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I agree, but that's not what I was talking about. To me it looks more like they are trying to make us think that they will deliver some kind of "piece de resistance" which will save our lives at

You are so ridiculous, just listen to yourself...  

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I just ran this test on myself for JWs I used to know, and failed miserably for about 80%. I do remember the cities, so perhaps that would be a more fair test.



Revision: Excellent idea, generally.

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19 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You can probably trust your first instincts. A participant here, who knows her personally, says it comes out as though automatic writing.

The  conversation on “automatic writing” that Pearl Doxsey was accused of by @Thinking, is here:



  On 7/11/2021 at 3:50 PM, Thinking said:

@Thinking - The point is…Pearl has admitted to me personally she does no Bible study…but of course we can all put confidence in Her ….hahahaha….and never know what she is goinng to write as it just flows and comes to her.

I answered:  Why don't you ask again, and tell the truth about what you hear.    We do Bible study together, we read scriptures together.    When I related your accusation that she does automatic writing - "channeling", she said:  

“Writes down what is given to him?  I don’t do that.  I just hear the scriptures in my mind, look them up and give them to the readers.  Jesus said that the spirit would recall what Jesus said, and that’s what happens.  I receive no direction about what words to write.  Only scripture.  That’s what makes it laborious.  I have to explain how the scriptures fit, if that becomes necessary.  No automatic writing here.  It’s work.” 


1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

I just ran this test on myself for JWs I used to know, and failed miserably for about 80%. I do remember the cities, so perhaps that would be a more fair test.


Or how about the country?  She’s in Australia, I believe.  All people who know me online, know what state I live in, at least.  Or better yet, she could stop blocking me and tell me in person how she knows me.


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26 minutes ago, Witness said:

The point is…Pearl has admitted to me personally she does no Bible study…but of course we can all put confidence in Her ….hahahaha….and never know what she is goinng to write as it just flows and comes to her.

I answered:  Why don't you ask again, and tell the truth about what you hear.    We do Bible study together, we read scriptures together.    When I related your accusation that she does automatic writing - "channeling", she said:  

“Writes down what is given to him?  I don’t do that.  I just hear the scriptures in my mind, look them up and give them to the readers.  Jesus said that the spirit would recall what Jesus said, and that’s what happens.  I receive no direction about what words to write.  Only scripture.  That’s what makes it laborious.  I have to explain how the scriptures fit, if that becomes necessary.  No automatic writing here.  It’s work.” 

Okay, close enough, and it saves me the trouble of searching, which I’m not sure I would have gotten around to.

The point is that it is a weird kind of writing that Witness does, with an unhealthy obsession over ‘anointing.’ She eats, sleeps, drinks, dreams, and sweats ‘anointing.’ @xero chimes in out of nowhere that it gives him the creeps. It strikes him as demonic.  He’s not the only one.

And the only thing she has more than a fleeting interest in is to malign her ‘rival’ anointed, the GB, so that you cannot avoid the feeling that she’s furious people look to them and not her.  She litters her posts with scores of scriptures that apply only in her mind, and always seems to miss the ones that actually do apply.

Dress it up anyway you will but it plays like one of those superhuman Avenger movies, with freaks doing battle on another realm, while we mere mortals on earth merely want to live our lives in peace.

She even chases away that other arch-enemy, Patiently Sitting on my Hands, and as much as he despises the earthly organization, no less than she does, you know she’s got to be creepy to do that!

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I remember the 1st time I came to a KH w/my GF. I was an atheist at the time and this one family I didn't even know gave me the creeps. Like they all had cooties. I didn't even know who they were and hadn't been introduced and it's not like they did or said anything I can recall, but they just gave me the willies.

Later they all bailed. They were all creepy, creepy. Even the kids were creepy, like in a "we do weird sh*t at our house that no one knows about" creepy.

My thinking is that people who have some creepy demonic stuff going on with them can't handle being at a KH for long. It's like they're vampires and the holy spirit in the KH burns their skin or something.

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

 …. Or how about the country?  She’s in Australia, I believe.  All people who know me online, know what state I live in, at least.  Or better yet, she could stop blocking me and tell me in person how she knows me.

Perhaps TTH, could find out, and relay the info.

States are a bit general, but cities and circumstances that match ought to suffice as confirmation.

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42 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Perhaps TTH, could find out, and relay the info.

I’ve no idea. She is in Australia and I don’t think wants to spell out further details on the web. I’m content that Witness pulled up the post that I would have pulled up had I put the time into it. I’ll concede it shows I didn’t hit a home run. More like a double.

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….. or a single strike ….

It would not hurt to ask Thinking for details, she may not care. There are so many fantasy stories floating around, that on face value I personally do not trust ANYONE. 

“Trust ….. but VERIFY” is a good habit to insist on.


On a related note, does “Bigfoot” have only one big foot? If so, does he walk around in circles. Does he have super powers that makes photos fuzzy, and is he related to ManBearPig?






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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

She even chases away that other arch-enemy, Patiently Sitting on my Hands, and as much as he despises the earthly organization, no less than she does, you know she’s got to be creepy to do that!

I have said and will say again, I do not think anyone on this forum is of the True Anointed. I also do not think Pearl is of the True Anointed either.  But i could be wrong. 

I didn't know i was an 'arch-enemy' Tom ?  And what I despise is the immorality and lies within the JW org, most of which would come from the GB's given 'instruction'.  

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1 hour ago, WalterPrescott said:

...about Pearl Doxsey. She's the last person G-d would use as an anointed.

"Brothers and sisters, consider your calling: Not many were wise from a human perspective, not many powerful, not many of noble birth. 27 Instead, God has chosen what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen what is weak in the world to shame the strong. 28 God has chosen what is insignificant and despised in the world—what is viewed as nothing—to bring to nothing what is viewed as something, 29 so that no one may boast in his presence. 30 It is from him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became wisdom from God for us—our righteousness, sanctification, and redemption— 31 in order that, as it is written: Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord." 1 Cor  1:26-31

Not in themselves by stating they are indeed "faithful and discreet"; and not in an earthly organization.



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