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Bible Prophecy and 2034. Will you gain spiritual discernment to become a Survivor of the Last Days?


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1 hour ago, Chioke Lin said:

This brings up another question. Is the bible talking about the internment of Christ, or is it referring to the complete subjection Christ was placed before, for judgment? 

Matthew 12:40 refers to "heart of the earth," day to day. Meaning full days. 

I don't quite understand what you are asking.  Are you referring to the time Jesus was a prisoner to be interrogated, or are you talking about his time in the abyss/the "heart of the earth"?  (Jonah 2:2; Rom 10:7; 1 Pet 3:18-20; 2 Pet 2:4)


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Please explain the difference between the first part of that scripture and the second part. After all there is an "AND" between the two parts so we should be able to understand both the first portion

I appreciate that you finally fixed part of your mistake. In the past few years you kept insisting that this quote about 1914 +120 years came from Russell himself. Later, you reworded slightly to

No. Because the night on the third day would not have been completed before dawn of that second day. If someone dies on Friday afternoon and they are buried that Friday night, then the night of t

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

I don't quite understand what you are asking.  Are you referring to the time Jesus was a prisoner to be interrogated, or are you talking about his time in the abyss/the "heart of the earth"? 

The heart of the earth is what it would imply, time on earth. This would indicate, the time Jesus spent anguishing over his judgment and death. I guess the question is, is the bible referring to the full 3 days, or is, this discussion debating about the internment time of Christ? Jonas and Matthew are specific to the 3 days and 3 nights. This would indicate, Jesus wasn't interred the full 3 days, but in combination with his judgment, it would make those 3 days full.

The day prior, which is referred to the preparation day, consist of just making ready for the Sabbath festival. 

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2 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

Remember, too, that Jesus initiated this observance and then died on the Jewish calendar date of Nisan 14

The calendar date for 33CE does fall on 14th of Nisan. That would make the preparation day on Friday for the Sabbath Festival. Does this mean, Jesus last supper was on Friday? 

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3 hours ago, Chioke Lin said:

The calendar date for 33CE does fall on 14th of Nisan. That would make the preparation day on Friday for the Sabbath Festival. Does this mean, Jesus last supper was on Friday? 

Actually the preparation day was the day before, making it Thursday Evening since the Jewish Day began at Sunset. Thursday evening Nisan 14th to Friday Evening.  At that same day around midnight is when they came for him. Questioning and beating him. The Sanhedrin had an illegal trial after midnight which was now earlry Friday Morning. But dawn when the day was breaking took him to political leaders. and Pilate in the morning of Friday, 8 to 10 am the Crowd demanding Barnabas to be released. Then had Jesus flogged. Returned Jesus to the crowd, tried to release Jesus again  but the Jewish leaders said we have no King but Caesar. Pilate in the morning of Friday, 10:30 to 11:00 am released Barnabas. 

By 10:30 to 11:00 am that Friday morning which is still Nisan 14 until the coming Sunset. Ordered Jesus to be impaled to death. Was executed on a starous on the sixth hour which is noon. Died on the ninth hour which is 3:00 pm in the afternoon

Hurrying before Sunset which was coming in a few more hours, was pierced then handed over to be prepared for burial according to Jewish custom to make sure the Mosaic Law was not violated.  All this happened on Nisian 14 which began Thursday evening with the Sunset and just before the Sunset on Friday Evening when the great Sabbath was to begin at Sunset on Friday evening, A second day.

Therefore, Nisan 15th would be from Friday Evening, as the great Sabbath evening began and ended Saturday evening at Sunset. Then Saturday Evening to Sunday Sunset. The third day. Nisan 16, 33 CE

However, Mary left the house early, when it was still dark that morning. Before dawn that Sunday Morning which is the FIRST DAY of the week. The dawn was breaking and starting to light up the sky as she approached the tomb and Jesus body was not there. 

Jesus was put to death, how? In the flesh.... here's one of several teachings of Jesus Christ. "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever; and for a fact, the bread that I will give is my flesh in behalf of the life of the world." (John 6:51) So, if for a fact, Jesus gave his flesh in behalf of the life of the world, then proclaiming that he took back the flesh he sacrificed would be wholly inaccurate.

