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Is Point “A” REALLY point “A”?


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Is Point “A” REALLY point “A”? 

Let’s say it’s a really slow day in heaven. 

No  hordes of demons to rustle into submission, or things to tidy up, like the remnants of an exploding star, or whatever else they do up there, presuming up there is really up there, not out there or over there or under there, etc.

So Jehovah God might decide to send an Angel, let’s call him Bob, on a mission to Earth, specifically to Colony Park, New York, where the Society’s Lawyers do whatever it is they do …..

Let’s call Angel Bob’s starting point, “Point A”, and his ending point “Point B”.

Where exactly is “Point A”?

Is it inside this physical universe somewhere within this expanding sphere of space time of approximately 30 billion light year diameter?, or ……

is it outside the space time continuum of OUR experience, perhaps that unknowable mystery that Jehovah and Jesus inhabited BEFORE the “Big Bang”, about 14 billion years ago?, or

is it in a parallel universe such as Quantum Physicists say they have the math for?, or

is “Point A” somewhere on a vibrating string, on a “brane”, down, down into the sub-atomic universe as far down as there is to go? …….

Where is Angel Bob, when he is on “Point A”?


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Good points, but it was a slow day at the Archive, and I was in a frivolous mood for some topic we all had not beaten to death. And who knows? Somebody through reason and logic might have

It is “outside” your scope of reference - yours and mine. While we all may know the answers to such questions at some future point in time, at this point I would say it’s just grounds for endless spec

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It is “outside” your scope of reference - yours and mine. While we all may know the answers to such questions at some future point in time, at this point I would say it’s just grounds for endless speculation. Better to focus on getting there in the first place. 
(I’m not trying to be sarcastic or self-righteous here. It’s an interesting enough question. Right now though, you and I have some immediate and pressing survival challenges that demand our focus and attention). The question to me isn’t whether we will ever get a definitive answer to those types of questions - I expect we will. But rather, will we be there to hear them?

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Good points, but it was a slow day at the Archive, and I was in a frivolous mood for some topic we all had not beaten to death.

And who knows?

Somebody through reason and logic might have been able to shed some insight on the idea, that I strongly suspect the Apostle Paul already had the answer to when he spoke about the various “levels” of Heaven.

I see this “Archive” as light entertainment, something to explore new ideas, or confirm old ones by actual test by real adversaries, either inductively, or deductively.

And perhaps have some fun along the way.

I am too old to surf or skydive.






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22 hours ago, Pudgy said:

No  hordes of demons to rustle into submission

Good imagination - but no demons there any longer!  They are all here in our domain - that is why we have to deal with so many nasty personalities!

Lets us answer it with a little more imagination: We are in a physical part of our universe which has time and space but there are other dimensions here which we are not aware of most of the time.  Angels (as well as many nasty ones) move around in our space as well.  They see us and hear us?  Maybe with quantum frequencies, or some other mysterious part of science humans are only starting to scratch the surface of.

Maybe Jehovah sends a quantum frequency to Angel A in Area A outside our physical universe.  A knows what to do.... because the universe keeps existing on their providing energy and information.   He sends a frequency message to angel B in the farthest reaches of our universe (leaving out the other mathematical "strings" attached ), and he informs BOB to go and do a pleasant task - to tell the GB they are all fired!    NO, that was a joke.... Some nasty angel tries to stop Bob but Bob manages to overcome the obstacle due to the older age of the demon opposition.....  so BOB is successful and goes ahead and tells the human mortals their time is almost up - to get ready to move to the next dimension.  Time is short - so they must quickly teach those other brothers how to manage things - do this right, this is your last chance to do it right..

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OK … so Angel Bob has an appointed time to meet, and a promise to keep.
If that is a month from now?, what then?

And more to the point …. How would someone know enough to state definitely “It’s never a slow day in heaven.”?


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59 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

OK … so Angel Bob has an appointed time to meet, and a promise to keep.
If that is a month from now?, what then?

And more to the point …. How would someone know enough to state definitely “It’s never a slow day in heaven.”?


Guess work here….he’s dynamic energy…he cannot sit still…planning discussing with his court and fighting a war with two thirds of his old family and trying to deal with us ratty lot….and listening to millions upon millions of prayers and listen to what Bob  wants….and besides his eyes are roving about in all the earth look for righteous hearts 2 Chronicles….but he has rested on the seventh day so maybye you got a point there……hmmmmmmmm

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11 hours ago, Arauna said:

and he informs BOB to go and do a pleasant task - to tell the GB they are all fired! 

'click bate' of course, but it does show that you want it to happen too. 

You wouldn't write it if you didn't think it, and you wouldn't think it if you didn't feel it inside. 

I think the 'heavens' are a totally different dimension. I think all spirit beings are from that different dimension too. 

The dimention that we live in didn't exist until YHWH and His son Yeshua created it all. 


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