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GB member Geoffrey Jackson recently categorized those who would be written, removed, or not written, in the “book of life”. He mentioned the word, “remembrance”, saying it was found in Malachi chapter 3, but avoided reading it.

At that time those who feared the Lord spoke to one another. The Lord took notice and listened. So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who feared the Lord and had high regard for His name.” Mal 3:16

Perhaps we should concentrate on the context around this scripture, which will describe the state of God’s chosen priesthood today. The anointed servants of Jesus Christ have abandoned his headship, to serve an evil slave and the slave’s idol/organization. (John 15:4; 1 John 2:28; Eph 1:22,23; 1 Cor 6:15; 2 Pet 3:17) (Matt 24:48-51; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rom 1:25; Rev 13:1,2,11,12,4) 

It is true; a JW may speak of Jesus, even claim to obey him, yet disobediently choose the words of powerful men, over the words of Jesus Christ. (Prov 4:1,2; 2 Tim 4:2-4; 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Cor 11:4; Matt 15:9) 

This is the case with God’s holy priesthood, the “living stones” of His Temple dwelling in Spirit. (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22) As a result, their individual “sacrifices of praise” have been silenced. (Num 28:6; Heb 10:11;13:15; Dan 12:11) 

The priests have willingly let go of this obligation to God, without upholding and protecting not only God’s Temple dwelling within their hearts, but to uphold and protect the truth in Jesus Christ. (Num 3:10;2 Chron 23:6; 26:16-18; Ezek 44:16; Dan 8:11,12; Mal 2:7,8; 2 John 1:9-11;2 Tim 2:15) 

Someone else is telling them what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. (Ezek 44:8; 2 Thess 2:3,4; 1 Cor 3:16;2 Cor 11:20; Dan 7:7;Rev 13:6) 

Their role as God’s teachers has been eliminated by counterfeit elder “priests” “representing the royal priesthood”. (Mal 2:7) God’s “kings of the earth” have been overcome by the deceptive power over them. (Rev 1:5) (Rev16:13-16; 20:7-9) They are admonished to be an unobtrusive presence, and to remain scattered. (Dan 9:7; Joel 3:2; Zech 1:18-21) 

In other words, the royal priesthood has been abased by the organization. (Lam 2:17; 3:28,29; Dan 9:8; Joel 2:17; Dan 8:11; Luke 19:43,44; 1 Cor 7:23; Gal 1:10) 

The priests are tolerating men who demand obedience to an authority that has no backing in God’s word. (Deut 27:9,10; 2 Chron 13:9; Ezek 44:15,16) They must adhere to regulations beyond scripture, spoken as coming from “Jehovah’s spirit-directed organization” (Exod 32:8; Deut 12:32; Prov 30:6; Rom 1:25; Rev 13:1,2,15) 

The Pharisees were guilty of this practice, and Jesus condemned them for it. (Mark 7:9) These laws are connected to the organization’s existence, and necessary to preserve an unscriptural dominance and dual rulership, of false prophets and their elder army. (Dan 2:33,42; Rev 9:1-4; Rev 13:11,12) 

Christ’s chosen priests follow in the footsteps of spiritual Harlots, false teachers/false prophets, cowering under the leadership’s “empty philosophy”. (Jer 2:17; 9:9; 5:31; 1 Cor 6:15-17,19; Gal 1:10; Col 2:8; Rev 13:10) This was predicted to occur in the last days – Christ’s “kings of the earth” became captive to “demonic expressions”. (Rev 1:5; 16:13-16; 17:1,2) 

The governing leaders’ consistent failures of understanding and applying God’s word correctly, must be excused and disregarded by all; not questioned, to preserve their unrighteous authority. (Luke 22:24-27; Matt 24:48-51) Since when has it been accepted by God to tell continuous falsehoods, and it not be considered a repetitive evil, committed by God's people? (Deut 18:20-22; Jer 23:16; Matt 7:15-20) 

The book of Malachi explains it this way –

You have wearied the Lord with your words. Yet you ask, “How have we wearied him?” When you say, “Everyone who does what is evil is good in the Lord’s sight, and he is delighted with them, or else where is the God of justice?” (Mal 2:17)

