etc. but just to get around that other stuff is annoying. Speaking about memes, this is an example


I heard about the bribes. I also heard about crazy stuff about people being trapped in Ukraine, what both you and @JW Insider mention in the other thread, elsewhere I heard important Russian figures gone missing, a crazy time we are in, but what to expect from the current system of things.

My cousin's girlfriend's father almost went to his country to fight for it, almost. He does not believe the trapping thing is true but since the media and news is getting to his emotions, even if it is propaganda, I guarantee he is believing it as something true.

He should delve into Ukraines President..and his past..it might give him second thoughts…

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@Equivocation The Tiktok community, or the influencers should know that dancing will not help soldiers or stop a war. But yes, @JW Insider and I brought up the whole trap situation. As for the high Russian officials, they are missing, granted, they are in connection with the Nuclear option, so people are speculating, even some assume Putin to have taken them out so he has access to the Nuclear option. Then there is the other scenario, The Dead Hand Switch whereas such an option could automatically trigger via systems should anyone having access to the Nuclear option to be taken out.

Speaking about memes, there was this one cited by an Independent Journalist, the meme is called we are all laughing until we see the mushroom cloud. Although memes have their time, the super powers are playing a dangerous game.


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7 hours ago, Thinking said:

He should delve into Ukraines President..and his past..it might give him second thoughts…

Some could, but granted on how enticed people are by the Propaganda the MSM is putting out, it is hard for them to detach from it. This same Propaganda has gotten people killed, especially those who seek to volunteer. In this sense, going there, and doing things on social media effectively ended the lives of volunteers directly and indirectly.

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