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Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?

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22 hours ago, Dmitar said:

It has nothing to do with being American. Do you believer the Watchtower, GB, are the only ones classified as anointed?

The GB are the ones that say only they are the Faithful and Discreet slave.

And the GB say that YHWH and Yeshua trust the GB.  

The GB also strictly advise all other Anointed ones NOT TO MEET TOGETHER. 

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A new thread on Ukraine was not needed at all. But I wanted to discuss this point of Ukraine "Nazification" in more detail. I think it's much more important to an understanding of what is going on in

I agree with you totally - but an opinion does not necessarily express sympathy for one side or the other side.  Most of it is just to find clarity about the background of what is going on.  We are st

It's just my personal opinion, but discussion can help a Christian be informed. A person might think that in order to be neutral, it would mean that we should state that the policies of India in 1948,

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4 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The GB are the ones that say only they are the Faithful and Discreet slave.

And the GB say that YHWH and Yeshua trust the GB.  

The GB also strictly advise all other Anointed ones NOT TO MEET TOGETHER. 

Yet it spins a contradiction because of the events that took place before the Christian Great Awakening, even beyond that, for, it wouldn't make sense from what they also said that they were others who are chosen.

That being said, you might what to address that elsewhere, for this thread is vastly different.

That being said, @Dmitar is correct, the notation related to this thread and anything connect has nothing to do with America alone and or being American. Remember, NATO is a collective, which includes those associated with the US and UK.

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This 'thread' and in fact this forum in dominated by Amercian thinking. 

12 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Yet it spins a contradiction because of the events that took place before the Christian Great Awakening, even beyond that, for, it wouldn't make sense from what they also said that they were others who are chosen.

Revelation states that Yeshua made it possible for people of ALL nations to be Chosen. 

The GB don't want that, and the GB have told those other Anointed not to meet together. 

Surely as world events unfold then ALL of the Anointed Remnant should be in contact with each other.

Rather than rely on 'worldly' news, surely the Anointed remnant shoud be guiding God's people. 

But you people are more interested in two things. 1. Serving the GB and it's Org. 2. Being involved with this political world. 

Indeed, By their works one will know them. 

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12 hours ago, Dmitar said:

with how intelligent we must be, while you praise and acknowledge how @Arauna, @Space Merchant, and @JW Insider are so intelligent.

It is like that scene from The Fugitive, when the sinister doctor tells Sam Gerard and crew that they’ll never catch Richard Kimble because “he is too smart.”

“Well…we’re smart, too,” one of them replies and he gets a chorus of agreement from his fellows, all asserting how smart they are.

So be instructed by this Dimitar. We also are all very smart. Very very smart. So smart that we would have to get dumber to get any smarter.

And there are others you haven’t listed here. They’re smart, too. 

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2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The GB are the ones that say only they are the Faithful and Discreet slave.

That's a separate issue. My question to you was, do you believe the Watchtower GB, are the ONLY anointed?


2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The GB don't want that, and the GB have told those other Anointed not to meet together. 

How so. Doesn't every anointed meet together in Kingdom halls in spiritual unity?

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Surely as world events unfold then ALL of the Anointed Remnant should be in contact with each other.

Shouldn't that be a decision God should make? 

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Rather than rely on 'worldly' news, surely the Anointed remnant shoud be guiding God's people. 

This would be the task of the 7 faith men (FDS). God is guiding his faithful church of Christ, not men, as you and all former Jehovah's Witnesses imply. Reference, Ecclesiastes 3:1

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But you people are more interested in two things. 1. Serving the GB and it's Org. 2. Being involved with this political world. 

Wrong assumption. That's your opinion on who Jehovah's Witnesses serve. The other don't insult me by putting me in the same class as these Jehovah's Witnesses here. These witnesses here as self-serving, no different from former Jehovah’s Witnesses.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

So be instructed by this Dimitar. We also are all very smart. Very very smart. So smart that we would have to get dumber to get any smarter.

That's the first funny thing you've said today. 😜 Now criticize yourself like you would with me about. Yeah, you're smart, alright.

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4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

This 'thread' and in fact this forum in dominated by Amercian thinking. 

There is no American Thinking. If a bomb lands on your doorstep, you associate that with American thinking? Clearly not. As is with Dmitar, you yourself buy Bread, and eat it too.

Eating and or buying Bread does not make you part of the Globalist Monopoly, which is interconnected with various branches of the government.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Revelation states that Yeshua made it possible for people of ALL nations to be Chosen.

Yes, but there are the ones who will stand with the Christ at Zion. The sheep, are the Christians who will take up the earth God has made, hence new creation. If everyone is chosen, the earth will not be associated with God's promise concerning what is to come.

The Chosen and the Christians are of the same house though, the spiritual house.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The GB don't want that, and the GB have told those other Anointed not to meet together. 

Hence the remark, now you spin a contradiction. As is prior to JWs even existing, there were chosen ones. Acts 2 is as clear as day (33 A.D.).

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Surely as world events unfold then ALL of the Anointed Remnant should be in contact with each other.

