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Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?

JW Insider

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Instead of Christians trying to compare notes on what's happening in Ukraine, they should instead focus on what Jesus taught and Let's Pray for Peace in Ukraine.


ESV 1 Timothy 2:1-2

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

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A new thread on Ukraine was not needed at all. But I wanted to discuss this point of Ukraine "Nazification" in more detail. I think it's much more important to an understanding of what is going on in

I agree with you totally - but an opinion does not necessarily express sympathy for one side or the other side.  Most of it is just to find clarity about the background of what is going on.  We are st

It's just my personal opinion, but discussion can help a Christian be informed. A person might think that in order to be neutral, it would mean that we should state that the policies of India in 1948,

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6 hours ago, Arauna said:

The link is to greatgameindia.com but this article is an exact copy from rt.com. A lot of Russian articles on RT are propaganda, but this one was about as accurate as any I have ever seen (in my opinion). Thanks.


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And Jesus said 'My Kingdom is no part of this world' 

And why would a true Christian be having opinions about politics and about war ?  

As for praying for peace in any country, um. We don't need the knowledge of this world for us to know that 'this world is passing away'.  We do know that there will not be true peace in this world because we are close to the end of 'this system of things'. And when they cry out 'Peace and Security' we also know the result of it. 

But you all seem happy with your own therioes on this war and on certain men, so I'll leave you with it.

The UK was built on war and blood. America was built on war and blood.  Probably every country that now exists was built on war and blood. Ony YHWH, through Yeshua, will remove all that wickedness. 


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There is no evidence whatsoever, zero, zip, nada, Jehovah God or Jesus Christ intervened in anyway whatsoever during World War II or any conflict in modern times in any way whatsoever.

There is no evidence that a single individual’s eventuality was changed by divine intervention in anyway whatsoever.

There is no evidence that any nation’s eventuality was changed by divine intervention in anyway whatsoever.

Irregardless of a plethora of competing religious theories, ideas and concepts, there’s absolutely no evidence to suggest otherwise than we are on our own, and have to manage the best way we can.

Jehovah God did not stop Adolf Hitler, or Pol Pot.

Nor did he intervene in any way in Grand Prairie Texas when four sisters were driving in Field Service, were T-boned at an intersection  and killed.

Of course you are welcome to any theory you want.

Reality, the way things really are, cares nothing about our convenient fantasies.


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@JW Insider   I am suprised this topic is on a JW page. Aren't there other pages for political topics ?

I actually find it an insult to YHWH and to Yeshua to have this topic on what should be a 'spiritual' page. 

Or maybe it is aimed at being isulting to non-JWs. The JW view seemingly that if a person is not a JW then they cannot be serving YHWH through Yeshua. 

Actually @JW Insider I am suprised at your lever of interest in such matters, but then maybe I should not be suprised by  anythng here. 

The more I observe the 'American way' the more I believe that the True Anointed remnant should not be gathered together in the USA.  In fact i believe that the True Anointed remnant should not be physically gathered together in any one country.  With the many means of communication, including the angels, there is no need for them to be all in one place physically.


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4 minutes ago, Arauna said:

  We are still in this world and cannot go out of it.

Yeshua was in this world, but he was no part of it. The Apostles were in this world, but no part of it. 

10 minutes ago, Arauna said:

So please tell me what I can do with my time?

It is not my place to tell you anything really, and yes, we all have different lives to live. 

I am also retired (72) and I sometimes find it difficult to fill my days in a productive way. My wife and my 27 year old son fill a very big part of my life, but there are times when I'm on my own and searching for things to do.  

17 minutes ago, Arauna said:

. so I like to watch how Jehovah's prophecies are going into fulfillment.

Be honest. Do we really know ?  The Watchtower / GB / Org have changed their minds on things so many times, and JWs are 'not supposed to' form their own opinions it seems. 

Each war, to me, is just another war. Faulklands, Vietnam, UK idea of 'weapons of mass destruction' wherever that was. It all means nothing to me other than it proves that humans cannot rule themselves properly. 

