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@Thinking, Eoin Joyce is the name of a person from UK (England) who contributed his comments here for several years. He indicated often that he was fed up with the lack of spiritual value in most of t

That was only his personal opinion.  If I recall correctly he had a lot of verbal abuse - and he went too far!    None of us wanted him off!   The only reason people are kicked off here is when they r

This is an amazing interview.  I see many similarities with what is going on in the education system today.  Young children learning the morals and the jargon of the future. The craziness and division

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11 hours ago, JW Insider said:

you have never been wrong

I am an idiot, as this same character always says, and anyone else who dares to ask him questions or disagrees:  but it seems, no matter what he masquerades as, or which mask he puts on, in the end we  recognize the nastiness in the aliases.  In Africa we say, a leopard does not change his spots....just like in other countries.  Unless there is humility - this never changes. And as we learnt recently, we also need Jehovah's Spirit to change.  We cannot do anything by ourselves. I think this character, whichever one he assumes, cannot get away from that.

So as a fellow human I encourage him to at least try to please Jehovah even if he has no wish to get along with us.  I will do the same. Our time is running out in this system.  It is not worth the strife. We must rather try to encourage one another.

I heard about an interview with doctor Malone (searching for it today), where he talks about the WHO taking over the rule of the world.  WHO is the only UN organization with a constitution (I checked).  The rights given the WHO in this Amended Agreement, which will be voted on next week,  can put the Western world under the most terrible lockdown for a dark winter when fall comes this year - if not before.  (I am not sure of the implementation date - within 6 months or 2 years). Those who are pulling the strings have a timetable they are working on. 

All countries will be forced to comply and I will not put it beyond them, to use and international army on those countries who do not comply.  This reminds me of the abominable thing of destruction, as the second lockdown of Rome came along........ Very few will escape - only those who know Jehovah will. Talk of calling out false germs in food plants, businesses, areas, officials going from house to house to force "sleever" those who have not complied, identifying those humans who are vermin (carrying the germ).  It is germ warfare to bring health and food 'security".  The soft touch will be gone.

It seems the King of the North and some of his alliances will not sign.... but the UN works according to majority vote (democracy).  ALL countries are forced to accept when those who agree accept the terms. .... BUT it seems China has a large stake in it. The current head of the WHO was appointed due to China wielding to much power in this organization. He is pro-China. Those who are working behind the scenes to put him in power may put another in his place or keep him.  I just watch this development...... 

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

I am an idiot, as this same character always says, and anyone else who dares to ask him questions or disagrees:  but it seems, no matter what he masquerades as, or which mask he puts on, in the end we  recognize the nastiness in the aliases.  In Africa we say, a leopard does not change his spots....just like in other countries.  Unless there is humility - this never changes. And as we learnt recently, we also need Jehovah's Spirit to change.  We cannot do anything by ourselves. I think this character, whichever one he assumes, cannot get away from that.

So as a fellow human I encourage him to at least try to please Jehovah even if he has no wish to get along with us.  I will do the same. Our time is running out in this system.  It is not worth the strife. We must rather try to encourage one another.

I heard about an interview with doctor Malone (searching for it today), where he talks about the WHO taking over the rule of the world.  WHO is the only UN organization with a constitution (I checked).  The rights given the WHO in this Amended Agreement, which will be voted on next week,  can put the Western world under the most terrible lockdown for a dark winter when fall comes this year - if not before.  (I am not sure of the implementation date - within 6 months or 2 years). Those who are pulling the strings have a timetable they are working on. 

All countries will be forced to comply and I will not put it beyond them, to use and international army on those countries who do not comply.  This reminds me of the abominable thing of destruction, as the second lockdown of Rome came along........ Very few will escape - only those who know Jehovah will. Talk of calling out false germs in food plants, businesses, areas, officials going from house to house to force "sleever" those who have not complied, identifying those humans who are vermin (carrying the germ).  It is germ warfare to bring health and food 'security".  The soft touch will be seen.

It seems the King of the North and some of his alliances will not sign.... but the UN works according to majority vote (democracy).  ALL countries are forced to accept when those who agree accept the terms. .... BUT it seems China has a large stake in it. The current head of the WHO was appointed due to China wielding to much power in this organization. He is pro-China. Those who are working behind the scenes to put him in power may put another in his place or keep him.  I just watch this development...... 

This Who treaty and its sighing has gotten a lot of air and TV time over here…our two major parties have said they will sign But there is a lot of push back.

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17 minutes ago, Thinking said:

But there is a lot of push back.

I recon we are far in the time of the end - the pushback will fail. (but I could be wrong). They tried to do this before and it failed.  I seem to think they have all their ducks in a row now.  Some governments are being taken to court with the true facts of the pandemic....... so now they are forced to bring in the world government with more powers (and the powers are frightening because nothing is clearly defined), to get done what they want done. It is most probable that DARPA, NASA and other organizations such as CIA which is  assisting Biden to get it done.

