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Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?

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A new thread on Ukraine was not needed at all. But I wanted to discuss this point of Ukraine "Nazification" in more detail. I think it's much more important to an understanding of what is going on in

I agree with you totally - but an opinion does not necessarily express sympathy for one side or the other side.  Most of it is just to find clarity about the background of what is going on.  We are st

It's just my personal opinion, but discussion can help a Christian be informed. A person might think that in order to be neutral, it would mean that we should state that the policies of India in 1948,

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On 3/3/2022 at 2:52 AM, Arauna said:

The security of Russia was threatened.  Russia has asked several times for negotiations about this but he never received an answer. (Sound familiar?)  Not only were continually bombing his neighboring states but apparently there were hostile airplanes doing nuclear maneuvers 14 km from his borders (not in western press).

There is already calls for the UN to take this up and please broker a peace and UNITE the world!. I guess they will want Putin to capitulate some things.  This will bring us closer ever closer to the New world order dispensation of Klaus Schwab and WEF

Just watched him addressing his people….he explained it clearly and seemed to sigh and have the weight of his actions on his shoulders….what a mess man has made…

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16 minutes ago, Thinking said:

If only the average person understood…frightening !

It makes for a compelling narrative to be sure, yet I know that there are no such things as "governments", but only individuals acting on the information they have in what appears to be their own personal best interests. This so, I'd need to know who personally stands to benefit and how they benefit themselves. Putin's actions are not unexpected. He behaves as if all other people have the same morals and motivations that he has. He's not a genius, and he's not an idiot. Just who these nameless, faceless bureaucrats in Brussels are and how they are personally benefited is not known to me.

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1 hour ago, xero said:

It makes for a compelling narrative to be sure, yet I know that there are no such things as "governments", but only individuals acting on the information they have in what appears to be their own personal best interests. This so, I'd need to know who personally stands to benefit and how they benefit themselves. Putin's actions are not unexpected. He behaves as if all other people have the same morals and motivations that he has. He's not a genius, and he's not an idiot. Just who these nameless, faceless bureaucrats in Brussels are and how they are personally benefited is not known to me.

I understand..I just watched his address to his nation…not good…so if he is the King  of the North…or Part off..and he comes all the way to his end…..what happens with the king of the south?

In other words how is this going to play out..I’m actually surprised Putin has let it go this far but then he is on Jehovahs time table and not his…

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5 hours ago, xero said:

Just who these nameless, faceless bureaucrats in Brussels are and how they are personally benefited is not known to me.

These bureaucrats are not the ones who benefit - they are just willing foot-soldiers who benefit because they are obedient to the dictates of those who are in control of all the money / corporations - who have formed a  coalition with the UN. (The get their good salaries and stability).  As we speak WHO is becoming the most important body in the UN and America has signed to give them total control..... I have not seen if other countries have joined.  If you see something, let me know. 

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5 hours ago, Thinking said:

In other words how is this going to play out..

Some more conjecture from my side. The American dollar is sure to fall and they need a reason for it.  This war could provide the opportunity.  (This war could become another Afghanistan for Russia... linger on... until they make a treaty with UN fanfare).

There are two poles to what is happening in the world.  King of North and South.  They push until the END it seems BUT king of North and its allies will control the wealth. 

42  And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not escape. 43  And he will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the desirable* things of Egypt   “But reports out of the east* and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. 45  And he will plant his royal* tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration;*r and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.  ( These reports are from Jehovah and Jesus at the right time when the South has progressed enough to prove that it is the debased DRAGON the bible says it is.

In the West they will bring in their new money system - which is also a surveillance system ... thousands of satellites are being put in the heavens above as we speak. Those who do not obey the new system will be put in prison?  Does this sound crazy?  I do not think so.  That kind of power can go to a person's head. 

So as we do not take sides in this war - we are aware of what is coming and should prepare for it.

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20 hours ago, Arauna said:

I just saw this - It is an interesting perspective


100%. It is the theory promoted by the Grayzone crew (Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal, etc.) and the one that Jimmy Dore promotes along with those same guests. The idea was discussed as early as 2015, and hinted at among US politicians since then. Recall that President Biden's son was paid millions by a gas company in Ukraine (and not because he had any experience). Also what Zelensky called his first "gift" to President Biden was to cut off the TV stations in Ukraine that served Russian-speaking Ukrainians. (Also recall that while Trump was being accused -rightly- for quid pro quo politically self-serving negotiations with Ukraine, Biden had already bragged about his own quid pro quo negotiations for political gain.)

Instead of pointing back to those "Dore" Youtube videos, I wanted to point to the Grayzone directly, but their own commentary tends to be more serious, and often longer. So, if people can stand Dore's style, his ability to collect the bullet points, is easier for most people to get through.

I thought this one was useful:

Of course, more serious discussions had been going on for years with Steven Cohen (the late Russian Expert) and John Miersheimer as early as 2015 (below), who make the direct connection to Germany:

Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer:


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