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Russell's Brooklyn Tabernacle


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A recent headline on exjw reddit reads, “Russell’s pyramid monument was actually erected as a 'memorial to the Society'. It was in the exact center of the Bethel burial lot.”

He or she quotes from the “I.B.S.A” Convention Report found on page 7 of this link: https://archive.org/.../1919BibleStud.../page/n4/mode/1up...

JWs may say, “but that was a long time ago, and we don’t believe in “God’s Great Stone Witness” anymore. We’ve had new light”, which came from Judge Rutherford:

"Then Satan put his knowledge in dead stone, which may be called Satan's Bible, and not God's stone witness. In erecting the pyramid, of course, Satan would put in it some truth, because that is his method of practicing fraud and deceit." Wt 1928 11/15 p. 344

Still, the replicated stone pyramid at Russell’s gravesite, remained until recently removed because of vandalism. Has it really been that long since Russel died? My grandfather died at age 91 when I was 12 years old. He was born in 1877 and was 39 years old at Russell's death. Putting into perspective the convergence of lifespans, and comparing Wt’s existence against the expansive history that we have in the Bible, it has been only a ‘little while’, since the Society/organization had its beginnings; a ‘short time’ of teachings that have kept God’s anointed captivated to any “new light” lurking around the corner, just waiting to be discovered. (Rev 20:3,7-9; 12:12; Luke 21:20; Col 2:8; Rev 13:10) 

What I find interesting is that CT Russell is said to be in heaven, according to GB Splane, and overseeing the production of “fruit”; publications full of teachings that have been developed and taught over the years, as well as the progress made by the organization as a whole. (Matt 7:15-20) Russell has apparently approved of all “spiritual food” produced; otherwise, why would it have been published? This includes the predictions that never came to fruition; and those archaic teachings that cannot be referred to by recent converts in the organization today. (Eccl 12:11-12; Deut 18:20; Ezek 13:6-9; 2 Pet 2:1-3) 

For all his falsehoods, which the deceived hearts of JWs easily dismiss, the man is still revered for his great work of spreading the “good news”. Although it is understood that he was anointed, a “living stone” of the Temple of God, and who apparently is now serving as a priest under Christ (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16), he is honored as a foundation stone of what soon after, became known as the Wt. organization. The scriptures prove that this is the home of the “man of lawlessness”, which has trampled down the “remaining ones of the woman’s seed”. (Luke 6:26; 1 Cor 4:10; 2 Tim 2:19) (Mark 13:22; Rom 1:24-25; Rev 13:1,2,4,7; Dan 11:31; Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2; 12:13,15,17) 

Russell, a man said to be blessed by God with eternal life and “kingship” in Jesus Christ (Rev 5:9,10), purchased the previously called “Plymouth Bethel” in Brooklyn, and named it, “Brooklyn Tabernacle”, or what came to be called at a later date, the “Watchtower Bible and Tract Society”. 

In Russell’s “tabernacle” was an operating office, and “a small printery, stock and shipping departments” (w 1955/3/1 p.140,141) From there, it seems that the “law” or doctrine of men was born, inspired, and began to establish strength down to this day. A modern-day idol was being formed. (Mark 7:7,8; Col 2:20-22; Exod 20:3-6; Ezek 14:1-3; Rev 9:1-4;13:1,2,11,12) 

Acts 7:44 – “Our ancestors had the tabernacle of the covenant law with them in the wilderness. It had been made as God directed Moses, according to the pattern he had seen.”

In Heb 8:5, we see that warning given to Moses when he ready to build the tabernacle - "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain."

The ancient tabernacle was the dwelling place of God’s Holy Spirit, with Him as its architect. It housed His commandments. Today, it signifies Jesus Christ and his faithful anointed, once sealed in heaven, who have written on their heart, the “laws” of God in Jesus Christ. (Rev 12:5; Eph 2:6; Gal 4:26; Col 2:17; Rev 14:1; 15:5; Mal 2:7; Heb 8:10). 

If Russel, who is claimed to be the messenger of Malachi 3:1, was sent by Jesus to cleanse his temple of sin and refine the priesthood in the last days, would he dare blaspheme the meaning of the sacred spiritual tabernacle built on the Body of Jesus Christ, by dedicating a printing outlet in New York, as “Brooklyn Tabernacle”? (Ezek 44:10,12,13; Mal 3:1,3; 1 Pet 2:5; 1 Cor 3:16; 2 Cor 6:15-17; Eph 2:20-22) 

What spirit dwelled in that brick building? What spirit dwelled the heart of the man who named it?

1 Tim 4:1 – “But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.”

He set the stage for the building of an idol that requires one’s faith, dedication and adherence to the doctrine of men. (2 Cor 11:1-4,13-15) Those succeeding heads of the organization appearing after Russell, refer to it as “Zion”, a counterfeit of the Temple/sanctuary of God. (2 Tim 3:13; Rev 13:1,6; Acts 17:24,25,29) 

It is not built with God’s Spirit and His truth in Jesus Christ; nor can it lead people to eternal life. (Isa 57:13) It is an idol demonically “inspired” and sustained with the power, dominion and the fleshly greed of men. (Luke 4:5-7; Matt 24:24,25; Col 3:5; Gal 5:17-21; 1 Pet 2:6-8; Rev 13:15-16; 16:13-16) 

“The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” John 6:63


When is Satan's Short Period of Time?



Brooklyn Tabernacle.jpg

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A recent headline on exjw reddit reads, “Russell’s pyramid monument was actually erected as a 'memorial to the Society'. It was in the exact center of the Bethel burial lot.” He or she quotes fro

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Yes indeed satan is using the governing body of JW Org, who dare to give themselves the title of the F&DS. So the GB have taken it upon themselves to rule over those people that will worship them. Yeshua is patient and watches all that is happening, and the time will come for Yeshua to remove this wicked slave from their pedistal. 

The questiion is, what will JWs do when the governing body are removed ? 

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