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11 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Yeah you do, but most cannot afford to.

I had a Mormon friend that said Mormons have 6 months of supplies stashed away.

I asked how well his home was defended, and would he please stock up on mustard sardines.

Canned foods are cheap in some places. But yes, 3-6 months max, for at least you will not end up as the many who will buy items when the prices are scaled up to a ridiculous amount.

As for home defense, Systematic Warfare is something serious, mainly if caught off guard.

Also just to be safe, it is wise to check your car from time to time should you go out to buy food, as is unload what you have at a specific time, for larger items.

that being said, better to be prepared vs not being prepared, as is awareness. Although doing this is good, the Reset itself will start a shift within the general public.

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Maybe. My insurance man was a Mormon. He died, but I am still with the agency he founded. (whether Mormons or not I am not sure—I think they are) I turned to him upon the recommendation of another Wit

I agree that Joseph Smith was anything but Charles Taze Russell. But you don't have to dig very deep among early LDS to find a lot of things they should be ashamed and embarrassed about, but they seem

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1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

had a Mormon friend that said Mormons have 6 months of supplies stashed away.

I wonder if @xeroread that book by the former Mormon that he recommended here. I did. They do some strange doings. (the anti-cultists would go ballistic at the pressure brought to bear on missionaries wanting to leave their assignment before their two years are up.) I tried to take into account that it is written by a former Mormon, not a present one, but even so. It does not have any ‘grinding one’s ax’ feeling to it, though neither does it try to whitewash any rather peculiar procedures and beliefs.

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Just now, TrueTomHarley said:

I wonder if @xeroread that book by the former Mormon that he recommended here. I did. They do some strange doings. (the anti-cultists would go ballistic at the pressure brought to bear on missionaries wanting to leave their assignment before their two years are up.) I tried to take into account that it is written by a former Mormon, not a present one, but even so. It does not have any ‘grinding one’s ax’ feeling to it, though neither does it try to whitewash any rather peculiar procedures and beliefs.

I did. It made me wonder that perhaps the sci-fi aspect of mormon beliefs may have contributed to his later sci-fi writing.

Incidentally, I've also noted how even though certain beliefs are demonstrably wrong about mormonism, the effects on them seem in many cases to be positive. Consider that they believe in having large families forces any male mormon to think seriously about doing all he can to acquire the skills needed to get paid or make enough money to support a large family.

Similar things I've seen among JW's...a lot of entrepreneurial activity borne of the desire to be free to better be able to pursue the ministry. Like the brother who invented/patented the propane buffers you see in stores(he wanted to speed up his floor work). I also know of a brother who indexes textbooks (lives out near Copperas Cove) and other books like this for a living. Brilliant brother. 

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8 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Canned foods are cheap in some places. But yes, 3-6 months max, for at least you will not end up as the many who will buy items when the prices are scaled up to a ridiculous amount.

As for home defense, Systematic Warfare is something serious, mainly if caught off guard.

Also just to be safe, it is wise to check your car from time to time should you go out to buy food, as is unload what you have at a specific time, for larger items.

that being said, better to be prepared vs not being prepared, as is awareness. Although doing this is good, the Reset itself will start a shift within the general public.

What's the difference between preparing for disasters and Armageddon? 

*** g17 No. 5 p. 2 Introduction ***

Why is it important to prepare for disasters?

The Bible says: “The shrewd person sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences.”—Proverbs 27:12.

This magazine highlights what we should do before, during, and after a disaster.


*** w81 4/15 p. 30 Insight on the News ***

Survivalists Prepare for “Armageddon”

● “Survivalists Get Set for Armageddon” was a recent headline in the Los Angeles “Times.” The article described a rapidly growing movement in America that seeks to prepare for coming disaster. “Survivalists subscribe to a variety of scenarios about how Armageddon will arrive,” explains the “Times.” “It may be caused by earthquake, plague, famine or revolution.” The specter of nuclear war, economic collapse or urban warfare also haunts survivalists. “The people will turn to mob rule,” says one group’s literature, and “civilization will be destroyed.”

