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How do you explain the latest school shooting?


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A few scriptures:  James 1:13-14, 1 John 5:19, Ps. 37:10-11, Prov. 2:22  1 Peter 5:7, Rev. 21:3-4, Acts 24:15 Jer. 29:11, 2 Cor. 1:3 The above are just a few scriptures explaining the cause of

All schools in the United States are “no gun zones“, and that’s why responsible people are not allowed to defend themselves when some crazy comes to school and starts shooting the place up.  

No comfort for the parents. I do see the victim mentality and entitlement mentality promoted more and more since the 1970's as creating a climate where unworthy people feel put-upon and entitled and g

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A few scriptures:  James 1:13-14, 1 John 5:19,

Ps. 37:10-11, Prov. 2:22  1 Peter 5:7, Rev. 21:3-4, Acts 24:15 Jer. 29:11, 2 Cor. 1:3
The above are just a few scriptures explaining the cause of such evil and the comfort available from the Bible.  
You might like to read lesson 26 in the interactive publication, Enjoy Life Forever, —Why Do Evil and Suffering Exist.  It is available on JW.org or your mother will be happy to share the info with you. 

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All schools in the United States are “no gun zones“, and that’s why responsible people are not allowed to defend themselves when some crazy comes to school and starts shooting the place up.

I would comfort the parents by saying it Is not God that is responsible for the evil in the world, but locally it’s the insane legislature that has no concept of reality, and the insane Shooters.

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No comfort for the parents. I do see the victim mentality and entitlement mentality promoted more and more since the 1970's as creating a climate where unworthy people feel put-upon and entitled and give vent in violent ways.


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Arguably the smartest man that was ever in the White House was Thomas Jefferson who had just been through a war with a bunch of Colonials   against the most powerful army in the world.
A man of abundant common sense who didn’t take any crap off of anybody.


Invented the United States Marines.


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@Pudgy The sad thing is, whenever there is a school shooting, politicians make it political. Then all this talk about second amendment, NRA, etc.

When in school we always had drills for these things, even in college. A brother I know from another congregation nearly had a school shooting situation or what was believed to be one back in 2007-2008 when he was younger. The only hot situation he was in was when he mentioned that in a wood shop class, a mental disturbed kid who was bullied nearly took out a another student with a saw on purpose but was stopped by him and a few other students.

But yeah I don't think shootings will stop, but you can try to prevent it with good action. But as we can see with this one, many scenarios whereas it could have been prevented, the FBI most likely knew. Many times the police had an opportunity to deal with the threat but as you can see with that issues also, then the blame game. I dunno if true or not a police officer got one of the kids killed and another struck a kid by accident, not sure but I'd have to read the information again.

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When I was in high school (in the 70's) there was this one black kid in my PE class these other two black kids were always picking on. I remember sitting on the wall outside the gym about six feet from the kid thinking "they should leave him alone" when he pulls out a stilletto and slices down from the wrist to the elbow of one of these kids and while they run away he chases them and stabs them in the back. It all happened in a heartbeat. No notes, no counseling, no conversation. Just shut up and go to your next class. I never saw these kids again.

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