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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Agreed, no one can escape Judgment, especially those who are of willful sin, however, our Christian brothers and sisters, even ourselves need be careful. As pointed out in the other thread, the move Babylon did over the years, especially 2016 easily took down people, so it will not be a surprise if an even harder attack comes during the Tribulation End Times, i.e. renounce of faith for survivability should the Wild Beast tempts people. I even told Tom and Arauna that Babylon, when she is serious, can break Christians, even if it means using former members of the faith at full force to do it, COVID-19 was an example.


Glad you see the distinction.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

True. But if Faith is lose, the body and soul is destroyed.

That's the point about staying awake and keeping on the watch, it's about spirituality.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Agreed. The actions Babylon took over the years was baffling, and it shows how weak in the faith people are granted they fell for that trap.

God knows who is for him and who is not, but in the mean time, when serious situations do come, we have to be vigilant and endure, for some of these people are so desperate they go for the young to re-write history and add their ideologies to essentially erase us.

The point of judgement day is to prove God's existence. Those that remain righteous with be accepted, while those that are proven unrighteous will be judged regardless if they are dead or alive. 

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Maybe. My insurance man was a Mormon. He died, but I am still with the agency he founded. (whether Mormons or not I am not sure—I think they are) I turned to him upon the recommendation of another Wit

I agree that Joseph Smith was anything but Charles Taze Russell. But you don't have to dig very deep among early LDS to find a lot of things they should be ashamed and embarrassed about, but they seem

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16 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Glad you see the distinction.

I always have for this is what I coined many many times for several years.

16 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

That's the point about staying awake and keeping on the watch, it's about spirituality.

Yes, but there are those out there that can lose here to those of Babylon and the Beast. A level of persecution engineered to break someone's faith and the like, in many cases, those of the world succeeded in doing so, even using others to do this.

18 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

The point of judgement day is to prove God's existence.

Yes but in regards to God's creation and what he has designed, faithful ones know of his existence, even those who are subjected to outlandish dark agents in the world, know God exist.

19 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Those that remain righteous with be accepted, while those that are proven unrighteous will be judged regardless if they are dead or alive. 

True, but as stated, people can break, subjected to it, so in order to be vigilant, awake, even, one must tread the path accordingly so they do not take a wrong route that leads to a very troubling situation. Some make their way back, others, dwell on the wrong path and pay for it.

This is also true, some people think death is an escape from judgement, they are terribly wrong.

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On 2/28/2022 at 7:47 AM, Space Merchant said:

Other then that, in my case, my family are islanders, we can cultivate from the land if need be, and unlike normal folks, we are capable of fasting for long periods of time, in my case, I can fast for 72 hours, possibly longer due to the fact I trained myself to be as such for a long time, originally for health benefits, but I am use to it, for Ghrelin does not effect me as the normal person.

Just curious, how would you deal with unprepared people who would try to steal the food you have grown?

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Yes, but there are those out there that can lose here to those of Babylon and the Beast. A level of persecution engineered to break someone's faith and the like, in many cases, those of the world succeeded in doing so, even using others to do this.

That's the point of God's promise to the church of Smyma Revelation 2:10

The other point is, no matter how hard people prep for Armageddon, to hide from it, it will be in vain.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Yes but in regards to God's creation and what he has designed, faithful ones know of his existence, even those who are subjected to outlandish dark agents in the world, know God exist.

You have more "none believers" than believers. God thus far has given humanity every chance to repent. Those that deny God's existence will finally know, God is real, and he does exist.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

True, but as stated, people can break, subjected to it, so in order to be vigilant, awake, even, one must tread the path accordingly so they do not take a wrong route that leads to a very troubling situation. Some make their way back, others, dwell on the wrong path and pay for it.

Every Christian should know if the spirit of God dwells within them. If they don't feel it, it's because they have become unworthy of God's Holy Spirit. They are now tax collectors without inspiration. The purpose Peter referenced his concern in 2 Peter 2:21

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54 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

That's the point of God's promise to the church of Smyma Revelation 2:10

The other point is, no matter how hard people prep for Armageddon, to hide from it, it will be in vain.

Yes, it comes down to who remains faithful until the the conclusion of the End Times.

55 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Every Christian should know if the spirit of God dwells within them. If they don't feel it, it's because they have become unworthy of God's Holy Spirit. They are now tax collectors without inspiration. The purpose Peter referenced his concern in 2 Peter 2:21

True, and to maintain their faith it is like a battle or a fight, to endure until the end (Jude 3).

That being said, although Babylon is on the move, when the conclusion comes, it would not be surprising if she starts using more lethal tactics, of which one's faith can combat it.

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2 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

Just curious, how would you deal with unprepared people who would try to steal the food you have grown?

I have dealt with them before. Us Truthers have essentially a Grey Man mentality when we are close to a SHTF. We are not like our Prepper counterparts, but we can hold our own.

A Gray Man or Woman is someone who can blend effortlessly in with the crowd or in dire situations, resulting in them being easily overlooked, even unnoticed. It's a form of protection (even personal) allowing one to move freely in otherwise difficult surroundings, in some instances, some Grey Men/Women trained themselves to adapt even further. To Preppers, it is seen as a method of urban camouflage and disguise that can be used with or without any additional props. Grey Men are capable of maneuvering around unprepared persons and are capable of linking with their circle of people who share similar traits. I am more in tune with this even more due to experience in the islands and the situations I have been in over the years prior to being of the community, which learning and adapting only enhanced this mentality. Granted Truthers who adhere to this look into information, we are quite informative, knowing what is going on around us or elsewhere and how it can effect our surroundings, i.e. we knew/know gas prices will go up, medicine will be restricted/limited and in some cases may be rare, etc. so we are well above that notation, as is our Prepper counterparts.

