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Barbara is truly a heroic individual to those of us who feel strongly about the abuses of Watchtower and seeing them brought to the light. Twenty years ago today, Barbara appeared on Dateline and launched the exposé uncovering the hidden documents the Watchtower was hiding regarding child sexual abuse. In doing so, Barbara sacrificed much – including the relationship with her only son. Below, is a never-before-published diary spanning the years from 2001-2022, when she aired her story on dateline. We want to thank Barbara for her legendary contributions in research and her continued focus on truth, justice, and taking a stand for what is right.



January 2001 Bill Bowen and I decided that we wanted news coverage about the Watchtower’s cover-up of child sexual abuse. We agreed that I would not go public right away.

1-5-01 Friday. Bowen began to tell his story first to a Paducah, KY, newspaper editor. The paper carried his accusations that JWs leaders were covering up child sexual abuse. He appeared on local TV twice and never mentioned my name. After this, former JW Richard Rawe in Washington State, contacted the Louisville, KY, Courier Journal explaining to their Religion Editor, Peter Smith, JWs problems with child sexual abuse pointing to Bowen’s story in Paducah, KY. Smith expressed interest in doing an article.

1-6-01 Saturday. Spoke to “Pinky” and Barbara Pandelos of NJ about their accusations that Watchtower covered up their child’s sexual abuse. They were interested in going public. (I’m losing my voice.)

The whole article should be found on the link added. I'm only half way through reaading it as it came to me in an email this morning.

Enjoy ! 

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https://watchtowerdocuments.org/barbara-andersons-diary/ Barbara is truly a heroic individual to those of us who feel strongly about the abuses of Watchtower and seeing them brought to the light.

Can you condense that 21 years into two paragraphs? It’s like looking at a 5 gallon jar of toenail clippings.

This seems to be fragmented thoughts from different puzzles. Can you explain it in a cohesive linear way?

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38 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


Barbara is truly a heroic individual to those of us who feel strongly about the abuses of Watchtower and seeing them brought to the light. Twenty years ago today, Barbara appeared on Dateline and launched the exposé uncovering the hidden documents the Watchtower was hiding regarding child sexual abuse. In doing so, Barbara sacrificed much – including the relationship with her only son. Below, is a never-before-published diary spanning the years from 2001-2022, when she aired her story on dateline. We want to thank Barbara for her legendary contributions in research and her continued focus on truth, justice, and taking a stand for what is right.



January 2001 Bill Bowen and I decided that we wanted news coverage about the Watchtower’s cover-up of child sexual abuse. We agreed that I would not go public right away.

1-5-01 Friday. Bowen began to tell his story first to a Paducah, KY, newspaper editor. The paper carried his accusations that JWs leaders were covering up child sexual abuse. He appeared on local TV twice and never mentioned my name. After this, former JW Richard Rawe in Washington State, contacted the Louisville, KY, Courier Journal explaining to their Religion Editor, Peter Smith, JWs problems with child sexual abuse pointing to Bowen’s story in Paducah, KY. Smith expressed interest in doing an article.

1-6-01 Saturday. Spoke to “Pinky” and Barbara Pandelos of NJ about their accusations that Watchtower covered up their child’s sexual abuse. They were interested in going public. (I’m losing my voice.)

The whole article should be found on the link added. I'm only half way through reaading it as it came to me in an email this morning.

Enjoy ! 

Can you condense that 21 years into two paragraphs? It’s like looking at a 5 gallon jar of toenail clippings.

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3 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

indeed the world has only a negitive view on what is good ,,,hitlers henchmen welcomed the jews with the same one word

enjoy....this is another twisted example of their hopes ,vain hopes

This seems to be fragmented thoughts from different puzzles. Can you explain it in a cohesive linear way?

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5 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

indeed the world has only a negitive view on what is good ,,,hitlers henchmen welcomed the jews with the same one word

enjoy....this is another twisted example of their hopes ,vain hopes

In the same line of thinking, the GB / Watchtower / JW Org only has a negitive view of everyone outside the Org. Your children are not allowed to play with people from the 'world', the same are told not to go to after school activities with people forn the 'world', young adults are told not to go into higher educaton with people of the 'world'.  Adult JWs are told not to mix with people in the 'world' anymore than they have to. The whole JW Org is geared up to distrust people of this world. The ministry is done out of duty to the Org. There is no love of neighbour. 

And the negitivity shows in your attitude Mr Carroll. As for Hitler, i wouldn't know I've never studied such things. 

And by the way the topic is not hopes, it is a success story. The success of proving that the GB and Co lied about and tried to keep secret the problem of CSA in the JW Org. 