To get ready, survivalists stockpile gold, food, tools, medical supplies and weapons. Once again, nuclear fallout shelters sell briskly. Training camps for survival techniques—especially the handling of firearms—are springing up. “You should teach your children how to handle guns,” declared one survival instructor. “My youngest is 11 years old, and we’re training her to shoot.”

Will such preparations protect the “survivalists” from Armageddon? No.


*** g84 3/8 p. 29 Watching the World ***
Watching the World
‘No Longer Funny’

● “For years cartoonists and satirists have had fun at the expense of the professional doomsayers,” writes Haynes Johnson in The Washington Post. After mentioning those who proclaim, “PREPARE! THE END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR,” he goes on to say: “And there, under the door at home the other day, was another familiar message in the form of a religious leaflet. ‘Are we nearing Armageddon?’ read the words superimposed over a glowering sky and a bolt of jagged lightning bearing down on us.” Then Johnson observes: “There was a time when that sort of message would bring indulgent smiles. Suddenly, it no longer seems funny.”


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2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Why is it important to prepare for disasters?

The Bible says: “The shrewd person sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences.”—Proverbs 27:12.

Preparation is key. However, one should not go overboard with it. As for Systematic Warfare, it'll be tricky if, for instance, you are being tracked, therefore, the semi-grey men mentality comes into play, so much so, you not only protect yourself, but those you care for, your network.

As mentioned in the other thread, events can cause an indirect action towards many, anyone who can buy food and or resources. Therefore, one must be prepared. Us Truthers are not like our Prepper counterparts, however, we can hold our own in tough situations, even physically, adapting to not eating/drinking for long periods, if need be.

That being said, it is 100% that many people who are unaware will be caught off guard, therefore, some among them, the fringe, will become dangerous, for there is no stopping a man who is on his last burst of wind to do what he needs to do to support his family and only then his true colors will show itself. A situation that some cannot confront, granted, not realizing the common man can turn into such a state.

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35 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Preparation is key. However, one should not go overboard with it. As for Systematic Warfare, it'll be tricky if, for instance, you are being tracked, therefore, the semi-grey men mentality comes into play, so much so, you not only protect yourself, but those you care for, your network.

When it comes time for humanity to witness God's judgment upon this earth, it doesn't matter how much you prepare, in a literal sense, when Jesus words to a Christian were to be prepared themselves in a spiritual sense. No one can escape judgment. Not even those fools that think, by thrusting themselves into space, can they escape God's judgment. No hole deep enough, no place underwater, in a mountain, where man can hide. Judgment will find us all. Those, who fear death, have no "faith" in God's promise. Therefore, they have weak hearts, when it comes time for Armageddon.

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13 hours ago, xero said:

Consider that they believe in having large families forces any male mormon to think seriously about doing all he can to acquire the skills needed to get paid or make enough money to support a large family.

Maybe. My insurance man was a Mormon. He died, but I am still with the agency he founded. (whether Mormons or not I am not sure—I think they are) I turned to him upon the recommendation of another Witness for business liability insurance. In time he commented on some scheme I had bought into from some brothers for health care insurance. He’s looked it over, he said, ‘and the premiums are unrealistically low.’ I was a young man then. I said how it is different with the Witnesses because they cut out the middleman and they are not greedy and it is not really insurance but pooled resources and all but said it had God’s smile of approval on it, but in time the monthly newsletter began acknowledging subscribers were asking why their bills were not being paid. To my knowledge, it was not dishonesty, just starry-eyed incompetence. I never got any premiums back, but that is true with any insurance. I never had any claim to submit—it was ‘major medical’ only, not routine doctor visits. I recall a Watchtower observing much later that just because someone is a good Christian, that does not mean he is a good businessman.

13 hours ago, xero said:

Incidentally, I've also noted how even though certain beliefs are demonstrably wrong about mormonism, the effects on them seem in many cases to be positive

Yes. Maybe what we see is only what rises to the surface but they are trustworthy people. It is strange because so many of the roots are downright screwy. They originate from my neck of the woods, you know. At an antique/collectibles/junk shop I picked up a set of books by local historian Arch Merrill. Pioneer Profiles (1957) has a chapter on “The Mormon Prophets” There I learned that Joseph Smith was anything but the Mormon equivalent of Charles Taze Russell. 

