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Following on ... the 3rd day would therefore be the start of Christ's Millennial Reign, would it not? (2034-3034)


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It's very possible. But there are a few scriptures indicate that many may not recognize this at first. “Even if [the vision] should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late.”—HABAKKUK 2:3.

Evidently, it will be similar to the beginning of the last days in 1914 CE. Only a few recognized the timing of the troubling things to come. Even fewer recognized this troubled time would come to an end. Prophecies are a process. Notice this scripture, "Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you become fruitful and take possession of the land." Exodus 23:30
The separation of the sheep to keep on living begins after the Great Tribulation and is invisible, but we know the message is that the nations will be saying "Peace and Security." So with that, what happens to the wicked? They are Not Given the Mark of Survivorship to keep on living and begin dying the second death of everlasting destruction without knowing of such as if they were on fire and melting: It's SPIRITUAL
"The great day of Jehovah is near! It is near and it is approaching very quickly! The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter. There a warrior cries out. That day is a day of fury, A day of distress and anguish, A day of storm and desolation, A day of darkness and gloom, A day of clouds and thick gloom, A day of the horn and of the battle cry, Against the fortified cities and against the high corner towers. I will cause distress to mankind, And they will walk like blind men, Because it is against Jehovah they have sinned. Their blood will be poured out like dust, And their flesh like the dung. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them in the day of Jehovah’s fury; For by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be consumed, Because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth.” (Zephaniah 1:14-18)
Jehovah's Day is the transition period from the tribulation of those days to the start of Armageddon which is the beginning of Christ Milliniuel Reign of a thousand years. Scriptures do indicate that we are in Jehovah's Day now as it has already begun silently and without fanfare.
Jehovah's Day seems to have begun after the inspection of the temple here on earth between the years 1914 to 1918. The choosing of the Faithful and Discreet Slave at the time unknown to the very Brothers chosen was 1919. Since the Brothers take the lead in feeding the many, some have fallen away to become Apostates and Oppossers, known and declared as Weeds.
Even though Jesus Christ did not know the timing of his presence and the conclusion the systems of things, we now know it was 1914. "Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things." (Matthew 13:40)
"The Son of man will send his angels, and they will collect out from his Kingdom all things that cause stumbling and people who practice lawlessness, and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be." (Matthew 13:41)
There are two phases of separation, the weeds who die the second death have been collected since 1919 by the angels. They have already been been pitched into the fiery furnace has they died off. This process seems to line up to the conclusion the last days. Therefore, it is not unrealistic to expect Jehovah's Day to be a period of 120 years. (1919 + 120 years = 2039) Jehovah's Day is also referred to the Day of Judgement. Those living during the Conclusion of the System of things.
The second separation phase is due to begin towards or at the end of the conclusion of the last days so the sheep keep on living and come out of the Great Tribulation. The goats and oppossers simply die off. That's Armageddon! It's SPIRITUAL...
There are two thoughts of the Great Tribulation, one is when the fulfillment of (1 Thessalonians 5:3) is realized. And second, it is possible the Great Tribulation is the period of the Last Days that cover the period of time of 120 years. (1914 + 120 Years = 2034) That would mean it is a 'timed event' and a process. “Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.”—Matt. 24:21, 22. Our understanding of the days being cut short is the stopping Gog and Magog from attacking God's Named People. Yes, but could it also be a "timed event" of the Last Days coming to their END since the anointed are due to be Summoned? Wouldn't that be on account of the chosen ones?
There is also some deeper understanding that is coming into focus about (1 Thessalonians 4:16) Some in the past have indicated that this may have been fulfilled in 1919 when the Faithful and Discreet Slave have been chosen to collect the things in heaven and on earth as an Administration.
The Last Days would come to their end when the last anointed ones would be sealed. In this manner it would be their Final Sealing for they already would have went through the testing process. "saying: “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.” (Rev 7:3) The "timed period" covers from Pentecost 33 to 2033.

