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Forced meeting times....a ask for help.


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So my mom, a loyal jw of 50 plus years has been told she has to go to a 3:30 service, and so she is willingly attending. This past winter she said she was ordered to go to a 5:30 pm service. This past memorial she said she was ordered to go to the 9 pm service. Now the 1 and only multimillion dollar kingdom hall in our city has several services, but each individual is only allowed to attend the one they are assigned to. My mom is elderly, she has a hard time arranging transportation with the congregation. She refuses my help since she considers me a Jehovah hating heathen, and those in my church are considered evil peole. But no one in her congregation is willing to get to help her get to meetings. I love my mom and I know she has made her decision, but I also want to help her continue with her friendships and social engagements. Is there anyway she can attend meetings outside of her arranged meeting times?


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A person is “assigned” a Kingdom Hall. Some go there, others do not. I have never seen or heard of anyone who was ever sanctioned or criticized for going where they wanted to, at whatever times they normally met. As a young man I and my friends used to go “sister hunting” for wives all over various States.


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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

about her being “ordered”

There are exceptions to any general request.  If everyone did as they pleased there would be chaos, so everyone usually obliges willingly ,,,,,,,   but congregations are always very willing to make exceptions for the elderly.  So I agree with Tom...... they are not orders but people willingly obey any request.....  big difference in attitude. 

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8 hours ago, Pudgy said:

As a young man I and my friends used to go “sister hunting” for wives all over various States.

As a young man I was refused entry to a Kingdom Hall by an elder that had two nice daughters. The Elder was most annoyed at seeing me as 'he had heard things about me' and didn't want me in their Kingdom Hall. On a later occasion one of those daughters came to visit me in my flat to ask me to be her boyfriend. I sent her away because I knew what trouble it would cause and upset to many people. That young lady married my best friend, a young man who's family were all JWs. The young couple moved to Canada and had a family and i had contact with them up until last year. 

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1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

y an elder that had two nice daughters

He acted out of personal concern for his daughters - which  is a good thing -  but not in the way he did it.  Because of the position he held in the congregation it brought dishonor to Jehovah's name.... because you can now use that as an example of bias behavior, which it is. 

The bible does say we must not judge any person on hearsay...... so he was not correct in doing this.  But how many of us act in a perfect way when our daughter's reputation or well-being may be at stake?  He was just an imperfect father.

In the end, you did not work out to be the best guy for her.... 

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47 minutes ago, Arauna said:

In the end, you did not work out to be the best guy for her...

That's true and I'm glad they are both happy together as they were good friends of mine. 

And yes, now i can understand her father's concerrn, but it was a stumbling block at the time, knowing that Yeshua/Jesus has said he came to call sinners not righteous ones. 

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