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34 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Oh, wait. That was a typo. He meant banned, not band.

No typo. I don't want to give narcissist ideas. So, I got close to the word ban. Somehow, I knew you would get involved, as usual when you people are starting your campaign of getting people other than yourselves, banned from this forum. It usually starts with @Pudgy and @Anna using the assumption of removal. Glad to know you're still predictable, homie!!

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1 hour ago, Moise Racette said:

Somehow, I knew you would get involved, as usual when you people are starting your campaign of getting people other than yourselves, banned from this forum. … Glad to know you're still predictable, homie!!

“My homie, my friend, don’t keep your love on no shelf—I said, ‘don’t give me no lines and keep your bans to yourself.”

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On 12/27/2022 at 2:44 PM, xero said:

both cases there were women involved

I just found out yesterday that a brother who used to date one of the sisters from our hall killed himself two days ago. They had got in trouble and were both disfellowshipped. Then they both got reinstated but the sister started dating someone else and 3 months ago got married. Apparently he just couldn't get over it. He was only 23.

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It used to be even more common in the Truth  and in the general population in the 60’s before it became universal to put up guardrails before the approaches to bridge underpasses to deflect vehicles from the concrete supports.

I suspect loneliness and unrequited love kills at least as many people each year as Covid does now, especially among men and boys.

I feel sad for his family, but at least he is not in anguish, anymore.

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35 minutes ago, Anna said:

brother who used to date one of the sisters from our hall killed himself two days ago.

Last September, our congregation lost a loving, exemplary sister, aged 61, when she gassed herself to death in her car!
She had struggled with bi-polar disease her entire life. When she and her Elder husband attempted a permanent Bethel assignment, her illness prevented them from staying. They were happily married and zealous for 30-some years. He died of cancer in September of 2019.
Then her JW mother died w dementia in Feb 2022. I thought: “Now she’ll see what life is like for single sisters w no family in Truth (she did have JW bro and sis-in-law in Oregon).” She was left not needing to work secularly, but the losses played along with her illness and she caved.

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19 minutes ago, Pudgy said:


My understanding of Jehovah is that he is very understanding of our circumstances and hardships, an that is why He nowhere in the Bible prohibits or speaks against  suicide


Since the hairs on our head are numbered, he is infinitesimally aware of our aches and pains…

The Bible repeatedly prohibits murder and defiling of one’s body. As our loving life-giver, He has offered to support us through ANYTHING 💖

“For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power”  🙏 Philippians 4:13

He would be very hurt if we trashed our gift of life…💔

As would be the brotherhood and our friends to a lesser degree 💔

Our fleshly family 💔

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1 hour ago, Amidstheroses said:

Since the hairs on our head are numbered, he is infinitesimally aware of our aches and pains…

The Bible repeatedly prohibits murder and defiling of one’s body. As our loving life-giver, He has offered to support us through ANYTHING 💖

“For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power”  🙏 Philippians 4:13

He would be very hurt if we trashed our gift of life…💔

As would be the brotherhood and our friends to a lesser degree 💔

Our fleshly family 💔


2 hours ago, Pudgy said:

My understanding of Jehovah is that he is very understanding of our circumstances and hardships, an that is why He nowhere in the Bible prohibits or speaks against  suicide.

Those who believe otherwise are just playing with a lot of words that apply to other things, but not this.


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When it comes to the killing of another, justified or not by man's law, it doesn't guarantee God will NOT judge that individual that took that life. Life, regardless, is not ours to take. What did Jesus tell Peter in John 18:11?

If a brother at a kingdom Hall happened to be carrying a gun when a gunman came in and opened fire on the members, that brother shoots the suspect. Depending on each State's or Countries laws, he might be acquitted of all wrong doing, by man's law. God's law is different. He will be judged for taking that life regardless. God will look at the purity of the circumstance. Could something else been done to prevent further shooting, like those church members did in California? To God, it is a long way before it becomes justifiable. Humans are dealing with a creator, not another human being.

Therefore, the logic in this is, don't think like an imperfect human being.

Now, posters question suicide. There are at least two people here that don't understand scripture, in spite of their long-standing at their church. These two individuals need to understand:

(1 Corinthians 6:15-20) . . .members of the Christ away and join them to a prostitute? By no means! 16 Do you not know that anyone who is joined to a prostitute is one body with her? For “the two,” says he, “will be one flesh.” 17 But whoever is joined to the Lord is one with him in spirit. 18 Flee from sexual immorality! Every other sin that a man may commit is outside his body, but whoever practices sexual immorality is sinning against his own body. 19 Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? Also, you do not belong to yourselves, 20 for you were bought with a price. By all means, glorify God in your body.

Human beings don't have a RIGHT to do what they wish with their bodies. Taking their life, harms the body in God's eyes. So, YES!!!! The Bible does say something about suicide without using the WORD suicide.

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