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How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.

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Sure. I have no idea who will be saved or not. Nor does it make any difference to my personal responsibility to make known the good news.

To me this is why I don't sweat it when someone says that I gave a "bad witness". I try not to, but it's going to happen and happen repeatedly. We all have patterns. I just keep trying and relax while

So here in Genesis 15 we have a verse of the Bible, which in context is about the Abrahamic Covenant and is also a very clear discussion of chronology. It points out the time, the actual number of yea

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2 minutes ago, Witness said:

But what you see is mega-magnified and exaggerated issues.

Does God take truth lightly?

This is what the Lord of Armies says: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They are deluding you. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the Lord’s mouth."   Jer 23:16

Does God ever change?  Does what He said yesterday about truth, and about those who claim to speak for Him - do His words hold no more authority today concerning the ample untruths taught in your organization?

 I did not send out these prophets,
yet they ran.
I did not speak to them,
yet they prophesied.
22 If they had really stood in my council,
they would have enabled my people to hear my words
and would have turned them from their evil ways
and their evil deeds.  Jer 23:21,22

So, Wt. excuses will continue.  The leaders will try desperately to gain the trust of all JWs by saying "God trusts the slave, so shouldn't you trust the slave as well?"

These are not exaggerated issues.  God and Jesus expect us to decide, to perceive, to distinguish between truth in His word, and the lies of men.  One leads to life, the other, to death.







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8 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

And the insults continue. JWs can you not even write one comment without insults ? By their works you will know them. 

“You are blessed when they insult you and persecute you and falsely say every kind of evil against you because of me."  Matt 5:11


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13 minutes ago, Witness said:

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?  Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 So if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”

This interesting biblical quote points to another problem in WTJWorg (or in the individual believer). Religious JW leaders have been praying to God for 140 years for Bible truth and understanding. So they prayed for bread and fish. And they got something. They put it on paper and in public speeches. They developed doctrines and beliefs in these things.
Then they came to the conclusion that they did not get bread and fish, but stone and snake. They rejected doctrines and prayed to God again. Again they got something from God. So they rejected it again, because, it seems, they got a stone and a snake again.

So what's wrong with all that? Are they bad kids or is he a bad father?

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3 hours ago, Anna said:

Par 12 WT 2006

"We therefore have reason to think carefully about our personal situation. Are we actually inside Jehovah’s arrangement of spiritual protection? When the great tribulation strikes, tears of joy and thankfulness will stream down the faces of those who have sought such protection. For others, there will be only tears of sorrow and regret."

When you carefully read this paragraph, it is important to note it is addressing people who have access to the Study version of the WT, which is studied at the KH of Jehovah’s Witnesses. . I do not see a resident of the slums of Calcutta mulling over this WT. Logically, it cannot apply to those people who are not in a position to read these words, and therefore it must apply to those who are able to make a choice, i.e. those who are associated with JWs, know what they should do according to Jesus, but are sitting on the fence. (Or it it sitting on their hands?)

The person in the slums can hardly have regret over something he was not aware of in the first place.

I am of the opinion that this type/logic of reasoning does not bring good results.

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if you can show a screen shot that will prove, in context, that I wrote the disputed content, I will offer my extensive and comprehensive ,  humble apologies.

It is not something I would write …. 



…. until then, your credibility with me is zero, and my accusations stand as written.

Others can decide for themselves.

….. and as for my posting of material from “The Babylon Bee”, authorship was NOT claimed by me, and it is CLEAR I did not write that, to wit;




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7 minutes ago, xero said:

Humble? Isn't that an argument from perspective? Whose perspective?

I have looked for the quote in context, and could not find it at all. It either exists …. or it doesn’t.

If it does exist, either “Pudgy said”, or Pudgy did NOT say.

Perspective has nothing to do with it.

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On 5/7/2022 at 10:33 AM, Pudgy said:

“Follow the data—we need tithes, loopholes, and ever-changing rules, not repentant hearts!”

Do you see how this happened...again?  It was in your quote entitled, On a related note, from America’s greatest religious news source:

Whatever was attributed to your comment, became owned by you when someone else quotes your comment.  It happens that way.  I am sure that @Patiently waiting for Truth was aware that they were not your own words, but perhaps condoned by you.  

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Pwft has already made his position quite clear.

…. and the quote from “America’s greatest news source”, internally qualified the reference as NOT “Pudgy said”.

Again … that is why context is vitally important.

If he or someone can find the contested quote and post IN CONTEXT a screen shot, that would clear the whole thing up as to who authored the contested quote, falsely attributed to me.

If I actually did author those words, I owe PwfT an apology.

I suspect the contested quote is from another topic thread (?), or completely made up by PwfT.






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