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The state subsidy is denied to WTJWorg in Norway

Srecko Sostar

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17 minutes ago, boyle said:

Don't turn this on me James. Since I've been here, you have not heeded God's words for any reason. You defend apostates, and insult the very instrument you are supposed to be part of. So, your words about my behavior here are worthless. 

You have attacked me far worse by insulting my family. You are a deranged sick individual. Why people in the close club put up with your nonsense has been a question for over 8 years, oh! Wait, you're part of those scammers. lol! 😅

You are clearly bat crap delusional.

1.)  Since you have been here you have NO IDEA if I have heeded God’s words, or not, as evidenced by your many slanders against me, based on false assumptions.

2.)  I have not defended apostates, I have defended true statements, from whatever source. I did chastise  the creating of dissension in the Congregations, a serious error.

3.)  I do not insult anybody or anything. I excoriate with satire, humor and reason and logic thing that are lies, stupidity, arrogance, and agenda driven thinking. I have always invited rebuttal and civil disagreements. I tell the truth as I see and have experienced it.  Truth is often mistaken for insult, especially if you are the one being lampooned.

4.). I have NEVER INSULTED your family. I know nothing about your family. I have challenged you several times to show me where I insulted your family, and you NEVER COULD.

5.)  I would like to see your hard evidence that I am a deranged, sick individual. Your opinion is only that unless proven. Nothing more.

6.). Why people in the Closed Club put up with my nonsense? I don’t know, but I suspect they appreciate hard facts that can be proven every time, and most understand my outrageous sense of humor.

7.)  And there is a very real difference between being simply wrong, as we each take turns being, and being a scammer. 

Of course a person can be wrong and teach what is wrong because they themselves believe the error … but a scammer is one who KNOWS he is defending a lie, because he KNOWS what he is teaching is not true.

Thr reason the Society does not follow Matthew 18 …. Jesus SPECIFIC instructions on how to maintain peace in the Congregation, is because they would lose their hold on the never ending flow of money, which is clearly evident.

Well … I hope to have addressed all your accusations and delusions. If not … a civil dialog based on verifiable hard facts instead of the norm would be welcomed.

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40 minutes ago, boyle said:

Can you give me an example in the bible where a female was made an Elder, and the reason why?


"For when they rise from the dead, neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but they are as angels in the heavens."


(Mark 12:25)


"All around the throne were 24 thrones, and on these thrones I saw seated 24 elders dressed in white garments, and on their heads golden crowns."


(Revelation 4:4)


"It is according to his good pleasure that he himself purposed for an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, to gather all things together in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth."


(Ephesians 1:9,10)


40 minutes ago, boyle said:

I would have no problem going to your congregation to let them know you are an active apostate on this website. It works for me.


I've already sent them the links to this website. I'm not sure if they've checked it out or not. But if you come to my congregation let me know and I'll show up with a sign that says "Love Jehovah's United Family" so you can tell me again how disruptive I am.😆


40 minutes ago, boyle said:

When an apostate comes to the Kingdom Hall holding signs to embarrass the congregants. To secular law, it can become harassment.


Well, the local police department sent me an email that said if the COBE gives me a hard time, I can call the direct line and the police department will help me. They know the COBE is sketchy. (You can see the email in some of the correspondence I posted on one of the Status Updates.)


40 minutes ago, boyle said:

I would go to TTH's congregation to advise them how he supports apostates here. Would that work for you?


If Tom is helping people here, I pray that he get a blessing. If you do go to his congregation, maybe you could recommend to his elders that they imitate Tom's example of love and courage in following Christ rather than the example of the cold-hearted Pharisees.


40 minutes ago, boyle said:

When those changes are made under the law, then the Watchtower can have broader issuance of those laws. Meantime, a judicial committee is obligated to let the congregation know a person was removed.


Who made up those rules? Santa Claus? The Easter Bunny? 


40 minutes ago, boyle said:

Even if the Elders don't specifically say why a person was removed, there are plenty of noisy people. It will spread, like wildfire, in the congregation. 😏


Many people are afraid of displeasing the elders, so they spread whatever the loudest elders' wives want to spread. The truth is not spread if the loudest elders' wives don't want the truth spread.