They now have the technology to suppress information and believe me all who do not comply and talk differently and do not comply will see the abomination wreak its destruction.   Religion is the main obstacle in their way at present. 


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8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I haven't checked for sure, but I think the actual owner of the site is not a Witness and doesn't really get involved in any discussions unless those discussions get flagged by someone.

At the Convention of Magnificent Internet Moguls Mr. Admin casually boasts to his neighbor, “Seen the latest off-the-chart stats of the Wordwide News Media Forum?”

”Big deal, they’re all religious nuts,” comes the answer. Talk to me when you have people who don’t think the earth is flat.”

8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I think that The Librarian is a Witness

That old hen.

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3 hours ago, Thinking said:

This Who treaty and its sighing has gotten a lot of air and TV time over here…our two major parties have said they will sign But there is a lot of push back.

Barely a word about it here in the States unless you go to a place like GETTR, in which case there is plenty.

I didn’t want to start a new social media account, but certain views are reliably suppressed or ‘fact-checked’ away on the main platforms that I felt driven to it. I follow only two people in my GETTR account, Malone and Dowd, and I have the same profile there as I do here and everywhere else. I’ve only commented once, nothing substantial, and don’t plan (as of yet) to make a habit of it. Last I checked I already had 20 followers.

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5 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Barely a word about it here in the States unless you go to a place like GETTR, in which case there is plenty.

I didn’t want to start a new social media account, but certain views are reliably suppressed or ‘fact-checked’ away on the main platforms that I felt driven to it. I follow only two people in my GETTR account, Malone and Dowd, and I have the same profile there as I do here and everywhere else. I’ve only commented once, nothing substantial, and don’t plan (as of yet) to make a habit of it. Last I checked I already had 20 followers.

We have a election tomorrow that’s probably why it’s been up and running mad the last few weeks…that and the monkey pox ….has all started and the COVID restrictions appear to be happening again soon…or threatened….

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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

I recon we are far in the time of the end - the pushback will fail. (but I could be wrong). They tried to do this before and it failed.  I seem to think they have all their ducks in a row now.  Some governments are being taken to court with the true facts of the pandemic....... so now they are forced to bring in the world government with more powers (and the powers are frightening because nothing is clearly defined), to get done what they want done. It is most probable that DARPA, NASA and other organizations such as CIA which is  assisting Biden to get it done.

They now have the technology to suppress information and believe me all who do not comply and talk differently and do not comply will see the abomination wreak its destruction.   Religion is the main obstacle in their way at present. 


It’s extremely political over here at the moment….incredible…

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9 hours ago, WalterPrescott said:

That means hypocrisy is at its highest since you have done that in the past, and recently! Why do people find it so easy to be fake? Yes! Moderators have banned. They have that capability. Yet they find a need to whine and suggest they don't. 😏

No Walter, (am I really taking time out to reply to this nonsense?) you are a troll with ADHD and a persecution complex. Please believe me when I say NO ONE can be bothered to delete content or ban anyone. You are not that important, this site is not that important, no one here is that important.

Once in a blue moon when the Librarian takes a look in here he may have banned someone for breaking forum rules....but I don't even know that. I am just taking your word for it when you say you've been banned. I know for a fact that neither JWI nor me have banned you or deleted any of your content....or anyone else's content.

But you won't believe me of course because you evidently have delusional views of your own importance and grandeur. 

(wasted minute I will never get back)



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On 5/19/2022 at 10:16 PM, WalterPrescott said:

Uh! The nonsense continues! Like I said before, you can't erase your past just like no one else can. You have banned people that challenge you.

I have never banned anyone at all. Much less likely I would be to ban anyone who challenges me. I love being challenged, and wouldn't even be here if I didn't enjoy it.

I'm sorry I called your behavior "unchristian." When I refer to the unchristian behavior of others, I'm not saying that I am right myself or that I am even a good judge of who else is acting Christian or not. I refer mostly to how some people tend to appear in their comments. If a person continues to tell untruths, I don't necessarily think of them as a liar; they are often just mistaken. Like your false and mistaken belief that I have banned people. What you do on your own time isn't anything I would try to do anything about. If you are a non-Christian, atheist, or even an apostate (I don't think you are) I still think you should be welcome here. When I mention "unchristian" behavior, which I admit I should not have done, I am referring to a propensity to create dissension, etc.

I think that many of us, including Pudgy, and myself too, have done this to an extent. And this is one reason I would never try to get one person banned over another, it's a kind of judgment call that I would probably screw up, not knowing who was egging on the other to push buttons or get a rise out of them. I see several people who use snide remarks or hints about things that they evidently think will produce a response from another person. But I can't read minds; I can barely understand half of what some people say outright. So I would agree that I shouldn't have used the term "unchristian." I should have just said a propensity to promote dissension, rivalry, petty arguments over words, etc.

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8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Like your false and mistaken belief that I have banned people.

The right word is "accusation"

8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

ould never try to get one person banned over another,

True, but he can learn to say what you thinks but in more polite terms.

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