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The truth about Armageddon...


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3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I'm still confused over the 'W' to 'V' change. YHWH - Yehovah. 

Our “English” letters have come to us through a variety of sources. Most people who learn to speak multiple languages have more acceptance about this variety. For example, you probably know that in German, a man named Johann Walters would spell his name with the J and the W and would therefore pronounce his name Yohan Valters. (But if a German word starts with a V then it is usually pronounced more like the English sound “F”.)

Many copies of the Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible (LXX) were made about the time that some of the Maccabees had already campaigned against pronouncing God’s name in Hebrew or Aramaic. Curiously, the OT book of Joshua in the LXX is called the book of Jesus, because Joshua was already being spelled "Iesous." The initial letter “I” was pronounced as a “Y”. The German word for Jesus is Jesu, pronounced Yay’zoo. (As in the two English words yay! + zoo. )

Jewish persons who wrote Greek in other countries and who were outside the influence of the Maccabees campaign or other campaigns to avoid pronouncing God’s name would write it in Greek in a way that indicated it was being pronounced Ya’ho.  Even non-Hebrew writers wrote about this pronunciation as the common pronunciation among Jewish persons when Jews referred to their Hebrew God. (As in the two English words yaw + hoe.)

In English most of us don’t mind the fact that we speak of the book of “James” even though the NT Greek actually says “Iakobos” (Jacobos). But Spanish speakers will often replace this this word “Jacobos” with “Santiago” and hardly anyone is offended. Even the NWT uses “Santiago” instead of "James" or "Jaime" or "Jacobo": https://www.jw.org/es/biblioteca/biblia/biblia-estudio/libros/santiago-informacion/

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4 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

While the inspired writers refer to God by many titles and descriptive terms, such as “Almighty,” “Most High,” and “Lord,” the Tetragrammaton is the only personal name they use to identify God.

And we can guarantee that they didn't say "Jehovah".  

Jesus made God’s name know by his teachings, his truths.  Concentrating on the LITERAL, PHYSICAL hybrid of the tetragrammaton, was not how Jesus made God’s name known.



It appears to me that JWs are all obsessed with the literal name “Jehovah”, and not taking to heart the example of Jesus.  Not one person will be judged as righteous by saying the name “Jehovah”.

Not one.  This is not how God forms or recognizes "a people for His name".  

“There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.”  John 12:48

“And it happened that on the next day, their rulers and elders and scribes came together in Jerusalem, and Annas the high priest, and Caiaphas and John and Alexander, and all those who were from the high priest’s family. And they made them stand in their midst and began to ask, “By what power or by what name did you do this?” Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders, if we are being examined today concerning a good deed done to a sick man—by what means this man was healed— 10 let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead—by him this man stands before you healthy! 11 This one is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, that has become the cornerstone  12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven that is given among people by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:5-12

But what do the Wt. leaders say?  Your “love” for Jesus must not be too much or too little…but just right, whatever that means. The emphasis is on making sure you say, and think ,and do everything around the name “Jehovah”. 

Strong’s #3050 - Yah: the name of the God of Israel

Original Word: יָהּ
Part of Speech: Proper Name
Transliteration: Yah
Phonetic Spelling: (yaw)
Definition: the name of the God of Israel

Word Origin
contr. from Yhvh
the name of the God of Israel
NASB Translation
GOD (1), LORD (49).

Now, add to this:

Strong’s #1943 - hovah: a ruin, disaster

Original Word: הָוה
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: hovah
Phonetic Spelling: (ho-vaw')
Definition: a ruin, disaster

הֹוָה noun feminine ruin, disaster (compare below הַוָּה) Ezekiel 7:26 הֹוָה עַל הֹוָה תָבוֺא disaster shall come upon disaster, Isaiah 47:11 וְתִמֹּל עָלַיִךְ הֹוָה disaster shall fall upon thee ("" רָעָה, שֹׁאָה).

The present nation of spiritual “Israel”/anointed and JWs with them have, as their god – a god of ruin and disaster.

This is why I will not use the name “Jehovah” to approach the Father in prayer.  This world is under Satan’s power.  He can influence whomever he likes to accuse and twist and change the truth about the Father, as well as the Son. He can influence whomever he wishes to take the tetragrammaton and devise a hybrid name that under the surface, shows his cunning ability to mislead all of you with a great big lie.  (2 Cor 11:13-15; 1 Tim 4:1)  The remarkable thing is, JWs do believe in a god of disaster, of ruin.  They believe that in Armageddon, God and Jesus will destroy, and bring to ruin all inhabitants on the earth. They illustrate their Armageddon in graphic, bloody, color for their children to examine and have nightmares over....for years.

 Pretty tricky of Satan, the Destroyer, to deflect Armageddon’s destruction onto the Father and the Son.  Yet, should anyone be surprised, since we know he is the father of the lie? John 8:44; Prov 26:28; Isa 33:1; John 10:10

I'll bet many JWs here believe there could be a nuclear war, a third world war that destroys millions of mankind.  Who's behind that destruction, God? Jesus? OR SATAN?









