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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Again, set up your own closed club and talk about us all you want. See how much we cry that we cannot get in.

Face it, lady. You need us to give meaning to your existence, not the reverse.

I hit a raw nerve.  Was it the video, the mention of the Flock book, or was it the scripture? 

Why do I need a closed club when I can speak here in the open?  You know, I have never added caustic adjectives to your name that I can remember.  Once out of frustration, I said you were blind, but then removed it. (although truly, you are spiritually blind - 2 Cor 4:1-6)  You love to address individuals, who cannot accept your leaders…and give you valid reasons why… with unique descriptions, in the same way your leaders address apostates as “despicable”.  I can’t imagine how colorful your language must get in your closed group. 

I don’t need JWs to give meaning to my life.  But what you need, what all JWs need, is scriptural truth to give meaning to yours.

Rev 18:4-8




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I agree, but that's not what I was talking about. To me it looks more like they are trying to make us think that they will deliver some kind of "piece de resistance" which will save our lives at

You are so ridiculous, just listen to yourself...  

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As a dog I have given comfort and solace to many elderly people that were lonely and needed someone to talk to, someone who would  just listen non judgmentally and show them affection and unconditional love. Those on Medicare and Medicaid need special attention, and that’s why it’s only a $30 co-pay.

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9 hours ago, Witness said:

It is an admittance to other interpretations

Well yes, there are other interpretations, aren't there? Just yesterday the lady who lost her farther told me they obviously needed a electrician in heaven. And then there's the Trinity and hell fire and a host of other things.

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15 hours ago, Witness said:

"as interpreted"...I always found this phrase to be strange.


6 hours ago, Anna said:

Well yes, there are other interpretations, aren't there?

But JWs believe that their GB are the F&DS, so that's it. JWs therefore will only believe the interpretation of their GB. 

Us that have left the Org do not believe the interpretaion by the GB, but we do however still believe In YHWH / Yehovah / Yahweh and in Yeshua / Jesus.  

I do find it interesting that most of us here are NOT in opposition to God or Christ. And i believe that Yeshua said something like 'Those who are not against us, are with us'.  

I find it disappointing though that many JWs have this attitude that if someone is no longer a JW then that person no longer has love for God or Christ. 

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21 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

JWs therefore will only believe the interpretation of their GB. 

Well duh! 

21 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

this attitude that if someone is no longer a JW then that person no longer has love for God or Christ. 

Well that's because it eventually manifests itself in one way or another...

Just because someone says they love God....well we know how that goes...

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8 hours ago, Anna said:

Well yes, there are other interpretations, aren't there? Just yesterday the lady who lost her farther told me they obviously needed a electrician in heaven. And then there's the Trinity and hell fire and a host of other things.

I referred to the teachings of "anointed ones in particular".

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."  1 John 4:1

If the teachings of the GB were from God, they would remain - last - not die out.  A faithful slave of Christ would not provide a dish of food that would be found rotten within  5 years, one year, or within months.   False prophets are recognized by their inability to produce fruit that endures the test of time.

" You didn’t choose me, but I chose you. I have appointed you to go, to produce fruit that will last, and to ask the Father in my name to give you whatever you ask for."  John 15:16

Who appointed the GB as the F&D slave?  They appointed themselves, out of necessity.  They needed full control of the food produced, full control over the lives of everyone in your organization; in particular, the anointed. (Matt 24:48-51) "Food" comes from the "helpers" they have chosen - those of the elder body.  Through the restriction of the spiritual lifeline of teachings; written by those not anointed and approved by only 8 men, they have funneled down to JWs, what the scriptures call "vomit".  (Isa 28:7-10)

This is why people leave.  They are literally "fed up" with being served food that they have "bought" with their service and dedication, only to be disappointed in its rottenness.  They recognize that their spiritual health has deteriorated on a diet of vomit.   Matt 7:15-20; Rev 13:15-17






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2 hours ago, Anna said:
2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

JWs therefore will only believe the interpretation of their GB. 

Well duh! 

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

this attitude that if someone is no longer a JW then that person no longer has love for God or Christ. 

Well that's because it eventually manifests itself in one way or another...

Just because someone says they love God....well we know how that goes...

Um very intelligent first answer.  "Well duh"   But you fully understood my point, that JWs will not reason on things that go against the GB's interpretation.  Didn't Jesus advise us to test the things we hear ?  And wasn't it the Bereans that searched the scriptures 'to make sure things were true' ?  So i think it wise to look deeper than just believeing every word from your GB, even if they do call themsleves the F&DS. 

JWs shun all ex JWs so JWs would never know if ex JWs have a love for God and Christ. 

If you judge ex JWs just by 'hearsay' then it would be you at fault for judging them.  

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1 hour ago, xero said:

I'd say you haven't left if you're still harping on about the GB/FDS.

When they persecute you in this city, flee to another. For assuredly, I say to you, you will not have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.  Matt 10:2

Who is "Israel" today? Rom 9:6-8; Gal 4:26,28; 6:16

The message in the last days is to the anointed and those with them.  Rev 18:4-8; 14:6-12

Fear God and give HIM glory - not an organization that spiritual harlots have used to mislead the "elect".  (Matt 24:24,25; 1 Tim 4:1; Rev 13:11,12,4,15-17; 17:15)


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Apparently others have struggled with the subjectivity of the anointed idea as well. (Ro. 8:16)

Since there is no objective evidence that any individual is anointed today, I simply examine organizations as to the proximity these come to sticking to the bible. This organization fares better than most in my view and quite amazing insofar as it is global in extent. That said, the dragnet illustration w/regard to organizations still hold in my view. The organization too is part of the dragnet. Parallel accounts w/wheat and weeds, sheep and goats the same and even the question "Who really is the FDS?" Each organization claims as a body to be such. Jesus will be the judge. Until then the focus of a Christian is to identify which ORGANIZATION they deem to be faithful and discreet. If you have no organization, then you're not part of that body because you're either implicitly or explicitly are behaving as a "superfine apostle". How then can you forgive your brothers when you separate yourself from them because they didn't do everything the way you thought they should have? 

Anyway I ignore anyone's claims at anointing. Show me your behavior and shut up about how you have some psychological idea about whether or not you might be wearing an invisible crown. Show me your scriptures and your arguments and I'll make up my own mind. 

Oh, also use the same hypercritical analysis w/regard to the 1st century organization and you'd reject them too.

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