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How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.

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Sure. I have no idea who will be saved or not. Nor does it make any difference to my personal responsibility to make known the good news.

To me this is why I don't sweat it when someone says that I gave a "bad witness". I try not to, but it's going to happen and happen repeatedly. We all have patterns. I just keep trying and relax while

So here in Genesis 15 we have a verse of the Bible, which in context is about the Abrahamic Covenant and is also a very clear discussion of chronology. It points out the time, the actual number of yea

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4 hours ago, Anna said:

He is "essentially labeling"? I don't think so.

He told his audience that the wicked who are trying to "assimilate" them into their world, are numbered “900 to one”.  He is labeling all outside of the organization as enemies, people to fear.  And the enemies of JWs will be destroyed in Armageddon.  

5 hours ago, Anna said:

Yes, we agree God reads hearts, and yes, He will determine who is saved, regardless of what we think.

I appreciate your opinion, but is it also regardless of what A. Morris thinks?  He put on quite a dramatic performance illustrating how those he hates will be destroyed.

4 hours ago, Anna said:

"Furthermore, everyone hearing these sayings of mine and not doing them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand".

Dear Anna, 

The house built on sand, is a house that is built on wrong teachings, men's doctrines that are always shifting.   There is ample evidence that this identifies your organization as the house built on sand.  Think back from the beginning until now.  

5 hours ago, Anna said:

I had a class mate at school who believed in Jesus whole heartedly. She slept around and smoked.

I know elders in the area who laze around and get drunk.  The same elders who hid a child abuse incident from the congregation.  They claim to believe in Jesus.



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5 hours ago, Anna said:
8 hours ago, Witness said:

Stephen Lett numbered the “wicked” against the number of JWs as “900 to one”.  By calling them all wicked, he is essentially labeling all outside of the organization as having no chance of being saved at Armageddon.  They have been judged by your leader. 

He is "essentially labeling"? I don't think so.

What you believe and what you are being taught are two different things.

Soon, now, the wicked world will be destroyed.  “Survival”  chapter 13 p. 98-104

What will end, then? The present “age” of wickedness.  W 74 1/1 p. 4

Soon Jehovah will annihilate all the wicked on earth, just as the Bible says. W 95 2/13 p. 13-17

At  Rev 21:1 “the former earth” refers, not to this planet, but to wicked human society that will be destroyed. W 90 9/15 p. 5-7

Thus, the incorrigibly wicked will be gone, as will all wicked governments, which will be dissolved and replaced by God’s heavenly rule, or Kingdom. W 12 2/1 p. 25

After the wicked are destroyed, Jesus will rule as King for 1,000 years.  Enjoy Life Forever  Lesson 33

According to Lett, the "wicked human society" found outside of the organization, numbers 900 to 1.  He is not distinguishing between those who have rejected the JW message and the rest of human society. 




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20 minutes ago, WalterPrescott said:

there is that little pesky thing, who will inherit the earth. I guess to some here, it means those that interpret scripture in a flagrant way.

What could I deduct from your "intellectual "discussion is that you do not believe that some individuals would inherit the earth? Or if you do, that some here is not worthy of that promise?

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