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I’m not so sure. Whenever a person with an odd name appears out of nowhere (especially when another of odd name has disappeared) and becomes intensely active, we can suspect another reincarnation of y

I guess the above-mentioned, works for the zeal of Christ and the Apostles that continued that fine work. Apostle Paul comes to mind. Yet, to some extent, someone might think that kind of work can be

Just to be seen, this is in itself a Witness. Also, those who are really interested, they find a way to come and take literature. 

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On 11/5/2022 at 8:00 PM, Witness said:

I don’t believe anywhere in Jesus’ teachings did he ever support false prophesy and the doctrine of men.  To say that JWs follow the teachings of Christ when their leaders have made many false predictions, and set doctrine based on their organization that must be obeyed, is a slap in the face of Christ.

This shows, how an opposing view can be seen as a false assumption in the eyes of the beholder. If the reference is about 1914, and 1975 for example, then, people that deny Christ, denies written knowledge found within the pages of scripture. That in its self is a slap in the face of Christ, since God would guide any future generation to a better understanding. 

The proposition that recording territory was beneath Christ, and a waste of time, is a modern false equivalency. Christ travels along the apostles were recorded and entered, in the bible. Can we not see, similarities with "Judas" being a treasure?

Failing these understanding, is in support of men, and have an independent ideology. Something JW's do not submit to.




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I get the feeling that Allen has shown up again.

15 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

If the reference is about 1914, and 1975 for example, then, people that deny Christ, denies written knowledge found within the pages of scripture.

The only significance about the date 1914, which some of Wt’s earlier leaders desired to drop but were cowards to do so…its significance that one should take note of, is its relationship to the “man of lawlessness” being revealed. 

“The year 1914 began what the Bible calls “the Lord’s day.” W 92/12/1

“As Jehovah’s witnesses we are intensely interested in Revelation, for we recognize that since 1914 we have been living in the “Lord’s day.”  Km 5/70 pp. 3-6

“Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.”  2 Thess 2:1,2

The expression, “The Lord’s day” is the same as “the day of the Lord”. 

Who’s speaking in the scripture?  It is the apostle Paul, who is directing the message coming from “us”,  the anointed in Christ at the time. 

The leaders of the Wt. – men who are part of anointed “Israel”, have announced the message that 1914 was the arrival of “the day of the Lord”. 

“Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy  comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction.”  2 Thess 2:3

Okay, the man of lawlessness arrives BEFORE the day of Lord is here.  Have your leaders announced who the “man of lawlessness” is?  Yes.  Your leaders teach that the “man of lawlessness” is Christendom.  (Wt. 90/2/1 pg 20-21)

So….why are they saying that the Lord’s day has arrived, which that announcement comes after the man of lawlessness has been revealed?  What confusion of teachings, but that is predictable in the organization. 

The truth is, your leaders have announced a false date of the coming of the “day of the Lord’, to cover over the exact location of the man of lawlessness, who “takes his seat in the temple of God”.  (2 Thess 2:4)

Is Christendom where God’s temple is found?  The scripture specifically says “GOD’S TEMPLE”, not a fake temple, but His authentic spiritual Temple.  

It 2, vol. 2, page 1083 – “Anointed Christians—A Spiritual Temple. Anointed Christians on earth are likened to a number of things, including a temple. This comparison is fitting because God’s spirit dwells within the congregation of anointed ones.”

The anointed are found in the Wt., THEY ARE THE SPIRITUAL TEMPLE OF GOD. (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22)

So, how does the “man of lawlessness” “take his seat” in God’s spiritual Temple?  The elder body has taken the place of God’s priests/anointed/”living stones” of His Temple and RULES OVER THEM – JUDGED THEM, COUNCELS THEM,WHEN THIS JOB WAS GIVEN TO GOD’S PRIESTS (Mal 2:7)  Would the apostles have caved to the elders, and allowed them to rule over the foundation (which they are) of the spiritual Temple built on the Body of Christ? 

w02 8/1 p. 13-14

When push comes to shove, the massive elder body, at the wish of spiritual harlots of “Israel”, (Ezek 16:15-17; Hos 4:12) have trampled down the Temple of God.  (Matt 24:48-51; Dan 8:10-13,24)

You either love the arrangement, or you leave it behind.   (Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:8-12)

I suggest you listen to the words of Christ, not those of men; and flee the Watchtower. (Rev 11:1,2; 18:4-8)

Can’t any of you JWs get it through your head that it is an abomination to God if anyone not anointed dismisses His priests, acts as His priests, or “stands” in His Temple, “takes his seat” in His Temple,  and rules over His appointed priesthood?  Why do you disregard the word of God, and love your idol and false priesthood in the elder body, over God Himself?  (Num 18:19; 2 Chron 13:5; 23:6,7; Ezek 44:6-9)

“Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), 16 then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains.” Matt 24:15,16

“But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where he ought not to be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains."      Mark 13:14




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11 hours ago, Witness said:

Why do you disregard the word of God, and love your idol and false priesthood in the elder body, over God Himself?