23 minutes ago, Arauna said:

As the GB have shown - we must not take our eyes of the promises of Jehovah and try to develop the qualities of Jesus - keep our eyes focused on Him.

No it isn't what your GB 'have shown'. it is what YHWH word and the words of Yeshua have made clear. 

Christian love to you, John 

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12 hours ago, Pudgy said:

There is no evidence whatsoever, zero, zip, nada, Jehovah God or Jesus Christ intervened in anyway whatsoever during World War II or any conflict in modern times in any way whatsoever.

There is no evidence that a single individual’s eventuality was changed by divine intervention in anyway whatsoever.

There is no evidence that any nation’s eventuality was changed by divine intervention in anyway whatsoever.

Irregardless of a plethora of competing religious theories, ideas and concepts, there’s absolutely no evidence to suggest otherwise than we are on our own, and have to manage the best way we can.

Jehovah God did not stop Adolf Hitler, or Pol Pot.

Nor did he intervene in any way in Grand Prairie Texas when four sisters were driving in Field Service, were T-boned at an intersection  and killed.

Of course you are welcome to any theory you want.

Reality, the way things really are, cares nothing about our convenient fantasies.


What about when Gabriel fought with the prince of Persia ( demon Angel) for sometime and he had to call on Michael the archangel to help him so he could get the messages to Daniel…does that count.?…or when Joshua came upon Michael the Commander of Jehovahs army and got given advice….would that count???.I dont know I’m just asking?


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@Patiently waiting for Truth Because people are enabled to be aware of the things around them, even in Bible times, this was the case.

As pointed out before.

On 8/21/2021 at 3:33 PM, Space Merchant said:

No man ignores a loose Lion hiding in the tall grass as he walks by the beast. To be aware of things, knowing the workings of the real enemy, it gives you the opportunity to evade, and protect oneself from danger, unlike the man, you'll have awareness to not even walk along the tall grass.


That being said, hypothetically speaking, if there was a serial killer in your neighborhood, you would not be oblivious to that notation and you'd be extra careful. even should the police get involved, you can give incite if you witness anything, moreover, you can proclaim the message to your household so they do not become victim, but rather, cautious of interactions. As with the events of Russia, some of us saw this coming, the writing was on the wall.

Likewise, talking about the issue with Ukraine, one does not need to dwell on politics, but it shows a sense of awareness.

But you must be vigilante also, depending on how Bojo operates, he can indirectly effect you, move with caution. Granted he and the Ukrainian President were pushing on the SWIFT issue with Russia.

Also this

3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

UK idea of 'weapons of mass destruction' wherever that was.

Be careful of what the MSM tells you, for even the UK is tied into the Agenda.


@JW Insider I had to stop paying attention to the situation with Ukraine for 2-3 days, there was a missing persons issue close to home concerning a contributor, so I had to help with that and it was resolved. Speaking of RT News, apparently they were hacked, and the claim now is that Anonymous had involvement with it. Some of us see this as out of the ordinary for the group to do such a thing concerning their view of the Constitution and Free Speech. Aside from that, there is tones of Propaganda just coming out of the Woodworks.

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On 2/25/2022 at 9:19 PM, JW Insider said:

Just saw a Youtube episode of Jimmy Dore (below) who hits many of the same points that I (and others) have made about Ukraine. A little too defensive of Putin, and too snarky in general, but accurate on most of the points he does present. Some of the best points are about the hypocrisy of the U.S. rhetoric, a point he actually understates.

I am familiar with Jimmy Dore, he is the opposite to his former team on TYT who loves to slander and fan the flames of violence. But as with him, many are skeptical of any news coming out because in the sea of propaganda, the truth is really difficult to spot.

The below is a recent video for others who are similar to Jimmy, the first video is an Independent Journalist, the second from a Truther, who occasional starts his video with a meme, but is equally serious as the one in the first.


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