To many of his neighbors in the drumlin county around Palmyra and Manchester in the restless 1820s, Joe Smith was a lazy, dreamy young bumpkin, one of a shiftless tribe. To them his claims of conversing with angels and receiving divine revelations were so much humbug.

they knew him as “a gangling lad in a calico shirt and patched pants with his yellow hair sticking through a hole in his dirty hat a mystical sort of fellow who was forever digging for buried treasure. peering into a magic stone and finding water in the earth with a twig when to their mind he should have been toiling on his father's farm. They conceded Joe ‘had a way with him’ and was a glib and convincing talker.”

Is the guy just anti-Mormon? Doesn’t seem so. His next sentence is:

Today that same Joseph Smith is revered by nearly a million people in 30 lands as a divinely inspired prophet. Those fine thrifty people are popularly known as Mormons and from the unlettered farm boys visions of golden plates hidden in a drumlins breast and from my handful of rustic disciples sprano the now mighty Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints.”

Maybe I’ll have to say of them the same thing I say to people who pound us over the head with inconsistencies from years past: “If you have to go back 100 years to dig up dirt, there can’t be that much dirt to dig.”

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4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

“If you have to go back 100 years to dig up dirt, there can’t be that much dirt to dig.”

I agree that Joseph Smith was anything but Charles Taze Russell. But you don't have to dig very deep among early LDS to find a lot of things they should be ashamed and embarrassed about, but they seem oblivious to it.

A couple of their young elders (there's an oxymoron) wanted to study with me around 1995, and I let them come back about 6 times before they tired of me. The Internet was just a startup operation then, but one of the first things I did when I discovered it was to collect a ton of info on them. Our local town library also had a small collection of anti-Mormon books.

I wanted to discuss all these things with the Mormon elders, and one of them was aware of some of the claims, and he apparently mortified his partner, who stopped coming back with him on visit number 3. Normally, they give up on critics and questioners immediately, but I found that if I prefaced every criticism with "I have prayed about this question  . . . " that he would sincerely try to respond.

4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Maybe what we see is only what rises to the surface but they are trustworthy people.

I took a job in a bank after Bethel and when the interviewer found out I was a JW, he said that they like to hire JWs, Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists. (And when we were looking for a housekeeper/babysitter the agency recommended that we hire Seventh Day Adventists or Jehovah's Witnesses, and this person did NOT know our religion.) I didn't like being classed with "competitors" but it said something about sincerity and honesty. @xero has correctly pointed out in other topics that there are many individuals in the world (and in other religions) who are often "better" in many ways. And here he has said what you quoted: "even though certain beliefs are demonstrably wrong about mormonism, the effects on them seem in many cases to be positive." Agreed.

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11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

When it comes time for humanity to witness God's judgment upon this earth, it doesn't matter how much you prepare, in a literal sense, when Jesus words to a Christian were to be prepared themselves in a spiritual sense. No one can escape judgment.

Spiritually, one has to be prepared. Babylon has done moves to break Christians, Systematic Warfare is intertwined with it, we already have real life examples, i.e. Syrianic Christians vs Kurds.

Agreed, no one can escape Judgment, especially those who are of willful sin, however, our Christian brothers and sisters, even ourselves need be careful. As pointed out in the other thread, the move Babylon did over the years, especially 2016 easily took down people, so it will not be a surprise if an even harder attack comes during the Tribulation End Times, i.e. renounce of faith for survivability should the Wild Beast tempts people. I even told Tom and Arauna that Babylon, when she is serious, can break Christians, even if it means using former members of the faith at full force to do it, COVID-19 was an example.

11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

No hole deep enough, no place underwater, in a mountain, where man can hide. Judgment will find us all.

True. But if Faith is lose, the body and soul is destroyed.

11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Those, who fear death, have no "faith" in God's promise. Therefore, they have weak hearts, when it comes time for Armageddon.

Agreed. The actions Babylon took over the years was baffling, and it shows how weak in the faith people are granted they fell for that trap.

God knows who is for him and who is not, but in the mean time, when serious situations do come, we have to be vigilant and endure, for some of these people are so desperate they go for the young to re-write history and add their ideologies to essentially erase us.

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