This should be pointed out. It's a disregard of scripture not to accept what Christ himself accepted when confronted by the Sanhedrin, and the apostles to the authorities of the church. Manipulation of scripture is also disagreeable to God's own spoken words.

"For example, elders must be able to teach sound doctrine (Titus 1:9), they must be self-controlled and sober-minded (1 Timothy 3:2), and they must have a good reputation with outsiders (1 Timothy 3:7). Furthermore, elders must be husbands of one wife (1 Timothy 3:2) and have children who are believers and are not accused of debauchery or rebellion (Titus 1:6). While these qualifications may seem daunting, they are necessary in order to ensure that the church is led by men who are credible and capable."


When teaching a false equivalency, it becomes a false doctrine, manipulated by unsound practices. I believe JW's don't fall into that trap.

Should people believe, by modern ideology, that Christ should have disobeyed the "Sanhedrin" thus exposing Satan to be correct? Giving the devil legitimacy for his own disobedience. I think, it is asking too much for someone to ask another to lose their souls by listening to such ungodly notions.

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9 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

This should be pointed out. It's a disregard of scripture not to accept what Christ himself accepted when confronted by the Sanhedrin, and the apostles to the authorities of the church. Manipulation of scripture is also disagreeable to God's own spoken words.

So, the Sanhedrin, established by men and not by God, and which was abolished after Jerusalem was destroyed, has been replaced by the Watchtower where the anointed are found. It is used to persecute those who speak of Christ by defending his teachings, and exposing the doctrine of men.  Elders in the first century were anointed. Simply because the word "elder" is used in the teachings of the apostles who were anointed priests, does not indicate that a new "Gentile" elder body/Sanhedrin was set in place to rule over spiritual Israel - the priests of God chosen to teach the people. Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9; Mal 2:7

This would mean that the apostles themselves would have to answer to "Gentiles".  

To the future members of the heavenly Bride of Christ, Paul said, "You gladly put up with fools since you are so wise! 20 In fact, you even put up with anyone who enslaves you or exploits you or takes advantage of you or puts on airs or slaps you in the face."  2 Cor 11

Who were those fools?  Most likely false teachers, or fallen anointed ones.  (2 Pet 3:17; Heb 12:15)

The anointed in the Wt. kowtow to the "Gentile" man of lawlessness, who spiritually slap them in the face, by expecting obedience to their man-given role.  2 Thess 2:3,4; 1 Cor 3:16,17

9 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

When teaching a false equivalency, it becomes a false doctrine, manipulated by unsound practices. I believe JW's don't fall into that trap.

Most certainly, they have.  Matt 24:4,5,24,25; 48-51; John 16:2; Rev 8:10,11; 9:1-4; Rev 13:1,2,11,12,14-17; 16:13-16
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16 hours ago, Witness said:

Sanhedrin, established by men and not by God, and which was abolished after Jerusalem was destroyed, has been replaced

The Sanhedrin was gone but the Rabbis kept their position by becoming very powerful and the Mishnah and Torah was written - a book that is more quoted in Synagogues today that the Torah. And the traditions instituted by these rabbis live on until today.  They have tremendous power - so that the entire life of the community is adversely affected - even today.

I usually to not reply to your hate-OCD aberrations but this person (now answering you), does not know that you are known to most of us as a person to avoid due to the fact that you are set one one goal..  to destroy.... 

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

I usually to not reply to your hate-OCD aberrations but this person (now answering you), does not know that you are known to most of us as a person to avoid due to the fact that you are set one one goal..  to destroy....

I’m not so sure. Whenever a person with an odd name appears out of nowhere (especially when another of odd name has disappeared) and becomes intensely active, we can suspect another reincarnation of you know who. 

That’s not to say it’s a bad thing, necessarily. I mean, just look at who he is squaring off against—hardly a paragon of fair play or reasonableness.

That said, a couple of innocent people have been caught in that net, so you never know. Only ONE person—a certain wizard in internet technology who takes the place of ‘only your hairdresser knows for sure’—can be said to know.

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21 hours ago, Witness said:

So, the Sanhedrin, established by men and not by God, and which was abolished after Jerusalem was destroyed, has been replaced by the Watchtower where the anointed are found. It is used to persecute those who speak of Christ by defending his teachings, and exposing the doctrine of men.