Also recently, a governing leader stated that Russia appears to be the present “king of the north” spoken of in Dan 11:41, that “enters the land of the decoration”. He implied that this means Russia would interfere in a significant way with “the activities of God’s people”, meaning all JWs. The statement was made concerning the organization’s ban in Russia, but with the outbreak of war in Ukraine, they have intensely promoted Russia as “king of the north”. The “land of the decoration” is also referred to in other Bible translations as the “beautiful land”, the “glorious”, “promised”, “pleasant land”; all referring to the early nation of Israel, and now to God’s “Israel”, His “inhabited homeland”. (1 Cor 3:9,16; John 14:23; Eph 2:22) 

Their “king of the north” teaching clashes with their doctrine that the anointed are the locust-scorpions of Revelation 9, who bring their “stinging message” to the world. No matter how one perceives it, locusts devour land. In the book of Joel, the “northern” locust army ,destroys God’s “beautiful land”. (Joel 1:6;2:3) God allowed this to happen because of their rejection of His commandments. This has a spiritual significance for our day, and ties in with the activity of the locust-scorpions of Rev. 9. (Joel 1:13;2:12,13; Dan 9:10,11; Mal 3:8,9; Rev 9:3,5) 

So yes, there is a conundrum that exists with their two doctrines.

#1 - We've got one worldly entity apparently interfering with JW activity, as well as devouring a literal land - the Ukraine. There are approximately 129,000 JWs in Ukraine. Considering that there are supposedly 8 million worldwide, has this “king of the north” impacted JWs “in a significant way”? Only 1.6 percent of JWs have been affected by Russia’s invasion. However, the prophesy of the king of the north accurately comes against the holy priesthood, not all JWs, which reduces the percentage tremendously. If the number of partakers at last’s year’s Memorial indicates the number of anointed worldwide inside the organization, only about .26 percent of JWs are anointed, with the rough chance that there may be a handful found in the country of Ukraine, as well as Russia.

What a weak show of force by Wt’s “king of the north” against Daniel’s holy people, the saints, in the last days! (Dan 10:14; 7:21,25) How will Russia find what is left of the 20,746 anointed scattered and unidentifiable, within the entire JW rank? (Lam 4:1; Luke 19:41-44) 

#2 - We also have the anointed priesthood appearing as foreboding locust-scorpions - not as a “beautiful land”, or a “land of decoration” - but "devouring" the world where they preach with their scorpion-like stinging message, and causing apparent fear and anxiety on their listeners. (Joel 2:6,7; Rev 9:5-6) How successful have they been at devouring and stinging these last two years? Has their message ever reached every country in the world? As the organization trumps up their king of the north in flaming red on their website, their doctrines are deflating, in the presence of truth. 

So, what is the truth?  The truth is that the locust-scorpions’ target, is the same target as the king of the north; God’s anointed priests/”kings of the earth”. (Rev 1:5; 5:9,10) 

These “kings” are the people whose activities have been removed, the “daily sacrifices” of praise to be offered to God. (Num 28:3; Dan 8:11,12; 1 Pet 2:5; Heb 13:15) These anointed priests are those who have been “devoured” by the leadership in the organization. (Jer 2:3) They must bow down to the governing leaders and their army, “man of lawlessness”, that “sits” in the Temple of God, ruling over the “living stones”, who are God’s “own possession” – His promised land. (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22) 

The elder “forces” have boldly "entered" God's "beautiful land" and dwelling/sanctuary of His Spirit. Russian leaders cannot remove daily sacrifices from a priesthood they know nothing about. (1 Cor 3:9; Ezek 44:6-9; Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2) 

“King of the north” – “And forces shall be mustered by him, and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation.” Dan 11:31

“Man of lawlessness” - “When you see the abomination that causes desolation’ standing where it does not belong—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” Mark 13:14

JWs are taught that various entities are destined to come against them before Armageddon is finished; Gog of Magog, the Wild Beast from the Sea, Russia as the king of the north (but they change this at a whim). Incredibly, the “man of lawlessness” has no role against JWs in their playbook, and yet this identity ties all the above, together. These illustrative symbolic meanings for the same event in the last days, are deliberately blamed on the world of politics, by Harlots/false prophets who have left their covenant with God. They have purposefully confused JWs, when all these titles solely point to the organization and its dual leadership. God’s promised land has been deceived by Satan’s masterwork, to wipe out the “remaining ones of the woman’s seed”. ( Rev 12:12,17; Ezek 21:21,22; Rev 20:7,8) 

Through this deceit, they have fallen into sin and idolatry, as foretold in the scriptures. (Matt 24:24,25; 1 Tim 4:1; Jer 2:4,5; Rev 13:4). And because of this transgression, God’s Temple has been desolated, defiled by the elder body “man of lawlessness” who “represent the royal priesthood”. (2 Thess 2:3,4) 

By perceiving this change of command, it should be clear how the “daily sacrifices” of God’s chosen priesthood have been eliminated by those who claim to represent them!

