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The truth about Armageddon...


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"Babylon was a gold cup in the LORD’s hand; she made the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore they have now gone mad "  Jer 51:7

"And the woman you saw is the great city that has royal power over the kings of the earth.”

Jesus' "kings of the earth" - Rev 1:5

"The kings of the earth (Rev 1:5) committed sexual immorality with her, and those who live on the earth became drunk on the wine of her sexual immorality.”  Rev 17:2

You are spiritually "drunk" on the wicked slave/harlot's wine.  I'm very sorry you can't see my point.  

Then I heard another voice from heaven:

"Come out of her, my people,
so that you will not share in her sins
or receive any of her plagues.

5 For her sins are piled up to heaven,
and God has remembered her crimes.
6 Pay her back the way she also paid,
and double it according to her works.
In the cup in which she mixed,
mix a double portion for her.
7 As much as she glorified herself and indulged her sensual and excessive ways,
give her that much torment and grief.
For she says in her heart,
“I sit as a queen;
I am not a widow,
and I will never see grief.”
8 For this reason her plagues will come in just one day—
death and grief and famine.
She will be burned up with fire,
because the Lord God who judges her is mighty."  Rev 18:4

As a review - who do the "kings of the earth" refer to? 

Are they the world's political leaders?

Or, are theY Jesus' kings that Revelation is speaking about?

The clue is here: REV 1:5, and here: REV 18:4




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1 minute ago, Witness said:

Babylon was a gold cup in the LORD’s hand; she made the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore they have now gone mad "  Jer 51:7

Now the commentator quotes a text that has entirely removed God's Name...  she is drunk and wobbling and stumbling... here here have another drink... lol  


Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of JehovahShe made all the earth drunk. From her wine the nations have drunk; That is why the nations have gone mad. 


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4 hours ago, Witness said:

proven that "Jehovah" is a made up name. 

Jewish scholars have never searched for the pronunciation because Jews do not pronounce the name for very ungodly reasons.  

The first time in modern history a scholar went searching for the name was in the past few years.  The last time I heard they more than 1000 places where the vowel Mark's were inserted VERIFIED by going to the library and inspecting it to see if the ink is authentic etc. Almost 2000 have been found.... 

Your word "proven" is the wrong word to use..... 

The true pronunciation is Yehovah.....  unfortunately English does not have the Y sound.... the J-sound is closest

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7 hours ago, Chioke Lin said:

This type of reasoning actually has bible support.

I talk about morality..... which also has bible support.  You see there are many ways to get to the same point. 

You may use your reasoning and I use mine.  If there is no morality then people have no accountability and if there is no accountability then society does not function properly because each person does their own thing.  Who decides what is right of wrong? and who enforces the right or wrong?  Can humans decide right or wrong? 

True atheists do not have a compass for right or wrong, except where they have rubbed shoulders with some kind of religion because their morality usually reflect society norms. 

From this point.... I can show that jehovah is the only one who can decide morality for society and he has the right to bring an end to severe immorality when it threatens humankind extinction.

We have now reached a point in history where governments can no longer be trusted. They oppress those who do not follow their brand of morality.....worship of only the state, LGBTQ, etc. The human race is threatened by modern science (too many to mention here.... but I can just mention one.... the threat of bio weapons.... ). 

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31 minutes ago, Arauna said:

unfortunately English does not have the Y sound.

I would have no problem at all with the pronunciation "Jehovah" (or "Yehowah" or even "Yahweh" or "Jahveh") although I think that Jehovah is the best alternative considering the evolution of the English language.

But I have never understood why you have repeatedly said that English does not have the "Y" sound. Of course it does.

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14 hours ago, JW Insider said:

not have the "Y" sound. Of course it does.

What is mean by that is that most nations pronounce the Y as a Ye or Ya.......and they uasually write it as a "J".  It is not the phonetical sound that you find in English such as body, buddy, folly etc......  which comes out as an "ee" sound. 

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6 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I would have no problem at all with the pronunciation "Jehovah" (or "Yehowah" or even "Yahweh" or "Jahveh") although I think that Jehovah is the best alternative considering the evolution of the English language.

But I have never understood why you have repeatedly said that English does not have the "Y" sound. Of course it does.

Bible Scholar "Nehemia Gordon" might shed some new light into the name of God in the New Testament.

https://midwestoutreach.org/2018/02/01/is-gods-name-jehovah/#:~:text=On January 21%2C 2018%2C Bible Scholar Nehemia Gordon,Hebrew name of God was originally pronounced “Yahweh.”


If you have no problem interacting with scholars, you can email him at, and see what his take is on it. Just remember, scholars don't always see leading questions.

Nehemia Gordon
Bar-Ilan University, Israel

His earliest find with the vowels added, as he claims, are from 894AD, well before the common knowledge of a Monk in 1100AD. 

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2 hours ago, Chioke Lin said:

I would have no problem at all with the pronunciation "Jehovah" (or "Yehowah" or even "Yahweh" or "Jahveh") although I think that Jehovah is the best alternative considering the evolution of the English language.

God’s name rendered in various languages


Many Bible translations omit God’s name and replace it with the title “LORD” in capital letters, while others include God’s name only in select verses or footnotes. One Language is not Superior to another. 

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18 hours ago, BroRando said:

Now tell the Fourm why you don't beleive in Jesus since his name means 'Jehovah is Salvation'

Jesus is the English form of the Latin.  Yeshua is from the Hebrew. 

I do believe that @Arauna  gave evidence that God's name is Yehovah.  But in reality all we really have is YHWH. 

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18 hours ago, BroRando said:

Now the Fourm members can also state that you are a denier of Christ since you reject JESUS.  


( The above comment wasn't aimed at me, but has been before. )

You see, this is what makes the above commenter seem so much like previous partakers of this forum. 

He speaks rubbish and actually makes dishonest accusations. 

Rejecting an English form of a name is not rejecting the one whom that name is, so say, attached to. 

I much prefer the name Yeshua as it is closer to the original Hebrew, whereas the name Jesus is from the Latin which in turn is from the Greek. 

Jesus' real name, Yeshua, evolved over millennia in many cases of transliteration that took it from Yehōshu'a to Iēsous to Jesus.

What Was Jesus’ Real Name?

Yeshua In Hebrew
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8 hours ago, Chioke Lin said:

If you have no problem interacting with scholars, you can email him at, and see what his take is on it.

I have never tried to contact him, but in his own comments, and his writing, videos, interviews, etc, he has already answered every specific  question I would have wanted to ask of him. 

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14 hours ago, JW Insider said:

But I have never understood why you have repeatedly said that English does not have the "Y" sound. Of course it does.

I totally agree. And i think it would be important to use the right letters if we knew what they were. 

I'm still confused over the 'W' to 'V' change. YHWH - Yehovah. 

I'd much prefer Yahweh.... 

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