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56 minutes ago, boyle said:

comes to the Kingdom Hall holding signs to embarrass the congregants


The faithful ones were not embarrassed. They waved and smiled and honked and some stopped to talk with me. The older CO flashed his lights and waved and smiled. A couple of the elders did too. The COBE and his wife didn't though. And some of the others pretended I didn't exist. But if any of them were embarrassed, well, that's a good sign, because they should be embarrassed. They're naked.


"Clothe yourselves with love."


"'Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one who stays awake and keeps his outer garments, so that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness.”"


"Because you say, “I am rich and have acquired riches and do not need anything at all,” but you do not know that you are miserable and pitiful and poor and blind and naked,  I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may become dressed and that the shame of your nakedness may not be exposed, and eyesalve to rub in your eyes so that you may see."


(Colossians 3:14; Revelation 16:15; Revelation 3:17,18)


1 hour ago, boyle said:

Can you give me an example in the bible where a female was made an Elder, and the reason why?


Some women will be made elders in heaven in the kingdom government, but not before that time. In the family relationship, an adult sister is not a slave or an animal or a baby. She is not some kind of serf to be dominated by the lords of the congregation, although that has been my experience in the congregation arrangement. If a sister treats the elders like lords, then she will have many "privileges". But if she treats a brother like her brother rather than like a god and speaks truth in harmony with God's will even when he doesn't like it, she will be punished. If she thinks about the Bible and adheres to what is written in the Bible rather than some dumb manmade doctrine that is obviously apostate, she will be ridiculed and called a "Jezebel" and an "apostate" and "a hater of men" and a "feminist" and "not in subjection" and all kinds of other foolish things. It's ridiculous.


1 hour ago, boyle said:

holding signs ...To secular law, it can become harassment.


It's funny, in the videos of the modern day history of the organization and in the Proclaimers book, holding signs advertising the truth is held up as very desirable. 

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7 minutes ago, boyle said:

Well, you see. Your statement confirms the presence of noisy individuals in your Kingdom Hall. Wow, so your entire region is already aware of this.


The convention will be here at the end of this month. When I went to the assembly last month, my kids and I were kicked out at halftime because I was having conversations with people (they didn't know about the Pharisees putting the "disfellowshipped" label on me). I am not disruptive, so I just look like every other Jehovah's Witness at the assembly. When I went outside with my kids at lunchtime, the Gestapo elders wouldn't let me back in, I wrote about it in one of the Status Updates.


Anyway, I emailed the local congregation this week to tell the elders if they could please let me know ahead of time if they're not going to let me in the convention center because I will have to find another way to tell my brothers and sisters I love them if I won't be permitted in to encourage them in person. The media usually comes to the Portland convention center to do a brief video camera stint for the news. I told the elders that I will reach out to the media people and tell them my situation, what with being banned and all, ask if they don't mind if I give a shout out to my brothers and sisters via the media. And I will also show up with that sign again about loving Jehovah's family. Or they could just let me come in and sit politely during the convention like I always have and talk to my friends and family at break like I always have and sing the songs like I always have, instead of them disrupting the peace.

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5 minutes ago, boyle said:

There are special circumstances where a female can "act" like an Elder without actually being one. They take the responsibility, not the title.


A man is a man and a woman is a woman. They are built differently. Either can have wisdom or a lack of it, either can have faith/trustworthiness/love/etc or a lack of it. But in a family, a man is built to take on a more leadership-responsible role. In the family, a kid will listen to the discipline of a father more than the mother, generally speaking. A mother tends to be more nurturing. These are generalizations, but Jehovah designed it so that older brothers, not older sisters, would take the lead in the congregations. A sister feels safe when there are older brothers taking the lead who are competent and humble. But when the older brothers are all wolves or cowards, it's hell. I have seen when sisters try to act like elders too, it's not pretty. Usually it's certain elders' wives who dictate what their husbands do, and if the wife wants to put a hit out on somebody, they're a goner, either socially they will be excluded or even "theocratically" executed. It's ugly.

