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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Well, why doesn’t Witness and the other aggrieved anointed, assuming they exist, meet in defiance and tell the eight GB members at Bethel to take a hike? It is because they don’t exist.

Do you think they have not received letters from many anointed, including those whom I associate with?  Most definitely. 

Have they received an invitation to meet?  Yes

Did these anointed receive a response?  No.

Do you believe that GB would even allow them into their secure compound to talk with them in person?  No.

They know who we are and they know what is written about them.  

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Only those “anointed” outside Jehovah’s organization have a problem with it.

Have you read the parable of the wise and foolish virgins? Matt 25 The foolish virgins "buy" their oil for their lamps from  those who sell it.  The wise virgins join Christ.  Who "sells" regulated spiritual food in exchange for devotion to them, and to their organization?  Rev 13:11,12,15-17

Rev 18:4-8 

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

So why doesn’t she meet with her fellow off-brand “anointed” to her heart’s content? How are the eight in Bethel going to stop her? Why would they even want to?

I do meet with anointed ones and those not anointed.   The eight have their ways that you could not imagine, of attempting to stop whatever is written about them.  


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Was he  ? I thought it was Matthew. 

The 520 are all the notifications I have in the last 30 days from the dozen or so people I follow, or people who respond to posts I made, or react to them, or mention me. But I am saying that out of e

It also takes about 2 minutes to figure out any new persona of his. What has he had—20 since I’ve been here? I’ll block them too. I’ve done my time with this fellow. No more.  Better to sporadica

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26 minutes ago, Witness said:

Have you read the parable of the wise and foolish virgins? Matt 25 The foolish virgins "buy" their oil for their lamps from  those who sell it.  The wise virgins join Christ.  Who "sells" regulated spiritual food in exchange for devotion to them, and to their organization?  Rev 13:11,12,15-17

Then tell your “anointed” to take their lamp-oil business elsewhere and watch the “economy” of the “Great Eight” collapse like Putin’s Russia. Sheesh! This is so stupid it’s hard to see how anyone could take it seriously! There’s only eight of them! And if you think they are all fraudsters just cut them out from your glorious company and do your magnificent deeds without them! See if you can make them cry over that. 

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5 hours ago, Witness said:

I am sure if this is a huge issue with Admin, either the post will be taken down, I will be banned, or at least receive a message from him.  Not saying it may not happen, but I'm still waiting.

The fact you didn't know about this you are not at fault here, you won't be banned; granted the majority of people do not know these things about such websites. In Admin's case, he will not fault you for it. The only reason Admin was brought up is for example if someone fell actually fell victim to their personal info getting breached, they'll can start pointing fingers in which where they found the link in the first place. For, there are people who if they feel violated in some way shape or form, they'd go for all parties involved, often times get others involved indirectly.

Also your remark of those chosen, @Kosonen saw things differently, I believe you spoke with him before.

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3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The same as it doesn't bother you a bit about all the CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE done by Elders, MS and others in the JW Org

You always find a way to interject child abuse.

It's one of those reasons as to why I am trying to find any remnant of the videos mentioned in the other thread, as is following the situation in King's County.

Anyways, the fact that you mentioned this, there are things in relation to CSA that everyone needs to really be paying attention to, for what I said to @ApostaBabe Linda James is actually true, accurate even. This is, not only for the US, but also the UK, where you are in which CSA is problematic, for the figurative floodgate seems to be the problem, getting bigger, as to why some of the abuse make it into the institutions. 2022-2023 will not be be so good for young ones.

That being said, there were some remarks towards children on the spoof meant to defame.

It also shows what I said a long time ago, Mainstreamers, Atheists and, as is those birthed from the community, Anti-JWs, can easily get the best of both JWs and EXJWs with stuff like this - hence some who are unaware.

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13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

One of the domains I was able to trace to San Francisco, unless the other 3 are located elsewhere, so that might be the case. The main page is evidently on the main domain, but the other stuff is outside of the page.

Yes, so it is safe to shut out the browser completely better to be safe then take a potential risk.

The source of where Witness may have gotten the link is possibly Reddit, the website in question is in connection with this person - 




Not only he has a strong disdain for JWs, but also God. Seeing his mannerism, he is most likely a younger person.

