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The state subsidy is denied to WTJWorg in Norway

Srecko Sostar

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Jehovah will correct all things .

You cannot.


Take the strength you have gained, and the lessons you have learned and retire from the battlefield, scarred, but wiser.

Sometimes … the only thing you CAN do …. Is survive.


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First of all. Thanks for the sentiments in the previous post. I don't plan to focus much on things said here anymore, so you're right that it isn't really going to matter much whether those details ab

I assume that Norway might have similarities to Denmark where religion is not taken all that seriously. (It took my sister about 12 years to finally get Danish citizenship after marrying a Dane and li

quote from document: The reasons for the decision The Religious Society Act sets several conditions for being able to receive state support. In our investigations, we uncovered several viola

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13 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Yeah, the text this morning was even more hilarious...my daughter read it with the accent the wolves use on the Kevin McFree videos😆


She read it like this:


"When a Kwistian is disfehwhoashipped, we might fink of him as a contagious sheep that might infect the fwock. He is sick in a speewichual sense. Speewichual sickness, wike some forms of fisical iwlness, can be qwite contagious. So it is necessary in some cases to isowait a speewichually sick individual fwom the congwigation. This discipwin is an expwession of Jehovah's wuv for faithful members of His fwock, and it may weach the wongdoer's heart and weed him to wepentence. While disfehwhoashipped, the individual may be able to attend meetings, where he can be fed and built up speewichually. He is also fwee to weceive witerature for his personal use and to watch JW Bwoadcasting. And as the elders observe his pwogwess, they may from time to time offer personal counsel and diwection to help him wegain his speewichaul health so that he can be weinstated as one of Jehovah's Witnesses."





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11 minutes ago, boyle said:

Still you should listen to them, and not be stubborn about it.


I will never again listen to men who would ask me to disobey Jehovah. I've done that in the past. I won't do it again. If I were to go along with their God-dishonoring doctrine, then I'd be hurting Jehovah. I know how Jehovah feels about that false teaching. He hates it. It hurts Him. I love Jehovah, and I will not take part in something that I know hurts Him. If I pretend I'm "spiritually dead", then I'm going along with their lies. I won't do it.

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27 minutes ago, boyle said:

This is an appropriate metaphor for this website. Good inclination. 

*** ws11 7/15 p. 11 par. 6 Will You Pay Attention to Jehovah’s Clear Warnings? ***
6 How can we protect ourselves against false teachers? The Bible tells us exactly what to do. (Read Romans 16:17; 2 John 9-11.) The clear instruction in the Bible is: “Avoid them.” That means that we have to stay away from them. The warning from the Bible is like a warning from a doctor who tells you to avoid a person who has a disease that may spread to others. The doctor knows that if you get this disease, you will die. His warning is clear, and you will do what he says. The Bible says that apostates are mentally diseased and that they use their teachings to make others think like them. (1 Timothy 6:3, 4) Jehovah is like that good doctor. He clearly tells us to stay away from false teachers. We must always be determined to follow his warning.


I am always wary of any medical advice from "the FDS"...makes me think of this link...http://underpop.online.fr/w/watchtower-bible-and-tract-society/watchtower-society-and-medical-quackery.pdf


The governing body in the Bible told people to stay away from blood. The GB today tells people it's okay to take fractions of blood. They are apostatizing on that too. "Stay away from false teachers" is good Bible advice. The pages of the Watchtower have been used for some good things, but also for some bad things. A discerning reader knows the difference by means of comparing the words with what the Bible says. "We must always be determined to follow his warning." "His" = Jehovah's.


"Young children, it is the last hour, and just as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared, from which fact we know that it is the last hour.  They went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us. But they went out so that it might be shown that not all are of our sort.  And you have an anointing from the holy one, and all of you have knowledge.  I write you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie originates with the truth. Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son."


When the GB denies the power of the ransom and denies the teachings of the Christ regarding love and other things, they are being antiChrist. We must obey God as ruler rather than men. Disfellowshipping doctrine as currently practiced is antichrist, and I will not support any part of it.










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24 minutes ago, Pudgy said:


Jehovah will correct all things .

You cannot.


Take the strength you have gained, and the lessons you have learned and retire from the battlefield, scarred, but wiser.

Sometimes … the only thing you CAN do …. Is survive.



"I'm not dead yet...I'm happy...I want to go for a walk" lol 😆




They might want to say "she's spiritually dead" but I'm not.

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@Pudgy @boyle I know you mean well. I know you do. It's just, Jehovah's spirit leads us by means of love. Sometimes because of love we do things that others might not understand or that we wouldn't have the strength to do by any other means. I already told you before, I am a weak person and I am tired all the time. But Jehovah gives me the what I need when I need it. "For God is the one who for the sake of his good pleasure energizes you, giving you both the desire and the power to act." I don't know what all the workings out of His will may be for me or anyone else. But I know when Jehovah gives me the strength to do something and when He is directing me to do something. I am one of Jehovah's witnesses. Jehovah doesn't leave people. He doesn't abandon people, even those people who misjudge Him. I am one of Jehovah's witnesses. I will be loyal, because He is loyal, and He makes me loyal when I rely on Him.

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I am working on applying the good counsel you gave me before, and I will keep on applying it - it is good practical counsel that I value very much -  but I can't cut off the congregation, not in my heart. It's almost like they are just asleep or on pause, the relationships with them, on hold until they wake up. They'll wake up. Jehovah will wake them up. We have to be here for them when they wake up. If I were to cut them off in my heart, well, then I'd have to stop caring. It hurts to care, but Jehovah helps with the pain, and the pain does lessen after awhile. Or we develop a callus or something. I don't know - I just know He's helped me endure so far, He'll keep helping all of us get through.


37 minutes ago, boyle said:

Well you must be tired.


You're right, I am tired! Good night, my friend.🌷




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Well, 18 pages of disagreeableness for this thread alone. I did this watching a TV series so at least THAT story was not a complete waste of time.

I like a good religious debate, and used to debate 3 to 5 worldly people at the same time, on IRC/DALNET.

In 15 years there I never had anyone lie to me, or about me … and conversations were based on Scripture, reason and logic, hard facts and common sense.

Here it’s like talking to malignant zombies, or the divorced from reality, with rare exceptions.

Exit, stage right ……


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9 hours ago, boyle said:

I used to consider TTH a good friend until he decided he was going to attack me and rebuke me when he wouldn't do that to apostates.

Not so thin-skinned, if you please. I'd rather go back to peace. You can suffer a rebuke now and then without thinking the rebuker an enemy. Nor is it necessary to compare to see who else is rebuked. I believe there are scriptures on both of these points.

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