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I’m not so sure. Whenever a person with an odd name appears out of nowhere (especially when another of odd name has disappeared) and becomes intensely active, we can suspect another reincarnation of y

I guess the above-mentioned, works for the zeal of Christ and the Apostles that continued that fine work. Apostle Paul comes to mind. Yet, to some extent, someone might think that kind of work can be

Just to be seen, this is in itself a Witness. Also, those who are really interested, they find a way to come and take literature. 

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I would imagine the above YouTube video illustrates the denseness of critical thought coming from a mindless person. This works against anyone trying to criticize others. It does bring up a question. Did Jesus and his apostles waste their time, walking long distance, town to town, city to city, house to house to bring the gospel of God to the people? Is cart witnessing any different?

When organizations use televangelism as a choice, are they wrong? What say the critics?

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Critical theory

Philosophy that sociological understanding's primarily use should be social reform

A critical theory is any approach to social philosophy that focuses on society and culture to reveal, critique and challenge power structures. With roots in sociology and literary criticism, it argues that social problems stem more from social structures and cultural assumptions than from individuals. It argues that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation.

Can someone criticizing critical thinking have, dominion over their own thoughts? Then it is no longer and experiment. 

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4 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

It argues that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation.

That is why we now have this crazy philosophy driving the "great reset".  Driven by ideology of the World economic Forum. They are now burning old books and independent thought is no longer allowed.  The "critical " part of critical theory is gone amok.

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

That is why we now have this crazy philosophy driving the "great reset".  Driven by ideology of the World economic Forum. They are now burning old books and independent thought is no longer allowed.  The "critical " part of critical theory is gone amok.




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