“Rather than challenge their authority, we truly appreciate our hardworking elders!” Wt 02/8/1 p. 13,14

Back to the book of Malachi. God rebukes the priesthood for neglecting their priestly duties. (Mal 1:6,7,10; 3:8) It speaks of a messenger coming as “Elijah”, sent by God to His priests in the last days. (Mal 3:1-3; 4:4-6; Matt 17:11; Rev 11:1-3) 

This messenger reveals the spiritual corruptive influence among God’s priests, and stresses the need for their repentance. (Mal 3:7-9) But, do they all listen? Are they all written in the “book of remembrance” that the governing leader spoke of? (Mal 1:4) As much as we desire it, can you imagine every anointed one and all JWs, rejecting the idol and its falsehoods? (Zech 2:6-9,11; Rev 18:4-8; 14:6-12) 

Read Mal 2:1,2; Dan 9:11 -  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mal+2%3A1%2C2%3B+Dan+9%3A11+&version=CSB

Under the spell of demonic expressions of the soothing promise of peace and security, God’s priests have allowed the arrogant evil slave and the man of lawlessness, to overcome them by their flood of lies. They are “drunk” on the Harlot’s wine. (Jer 6:13-15; 1 Thess 5:3; Luke 17:26,27; Rev 12:15; 17:1-5) 

Read Mal 3:14,15 -  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mal+3%3A14%2C15&version=CSB

It is incredible that G. Jackson even dare mention Malachi chapter 3, since it describes perfectly, what the Harlot is up to –

Mal 3:5 - “I will come to judge you. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers, lying witnesses, and those who cheat workers out of their wages and oppress widows and orphans. I will also testify against those who deprive foreigners of their rights. None of them fear me,” says the Lord of Armies.

God pleads with His people to resume their spiritual offerings that have been cut off, and to repent, acknowledge, and follow His decrees in Jesus Christ. He promises to pour out His mercy upon them, leading them to the spiritual bounty of truth in His Son:

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the Lord Almighty. 12 “Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the Lord Almighty. Mal 3:11,12

John 15:1-8,16

Yet, only those who “fear the Lord” respond to the messenger’s call whom He sends. (Zech 1:4-6; Dan 9:17,18; Mal 3:16) 

That book of remembrance is the same one, as the Lamb's book of life. That book contains the names of those who through integrity and courage, have earned God's favor and spiritual protection (Rev 3:5; Phil 4:3; Isa 4:3; Rev 20:12)

That book belongs to the Lamb (Rev 13:8; 21:27), because these are those to whom his blood will apply...(John 1:29; 1 Pet 1:19; Rev 12:11; 7:14; 1 Cor 5:7)   Pearl Doxsey

“They will be mine,” says the Lord of Armies, “my own possession on the day I am preparing. I will have compassion on them as a man has compassion on his son who serves him.

18 So you will again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him.” Mal 3:17,18


At https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/

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GB member Geoffrey Jackson recently categorized those who would be written, removed, or not written, in the “book of life”. He mentioned the word, “remembrance”, saying it was found in Malachi chapter

I'm sure she wasn't expecting it.   

Before there can great the tribulation be, there must occur the great skin rash.  

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There are a lot of assumptions made in the above posts that are extrapolation upon extrapolation, and then that is extrapolated upon to the point that it’s a matrix made out of gauze and fog.

Let’s get right down to the real nitty-gritty ……

If Jehovah’s Witnesses are NOT the “true anointed” … where might I find these “true anointed”?

If I got in a taxi cab and I said “take me over to these folks”,  what address would I give the taxi driver?

What address would I give the taxi driver?

If your entire supposition is not based on fantasy, then this “true anointed” should be real people congregated somewhere.

Where is that place? How do I get there? When I introduce myself …. who are they going to tell me who they are?.

Bob, Carol, Ted, and Alice??

Is it that they are real people, at a real location, or is it they are not real people and don’t exist at all.

If you’re not able to supply directions of how I get there, and who these people are that I can introduce myself, you’re living in a fantasy world, and just wading through a sea of Scrabble chips, playing with words.

I await your specific reply.

I might even take a present to give them, like a pie, or something.


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10 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

If Jehovah’s Witnesses are NOT the “true anointed” … where might I find these “true anointed”?

