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Who was John Aquila Brown?

Moise Racette

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@Pudgy With respect to the so-called "overlapping generations," John A Brown had "solved" this (in 1823) by saying that Jesus was referring to the literal, physical "Nation of Israel." Curiously, his

I wonder what you thought John Brown was right about, then, when you said "that doesn't mean he was wrong about 1914." For the record John A Brown (in 1823) said that: The end of the Genti

The points  I get from all of this discussion is that in the last two millennium, EVERYONE HAS ALWAYS BEEN WRONG. And there have been NO exceptions.

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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

For the record John A Brown (in 1823) said that

For the record, what I posted about 1917CE is also mentioned in that book, Even-Tide you are quoting from. That's undisputable, so don't make a big deal about his first figures. Everyone looking into prophetic signs correctly can make up their own minds.


1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

And Brown never indicates that the Gentile Times would end in 1914 or 1917

Then you dispute J A Brown's own words. 

From the rise of the four monarchies, commencing 604 A.C., to their final dissolution, there will be a grand week of years, or 2520 years, and will terminate, January 1, 1917.

You are not a theorist that should be trusted.

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7 hours ago, JW Insider said:

2520 - 604 (+1) = 1917

2520 - 653 (+1) = 1866

Interesting that you mark this for the viewer, when you just denied J.A. Brown terminating the 2520 0n 1917 as described in his book. However, you seem to follow Brown's impression, while others prefer to add the missing jubilee. Either 49 or 50.

If one can't make their own calculations and submit to others, that person cannot be trusted to have sound judgment or be reliable.

Then you have by their calculations:




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3 hours ago, Moise Racette said:
4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

And Brown never indicates that the Gentile Times would end in 1914 or 1917

Then you dispute J A Brown's own words. 

No. It's just that some people might still be confused about what J A Brown said. He never said that the Gentile Times would end in 1914 or 1917. It looks like you are confusing what Brown said about the "4 Tyrannies" (2,520 years) running for "7 times" starting with the first year of Nebuchadnezzar until 1917. You were probably led to believe that Brown considered those 7 times to be the Gentile Times. Of course, these could NOT be the Gentile Times, according to Brown, because for him, the Gentile Times were only 3.5 times (a time, 2 times, and a half a time), not 7 times.

  • Brown said that the Gentile Times started in AD 622 and would end in AD 1844.
  • Brown said that the Gentile Times would be 1,260 years long:
  • image.png
  • Brown said that AD 1844 would be the end of several different prophetic periods.
    • The 1260 lunar years of Mohammedan (Muslim) Impostuture (from AD 622)
    • image.png
    • The 1260 solar years of Papal claims to infallibility (from AD 584)
    • image.png
    • The 2300 solar years of Jewish Polity & cleansing of the Sanctuary (from BC 457)

The thought is repeated several times by Brown.






3 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

You are not a theorist that should be trusted.

Just read several pages of his book. You'll see that this has nothing to do with theory. It's all pretty straightforward and he repeats a lot of the same things over and over again.


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4 hours ago, Pudgy said:

The points  I get from all of this discussion is that in the last two millennium, EVERYONE HAS ALWAYS BEEN WRONG.

Yep. That's a big part of the point I was hoping to make.

J A Brown was likely a strong influence directly or indirectly on William Miller who accepted the 1844 date. Miller was very influential on Nelson Barbour who had been a Second Adventist follower of Miller, and Barbour was the one who added 1873 and 1914 to Miller's mix, similar to how J A Brown had previously added 1873 and 1917. And Barbour was obviously very influential on C T Russell who admits that he learned his chronology from Barbour. And of course, Rutherford and Franz learned it from Russell. 

J A Brown is therefore clearly a part of our own JW history. Which reminds me:

  • George Santayana: “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
  • Karl Marx: "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce."
  • (Romans 15:3, 4) . . .“The reproaches of those reproaching you have fallen upon me.” 4 For all the things that were written beforehand were written for our instruction,. . .
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3 hours ago, Moise Racette said:
10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

2520 - 653 (+1) = 1866

Interesting that you mark this for the viewer, when you just denied J.A. Brown terminating the 2520 0n 1917 as described in his book. However, you seem to follow Brown's impression, while others prefer to add the missing jubilee. Either 49 or 50.

That still doesn't explain what you think happened (or should have happened) in 1866.

Also, you make a mistake in claiming that I denied J A Brown terminating the 2,520 years in 1917. That's always been exactly when he terminated that period of seven times. Brown made that clear. He also made clear that the Gentile Times (not any period of 7 times) terminated after 1,260 years in 1844. The Gentile Times are not connected to the 7 times according to J A Brown. They are separate periods, according to Brown.

And why would anyone want to add a "missing jubilee"? And who says one is missing? From where? And why do you say that the missing Jubilee should have made him start the time period in 653 (which our publications would place in the 7th year of Josiah)? Did something prophetically significant happen then?

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3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

No. It's just that some people might still be confused about what J A Brown said. He never said that the Gentile Times would end in 1914 or 1917.

Then you don't accept what he wrote in his own book. I have posted it twice already. That means you are in denial. What people shouldn't be confused on is on how the poster views the information it rejects.

3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Just read several pages of his book. You'll see that this has nothing to do with theory. It's all pretty straightforward and he repeats a lot of the same things over and over again.

Perhaps, it would be wise for you and your followers to read the even-tide again. This time, with a correct perspective in understanding.

ja brown.jpg

ja brown2.jpg

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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

That still doesn't explain what you think happened (or should have happened) in 1866.

It doesn't explain, why you don't see the missing jubilee, either. The poster brought up 1866. The poster should be the one to explain 1866.

2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Also, you make a mistake in claiming that I denied J A Brown terminating the 2,520 years in 1917.

The poster made that mistake, not me. I just proved you were wrong about it. Now, if you wish to turn your mistake around to me, like most immoral people do, that's your prerogative. 

2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

And why would anyone want to add a "missing jubilee"? And who says one is missing? From where? And why do you say that the missing Jubilee should have made him start the time period in 653 (which our publications would place in the 7th year of Josiah)? Did something prophetically significant happen then?

Only those wanting to understand prophecy correctly will consider all avenues. No one should want to add anything that is beyond their comprehension. The difference between biblical and secular history is on who is telling the story.

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Since there is always a 1-2 year play when calculating time, the question is not on 1866, but instead in 1865. The usage of 49 or 50 jubilees makes a difference if a historian continues secular history.

Does this mean 1866 had no significance? I can at least recall one U.S. declaration. Therefore, to those historians, the 1915-1917 is still in play, unless anyone uses 49. Then the game changes.

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