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"Father, those whom you have given to me—I want that those also may be with me where I am, in order that they may see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. 25 Righteous Father, although the world does not know you, yet I have known you, and these men have come to know that you sent me. 26 And I made known to them your name, and will make it known, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and I may be in them.”  John 17:24-26

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5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Many copies of the Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible (LXX) were made about the time that some of the Maccabees had already campaigned against pronouncing God’s name in Hebrew or Aramaic. Curiously, the OT book of Joshua in the LXX is called the book of Jesus, because Joshua was already being spelled "Iesous." The initial letter “I” was pronounced as a “Y”. The German word for Jesus is Jesu, pronounced Yay’zoo. (As in the two English words yay! + zoo. )

Nehemia Gordon, Blotting Out the Name  2020

Scribal Methods of Erasing the Tetragrammaton in Medieval Hebrew Bible

Part 2. Early rabbinic interpretation of Deut 12:4 prohibited erasure of the Tetragrammaton, which required Jewish scribes to employ creative methods to resolve extraneous instances of the divine name. This may be foreshadowed in the writing of divine appellations in Paleo-Hebrew in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Medieval Jewish scribes employed diverse methods to deal with errors involving the Tetragrammaton. In codices this involved marking God’s name with dots, rectangles (also used in liturgical scrolls), lines, and supralinear circelli. Some scribes indicated the Tetragrammaton’s erasure by leaving
it unpointed and recording a correction (usually Adonai) in the margin, without any additional notation. A special procedure involved a nonstandard usage of the Qere notation. All of these methods were performed in accordance with rabbinic strictures. Part 2 of this study will consider exceptions to the rule and the special case of liturgical
Torah scrolls.

Part 1 of this study considered how the rabbinic prohibition against erasing the Tetragrammaton led to scribes performing diverse procedures to resolve scribal errors. In part 2 it will be shown that special procedures were performed in Torah scrolls, namely, skiving, excision, and removing sheets. Washing off the divine name was not found in the corpus examined. Despite the rabbinic prohibition, medieval Jewish scribes occasionally marked the Tetragrammaton with a strikethrough or erased it through abrasion. This may have been the handiwork of Karaite scribes who did not see themselves bound by the midrashic interpretation of Deut 12:4. The scribes who wrote the Aleppo Codex may have abraded erroneous instances of the Tetragrammaton in order to create a model codex. Scribes in the isolated Jewish community of Kaifeng, who erased erroneous instances of the Tetragrammaton, may not have been familiar with rabbinic strictures.


〈The scribe who〉 was supposed to write the 〈divine〉 name, 〈mistakenly〉 wrote “Judah” with intention, but had not yet placed the dalet; he erases it and writes the 〈divine〉 name. Rabbi Judah says, “He traces over it with
the pen and sanctifies it …

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8 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But in reality all we really have is YHWH. 

Not true.  More than enough evidence has been provided by Nehemia Gordon. He personally went and investigated each occurrence of the name in the  extant, manuscripts in the Hebrew language.

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Claiming JESUS never use God's Name JEHOVAH is a false and hyprocitical statement. Just  calling the Messiah JESUS, gives WITNESS to his God and Father JEHOVAH.

Also, when you quote scripture from Bible Books from writers with Names to bear WITNESS to JEHOVAH, you are only calling JUDGEMENT to YOURSELF.  And that is a good thing due to the timing of things that the Last Days are coming to thier end .


יהוה הוא האל ואביו של אדוננו ישוע.  

Screenshot (294).png

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8 minutes ago, BroRando said:

hen you quote scripture from Bible

Jesus read from the Hebrew scriptures and taught Jehovah's name (we all know the last prayer he said before being taken into custody - wherein he mentions several times that he taught people his father's name), due to the tradition that started before his time to eliminate the enunciation of the Name, Jehovah.  To deny this fact is deliberate obtuseness.

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@Peter Carroll

You make a very good point.

 I have made your name manifest to the men whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours, and you gave them to me, and they have observed your word.



Tthis quote from JESUS is for the Commentator with No Name:

I have come in the NAME of my Father, but you do not receive me. If someone else came in his own name, you would receive that one. John 5:43



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Doesn't JESUS also have names in both Hebrew and Greek meaning Destroyer?  


Revelation 9:11

They have over them a king, the angel of the abyss. In Hebrew his name is A·badʹdon, but in Greek he has the name A·polʹlyon.

Revelation 18:1

After this I saw another angel descending from heaven with great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his glory.

Proverbs 8:22

Yahweh created me, the first of his ways, before his acts of old.

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I'm sorry, but you don't get it. 

If Jesus ever pronounced the tetragrammaton out loud, he would never have said "Jehovah", or
"Yahovah" or "Yehovah".  Do you really think he would connect the Hebrew word, "hovah" (Strong's 1943) to identify the Father?

Je/Ye/Ya - God of 

hovah - disaster/ruin

All of you do, every time you say it out loud or utter it in your mind. 

It is easy to speak to the Father, pray to the Father, and address God as Father, as Jesus did.  Obviously it isn't easy for JWs who believe that the literal word "Jehovah" is a talisman of some sort, like an amulet worn around the neck.   "Jehovah" IS NOT the tetragrammaton.  

This is not how one gets to understand and know God.   Jer 4:22; John 14:8-10


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29 minutes ago, Witness said:

Do you really think he would connect the Hebrew word, "hovah" (Strong's 1943) to identify the Father?

Yes... JESUS which means (JEHOVAH is Salvation) also have names in both Hebrew and Greek meaning Destroyer....

* Note... so does (הוה HWH) - Disaster: A wicked or disastrous event. [Hebrew and Aramaic] [df: hyh] KJV (21): calamity, wickedness, perverse, mischief - Strongs: H1942 (הַוָּה), H1943 (הֹוָה), H1962 (הַיָּה) as in Yahweh YHWH.


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