The anointed priests that are in the Wt., are the true anointed - the general population of JWs are not God's chosen people. (Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9)   But, there are true anointed who have been disfellowshipped for rejection the organization and its falsehoods. However, are those in the Wt "faithful anointed"?   That is the whole message presented in the post.  

12 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

f you’re not able to supply directions of how I get there, and who these people are that I can introduce myself, you’re living in a fantasy world, and just wading through a sea of Scrabble chips, playing with words.

I have given link after link to a "true" and "faithful" anointed, even in this post. She's there to answer questions. We have groups on facebook as well.  Maybe you are looking for a physical building or another "mountainlike organization? John 4:21-24  Maybe you want men to organization another religion?  



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55 minutes ago, Witness said:

Perhaps we should concentrate on the context around this scripture, which will describe the state of God’s chosen priesthood today. The anointed servants of Jesus Christ have abandoned his headship, to serve an evil slave and the slave’s idol/organization.

You should take a look at the context of Malacht. How does your characterization of Malachi be seen as an abandonment of headship, if by context, it stems from God's perfect gifts, 1 James 1:17, or Balaams second oracle in Numbers 23:19.

By providing spiritual food under the direction of scripture, how have they abandoned Christ core values?

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6 minutes ago, Witness said:

 But, there are true anointed who have been disfellowshipped for rejection the organization and its falsehoods. However, are those in the Wt "faithful anointed"?   That is the whole message presented in the post.  

Are you referring to people like Pearl Doxsey, and Raymond Franz? Do you think this modern day word "disfellowship" could have been applied to Judas?

7 minutes ago, Witness said:

I have given link after link to a "true" and "faithful" anointed, even in this post. She's there to answer questions. We have groups on facebook as well. 

When those people don't obey God's command that are subject to Christian conduct, according to Christ instructions, how can they be considered the true anointed?

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41 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

You should take a look at the context of Malacht. How does your characterization of Malachi be seen as an abandonment of headship, if by context, it stems from God's perfect gifts, 1 James 1:17, or Balaams second oracle in Numbers 23:19.

By providing spiritual food under the direction of scripture, how have they abandoned Christ core values?

I did look at Malachi.  I quoted Malachi.    You are talking of abandonment of headship to men who have no authority over anyone.  Like the elder body? None of us, are to be slaves to men; whether male or female.   Gal 1:10

I'll miss your downvotes when you leave, Allen; and I can always count on some sort comeback from you that I either answer or ignore.  Honestly, I'm probably in the minority here, but I don't find you as "toxic" as the Preacher.  Hope you aren't facing some sort of physical difficulty coming up.  

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

I did look at Malachi.  I quoted Malachi. 

Yes, you did quote Malachi. However, the context is different from what you are proposing. When, do you believe, Witnesses became slaves to our fellow servants? I understand you have a problem with the 7 seven reputable men that should be chosen in order for other members to continue their preaching work, however, they also do preaching work while they carry a great responsibility when dispensing spiritual food as those men that are full of God's Spirit.

Acts 6:3

New International Version

3 Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them

You, need to finally lose that distinction if you want to consider yourself a Christian, because it's not the Watchtower or it's members failing God.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

I'll miss your downvotes when you leave, Allen; and I can always count on some sort comeback from you that I either answer or ignore.  Honestly, I'm probably in the minority here, but I don't find you as "toxic" as the Preacher.  Hope you aren't facing some sort of physical difficulty coming up.  

To be honest, I down vote when I see scripture misapplied, or confusion over interpretation. I have nothing to gain over disliking a person. Therefore, that's not what the down votes are for.  I'll leave that judgment to God. You have the potential to be a good Christian if only you apply bible principles as recommended in scripture.

My rebukes, are not so toxic as when Jesus rebuked Peter, get behind me Satan. He wanted Peter not to think as a man, but as a spiritual child led by God. One's mind and heart should always be first toward God as a true Christian. I hope yours will be too.

If you are wondering why April 2, it's because Many Jehovah's Witnesses will be attending their Circuit Assembly on April 3. Witnesses will have to enter into a new form of true worship, mind, body, and soul. Insider information, NO! Published, NO!

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10 hours ago, Dmitar said:

If you are wondering why April 2, it's because Many Jehovah's Witnesses will be attending their Circuit Assembly on April 3. Witnesses will have to enter into a new form of true worship, mind, body, and soul. Insider information, NO! Published, NO!

Insider information - the announcement that the great tribulation has finally arrived, perhaps?

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