The following scriptures seem to mark the end of the Last Days with it's timing in view:

  • in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we will be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:52
  • Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we will always be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:17
The prophecy at 1 Corinthians 15:52 is still undergoing. 1919 + 120 yrs = 2039
The prophecy at 1 Thessalonians 4:17 is due to be fulfilled shortly after the Last Days come to their end. 2034-2039
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On 12/5/2022 at 9:28 AM, BroRando said:

"The great day of Jehovah is near! It is near and it is approaching very quickly! The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter. There a warrior cries out. That day is a day of fury, A day of distress and anguish, A day of storm and desolation, A day of darkness and gloom, A day of clouds and thick gloom, A day of the horn and of the battle cry, Against the fortified cities and against the high corner towers. I will cause distress to mankind, And they will walk like blind men, Because it is against Jehovah they have sinned. Their blood will be poured out like dust, And their flesh like the dung. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them in the day of Jehovah’s fury; For by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be consumed, Because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth.” (Zephaniah 1:14-18)

What’s happening in Zephaniah that has caused God’s wrath? To whom are these words directed?  To Christendom?  To the nations of the world?  Did you read the entire chapter?

“So I will stretch out My hand against Judah
And against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
And I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place,
And the names of the idolatrous priests along with the priests.

“And those who bow down on the housetops to the host of heaven,
And those who bow down and swear to the Lord and yet swear by Milcom,
And those who have turned back from following the Lord,
And those who have not sought the Lord or inquired of Him.”

He’s directing these words to His people under covenant. They apply today to the anointed remnant under the New Covenant/”New Jerusalem” (Gal 4:26) who have bowed down to an organization that is taught as the only way of salvation. (Rom 1:25; Rev 13:4,8) The “Baal”/master that God’s people worship today, is stated in Rev 13:4. (Rev 2:14)

“And the names of the idolatrous priests” refer to the elder body who are a counterfeit priesthood for the idol. (Ezek 44:6-9; Matt 24:15,16; Mark 13:14,21-23; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2)

 It is stated that they represent the royal priesthood; actually, they more so represent the organizational idol that has replaced the spiritual Temple of God, made of "living stones" of the anointed priesthood. 1 Pet 2:5,9  (Rev 13:1,2,5-7)

“Along with the priests” – these are Jesus’ under-priests, who have submitted to the counterfeit authority of a counterfeit priesthood. (Dan 8:11,24;11:31-33; This prophesy as it relates to today, exposes God’s holy people who swear by “Jehovah” (God), and yet swear by “Jehovah’s organization” at the same time. 

The NWT says,

4.  “I will stretch out my hand against Judah And against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem

18.  “Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them in the day of Jehovah’s fury;  For by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be consumed, Because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth.”

“the inhabitants of Jerusalem” = “the inhabitants of the earth”.  

Ps 132:7-9,13-14; Lam 2:1; Matt 5:34,35.

The “inhabitants of the earth” today, are the hearts of spiritual “Israel” (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:9,16; 2 Cor 6:16-18). They are "New Jerusalem", the holy city.  God’s footstool/”earth”, indicates His people under covenant and where His Spirit dwelt then, and now, in His “special possession” of the anointed priesthood/Temple of God.  Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16; Heb 8:10; Rev 5:9,10

There is no indication that Zeph 1 applies to people who are not under covenant with God and Christ.  It applies to the anointed priesthood, who need to get out of the organization, now. 

Rev 18:4-8; 14:6-11

 Who are the "kings of the earth"?

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The above depends on how you want to look at Zephaniah 1:14-18

The comment suggests the poster is comparing the institution called the Watchtower to Baal. The immoral poster would have to prove how that institution is idolized and worshiped by its members above all else, as NOT to follow the true God. The actions of most members obey, without reservations, the words of God, just as Christ instructed.

If anything, it would be the poster placing man before God thus will suffer the same fate as the kings of all the world, by paying attention to unsound doctrine of others, come judgment day. That can be seen as succumbing to pagan practices.

