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The state subsidy is denied to WTJWorg in Norway

Srecko Sostar

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15 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I thought the Charity Commision here in UK were going to end the 'charity status' of the JW Org because of the Child Sexual Abuse within the Org and because of the GB's obstanance and refusal to change their man made rules. Pity the CC didn't follow through on the plan. 

The courts of several countries have ruled differently on this matter.

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First of all. Thanks for the sentiments in the previous post. I don't plan to focus much on things said here anymore, so you're right that it isn't really going to matter much whether those details ab

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quote from document: The reasons for the decision The Religious Society Act sets several conditions for being able to receive state support. In our investigations, we uncovered several viola

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4 minutes ago, WalterPrescott said:

Do, all humans go to heaven?

Maybe all those who believe in it are going to heaven. :) 

Speaking of heaven, I would say this too. The concept of the Catholic faith is that they hope to go / continue to live in heaven when they die on earth, for example.
At JWs, another situation has occurred, which is unfavorable at its core. Namely, JWs hopes that some of them will go to heaven, upon death here on earth. So it is similar to the Catholic belief, they die on earth and continue to live in heaven (only since 1914/1919 this is possible, of course according to WTJWorg).

Eh now, these other JWs who hope for eternal life on earth through the survival of Armageddon or through the resurrection are at a disadvantage. Because, such a change should have happened several times in these 140 years of WTS existence. And each time their faith and hope failed. And many died without the possibility of both combinations of gaining a “better” life.
So, Catholics believe and hope and it comes true to them at death. JWs believe and hope, but this is by no means achieved now or later, but is constantly delayed through various "new lights" and never come true.


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23 hours ago, WalterPrescott said:

... to obey G-d as instructed by the bible, of staying away from bad company and their influence. 1 Corinthians 5:11, 15:33. They see as you see the Org bylaws, written by men rather than by G-d.

I know it's off the topic, but the "algorithm" 🙃 just picked up something interesting about this particular spelling of "G-d" which was also a feature of several of the same accounts mentioned earlier. "Allen Smith" "Billy the Kid" "Dmitar" etc.

In fact, it was also used by one of your most cleverly named accounts, in my opinion. It was one that you used just after the "Billy The Kid" account, and I thought it was a clever renaming, remaining in the same genre of account names:

On 2/22/2020 at 4:45 PM, Leander H. McNelly said:

You either serve G-d the right way or you don’t.

@Patiently waiting for Truth had already pointed out McNelly's relationship to "Billy the Kid" since Leander H McNelly was from the same time in American "Old West" history, and from the same part of the United States, just one state over from where Billy the Kid was also active. McNelly was also famous for gunfights.

Of course, since Leander McNelly was a famous Texas Ranger, it might be of interest to note that the name "Walter Prescott" is also a two-thirds of the name of the author of "The Texas Rangers," a book that includes discussions about Leander H McNelly.



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Dmitar’s “new” personnas are easily recognized after a few paragraphs filled with questions it would take a thesis of large proportion to address, and a deluge of agenda driven downvotes.

When his new persona appears, It’s as if thousands of voices cried out in pain, and were suddenly stilled.

It’s like in the first Muppet Movie, the “… but have you tried Hare Krishna …” running gag.

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Summary of witness testifying in Norway court case, Jan Frode Nilsen:


(some is in Norwegian language)








(Just a note, I do not necessarily agree with all the stands taken by publishers of any of the above mentioned websites, but I do pray for Jan and I think he is very brave. May Jehovah continue to bless him for being willing to go through the hellish situation of being drilled by a Watchtower lawyer in order to bear witness to the truth. "Jehovah's Witnesses" as an organization have brought great reproach on Jehovah's holy name. Jehovah will cleanse His Name People for the sake of His Holy Name and regather all the little hurt sheep. May Jehovah be praised.)

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