It seems the point is missed by this comment. I was referring to Christ "Action." It is irreverent if the court was established by men, when God himself has given men authority over others. 

What is being insinuated here is, people should disobey God's words just because they don't want to submit to God's word. This should be a none starter for a Christian.

21 hours ago, Witness said:
Most certainly, they have.  Matt 24:4,5,24,25; 48-51; John 16:2; Rev 8:10,11; 9:1-4; Rev 13:1,2,11,12,14-17; 16:13-16

This should be considered by those that wish to disobey and tarnish the word of God under their own establish understanding, leading them into confusion. 

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6 hours ago, Arauna said:

I usually to not reply to your hate-OCD aberrations but this person (now answering you), does not know that you are known to most of us as a person to avoid due to the fact that you are set one one goal..  to destroy.... 

This is my opinion, but the person I’m addressing my answer to, is more than likely, Allen; one of your JW members who wears several disguises, and who lies; and whom you have had adverse reactions with.

You think I want to “destroy”?  Hate is evident in Anthony Morris who after lighting a match, grunts in pleasure when describing the end to “all of God’s enemies” outside of your organization. Hate is Stephen Lett stating that all babies are an enemy of God.

Put the two bitter claims of your GB members together, and what do you have? Men who desire to destroy.  You have wicked men, imposters – wolves in sheep’s who have arrived in the last days to deceive the “elect” – the chosen anointed – and every JW who is devoted to their organization. Matt 24:24,25; 48-51; Rev 13:11,12,15.  Dear Arauna, you throw around the words “hate OCD”, yet you cannot see the hate that oozes from the hearts of your own leaders.  Did Jesus hate his own people when exposing their sins?  No!  But the leaders hated him with a passion; enough to put him to death.  Ray Franz exposed wrong teachings by your leaders, and he was “put to death”, and any who had association with him. How many were disfellowshipped in Bethel during those days for considering the false teachings of your leaders?  Many anointed and believers since, have experienced the same.  

And I am very sorry that you cannot see through your leaders’ disguise as well.  (2 Cor 11:3,4,13-15)

To bring attention to them and to the elder body who rule over the anointed, is not hate; it is a warning for all JWs to flee the organization. As I’ve said in the past, if I hated you or anyone here, I wouldn’t say a thing.  Instead, I choose to side with the Father and His word in Christ.  JWs choose to side with the word of men who preach “another Jesus”; which will bring about their downfall.  (2 Thess 2:9-10)  

The man of lawlessness “sits”/rules over the anointed; and JWs, including you, are accepting this arrangement without searching God’s word for explanation – to examine the scriptures.  His word is clear that no one is to replace His priesthood.  I’ve provided the scriptures several times to prove it. (2 Chron 13:9; 23:6,7; Ezek 44:6-9, 15,16; Num 3:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17) Have they been examined, or passed over?  Does God’s word make any impression in your mind, or do you rationalize that it’s okay to change the word of God and His arrangement; and accept a new arrangement set up by false prophets/teachers instead? (2 Pet 2:1-3)

2 Thess 2:3,4 - who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god  (the spiritual sons of God) or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.

To “take his seat”/“sit” in the Temple of God, which is made of the anointed “living stones” (2 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17), is positioning oneself in a seat of judgment over them. Your elders have fulfilled this role, and it is outlined in the Wt. magazine that it must be obeyed.  These scriptures will tell you how the word translated as “sit” is used to imply judgment: Matt 25:31; 23:2; Luke 22:30; Rev 3:21; 20:4

Your elder body judges each JW, and judges any anointed priest of God who steps out of line, who questions the direction of the power-hungry GB.  If you or any JW are okay with that, you are supporting the man of lawlessness who has risen above God’s “elect”.  Sadly, there is more faith exercised in the actions of men, than in the power of God.  (2 Thess 2:4; Rev 13:7; 11:1,2; Ezek 28:2)

Read God’s word:

 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.  Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.” Rom 8:34,35


Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect?  The elder body.


1 Cor 6:1,4 - “Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints (anointed)?”

“4 If then you have judgments concerning things pertaining to this life, do you appoint those who are least esteemed by the church to judge?”


 When there is a judicial committee set up by elders to determine if a person should “live” or “die”, the decision is made according to the regulations of the organization. (John 16:2; Rev 13:4,7,15-17)  Any scriptures that the accused may use to refute the existence of the organization, the position of the GB and their false teachings, are rejected.  The majority of your elders will rule according to obedience outlined not in the Bible, but in the Shephard the Flock of God book.   Even your elders are in submission to the GB – men who reject the word of Jesus, for the words of men.  (Rev 9:1-4,7,8)




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