This is scary stuff …

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7 hours ago, Witness said:

Did these anointed receive a response?  No.

Do you believe that GB would even allow them into their secure compound to talk with them in person?  No.

Why would anyone want to meet with apostates to discuss your false doctrine, much less the bylaws of that institution? Who are you people to DEMAND an audience?

How many companies have you heard of that allow their ex-employees in their boardroom to discuss anything about that company?

This observation truly shows where your group is in reality. I suggest you tell that group of fake anointed to take a hike! From me, and stop pestering the Watchtower with your nonsense.

And if I would hold you to the same standard of how you view the Watchtower articles about being suggestive and implying, Then YES! You have insinuated you are anointed.

7 hours ago, Witness said:

They know who we are and they know what is written about them. 

They also know about all the apostates that have written books with their false narratives. What's your point?

7 hours ago, Witness said:

I do meet with anointed ones and those not anointed.   The eight have their ways that you could not imagine, of attempting to stop whatever is written about them.  

You have just "condemned" yourself as an outright liar for telling people here for years about there is no need to gather. Oneness.

I personally didn't need you to acknowledge something I knew all along, but to you see you finally admit it is something else.

You mention the 8, who are the 8? If you are referring to the GB, do you honestly believe Jesus would have allowed himself to be tempted by Satan?

Personally, as a Christian, I don't need to know where apostates gather, that is the most "obtuse" thought that would be in anyone's mind.

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6 hours ago, Dmitar said:

You have just "condemned" yourself as an outright liar for telling people here for years about there is no need to gather. Oneness.

Prove to me that I actually said that.

6 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Why would anyone want to meet with apostates to discuss your false doctrine, much less the bylaws of that institution? Who are you people to DEMAND an audience?

I’m not part of an institution, an earthly organization, or a corporation.  You are too use to the ways of the Watchtower.  I follow the scriptures, not “bylaws” created by men. 

A once JW, I don’t know who, wrote this years ago about your institution and its policies:


The Watchtower Society is clearly an organizational IDOL. Anyone who has been a JW for even a short length of time should have no problem discerning this as we are continually commanded to:

1. Reject ALL information pertaining to the bible and its interpretation if it does not come from the "spirit-anointed organization" exclusively

2. Reject ALL persons that do not fully agree with and adhere to all the "spirit-anointed organization's" doctrines, policies and procedures.

3. Reject/dismiss ALL our inner doubts/concerns and even our God-given conscience when these bring into question any of the teachings of the "spirit-anointed organization".

Further, just as in the case of King Nebuchadnezzar and the three Hebrews, bowing down to this imposing, shiny image-- the "spirit-anointed organization"--is required by all who do not wish to be thrown into the Governing Body's fiery furnace by their attendants --the elders and others in the congregation! Those that refuse to bow down to, or worship (i.e., loyally obey) this image/idol/god are either marked, shunned or disfellowshipped and also told that they are rejecting Jah; spearing His slave; mentally diseased; awaiting death at Armageddon, etc. (I was marked and shunned [an old WT teaching that's still practiced by some] though never disfellowshipped.)

Any who may be shaking their heads in disbelief can prove this to themselves by simply commenting at their meeting that the "faithful and discreet slave" as mentioned in Matthew and Luke has not been appointed by Jesus yet (this is an accurate statement scripturally [Luke 12:39-46], but not organizationally). It may take more than one attempt before the elders and others decide to act, but they will without fail nonetheless. (Try it –I dare you! Lol)

Anyone with even a negligible amount of bible knowledge should be able to see that these man-made commandments and policies in themselves directly violate Jah's command to "have no other gods/images against my face...nor be induced to serve them" (Exodus 20:3-5). Contrary to the frequent admonition by the Gov. Body to resist "independent thinking", God's word also tells us to use the thinking ability He gave us to distinguish false prophets from true (Matthew 7:15; 24:23-25; 1 John 4:1) by appraising or scrutinizing them and their teachings (1 Corinthians 4:1; Acts 17:11; Romans 3:4); to not put our trust in earthling man (Psalm 146:3,4); and to obey Him (Jah) as ruler rather than men in ALL things and at ALL times, regardless of how insignificant it may seem (Acts 5:29; Luke 16:10). Most JW's can recite many of these verses in their sleep; yet they unwittingly disobey them by blindly and hypocritically clinging to the unscriptural teachings of their own religious leaders (the men of the Governing Body)while at the same time zealously exhorting others to do just the opposite (Romans 2:21-24; 12:9; Matt 15:8). This interesting dichotomy is clearly due to highly-effective cognitive programming by the GB, not God's word which tells us that Jah is NOT partial (Acts 10:34a).