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5 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

we dont feel sorry for your twisted reasoning it just reveals your spiritual father has taught you well ,you have chosen the side of the demons and the father of the lie satan ,we rejioce in knowing who our enimies are ,yes i am very negitive to wards the opposers of the true god Jehovah and look forward to the positive future offered by the bible under the direction of the governing body and the leader Jesus ,whom you abandoned long ago ,As your title says keep waiting ,for the rest of us we have the truth

A somewhat childish way of proving that one side is right and the other wrong. Such a comment has no value in proving where the truth might be, but only accuses the other person of some kind of hostility towards JWs.
Mutual accusations and naming are unnecessary. If anything needs to be blamed, then it is patterns of behavior and belief in doctrines that we feel are bad.
Most people are victims of manipulators. Victims should not be blamed. A small number of those who are the bearers and main promoters of religious delusions should certainly be named, in general or individually.
Barbara Anderson has gone through one phase of her life, now she is in another. Maybe some of you know her better. I know her only through the texts she publishes.

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23 minutes ago, Peter Carroll said:

as jesus said we should become like little children

Children would never form a corporation or organization that represents the Kingdom of God on Earth. They would never invent and pass administrative rules and deal with money matters.

Children would just play and listen to adults telling them what was allowed and what was not.

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11 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

we dont feel sorry for your twisted reasoning it just reveals your spiritual father has taught you well ,you have chosen the side of the demons and the father of the lie satan ,we rejioce in knowing who our enimies are ,yes i am very negitive to wards the opposers of the true god Jehovah and look forward to the positive future offered by the bible under the direction of the governing body and the leader Jesus ,whom you abandoned long ago ,As your title says keep waiting ,for the rest of us we have the truth

I'll examine this comment. 

Quote "yes i am very negitive to wards the opposers of the true god Jehovah"

The true God is YHWH, the God of the bible. And God's son is Yeshua. I love both YHWH and Yeshua and i would never oppose either of them. 

But your 'god' is your GB and the JW Org. And yes i oppose the GB that you serve and worship. 

The Bible does not offer direction through your GB, and it is probable that those men may be removed from their positions.  Psalm 146 : 3 Berean Study Bible
"Put not your trust in princes, in mortal man, who cannot save."

As my title suggests I am Patiently waiting for Truth, Romans 8 : 25  Berean Study Bible
"But if we hope for what we do not yet see, we wait for it patiently."

Now as for you having truth ? Tell me is it this week's 'truth' you have, and next week it will be a different 'truth'. When you GB suddenly get their 'new light' then it will be a different 'truth' again. No, you do not have any truth, but you do have deceit. 

Now back to the beginning of your comment. 

Quote "we dont feel sorry for your twisted reasoning"  Tell me, who is twisted, the one that tries to reveal truth about the Child Sexual Abuse in the JW Org, or the one that tries to hide those Pedophiles in the JW org ?  

Maybe you should think about all those children that have suffered earthwide at the hands of Elders, M/s, and others in your Org that you worship. And maybe you should think about all the adults that have suffered at the hands of Elders because those adults have wanted mercy and justice. 

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2 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

But your 'god' is your GB and the JW Org. And yes i oppose the GB that you serve and worship. 

more twisted fasle reasoning from a delusional mind alienated trom jehovah ..so sad ...your lack of ability to accept jehovah is our cause of celebration . yes it is having jehovah as our god whom we worship not your twisted views on worship .eventually you will have not choice in the matter ,

Mr Carroll you are welcome to keep serving your GB and the JW org. But when the GB fall from the exalted position they have given themselves, then you will be totally lost. I did have a choice and i made my choice. I got out of the immoral JW org and now i give warning to others to do likewise.

I cannot imagine any true Christian being a supporter of Pedophilia and a supporter of CSA, so I therefore do not see JWs as true Christians. By supporting the GB you are supporting the Pedophilia in the JW org. 

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6 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

By supporting the GB you are supporting the Pedophilia in the JW org. 

once again you are twisted in your reasoning and your statements only provide entertainment on this site

8 million of us shout a praise in defence of a creator forming an organization of humans just as he organized the planet we live on ,you could try mars if you dont like organizations they are offering free accomodation

I'm glad your are entertained then :) 

Of those pretend 8 million, at least one thind will be children that are told to do such by their parents, so they have no personal choice. Another third are probably pimo, or more like spiritually out. The numbers therefore look good on paper but not so good in reality. But what you shout about is your GB and your Org.  The literiture you offer is from your GB not from God. 

By the way the Catholic church in 2020 had 100 million members, and they are wrong too.  Big numbers mean nothing. 

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