"So from now on we know no man from a fleshly viewpoint. Even if we once knew Christ according to the flesh, we certainly no longer know him in that way." (2 Corinthians 5:16)

So how was Jesus Christ resurrected? So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living person.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit." (1 Corinthians 15:45) Spirit creatures/angels, can manifest in the flesh, even eating and drinking with those who entertain them. "Do not forget hospitality, for through it some unknowingly entertained angels." (Hebrews 13:2)

Since Jesus became a life-giving spirit, he manifested in various fleshly bodies and many times without the wounds. Consider the account of Mary Magdalene, a faithful follower of Jesus Christ who went to the tomb for the purpose of dressing his wounds. Notice the account, "After saying this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.  Jesus said to her: “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” She, thinking it was the gardener, said to him: “Sir, if you have carried him off, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” Jesus said to her: “Mary!” On turning around, she said to him in Hebrew:“Rab·boʹni!” (which means “Teacher!”) - John 20:14-16



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5 hours ago, Pudgy said:

and of course he ate fish, on Friday!

Pudgy - please - there are times to laugh, times to obstruct (with laughter), and times to be open and help.   This is a woman who sincerely is asking questions and needs answers.  Inappropriate attention seeking is not good at this time! 

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4 hours ago, Chioke Lin said:

Does this mean, Jesus last supper was on Friday? 

Time of his death. The death of Jesus Christ took place in the spring, on the Passover Day, Nisan (or Abib) 14, according to the Jewish calendar. (Mt 26:2; Joh 13:1-3; Ex 12:1-6; 13:4) That year the Passover occurred on the sixth day of the week (counted by the Jews as from sundown on Thursday to sundown on Friday). This is evident from John 19:31, which shows that the following day was “a great” sabbath. The day after Passover was always a sabbath, no matter on what day of the week it came. (Le 23:5-7) But when this special Sabbath coincided with the regular Sabbath (the seventh day of the week), it became “a great one.” So, Jesus’ death took place on Friday, Nisan 14, by about 3:00 p.m.—Lu 23:44-46.

(Concerning the day of his death as reckoned on the Gregorian calendar, astronomical calculations show that there was an eclipse of the moon on Friday, April 3, 33 C.E. (Julian calendar), which would be Friday, April 1, on the Gregorian calendar. (Oppolzer’s Canon of Eclipses, translated by O. Gingerich, 1962, p. 344) Eclipses of the moon always occur at the time of full moon. This evidence strongly indicates that Nisan 14, 33 C.E., fell on Thursday-Friday, March 31April 1, 33 C.E., on the Gregorian calendar.)


Sometimes two legal Sabbaths would fall on the same 24-hour period, and this was called a great Sabbath, such as when Nisan 15 (a sabbath day) coincided with the regular Sabbath.

Joh 19:3131Since it was the day of Preparation, so that the bodies would not remain on the torture stakes on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath day was a great one), the Jews asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken away.



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4 hours ago, Chioke Lin said:

is the bible referring to the full 3 days,


Questions From Readers

● At Matthew 12:40 Jesus said he would be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights, which some understand to mean a full seventy-two hours. However, the Watch Tower publications speak of it as “parts of three days.” Why?—B. W., Canada.

Those who argue that Jesus was dead in the grave for a period of seventy-two hours, three full days and three full nights, base their argument on the words of Jesus at Matthew 12:40: “For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish three days and three nights, so the Son of man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.” However, their conclusion that this means a period of seventy-two hours is in conflict with the scriptures that say he was raised “on the third day,” not the fourth. Obviously, their conclusion is in error.—Acts 10:39, 40.

In the Bible “three days” does not necessarily mean a full seventy-two-hour period. An example is found at 1 Kings 12:5, 12. King Rehoboam said to the people: “Go away for three days and return to me.” Acting in harmony with his command, would they return on the third day or on the fourth? If they understood his command to mean to return after three full days, they would put in an appearance on the fourth day. However, they did not understand it that way and neither did the king mean it that way. So 1 Ki 12 verse 12 says: “And Jeroboam and all the people proceeded to come to Rehoboam on the third day, just as the king had spoken, saying, ‘Return to me on the third day.’” So they returned after parts of three days had elapsed: the first being the day the king sent them away, the second being the next day, and the third being the day on which they returned to the king.—See also Genesis 40:13, 20; 42:17, 18; Esther 4:15, 16; 5:1.