3. Judgment at the Great Day of the Lord (1:14–2:3)

God’s messenger, the prophet, brings news to God’s people. His announcement is simple: the day of the Lord is at hand. References to that day appear ten times in five verses. This long section approaches apocalyptic language161 as it details the day of the Lord as a day of intense judgment when nothing would stand before the Lord’s wrath. Like Amos, Zephaniah saw the day of the Lord as a day of darkness and not light, a day when God’s judgment would be poured out on a rebellious people. In that day wealth, youth, or power would prove useless (Amos 5:18–20). The prophet’s message has a point. He gives more than pure description. He calls for immediate action (2:1–3).


Judgment on Judah (Zeph. 1:1 to 2:3)

The passage. —There is a finality about the opening words of the prophecy (1:2–3) that suggests an ultimate and universal “day of the Lord” with justice triumphant and evil vanquished. But beginning with “Judah, and … all the inhabitants of Jerusalem” (v. 4), Zephaniah warns of approaching individual judgment on rebellious nations.

The warning is given at a time when the worship of Baal and other pagan practices are prevalent in Judah (1:4–6). For those who engage in such idolatry, “the day of the Lord” (v. 7) will come as “the day of the Lord’s sacrifice” (v. 8) to which “he hath bid his guests” (v. 7). It was customary to summon people to a sacrifice (1 Sam. 16:2–5). This time, however, they are gathered to learn their fate.

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14 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

The immoral poster would have to prove how that institution is idolized and worshiped by its members above all else, as NOT to follow the true God.

Proof -  Do I reject God or Christ?  Obviously no, since any comment I make is supported with God’s word. Do I reject the organization?  Yes.  What was the reason I was disfellowshipped?  For rejecting the organization and its lies.  (Rev 11:1-3,7)

Spiritually “killing” someone for rejecting an organization is proof that JWs are steeped in idolatry.  It is taught that this manmade organization is “spirit-directed”.  How did that happen?  How can any manmade organization become directed by the spirit of God, especially since it is the anointed who are the spiritual dwelling/temple of God's spirit?  (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16; Eph 2:20-22)

Rev 13:11,12,15 -

“Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; it had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. (false prophet) 

 12 It exercises all the authority of the first beast on its behalf and compels the earth and those who live on it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed.”

The GB exercise all authority over the organization/beast…for now. (Rev 13:1,2; 17:15-18) These men compel God’s people to “worship”, revere the organization as you do. 

“whose fatal wound was healed” – The days of Rutherford and his cohorts going to jail. 

“It (the false prophet) was permitted to give breath(spirit) to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast could both speak and cause whoever would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.”

This is the act of disfellowshipping anyone who rejects “Jehovah’s spirit-directed organization” - the image of the beast. 

PURE IDOLATRY, and your hypocritical leaders have exposed it as idolatry in this quote:

"As Christians, we face up to similar challenges today. We cannot take part in any modern version of idolatry—be it worshipful gestures toward an image or symbol or the imputing of salvation to a person or an organization."   Wt 1990/11/1 p. 26




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1 hour ago, Witness said:

Proof -  Do I reject God or Christ?


Then, the poster does not understand what scripture indicates. Learn to appreciate scripture rather than push forward false claims in public.

Instructions for Christian living can be found in [Ephesians 4:17-5:20]. The poster is denying God’s right to keep the church clean of wrongdoers. If the poster was D’df along with the members of its household, then, by the poster’s behavior here, it was a righteous call to do so.

The New Life

17 The apostle now turns his attention from relationships within the body of Christ (4:1–16) to his direct exhortation (‘therefore’), begun in vv. 1–3. He urges his readers not to fall back into the patterns of thinking and behaviour of their former Gentile way of life, a lifestyle that is subsequently painted in dark colours (vv. 18–19). The language shows that Paul’s admonition is both important and urgent, and that it comes with divine authority.

However, the poster has not proven its false claims. Let's not distract from the topic. I do not find 2034 to be a feasible starting point. It should come much earlier to those that follow prophetic signs. There are "key" imprints in scripture along with world events that can achieve that task.

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