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Is Point “A” REALLY point “A”?


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36 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

'click bate' of course, but it does show that you want it to happen too. 

You wouldn't write it if you didn't think it, and you wouldn't think it if you didn't feel it inside. 

I think the 'heavens' are a totally different dimension. I think all spirit beings are from that different dimension too. 

The dimention that we live in didn't exist until YHWH and His son Yeshua created it all. 


It's click "bait".

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Good points, but it was a slow day at the Archive, and I was in a frivolous mood for some topic we all had not beaten to death. And who knows? Somebody through reason and logic might have

It is “outside” your scope of reference - yours and mine. While we all may know the answers to such questions at some future point in time, at this point I would say it’s just grounds for endless spec

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I had not thought of that!

”…. and on the 7th day, he rested ….”

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On 4/30/2022 at 10:46 PM, Pudgy said:

Is Point “A” REALLY point “A”? 

Let’s say it’s a really slow day in heaven. 

No  hordes of demons to rustle into submission, or things to tidy up, like the remnants of an exploding star, or whatever else they do up there, presuming up there is really up there, not out there or over there or under there, etc.

So Jehovah God might decide to send an Angel, let’s call him Bob, on a mission to Earth, specifically to Colony Park, New York, where the Society’s Lawyers do whatever it is they do …..

Let’s call Angel Bob’s starting point, “Point A”, and his ending point “Point B”.

Where exactly is “Point A”?

Is it inside this physical universe somewhere within this expanding sphere of space time of approximately 30 billion light year diameter?, or ……

is it outside the space time continuum of OUR experience, perhaps that unknowable mystery that Jehovah and Jesus inhabited BEFORE the “Big Bang”, about 14 billion years ago?, or

is it in a parallel universe such as Quantum Physicists say they have the math for?, or

is “Point A” somewhere on a vibrating string, on a “brane”, down, down into the sub-atomic universe as far down as there is to go? …….

Where is Angel Bob, when he is on “Point A”?


Hanging out with Quaid at a Martian beach resort?

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Yeah. …… I thought about assuming the title “3rd Master Of Space, Time, And Dimension”, and then just working at it until my abilities fit the Title, you know … “fake it until you make it”?

But the name was much too long for my Driver’s License, or Dog Tag …. as the case may be.


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And actually, the Universe was specifically designed to run COMPLETELY by itself. That is why there is a Planck Constant and a specific Planck Number that never changes that is the DNA of sub-atomic quantum reactions that make the Universe EXACTLY PREDICTABLE, and allows us to make stuff that ALWAYS behaves EXACTLY the same, and allows us to make things like the phone or computer we type on, and send messages around the world, and back from Voyager 1 Space Probe, launched in 1977, and still transmitting from interstellar space.

So far, Peter Carroll, you have been wrong about everything you have said, because your thinking is agenda driven, based on repeating other people’s feel-good Ill-thought out theology ….. and woefully short on facts.

It would serve you well to get a detailed Periodic Table of the Elements, and learn what all those numbers mean, so you will understand that the Universe was actually designed to operate all by itself, without any maintenance or oversight whatsoever.

….. become an expert on understanding what a Planck Constant and Number is, and why it’s important.

You will be much happier, and MUCH more credible.

AND … lose the need to try and denegrate others as a compulsive reflex.

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2 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

….. and just HOW do you know there is never a “slow day in Heaven?


try thinking abouit it ,,try using a brain created by jehovah,, the universe doesnt run itself ,,,the level of intelligence to well above your abilities

As an example, I did notice that you tried to divert the fact that you DID NOT even ATTEMPT to answer the incredibly simple and direct question, and instead responding with an ad hominem attack.…. an obvious and standard response of someone who realizes his premises are not valid, but is determined to win an argument based on arrogance, alone, knowing he is wrong.



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13 hours ago, Pudgy said:

and just HOW do you know there is never a “slow day in Heaven?

Nat King Cole was dead and up there when he wrote his song:

”Roll out those lazy hazy crazy days of summer….Dust off the sun and moon and sing a song of cheer.”

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