Jesus himself explained the meaning of his statement, both before his death and following his resurrection. After having made the statement found at Matthew 12:40, Jesus later explained: “The Son of man is destined to be betrayed into men’s hands, and they will kill him, and the third day he will be raised up.” Following his resurrection he confirmed it: “In this way it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from among the dead on the third day.”—Matt. 17:22, 23; Luke 24:46.

The Bible clearly shows that Jesus was in the tomb “parts of three days.” He expired on Friday afternoon, the day before the Jewish sabbath. (Matt. 27:45-50; John 19:31) He rose from the dead early on the first day of the Jewish week, or Sunday morning. (John 20:1) So he was in the grave part of Friday, all day Saturday, and was raised early on Sunday.—See The Watchtower as of March 15, 1944, pages 86-88, paragraphs 17-25.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Pudgy - please - there are times to laugh, times to obstruct (with laughter), and times to be open and help.   This is a woman who sincerely is asking questions and needs answers.  Inappropriate attention seeking is not good at this time! 

Methinks if it had been a better joke, it would have been entirely acceptable, a momentary pause for a smile or a chuckle, brightening the day, and certainly not a cause for confusion or discouragement.

It was not a bad joke, especially if you grew up like we did when the Catholics who we grew up with would not eat meat on Friday, but would eat fish, fish being a swimming vegetable.

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15 hours ago, Chioke Lin said:

I'm trying to understand the discussion about the 40 hours in the theory of time and prophecy.

Can anyone explain why this couldn't be seen as the 40 days Jesus fasted in Matthew 4:2 to correspond to 40 hours of Jesus internment in a 3-day span?

The 40 pattern represents 'a time' of cleansing, refinement, testing, and purification. It can be rendered in hours, days, or years.  Also... when the 40 pattern is applied three times, it is significantly heightened in importance.  Jesus entered this pattern three times during his time upon the earth. (ie...At the end of the required 40-day purification period, they “brought the young child [Greek, paidion]” to the temple in Jerusalem. There Simeon and the prophetess Anna saw Jesus.—Luke 2:1-38; Lev. 12:2-4.


The time Jesus was dead was a 40 hour period that cover 'parts of three days'.  However, one should be mindful that the Jewish Day began on Sundown, this is in regards to Creation at "And there was evening and there was morning, a first day." (Genesis 1:5)

The Sunset during this time period was around 7:12 pm. It varies back forth over time but is very stable. I'm using a round off time of 7 pm for simplicity sake. 

Nisan 14, 33 CE - 1st Day - Thursday at Sundown from 7:00 pm to Friday at Sundown to 7:00 pm   Jesus was put to death at approximately 3:00 pm that Friday afternoon on Nisan 14th. That's 4 hours.

Nisan 15, 33 CE - 2nd Day - Friday at Sundown from 7:00 pm to Saturday at Sundown to 7:00 pm  That's 24 hours.

Nisan 16, 33 CE - 3rd Day - Saturday at Sundown from 7:00 pm to Sunday at Sundown to 7:00 pm  Jesus was resurrected at dawn by 7:00 am. That's 12 hours.

4 + 24 + 12 = 40 hours

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I appreciate all the answers. The problem I seem to have is between, the acknowledgment of the 3 days and nights with the internment of Christ that was much less time. 

I can see the bible speaks correctly when it states a period of 3 days and nights by which Jesus took up his judgment, execution, and burial. It would appear, the 40 hours of internment would have no discrepancy when it is all placed together to form all those 3 days and nights.

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28 minutes ago, Chioke Lin said:

I appreciate all the answers. The problem I seem to have is between, the acknowledgment of the 3 days and nights with the internment of Christ that was much less time. 

I can see the bible speaks correctly when it states a period of 3 days and nights by which Jesus took up his judgment, execution, and burial. It would appear, the 40 hours of internment would have no discrepancy when it is all placed together to form all those 3 days and nights.

His arrest was about 12 hours.  Midnight to being hung on the tree at Noon. I guess one could count the three hours he spent on the stake in agony.  Which then be 15 hours from his arrest to his death.

So you are correct that there is no discrepancy.  Bible Prophecy Fulfilled!

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