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They have tried to make separations in my family before. I have not told you the details because it wouldn't be appropriate on here for me to explain it right now, but I didn't let them do it. I don't care what "privileges" they take away from me, Jehovah says anyone not taking care of his own family is worse than someone without faith. I was willing to get disfellowshipped rather than bow down to those ridiculous elders because I care about the safety of my family, both my immediate family and my spiritual family among those ones in the Kingdom Hall. And I'm not just going to walk away and pretend I don't know those people anymore, even though a lot of them are half-asleep with the dumb doctrines they've been fed for years. I used to be asleep too. I know how fast people can wake up. They will wake up eventually, Jehovah is going to wake them all up at once very soon when Jesus takes the throne in heaven and then cleans the organization. Anyway, I can't just walk away. It's my family. Would you just walk away if somebody took your family hostage and told everybody you were the bad guy? Jehovah didn't walk away, even though Satan slanders Him in the same way, saying Jehovah abandoned everybody and doesn't care. Satan's a liar. Jehovah didn't leave us, and I'm not going to leave the family either, even if they want to ignore me. 

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Audrey, you ARE disruptive in the extreme.

Perhaps with the best of motives, but that does not matter.

Find another way.

Nothing you can do is going to help.


By the way, are you in Portland, Oregon?

I helped design the Portland Light Rail System out to 23 miles West, to Gresham., 1980. I was there when Mt. St. Helens blew up.


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17 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Audrey, you ARE disruptive in the extreme.

Perhaps with the best of motives, but that does not matter.

Find another way.

Nothing you can do is going to help.


By the way, are you in Portland, Oregon?

I helped design the Portland Light Rail System out to 23 miles West, to Gresham., 1980. I was there when Mt. St. Helens blew up.



Oh, @Pudgy, I know nothing I do is going to "help". Nothing is going to change until it is Jehovah's appointed time. I know that.


It's just in the meantime, a matter of principle. I am not trying to be disruptive, that is not my motive, but it is a result of their response to my keeping integrity. I can't help that.


I obeyed the rules of the congregation as published, as well as the rules of the Bible. Those guys broke their own rules, and then punished me for it. Fine. Whatever. But now I am not going to stop loving people just because they want to kick me out. Their lack of integrity doesn't change my integrity.


I am not going to stop talking to people just because some guys want to say "shun her!" It doesn't work that way. They can make all the decrees they want, but that doesn't change that Jehovah decrees I do everything I can to encourage my family. There are some in the congregation who know I didn't do anything for which to be shunned. They know it. And they got strength when they saw me out there with that sign. The little ones. They saw, and they got strength. I won't leave them.


When there are brothers and sisters in the prisons, who goes to clap for them? When there are sick ones in the hospitals or nursing homes, who goes to visit them? We should. We can't always, but it's good if we do. My family is in prison in the organization to wicked men who make God-dishonoring decrees. I'm not leaving them. I can't be with them at every meeting - I won't bring my kids there anymore because of current circumstances - but I can go to the assembly and convention and CO visit once in awhile and show that I am not a hater and I am not guilty of the charges. It's the principle of it. If I didn't go, then it'd be like I gave up. I can't do that.


Even when I feel like giving up, Jehovah gives me the strength again. Praise Jehovah. I am confident that soon He will get rid of the disfellowshipping doctrine and the other God-dishonoring teachings in the organization. I am 100% confident. I will be outside the "walls" when they fall, and I will be ready to comfort all those brothers. They are going to need to be comforted. They're not used to thinking and reasoning on the Bible for themselves.

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18 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

By the way, are you in Portland, Oregon?


No, the other Portland, on the east coast. The kids and I will be heading down your way (did you say you are in S. Carolina?) for a road trip at some point this summer - have family in N. Carolina and friends in FL.


21 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I helped design the Portland Light Rail System out to 23 miles West, to Gresham., 1980. I was there when Mt. St. Helens blew up.


Sounds like a blast!

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6 minutes ago, boyle said:

This is an appropriate metaphor for this website. Good inclination. 

*** ws11 7/15 p. 11 par. 6 Will You Pay Attention to Jehovah’s Clear Warnings? ***
6 How can we protect ourselves against false teachers? The Bible tells us exactly what to do. (Read Romans 16:17; 2 John 9-11.) The clear instruction in the Bible is: “Avoid them.” That means that we have to stay away from them. The warning from the Bible is like a warning from a doctor who tells you to avoid a person who has a disease that may spread to others. The doctor knows that if you get this disease, you will die. His warning is clear, and you will do what he says. The Bible says that apostates are mentally diseased and that they use their teachings to make others think like them. (1 Timothy 6:3, 4) Jehovah is like that good doctor. He clearly tells us to stay away from false teachers. We must always be determined to follow his warning.


Yeah, the text this morning was even more hilarious...my daughter read it with the accent the wolves use on the Kevin McFree videos😆

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