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3 hours ago, Amidstheroses said:

.But this is more than a tragedy.

We can view humanities imperfection in many ways. It won't change the outcome. Imperfection cannot be cured in this old system. Therefore, whatever the motive, it remains a human tragedy. It is compounded since the murderer decided to act at a kingdom hall. 

This incident is not the first time, a male shot a female at a Kingdom Hall. People are losing "reasoning" as we get closer to judgment day. Awareness and preparedness is something each individual needs to consider. The Org is making it very evident how we need to be cautious with our surrounding. 

Regardless how the media places the circumstance, they want to see American outrage. Who among humanity can tame Satan?

3 hours ago, Amidstheroses said:

Both local news sources, Denver7 and 9news, told in their original stories, which have not changed for over 24 hours, that the Police stated that the two murdered adults were former members of a Jehovah’s Witness congregation at this Kingdom Hall.

This depends on how we each view the reporting.


The individuals were married and former members of the congregation, police said. 

To me, this doesn't indicate if they were or weren't. Doesn't it really matter? A couple went to a Kingdom Hall. Someone lost her life, the other ended his life. One life will be redeemed, while the other will be judged.

Now the other reporting about incendiary devises. There are many common items that can be considered incendiary. Gasoline can, Ammo Box, flares, etc. Can any of those media outlets see the future?


An investigator will have to determine if such devises were part of a plot or were they just simple, there in the vehicle before the incident.

The fact, the shooter ended his life without further incident, can mean, that person was only interested in hurting one person. The message about the usage of the KH is to be determined.

Did that person have a grudge against the Org, or the individual that was part of the Org, or was at one point a member, then left, and decided to return, thus angering the other.

This tragedy has too many unknowns, other than it being a tragedy. Without speculating, prayers are needed for our worldwide brotherhood. 

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Where is your respect for truthful speech?!  Every single news report told that Police said that they were MARRIED and FORMER MEMBERS of the Congregation.  Why the contentious spirit?  Who are you

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45 minutes ago, Amidstheroses said:


Apparently the ‘message‘ was not for you, Tom, because you don’t seem to have a clue! LOL

If it makes you feel any better, I’ll concede that this statement was probably window dressing:  :)

4 hours ago, Amidstheroses said:

it was announced that the murder was carried out by people who were not Jehovah’s Witnesses and it was coincidence that it occurred on Kingdom Hall property.

maybe not pure coincidence. I’ll leave it to someone better qualified at math—maybe an engineer who got all the toilets to flush in his city—to calculate the precise odds.

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1 hour ago, Moise Racette said:

This depends on how we each view the reporting

The best thing would be if we got the facts from the brothers at that KH. But it's like trying to draw blood out of a stone....

Is it all about trying to make us look squeaky clean again?

I wonder if this will be mentioned on our website....With the facts? 

Let's all have a bet, yay on nay?

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Since each congregation handles their own internal problems, I don't believe anyone here will have access to the circumstance. It would be simpler to view the news if it's an interest. 

It has nothing to do with congregational facts, but with decency and privacy. I'm sure, no one here has aired their dirty laundry over the internet, their personal congregation, or made their personal issues known to the Org, on how they really view the Org.

It wouldn't surprise me if someone tried to contact one of their family member to ask, what happen, without someone replying, go jump in the lake, or worse.

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My best guess with the information we have at this moment in time is that the victim and the murderer or both were members of that particular congregation.

Whether it was because they died, or were  disfellowshipped or some other thing is ambiguous at this moment in time. They MAY have even been current JWs at a different Kingdom Hall.

At any rate, my best guess is that if these people were ever Jehovah’s Witnesses, it will not be mentioned on JW.org news.

It’s like the reporting they did on humanitarian aid of Haiti when they had the earthquake, and the Society worked with the United Nations and the U.S. Army distributing relief supplies.

You never heard that aspect of it, And almost nothing was reported on JW.org news.

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32 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

It has nothing to do with congregational facts, but with decency and privacy. I'm sure, no one here has aired their dirty laundry over the internet, their personal congregation, or made their personal issues known to the Org, on how they really view the Org

@Moise Racette@Anna@Pudgy@Thinking


Then why do we all know… What Noah’s daughters did to him? What Saul did to David? What David did to Uriah and Bathsheba? What Amnon did to Tamar? How Peter betrayed his Lord? What Ananias and Sapphira did with the profit earned from sale of their field? The list is extensive.

Isn’t there is a double standard when Jehovah is so honest and his people are secretive and deceitful?  It seems to be more a game of asserting one’s privilege and power to be “in the know” on matters, like this of general fellow feeling and concern for safety going forward. Aren’t we admonished to be imitators of God?

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15 minutes ago, Amidstheroses said:

Isn’t there is a double standard when Jehovah is so honest and his people are secretive and deceitful?  It seems to be more a game of asserting one’s privilege and power to be “in the know” on matters, like this of general fellow feeling and concern for safety going forward. Aren’t we admonished to be imitators of God?

The double standard you are alluding to is, man-made. It has nothing to do with God. God allowed certain things to be known in bible time, in order for society to learn. What can we possibly learn by being noisy at someone else's pain? Therefore, that power assertion is in an individual's mind.

However, truth be told, one of the commandments is thou shall not kill. A commandment the murderer will now be judged for.

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31 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

It’s like the reporting they did on humanitarian aid of Haiti when they had the earthquake, and the Society worked with the United Nations and the U.S. Army distributing relief supplies.

Is that where the humanitarian aid was being warehoused? I don't recall, the government having individual warehouses for different NGOs. They were stockpiled in several distribution centers. So, the Org shouldn't have given aid if that distribution center was housed in a Military base. 

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17 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

Is that where the humanitarian aid was being warehoused? I don't recall, the government having individual warehouses for different NGOs. They were stockpiled in several distribution centers. So, the Org shouldn't have given aid if that distribution center was housed in a Military base. 



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