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How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.

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Sure. I have no idea who will be saved or not. Nor does it make any difference to my personal responsibility to make known the good news.

To me this is why I don't sweat it when someone says that I gave a "bad witness". I try not to, but it's going to happen and happen repeatedly. We all have patterns. I just keep trying and relax while

So here in Genesis 15 we have a verse of the Bible, which in context is about the Abrahamic Covenant and is also a very clear discussion of chronology. It points out the time, the actual number of yea

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7 hours ago, Arauna said:

It does not matter if he was the slave or not. (With new light we know he was not - he was only the messenger before the faithful slave rendering service in the Parousia)  Mal 3: 1  “Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will clear up a way before me. And suddenly the true Lord, whom you are seeking, will come to his temple; and the messenger of the covenant will come, in whom you take delight. Look! He will certainly come,” says Jehovah of armies. ). 

Russell did not die a martyr's death. No one beheaded him like that "real" messenger John the Baptist. Drawing parallels on the type-antitype model shows its shortcomings, again.

7 hours ago, Arauna said:

They already had most of the basic truths and were contemplating newer ones... and had discarded some wrong ones. 

JWs are very disgusted at the mere mention of the word "cross". You see this as a fundamental difference between true and bad worship of God. Russell had no problems with crosses. How is it possible that he saw the truth about “hell” and the “immortal soul” and his mind remained darkened about the “cross”?

How come he didn’t see that he wasn’t FDS or GB or whatever you want to call him? A true “messenger” in the first century said he was not worthy to untie the sandals of Jesus, and Russell allowed his followers to “untie his sandals” and call him titles.

You, as collective, create legends about your religious leaders, past and present, and attribute to them positions, that are in fact, empty and useless like hollow sacks.

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1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

Not Lawyers.

You should get over your obsession on this. Unfortunately, lawyers are a byproduct of living in the modern world. 

You and I both remember when the premier sponsors for TV news programs were manufacturers or merchants. Now they are lawyers. With no exaggeration I can count over a dozen lawyers who regularly advertise on local media, some a dozen times a day. If you have pockets, someone will find a pretext to try to empty them. It Is a societal transfer of funds for every reason under the sun, with barristers netting a third.

Don’t misunderstand. There are wrongs to be righted. We live in a society that views money as the way to right wrongs. It’s not to say that every lawsuit is just a money grab. But when lawyers replace manufacturers and merchants as the premiere advertisers, well—it’s one crazy way to run a planet.


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33 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Drawing parallels on the type-antitype model shows its shortcomings, again.

John the Baptist was a messenger who prepared the way and so did Russel.  I did not say it was an anti-type did I?  You made that assumption.

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35 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

No one beheaded him like that "real" messenger

Paul was a messenger to the gentiles and he was not baptized - so is it a requirement that a messenger must be beheaded?    Apostle means : sent out.   They all were sent out to be messengers.

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