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How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.

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Sure. I have no idea who will be saved or not. Nor does it make any difference to my personal responsibility to make known the good news.

To me this is why I don't sweat it when someone says that I gave a "bad witness". I try not to, but it's going to happen and happen repeatedly. We all have patterns. I just keep trying and relax while

So here in Genesis 15 we have a verse of the Bible, which in context is about the Abrahamic Covenant and is also a very clear discussion of chronology. It points out the time, the actual number of yea

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On 5/14/2022 at 10:19 AM, Anna said:

I don't think there is anything wrong with living a Christian life, I mean an honorable marriage, raising good children, working hard, keeping life simple. 

The irony though is they only sing about it, because most don't live like that! It's just feel good words. 

And there is a song about a dog going to heaven too!

I don't know about most, but you can be sure there are jw's who sing kingdom melodies every Sunday who have the same sinful issue.

And what kingdom melody song was it that had 'molesting bee's' in it that was removed?

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On 5/4/2022 at 1:23 PM, Anna said:

My hubby and me have finished the one docu series and now we have started another Netflix one called the Family, this time about a Christian group (you've probably seen that too).

I've seen it. The first I heard about the controversy surrounding the National Prayer Breakfast a few years ago from an author trying to reveal hypocrisy among conservative Republican leaders, especially G.W.Bush, but as much hypocrisy has been true of Democrats too, of course. Since the time of that book, there have been several more scandals related to the Family/Fellowship.

I thought it was a worthwhile documentary to watch. I like that they tried to get some balance in there by allowing the perspective of Family supporters. And to people who were still semi-supporters even after leaving.

Like you, it also made me question the supposed inevitability of governments or political entities turning against religion. After watching it, you'd think it would be more likely that the majority of governments would prefer turning against the lack of religion. But any ideology can become a catalyst to action where power is involved. And when we take into account the leading of demons, we don't expect the final events to be all that predictable anyway. So who's to say what will or won't happen? When referring to the lead-up of the end-times, C.T.Russell was always fond of the expression "God's strange work," basing it on Isaiah 28:21 (AV).

Speaking of Russell, I remembered something from the last episode where Trump says something about himself that reminded me of something Russell said about himself. I didn't want to start discussing any specifics until you have seen the whole documentary. Have you already finished it?

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Have you ever wondered how many of our number are jealous socialist commies at heart?

Good thing we're politically neutral while the some of the ones who aren't emotionally neutral  (low-hour poor meeting attending publishers) imagine a socialist-commie kingdom govt while all the rest of us decent humble folk (folks who know how to take counsel and don't whine all the time) realize if we want figs and houses, we'll have to plant them ourselves and build them ourselves and not just get some kingdom govt. EBT cards and free-loader housing.





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52 minutes ago, xero said:

Have you ever wondered how many of our number are jealous socialist commies at heart?

Yeah, like that pinko David foisting his ‘share equally’ plan upon the ‘bad and worthless’ men:

However, every bad and worthless man among those who had gone with David said: “Since they did not go with us, we will not give them any of the spoil that we recovered except that each one may take his wife and his sons and go away.”  23 But David said: “You must not do this, my brothers, with what Jehovah has given us. He protected us and gave into our hand the marauder band that came against us.  24 Who would agree with you on this? The share of the one who went down into the battle will be the same as the share of the one who sat by the baggage. All will have a share.  1 Samuel 30:22-24.    

Sometimes you have to reign in your bad and worthless men.

52 minutes ago, xero said:

if we want figs and houses, we'll have to plant them ourselves and build them ourselves and not just get some kingdom govt. EBT cards and free-loader housing.

Often I would say of the LDC bro in our congregation, “yeah—don’t kid yourselves. Pete’s gonna make us all live in dormitories.”

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If John the Baptist is resurrected on Earth, perhaps he will prefer to live under a rock, wear discarded clothing, and walk around eating locusts and stuff.….. and then one day he will turn a corner, and there, in the parking lot, will be an Airstream Travel Trailer!


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