Perhaps Digitally, but not Physically. This is liken to your choice of Realism also.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Rather than rely on 'worldly' news, surely the Anointed remnant shoud be guiding God's people. 

News is propaganda. However a legitimate threat calls to question some verses in Proverbs of which one must apply. I am 100% sure if UK sounds the AIR-RAID, you would move before the panic, or perhaps get stuck in the panic, since Bojo was among the many who pushed SWIFT sanctions and is among the leaders who angers the second group under the UN banner.

As stated before if a Lion or a Serial Killer is in your neighborhood, there is no doubt you will examine the situation and plan an exit.

Likewise, Romans surrounding Jerusalem, a similar case, so to speak.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But you people are more interested in two things. 1. Serving the GB and it's Org. 2. Being involved with this political world. 

1. The situation of Ukraine has nothing to do with GB or JWs.

2. No one is taking a political side. If you want to speak about taking sides, one can recall you quickly being fooled by media in some instances where you drew question, i.e. the time you asked who Qanon was, clearly you have no political backing, but was concerned.

As far as I can see, no one, not even you, shown to favor the paradigm, however, some of you, have been tricked by MSM.

That being said, God's people do not dwell on politics, however, when those of politics do take action, it can cause an indirect action, therefore, God's people act.

Hence the Proverb - The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Indeed, By their works one will know them. 

By their works, but a Christian to be devoid of concern will end up like those in 2016.

Babylon has made several moves, so did the Wild Beast, if you are unaware, you are just as much of a victim here, and you would not know your works will be associated with them, hence the Alt-Right article which, if I remember, fooled some, even you, for if that can get you, you would most likely be swayed by the Beast or the Harlot.

That being said, Ukraine and Russia is corrupt, as is their puppet gov't, and their actions will effect people who are not involved - even you, that is, if Bojo continues to run his remarks to anger those who could easily take action on the UK. Ukrainian politicians are putting Boris to task, which will effect you, since your country is not only part of NATO, but also in the EU, as is the proponent to the events surrounding SWIFT.

That said, misleading information is a problem also, ironic how Witness reacts to you since she attest to misinformation. But unfortunately such false info is boosting corrupt morale for the paradigm which will harm people who do not want to get involved.

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@Patiently waiting for Truth and so it begins - ‘You’re Afraid!’: Ukrainian Woman Berates Boris Johnson to His Face for Not Stopping Putin...

That being said, granted Boris' involvement with SWIFT, it will effect you, and in regards to that situation it enables Boris to take drastic action (should he got down that route) of which Russia can easily put the spotlight on the UK. I hope you realize what No-Fly-Zone are, and how that can cause not so pleasant ramifications.

Although British folks are not Americans, perhaps some are, they adhere to Western Ideologies, therefore, the UK is indeed Pro-West, especially when it comes to NATO. Then there is the negative ideologies of which somehow everyone are being Racist towards Russians; to cause more harm in a crisis, the latter divides the people, therefore, it makes some, even the likes of the Wild Beast, who made some moves, to quickly swoop in to cause damage, for such ones, they are also unaware, and they may not as resilient as you. As mentioned, even with a neutral stance, the indirect action can still cause some damage for the unexpected.

Also if I were you, I recommend you start changing your passwords, there's been talks in the Truther community about Cyberattacks, so much so the MSM is actually pinning the Hacks on some groups who may not be truly involved, hence propaganda. Last thing you need is to end up in the Black Market during an Information War.

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10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is like that scene from The Fugitive, when the sinister doctor tells Sam Gerard and crew that they’ll never catch Richard Kimble because “he is too smart.”

For most of my life I would never purposely watch a movie twice, and I wondered about people like my bro-in-law who proudly announces that he has seen a couple of his favorite movies about 10 times. As kids, my parents only allowed My Fair Lady and Sound of Music, episodes of My Three Sons and a couple of other G-rated Wonderful World of Disney movies, so I've watched some of those more than once. But since high school it had always kind of confused me as to why you'd try to be entertained by a movie you already saw, and you already know how it ended.

Obviously, this was naive and was a product of not fully understanding how we can be swept into dramatic, or humorous, or emotional situations vicariously, and be entertained repeatedly even if we already know the story. And then, of course, there are also the deeper layers of detail in some movies that we can't always notice with a single viewing. (Spongebob Squarepants, for example. j/k)

That being said (@Space MerchantTM) The Fugitive was one of the first movies I remember watching twice (the Harrison Ford version). And I'd probably watch it again someday. There are now several movies and shows in this category, partly because I am now old enough to watch two episodes of Perry Mason back-to-back, and then I'll already forget how the first one ended before second one is finished.

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6 hours ago, JW Insider said:

to watch two episodes of Perry Mason back-to-back, and then I'll already forget how the first one ended before second one is finished.

Agreed = I have the same sentiments.  My mother, when close to her 80s used to reread Agatha Christy because she said she could not remember how they ended BUT as you say it is sometimes the emotional and intellectual journey to get from point to point in a drama that makes it good!


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