I will never forget one particular meeting where a well-respected elder of many years made the comment to all in the congregation that "whatever comes out of the mouth of the Governing Body should be considered as coming out of the mouth of Jehovah." That in a nut-shell truly sums it up, leaving no doubt as to the real identity of the so-called "spirit-anointed organization". These men are not inspired by God and even admit to this yet put themselves on equal footing with Him (2 Thessalonians 2:4), even going so far as to enforce exclusive devotion to their so called “spirit-anointed organization”.

Why JW’s even possess bibles is beyond me; they are of no real use to them anymore than they are to the Mormons. As one individual stated recently, JW’s should change their official name to “Watchtowerites” as this would accurately describe who they really worship/serve.

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10 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Why would anyone want to meet with apostates to discuss

This is an interesting view.

When JWs go preaching to other people, we can say that these other people are members of religions that, according to WTJWorg, are called "Babylon the Great", and thus not only fell away from true worship and became apostates, but were doomed to destruction because of their affiliation to "Babylon," right?

Yet, JWs discuss “spiritual truths” with them and argue to convince them of their “truth”. Interesting absurd in light of your question and claim?

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3 hours ago, Witness said:

Prove to me that I actually said that.

I don't need to prove your insinuation. However, go back to 2017.

3 hours ago, Witness said:

I’m not part of an institution, an earthly organization, or a corporation.  You are too use to the ways of the Watchtower.  I follow the scriptures, not “bylaws” created by men. 

You want to tell visitors here you're a lone wolf even though you follow a fake anointed Pearl Doxsey"? Clearly, more lies coming from one that professes to be Christian. 

The Watchtower bylaws are reflective of its constitution, the Bible. Therefore, you have a problem with what was started by one man, then later commissioned to many men.

Do you ever get tired of copy/paste from Pearl's meaningless website? However, 1-3 sure looks like "bylaws" to me. Care to change your position, before I outright call you a liar again?


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35 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

When JWs go preaching to other people, we can say that these other people are members of religions that, according to WTJWorg, are called "Babylon the Great", and thus not only fell away from true worship and became apostates, but were doomed to destruction because of their affiliation to "Babylon," right?

You hold a mistaken view. While outsiders can be seen as ignorant to God's truth, former Jehovah's Witnesses learned that truth. Therefore, two different issues.

2 Peter 2:21 (BBE) For it would have been better for them to have had no knowledge of the way of righteousness, than to go back again from the holy law which was given to them, after having knowledge of it.

Scripture also stipulated how those people should be views, as in Matthew. Wasn't a tax collector viewed with great disapproval? Remember, the context is the sins of a brother.

NIV Matt 18:15-17

15 "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16 But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.'  17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector. 

Therefore, apostates need to prove themselves more worthy under God than how they started under ignorance.

45 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Yet, JWs discuss “spiritual truths” with them and argue to convince them of their “truth”. Interesting absurd in light of your question and claim?

Only because you are weighing in with a foolish heart. That is more absurd to God.

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4 hours ago, Witness said:

I will never forget one particular meeting where a well-respected elder of many years made the comment to all in the congregation that "whatever comes out of the mouth of the Governing Body should be considered as coming out of the mouth of Jehovah."

When you recite scripture, whose words are you using? I really like to know.

4 hours ago, Witness said:

Why JW’s even possess bibles is beyond me; they are of no real use to them anymore than they are to the Mormons. As one individual stated recently, JW’s should change their official name to “Watchtowerites” as this would accurately describe who they really worship/serve.

Why do you, and why do you quote from it? Does this mean you're a "Pearlite" every time you quote her? If she misuses scripture, then what are you people worshiping and serving if not your own self-interest?

Christians you're not, that's clear enough with your behavior, what's left? Mormon, Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, Magic?

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