As for the other remark, no one would be able to tell if myself or any Truther has home grown food granted how we move without being noticed in that regard. We are also less likely persons to be tracked. Skills are also concealed due to bring extremely unnoticed.


A less complicated example would be, people not being able to equate Batman to Bruce Wayne, vice versa, so to speak, cannot link a playboy millionaire to a brooding Vigilante.

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8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

But you don't have to dig very deep among early LDS to find a lot of things they should be ashamed and embarrassed about, but they seem oblivious to it.

Possibly even the Book of Mormon itself.  Merrill writes:

”The Book of Mormon went on sale March 26 1830. On April 2nd the Rochester Daily Advertiser printed the first review of the volume. “The Book of Mormon has been placed in our hands. A viler imposition was never practiced. It is an evidence of fraud, blasphemy, and credulity shocking both to Christians and to moralists. The author and proprietor is Joseph Smith junior, a fellow who by some hocus pocus acquired such influence over a wealthy farmer of Wayne County that he later mortgaged his farm for $3000 which he paid for printing and binding... the blasphemous book.”

His wife was deeply suspicious of Smith and his visions. She was vehemently against that farmer, Martin Harris was his name, mortgaging his farm to finance the printing. Harris himself balked at the price tag of the printer, but writes Merrill: “When Harris hesitated Joseph came up with a divine “revelation” ordering him to finance the publication whereupon Harris mortgaged his farm and his wife left him.

9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I let them come back about 6 times before they tired of me. …Our local town library also had a small collection of anti-Mormon books.

Yeah, I did such things back then but I wouldn’t now. My guess is you would not either. Possibly I should, but they’re just kids far away from home, under enormous pressure to stay where they are. (as @xero’s book makes clear). I am not in position to benefit them but i am in position to mess them up. So if I disagree, I am not forceful about it.

I heard or read somewhere some top Mormon honcho say how much he appreciated when people are nice to their missionaries. ‘I can do that,’ I thought, and I have behaved that way since. In a small town festival in Pennsylvania, my wife and I came across a couple of them at their station. I just engaged them in chat. To their obligatory thrusts I said who and what I was and that an effort to sway me elsewhere would go nowhere. After that I just asked about them, who they were, where they came from, are they homesick, and so forth.

9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

but I found that if I prefaced every criticism with "I have prayed about this question  . . . " that he would sincerely try to respond.

The title character of xero’s—the book is autobiographical—is thwarted from abandoning his assignment, something he really really wants to do. “Have you prayed about it?” a higher up want to know. He replied that he had. ‘What did the Holy Spirit say to you?’ was the follow-up question. He replied that the Holy Spirit had said it was okay. “The Holy Spirit doesn’t work that like!” was his answer.

The book’s author spins his own talk alongside that of Joseph Smith. He has done his homework, spinning some non-Mormon historical details that only someone familiar with the region’s development (which I am) would know.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

A Gray Man or Woman is someone who can blend effortlessly in with the crowd or in dire situations, resulting in them being easily overlooked, even unnoticed. …….

…… As for the other remark, no one would be able to tell if myself or any Truther has home grown food granted how we move without being noticed in that regard. We are also less likely persons to be tracked. Skills are also concealed due to bring extremely unnoticed.


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13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

evidence of fraud, blasphemy, and credulity shocking both to Christians and to moralists.

A long time ago I researched the Book of Abraham.  It uses an "adapted" picture from a Book of the DEAD and the funerary text which was  found with a mummy/  Joseph smith only bought this papyri and then pretended that he received "devine help'  to translate it.  Later the papyri was said to have burnt (in a fire that was deliberately set).  

About the translation: Wikipedia has a highlighted paragraph which you can read here

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Abraham#:~:text=Church leadership traditionally described the,of the book of Abraham".

It also tells that they found some of the texts that he was supposed to have translated and what 

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23 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I have dealt with them before. Us Truthers have essentially a Grey Man mentality when we are close to a SHTF. We are not like our Prepper counterparts, but we can hold our own.

A Gray Man or Woman is someone who can blend effortlessly in with the crowd or in dire situations, resulting in them being easily overlooked, even unnoticed. It's a form of protection (even personal) allowing one to move freely in otherwise difficult surroundings, in some instances, some Grey Men/Women trained themselves to adapt even further. To Preppers, it is seen as a method of urban camouflage and disguise that can be used with or without any additional props. Grey Men are capable of maneuvering around unprepared persons and are capable of linking with their circle of people who share similar traits. I am more in tune with this even more due to experience in the islands and the situations I have been in over the years prior to being of the community, which learning and adapting only enhanced this mentality. Granted Truthers who adhere to this look into information, we are quite informative, knowing what is going on around us or elsewhere and how it can effect our surroundings, i.e. we knew/know gas prices will go up, medicine will be restricted/limited and in some cases may be rare, etc. so we are well above that notation, as is our Prepper counterparts.

As for the other remark, no one would be able to tell if myself or any Truther has home grown food granted how we move without being noticed in that regard. We are also less likely persons to be tracked. Skills are also concealed due to bring extremely unnoticed.


A less complicated example would be, people not being able to equate Batman to Bruce Wayne, vice versa, so to speak, cannot link a playboy millionaire to a brooding Vigilante.

Or like a whisperer from TWD

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